

单词 闭集



closed subset (math)

See also:

stop up

External sources (not reviewed)

部长们还感到关切的是,闭 77 国集团成 员的正式银行账户,影响了各特 派团的正常运作,以及各会员国支付给联合国的会费。
The Ministers also express
[...] concern over the closure of the official bank accounts of Member States of the Group, which has [...]
impaired the proper functioning
of the missions and the payment of Member States’ contributions to the Organization.
这有助于防止天敌他们,并允许他们参加为他们望风鸟妈妈当她 闭 搜 集 他 们 的食物。
This helps protect them against predators, and allows them to be on the lookout for their mama
[...] bird when she is off gathering food for them.
EMPACK包装展(布鲁塞尔)和创新包装展(伦敦)2012已圆 闭 幕 , 集 团 在这两次参展活动上亦深受好评。
Leo exhibited at both the EMPACK Brussels and Packaging Innovations London 2012 packaging events.
三、货物不放在闭集装箱 内或封闭车辆内交付给承运人或履约方运输,或 货物放在闭集装箱 内或封闭车辆内交付且承运人或履约方实际检验了货物的, 在下述条件下,承运人可以对第三十六条第一款中述及的信息作出保留
3. When the goods are not delivered for
carriage to the
[...] carrier or a performing party in a closed container or vehicle, or when they are delivered in a closed container or vehicle and the [...]
carrier or a performing
party actually inspects them, the carrier may qualify the information referred to in article 36, paragraph 1, if
四、货物放在闭集装箱 内或封闭车辆内交付给承运人或履约方运输的,承 [...]
运人可以就下列条款中述及的信息作出保留: ㈠ 第三十六条第一款第一项、第二项或第三项,条件是
4. When the goods are delivered for carriage to the carrier or a
[...] performing party in a closed container or [...]
vehicle, the carrier may qualify the information
referred to in: ( a ) Article 36, subparagraphs 1 (a), (b), or (c), if: (i) The goods inside the container or vehicle have not actually been inspected by the carrier or a performing party; and
作为“理光全球环保行动”(Ricoh Global Eco Action)的一部分,理光将在6月5日联合国世界环境日 闭集 团 在全球范围内的所有广告牌、公司标志牌灯光以及夜间照明设施,只有位于纽约时代广场的理光100%太阳能环保广告牌除外。
As part of “Ricoh Global Eco Action”
[...] Ricoh will turn off the lights on all billboards, Ricoh logo signboards and night lighting facilities at all Group companies [...]
around the world on the
night of June 5, which is United Nations World Environment Day.
最后,决议草案四涉及《贸易法委 员会破产法立法指南》关于闭企业 集 团 处 理方式的 第三部分。
Finally, draft resolution IV pertains to part three of the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Insolvency Law, on the treatment of enterprise groups in insolvency.
2009 年,英特尔闭了上海的集成电 路组装厂,将业务转移到新建的成都组装厂。
In 2009, Intel shut down its IC assembly plants in Shanghai and shifted operations to the new assembly plant in Chengdu.
我建议双方优先完成战斗人员的整编和转业工 作,这样即可闭营地,而集中精 力构建复杂且昂 贵的监督和监测体系,用以接替联尼特派团的工作。
I advised the parties to give priority to
[...] carrying out the integration and rehabilitation of combatants, which would permit the closure of the cantonments, [...]
rather than
focusing on building an elaborate and expensive supervision and monitoring system to take over responsibilities from UNMIN.
还认识到以色列围困被占加沙地带,包括 闭 过 境 点,构 集 体 惩 罚,并且 造成了灾难性的人道主义、经济和环境后果
Recognizing also that the Israeli siege imposed on the
occupied Gaza Strip,
[...] including the closure of border crossings, constitutes collective punishment and [...]
leads to disastrous humanitarian,
economic, social and environmental consequences
2008年9月中旬开始,金融风暴席卷美国,历史悠久的金融机构雷曼兄弟宣告 闭 , 美 国国 集 团 陷 入困境,不得不接受联邦储备局850亿美元的紧急救援。
Since mid-September 2008, a full-blown financial crisis has erupted in the United States, with well-established financial institutions like
Lehman Brothers filing for bankruptcy and AIG
[...] (American International Group) requiring a massive [...]
US$85 billion bailout from the US Federal Reserve.
特别的组合接头能够实现控制热流道内 的喷嘴打开与闭的液压缸集中动力 供应。
Specific multi-couplings enable the
centralized supply of hydraulic cylinders which
[...] control opening and closing needles of injection [...]
nozzles on hot channels.
指导委员会 审查了按照闭联合国发集团(发展 集 团 )伊拉克信托基金期间返还余额计算 的可用资金。
The Steering Committee reviewed the
available funds based on the balance returned in
[...] the course of closing the United Nations Development Group Iraq Trust Fund.
