

单词 问服


顾问服务 n

consultancy service n

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 援助、与人力资源发展相关的援助、技术援助、技术转让、包括通过联合企业 安排的转让以及咨询和问服务。
Assistance shall include financial assistance; assistance relating to human resources development; technical
assistance; transfer of technology, including through joint venture arrangements;
[...] and advisory and consultative services.
The level of resource requirements would also
[...] provide for consultancy services.
[...] 服务使用者、政府部门及志愿机构提供 问服 务 。如有需要,该会可提供项目管 理服务,有关服务则以收回成本方式收费。
Advisory services are provided free [...]
for clients with disabilities, Government departments and voluntary agencies, while
project management services, as required, are charged on a cost-recovery basis.
在使用客户机管理的端口访问服务时 ,部署工具必须对 Web 服务客户机部署描述符中声明的每个端口提供生成的存根或动态代理访问。
When client
[...] managed port access is used, the deployment tool must provide generated [...]
stubs or dynamic proxy access to every
port declared within the Web services client deployment descriptor.
[...] 一些委员进行了几次讨论(……)”,“许多委员国坚定地支持这一选择方案”,即使用问 服务。
Lastly, the Secretariat stated that “several discussions held with various Members of the Board (…)
confirmed that analysis” and that “many Member States firmly endorsed that option”,
[...] namely, the use of consultancy services.
尽管存在这种挑战,该办公室仍然 取得了许多重要成绩,包括:(a) 对向该办公室提出的多数索赔案件作出了答复, 包括向 80 多个国家客户提供简要咨询意见(206 例);(b) 在这一年里向工作人员 法律援助办公室提出了 938 个案件,该办公室了结或解决了其中的 54%;(c) 在
争议法庭的办案成功率很高;(d) 针对外地工作人员开展了外联工作;(e) 与联 合国工作人员工会和协会、广大工作人员、联合国监察员和调解事务办公室、秘
[...] 书处和联合国各机构、基金和方案的法律部门、提供无偿法律 问服 务 的 法律事 务所以及学校和大学等内部和外部伙伴发展了关系。
Despite such challenges, there were many important accomplishments, including: (a) responding to the majority of the claims brought to the Office, including the provision of summary advice (206 instances), to clients in more than 80 countries; (b) closure or resolution of 54 per cent of the 938 cases filed with the Office of Staff Legal Assistance during the year; (c) a high success rate before the Dispute Tribunal; (d) undertaking outreach to staff in the field; and (e) the development of relationships with internal and external partners, including United Nations staff unions and associations, staff-at-large,
the Office of the United Nations Ombudsman
[...] and Mediation Services, the legal offices [...]
of the Secretariat and United Nations
agencies, funds and programmes, law offices providing pro bono legal counsel, schools and universities.
我们的企业财务问服务专 业人士能协助您进行企业交易战略规划,为贵公司的增长计划提供鼎力支持。
Our corporate finance advisory services professionals can [...]
assist you with the planning and execution of corporate finance
transactions to support your company's growth and financing plans.
在促进会员国能力培养的背景下,在中非共和国和厄立特里亚,通过提供资助、技术 援助和问服务, 对国家文化政策的制定和评估工作给予了支持;还制作了“文化系统概 [...]
In the context of promoting capacity-building in Member States, the formulation and evaluation of national cultural policies was supported through
financial contribution, technical
[...] assistance and advisory services in the Central African [...]
Republic and Eritrea and a model
“cultural system profile” was elaborated and tested in Barbados, Mali and Argentina.
域模型如在Silverlight客户端内部运行,那么客户端缓存将减少 访 问服 务 器 的次数,数据压缩则能减少网络的延迟,还允许后台处理异步查询功能。
The domain model executes inside the
Silverlight client, client-side caching reduces
[...] trips to the server, data compression [...]
reduces network latency, and asynchronous
queries allow background processing.
它能够让浏览器端的web页面很容易地 访 问服 务 端 的商业逻辑与POJOs。
It allows the web browser page
[...] to easily access and server-side business [...]
logic POJOs.
与我们分享您的在线访问经验,提高我们的在线 访 问服 务 质 量。
Let us improve your online visit by sharing your online experience with us.
其中 一次性成本用于购买办公场所和自动化(硬件和软件)办公设备、获取 问服 务 ( 政策研 究、新法律的草拟、自动化策略的设计和改革的管理等等)和训练政策/法律的制定、管 [...]
One-time costs could include acquisition of office premises; automation
(hardware and software) and office
[...] equipment; consultancy services (for policy research, [...]
the drafting of new legislation,
design of automation strategies, management re-organisation etc); and training of staff in the relevant agencies dealing with policy/law making, administration and enforcement.
[...] 确定那些数据所反映的现实情况的原因,并将这样了解到的情况更好地与外地问服务联系起来(Saner 女士)。
