单词 | 闭区间 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 闭区间—closed interval (in calculus)
生産良率给出符合规格要求産品的期望比率,也就是说封闭零件的结果尺寸在目标极限尺寸的区间内。 mitcalc.com | The production yield gives the expected rate of products meeting the [...] specification requirements, [...] i.e. products with the resulting closed component dimension within the interval [...]set by the required limit sizes. mitcalc.com |
多数人心目中,公园夜间似乎确实危险,家长也曾告诉我们,日落後绝不要待在公园内,如此说来,架设围篱看似完全合理,但若进一步思考,却未必符合逻辑,尽管公园在夜间可能引来罪犯,却无证据显示若公园在夜间关闭後,罪犯就不会在其他区域犯案,因此设置围篱时,形同认定公园会神奇地将正直民众变成坏蛋。 thisbigcity.net | Though it may be that parks are likely to attract criminal elements at [...] night, there is little evidence that crimes committed [...] in parks at night wouldn’t be committed elsewhere if parkswere closed. thisbigcity.net |
若仔细想想,人类其实非常仰赖每日地球面向太阳的时间,每天日落西山之後,众人纷纷窜逃至安全处,日间街道车水马龙,至夜间景象却可能完全不同,民众返回郊区後,商家关闭,灯光熄灭,街道开始令人恐惧,在我的故乡南非开普敦里,不少地区开始努力,确保街上入夜不会杳无人迹,隆街即为一例,不过多数街道仍晚上仍一片死寂。 thisbigcity.net | In my home cityof Cape Town, there are a number of streets that do facilitate the presence of humans at night, most obviously Long Street, but most streets ‘shut down’, leaving [...] no reasons for anyone to use them. thisbigcity.net |
设定 轻触设定选项,您可自行设定播放时间间隔,开启或关闭重覆播放,循 序播放或随机播放。 camangi.com | Settings You can choose play time interval , play in order, play in random, turn on repeat or turn off repeat. camangi.com |
问题: 一般來說,如发生水管爆裂的事件,水务署分别平均需要多少时间关闭受有关喉管的总掣、修补/更换喉管及恢復受影响地区的食水供应? devb.gov.hk | Generally speaking, in case of burst water mains, how long does it take for the Water Supplies Department on average to turn off the stopcock of the pipe concerned, to repair/replace the pipe and restore fresh water supply to the affected area? devb.gov.hk |
市政府最近打算在公园四周架起围篱,方便在夜间完全关闭。 thisbigcity.net | And the city government wants to build a fence around the entire park, in [...] order to beable toclose it completely at night. thisbigcity.net |
於任 何工厂,任何人员不应且不允许进入该等密闭空间,直至已采取一切可行 措施消除可能存在的气体并防止任何气体进入,且除非(aa)主管人士已基於 彼进行的测试出具书面证明,证明该空间不存在危险气体且适合人进入, 或(bb)工人配带适合的呼吸器具且缚有与绳子一端相连的安全带,绳子的 另一端乃由站在密闭空间外的工人持握。 cre8ir.com | No personinany factory shall enter or be permitted to [...] enter any suchconfined spaceuntil all practicable measures have been taken to remove any fumes which may be present and to prevent any ingress of fumes and unless either (aa) a certificate in writing has been given by a competent person, based on a test carried out by himself, thatthe space is free from dangerous fumes and fit for persons to enter, or (bb) the worker is wearing suitable breathing apparatus and a belt securely attached to a rope, the free end of which is held by apersonstanding outside the confined space. cre8ir.com |
届时将分别提供锌及铜之 C1 成本指导区间,预计此举将更具实质意义 且可减低季度 C1 实际成本波动。 mmg.com | At that time separate zinc and copper C1 cost guidance will be provided which is expected to be more meaningful and reduce the variability in quarterly C1 actual costs. mmg.com |
除了住商混合模式与一般封闭型社区不同,这里的环保概念也很重要,其中包括坦米尔纳德邦首座独立太阳能发电厂,供电量达75000瓦,亦可随需求扩充;废水则在现场处理,再供应社区景观用水,因此公共空间里草地青翠,与社区外如同沙漠的灌木大不相同;所有工厂均装置雨水回收系统,汇集至地下储水槽,应能让社区用水供过於求。 thisbigcity.net | Hence the lush lawns and verdant public spaces, so different from the desert-like scrub outside the gates. thisbigcity.net |
为了能够确保关闭的时间更加准确,已连接载入的开关连结电源必须对每一个Emax 输出编程。 janitza.de | In order to be able to determine the time of shut down more accurately, the switched connection power of the connected load must be programmed for each Emax output. janitza.com |
当您要離开电脑一段时间,您可以利用本产品设定在某个时间将电脑关闭或让您的电脑进 入待命/休眠、关机、離开应用程式或登出的狀态。 avermedia.eu | This option allows you to put your computer in Stand By / Hibernate mode, power off, exit the application or log off from the computer while you are away from the computer. avermedia.eu |
接收夏令时间检查讯号时,本表会自动启用 / 停用(开启 / 关闭)夏令时间设定。 citizen.com.hk | When receivingthe summer time check signal, this watch automatically enables/ disables (turns ON/OFF) the Summer Time [...] setting. citizen.com.hk |
(k) 於任何工厂,任何人员不应且不允许进入可能存在任何危险气体致使个人 可能被熏倒的室、罐、桶、坑、管道、烟道或其他密闭空间,惟提供足够 大的供人进出的出口或其他有效的通道者除外。 cre8ir.com | (k) In any factory no person shall enter or be permitted to enter any chamber, tank, vat, pit, pipe, flue or other confined space in which dangerous fumes are likely to be present to such an extent as to involve risks of persons being overcome thereby, unless it is provided with a manhole of adequate size or other effective means of egress. cre8ir.com |