认为以色列在巴勒斯坦被占领土上进行的军事攻击和行动,特别是最近在被 占加沙地带进行的攻击和行动,严重违反了国际人道主义法,侵犯了那里的巴勒 斯坦人民的人权,并且对争取在两国解决方案基础上实现该区域的公正、持久和 平的国际努力构成损害, 还认为以色列围困被占加沙地带,包括 闭 过 境 点,构 集 体 惩 罚,并且造 成了灾难性的人道主义、经济和环境后果
Recognizing that the Israeli military attacks and operations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, particularly the recent ones in the occupied Gaza Strip, have caused severe violations of international humanitarian law and of the human rights of the Palestinian people therein and undermine international efforts towards achieving a just and lasting peace in the region based on the two-States solution
认识到当企集团倒闭时, 不仅要知道如何在破产程序中对待企业集团,而 且要确保这种处理办法能够便利而不是阻碍破产程序迅速高效率地展开
Recognizing that where the business
[...] of an enterprise group fails, it is important [...]
not only to know how the group will be
treated in insolvency proceedings, but also to ensure that that treatment facilitates, rather than hinders, the fast and efficient conduct of the insolvency proceedings
通过在这个领域内与国际标准相符的国内难民立法( 阿根廷); 为寻找一个公正解决难民的办法,并为了 闭 这 些 集 体 中 心,在区 域一级加强有关难民问题的合作,并且将重点置于最为脆弱的群体或处于集 体中心的个人
97.83. Strengthen cooperation on the issue of refugees on the regional level, and focus on the most vulnerable groups or persons in the collective centres in order to find a just solution for them and close those centres (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
EDD试图设立奖集骗局,ED是闭闲 荡
As Edd tries to set up
[...] the prize grabber scam, Ed is off goofing around.
顶级热风机HOTWIND SYSTEM的空气流量和加热功率能很容易实现无级调节标准接口便 集 成 到 闭 环 控 制系统。
On the top model, the HOTWIND SYSTEM, both the volume of air and the heating power can, on the one hand, be regulated internally.
2002 年,为规范连锁经营和针对已闭的 音 像制 集 中 经 营场所死灰复燃的情 况,广东省部署了为期两个月的专项“复查”行动,行动期间,广东省各级文化行政部门共 出动稽查人员 6202 人次,检查音像制品经营单位 3736 家,取缔无证经营场所 515 家,处罚 违法经营单位 630 家,移送司法机关处理案件 16 宗,收缴违法音像制品 700 多万张。
In 2002, in order to standardize the chain store business and to deal with the situation of shut down audio-visual products market places coming back to life, the government in Guangdong province deployed a two-month “second-check” operation, during which provincial cultural administration agencies at all levels deployed 6,202 inspectors, inspected 3,736 dealers in audio-visual products, outlawed 515 unlicensed market places, punished 630 illegal business operators, referred 16 cases for judicial attention, and confiscated more than 7 million illegal audio-visual products.27 The third measure was to interdict the sources for illegal products and seize them at retailing points.
[...] 过分使用武力和军事行动造成包括儿童,妇女,非暴力和平示威者在内的巴勒斯 坦平民伤亡、使集体惩罚、闭一 些 地区、没收土地、建立和扩大定居点、在 巴勒斯坦被占领土内偏离 [...]
1949 年停战线修建隔离墙、毁坏财产和基础设施以及
为改变包括东耶路撒冷在内巴勒斯坦被占领土的法律地位、地理性质和人口组成 而采取的所有其他行动而产生的侵犯行为
Expressing grave concern about the continuing systematic violation of the human rights of the Palestinian people by Israel, the occupying Power, including that arising from the excessive use of force and military operations causing death and injury to Palestinian civilians, including children, women and
non-violent and peaceful
[...] demonstrators; the use of collective punishment; the closure of areas; the confiscation [...]
of land; the establishment
and expansion of settlements; the construction of a wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory in departure from the Armistice Line of 1949; the destruction of property and infrastructure; and all other actions by it designed to change the legal status, geographical nature and demographic composition of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem
这本质上是一种富有挑衅性的不公和侵 犯,以色列违反了各种相关规则和国际决议,对巴勒
[...] 斯坦人民犯下种种战争罪行:杀害妇女和儿童,侵犯 宗教圣地,实集体惩罚,闭边界 过境点,拘留成 千上万的平民和经过民主选举产生的巴勒斯坦官员, [...]
别是耶路撒冷建立像恶性肿瘤一样的经过公开申报 和不申报的定居点,威胁耶城的生存及其伊斯兰和基 督教特性。
It is by its nature a provocative, unjust offence whereby Israel has violated all relevant rules and international resolutions and committed every kind of war crime against the Palestinian people: killing women and children; violating