The Secretariat should present both qualitative and quantitative analysis of the information in Division for Public Administration and Development Management databases, identify
explanations for the reality behind those data, and link this understanding
[...] more to field advisory services (Ms. Saner).
Web 服务安全性模型应该支持与协议无关的声明性安全策略(Web Service for J2EE
[...] 提供者可以实施),以及附加在服务定义后的客户机可以用来安全地 访 问服 务 的描述性安全策略。
A Web services security model should support protocol independent declarative security policies that Web Service for J2EE providers can enforce, and
descriptive security policies attached to the service definitions that clients can use in
[...] order to securely access the service.
企发中心提供各类型不同层次的商业咨询和 问服 务 , 致力于推动客户业务的提升和扩展,特别是开发财务与科技策略、协助客户申请政府提供的各种资助与津贴。
The centre provides different degrees of business consultancy
[...] and advisory services to enable business [...]
expansion, especially in developing
financial and technological strategies and helping clients gain access to government grants and assistance schemes.
If an unauthorized
[...] person tries to access a server I can see the [...]
entire event within seconds.
目标是让全球方案问服务越 来越灵活, 越来越顺应利用各种业务架构中的思路和知识,应对一个不断变化的发展环境并 [...]
The objective is for
[...] Global Programme advisory services to be increasingly [...]
nimble and responsive in leveraging ideas and
knowledge across the practice architecture to respond to — and help set the direction of — an evolving development context.
自 2007 年以来,Miyasaki 先生一直致力于在亚洲构建 Blackstone 的房地产业务格局,包括在东京就以 12 亿美元出售 AIG Building 事宜为 AIG 提供问服务以 及在澳大利亚和日本收购 36 亿美元的不良房地产贷款。
Since 2007, Mr. Miyasaki has worked to build Blackstone’s real estate business in Asia, including advising AIG on the $1.2 billion sale of the AIG Building in Tokyo and the acquisition of $3.6 billion of distressed real estate loans in Australia and Japan.
自卸任公职后,Richardson先生曾被任命为安可顾问(APCO Worldwide)旗下的管理问服务“全球政治策略”(GPS)的主席和美洲国家组织(OAS)的特使,为西半球的和平与和解又增添了一个行动平台。
Since leaving his public service office, Mr. Richardson was named chairman of APCO Worldwide's executive advisory service Global [...]
Political Strategies (GPS)
and Special Envoy for the Organization of American States (OAS), adding another platform for initiatives within peace and reconciliation in the Western hemisphere.
回顾安全理事会关于妇女及和平与安全的 2000 年 10 月 31 日第 1325(2000)号、2008 年 6 月 19 日第 1820(2008)号、2009 年 9 月 30 日第 1888(2009) 号和 2009 年 10 月 5 日第 1889(2009)号决议,赞扬阿富汗政府努力将两性平等
视为一项重要工作,保护和增进因阿富汗政府批准《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公 约》8 而得到保障并得到《阿富汗宪法》保障的男女平等权利,并重申,妇女平
[...] 等地全面参与阿富汗所有领域的活动、在法律面前享有平等地位和在不受任何歧 视的情况下平等获得法律问服务, 仍然十分重要
Recalls Security Council resolutions 1325 (2000) of 31 October 2000, 1820 (2008) of 19 June 2008, 1888 (2009) of 30 September 2009 and 1889 (2009) of 5 October 2009 on women and peace and security, commends the efforts of the Government of Afghanistan to mainstream gender issues and to protect and promote the equal rights of women and men as guaranteed, inter alia, by virtue of its ratification of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women8 and by the Afghan Constitution, and reiterates the continued importance of the full and equal participation of women in all
spheres of Afghan life and of equality before the
[...] law and equal access to legal counsel [...]
without discrimination of any kind
如果您不同意遵守本使用条款或任何以后的使用条款,请勿使用或访问(或继续使用或 访 问 ) 服 务 或 网站。
If you do not agree to abide by these or any future Terms of Use, do not use or access (or continue to
[...] use or access) the Service or the Site.
香港电讯提供广泛的服务以满足全港市民、本地及国际商界的需要,包括本地电话、本地数据及宽带、国际电讯、流动通讯,以及客户器材销售、外 服 务 、 顾 问服 务 及客户联络中心等其他电讯服务。
HKT meets the needs of the Hong Kong public and local and international businesses with a wide range of
services including local
[...] telephony, local data and broadband, international telecommunications, mobile, and other telecommunications businesses such as customer premises equipment sale, outsourcing, consulting, [...]
and contact centers.
名专家/ 与会者的差旅费和为拟定第4 段规定的行动计划提供的问服务 (134,600美元) ;为第7 段规定的最后评估报告提供的问服 务 (2 8,900美元)。
Should the draft resolution be adopted by the Council, a total amount of $163,500 would be required under section 23 (Human Rights) for the travel