the sanctity of places of
[...] worship; inflicting collective punishment; closing border crossings; [...]
detaining tens of thousands
of civilians and democratically elected Palestinian officials; and pursuing a racist, expansionist occupation accompanied by cancerous, declared and undeclared settlements in the occupied Arab territories, especially Jerusalem, in a manner that targets the very existence of that city and its Islamic and Christian character.
各工作组协调员将在集束弹药公约 闭 会 期 间工作方案的框架内尽可能探 讨如何与相关机构和行为者进行实际协作,以优化注重成果、实际可行和节约高 效的工作方法。
The working group coordinators will explore to the extent possible practical collaboration in the context of the intersessional work programme [...]
of the CCM with relevant
bodies and actors with a view to optimising result oriented, practical, and cost effective and efficient working methods.
[...] 斯陆进程”的标志,是它们促成了《集束弹药公约》的谈判、签署和生效,它们 也应成为集束弹药公约闭会期间工作理念的标志。
Indeed these same principles marked the Oslo Process which led to the
negotiation, the signing and the entry into force of the CCM and should
[...] mark the working philosophy of its intersessional work.
秘书处简要地介绍了本组织执行的、得到执行局第一六一届会议赞同的 集 中 化 政策 (闭 18 个 办事处,重新确定地区办事处和多国办事处的作用,加强与各会员国的合作, 设 35 个总部外职位)。
The Secretariat gave a brief
[...] outline of the decentralization policy followed by the Organization and approved at the 161st session of the Executive Board (closure of 18 offices, [...]
redefinition of the roles
of regional and cluster offices, greater cooperation with Member States and creation of 35 field posts).
过分使用武力、使集体惩罚、闭 一 些 地区、没收土地、建立和扩大定居点、 在巴勒斯坦被占领土内偏离 [...]
1949 年停战线修建隔离墙、毁坏财产和基础设施以 及为改变包括东耶路撒冷在内巴勒斯坦被占领土的法律地位、地理性质和人口组 成而采取的所有其他行动而产生的侵犯行为
Expressing grave concern about the continuing systematic violation of the human
rights of the Palestinian people by
[...] Israel, the occupying Power, including that arising [...]
from the excessive use of force,
the use of collective punishment, the closure of areas, the confiscation of land, the establishment and expansion of settlements, the construction of a wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory in departure from the Armistice Line of 1949, the destruction of property and infrastructure, and all other actions by it designed to change the legal status, geographical nature and demographic composition of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, Gravely concerned about the military actions that have been carried out since 28 September 2000 and that have led to thousands of deaths among Palestinian civilians, including hundreds of children, and tens of thousands of injuries
此外,委员会还剩以下五个待补空缺:东欧国家一名,西欧和其他国家一名, 任期均从当选之日开始,至 2015 年委员会第五十三届会闭会时届满;拉丁美 洲和加勒比国家两名,西欧和其他国家一名、任期均从委员会第四十一届会议 (2012 年举行)第一次会议举行之日开始,至 2016 年委员会第四十四届会闭会 时届满(见理事会第 2011/201 E 号决定)。
In addition, there remain five unfilled vacancies on the Commission as follows: one from Eastern European States and one from Western European and other States, both for a term beginning on
the date of election and
[...] expiring at the close of the Commission’s fifty-third session, in 2015; and two from Latin American and Caribbean States and one from Western European and other States, all for a term beginning at the first meeting of the Commission’s fifty-first session (held in 2012) and expiring at the close of the Commission’s [...]
fifty-fourth session,
in 2016 (see Council decision 2011/201 E).
日内瓦排雷中心对执行支助股闭会 期 间 工作方案和赞助方案的支持包括人力资源管理、财务管理、内部信息管理、办公 [...]
场所和一般后勤服务、信息和通信服务、差旅服务、会议服务、赞助行政事务、 出版支持和网站管理。
GICHD support to the
[...] ISU, to the Intersessional Work Programme [...]
and to the Sponsorship Programme includes human resources
management, financial management, internal information management, office space and general logistics, information and communication services, travel services, conference management, sponsorship administration, publications support and website management.




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