costs of 20
[...] experts/participants and consultant services for elaboration of the plan of action called for in paragraph 4 ($134,600); and consultant services for the final evaluation [...]
report called for in paragraph 7 ($28,900).
粮食安全和减贫事务区 域顾问已在减贫中心就任,并免费向亚太经社会成员国提供咨询 访问 服务和短期培训。
A Regional Adviser for Food Security and Poverty Reduction had been posted to the Centre to conduct advisory missions and short-term trainings, which were available at no cost to ESCAP member States.
公司可以随时全权酌情决定因任何原因终止您的会员资格,删除您的资料以及您在网站上张贴的任何内容或信息及/或禁止您使用或 访 问服 务 或 网站(或服务或网站的任何部分、方面或功能),包括但不限于当我们认为您的年龄不满13岁时。
The Company may terminate your membership, delete your profile and any content or information that you have
posted on the Site and/or prohibit you
[...] from using or accessing the Service or [...]
the Site (or any portion, aspect or feature
of the Service or the Site) for any reason, at any time in its sole discretion, with or without notice, including without limitation if we believe that you are under 13.
文思海辉客户运营团队由经验丰富的客户信息系统(CIS)专业人士组成,提供丰富的知识和高水平的 问服 务 , 针对复杂的挑战提供高性价比、个性化的解决方案,同时专注于端到端服务。
Pactera’s Customer Operations Team consists of experienced Customer Information Systems (CIS) professionals who provide knowledgeable and qualified consultants to deliver cost-effective and pointed solutions to complex challenges with a focus on end-to-end solutions.
(a) 用户不得违反或试图违反人才网的安全规定, 包括但不限于:(i)访问该用户无访问权限的数据 或进入未被授权访问服务器 或帐户; (ii)试图探测、扫描或测试 系统或网络的漏洞,或在没有适当授权的情况采用了违反安全保护或认证的措施; [...]
包括但不限于将计算机病毒上传至人才网、 超载、“泛洪”、 邮件炸弹、 或“崩溃”; (iv) 发送垃圾广告邮件,包括促销和/或产品广告 或服务广告; (v)伪造TCP/IP数据包标头或 电子邮件或新闻组张贴的标头信息。
(a) Users are prohibited from violating or attempting to violate the security of the Talent Network, including, without limitation: (i) accessing data not
intended for such User or
[...] logging into a server or account which the User is not authorized to access; (ii) [...]
attempting to probe, scan
or test the vulnerability of a system or network or to breach security or authentication measures without proper authorization; (iii) attempting to interfere with service to any User, host or network, including, without limitation, via means of submitting a virus to the Talent Network, overloading, "flooding", mailbombing or "crashing"; (iv) sending unsolicited e-mail, including promotions and/or advertising of products or services; (v) forging any TCP/IP packet header or any part of the header information in any e-mail or newsgroup posting.
新战略的编制和执行将提供关键的机遇, 以期将这种知识和专长的范围和影响最大化,包括向客户提出有关能源部门“能效城市” 项目的建议,为公共-私营基础设施咨询基金进行资金管理和信贷等级评估调动技术支 持,从城市联盟调动资源,利用国际金融公司/外国投资 问服 务 驻 各国国际合作社联盟 协调干预项目,对大量能够为支持城市发展的城市和各国政府提供支持的其他资源和项目 中进行商业评估。
The preparation of a new strategy and its implementation will provide critical opportunities to maximize the outreach and impact of such knowledge and expertise, including advising clients about the “Energy Efficient Cities” Program of the Energy Anchor, mobilizing technical assistance for financial management and credit rating assessments from PPIAF, mobilizing resources from Cities Alliance, coordinating interventions using IFC/FIAS subnational ICAs, Doing Business Assessments, among a myriad of other resources and programs that can provide support to cities and national governments in support of urban development.
受 Louisiana Office of Conservation 和 Mississippi Oil and Gas Commission
[...] 的委托从事储层工程研究和交付利用专家证人 证言、为 E&P 和环境立法进行工程研究、提供各种各样的内部技术、金融和经营改 善问服务。
Conducted reservoir engineering studies and delivered unitization expert witness testimony before the Louisiana Office of Conservation and the Mississippi Oil and Gas Commission;
performed engineering studies
[...] for E&P and environmental litigation; and provided various internal [...]
technical, financial, and
business improvement consulting.
在成立AUS之前,里奥先生创办了Venture Capital Partners
[...] LLC,一家私有的商人银行、券商以及金融顾问公司,为处于成熟期的未上市公司以及中小型上市公司提供业务及金融 问服 务。
Prior to starting AUS, Mr. Leo founded Venture Capital Partners LLC, a private merchant banking, securities trading, and
consulting firm which provided business
[...] and financial advisory services to late-stage [...]
private companies and small to mid-sized public companies.




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