

单词 门口

External sources (not reviewed)

我们的国际经验和当地支持能够在您的 门口 为 您 提供无与伦比的技术服务。
Our international experience and local presence enables us to deliver unrivalled
[...] knowledge and support to your doorstep.
We can arrange a taxi pickup for you at the resort.
这伙人在门口停留 了一段时间,因而阻碍了我们的工作人员自由通行,使 我团的工作受到干扰,并千方百计要使局势升级为暴力的身体对抗。
The group remained at the main entrance for some time, thus blocking the free passage of our personnel, interfering in the performance of the Mission, and creating all conditions to escalate the situation into a violent physical confrontation.
[...] 将囚犯的姓名交给囚犯领导层的一名成员,他将囚犯从内部监狱带到监狱内外区 域之间门口。
Upon the visitor’s arrival, the guards gave the prisoner’s name to a member of the prisoner
hierarchy, who had the prisoner delivered from inside the inner
[...] prison to the door between the inner [...]
and outer prison areas.
这群人在代表团门口逗留 了将近 20 分钟,当时古巴外交工作人员结束在 联合国总部的工作后正返回代表团大楼,或者正离开大楼回家,但却被这群人阻 挡,无法自由通行,造成代表团的工作受到干扰。
The group remained at the main entrance of the Mission for nearly 20 minutes, thus blocking the free passage of Cuban personnel and interfering in the performance of the Mission, at hours when the Cuban diplomatic staff is returning to the Mission’s building, after working in the United Nations Headquarters, or leaving to go home.
在德拉,当朝拜者离开位于前往大坝路上的 Hussain 清真寺后,有人聚集在 营门口,向警卫和执法部队投掷石头和两枚自制燃烧弹,导致驻德拉国家安全 部队五人受伤,伤者被送往国家医院救治。
After worshippers had left the Hussain mosque on the road to the dam in Dar’a, people gathered at the entrance to the camp and threw stones and two Molotov cocktails at security and law enforcement forces, injuring five men from the State security forces in Dar’a, who were taken to the National Hospital for treatment.
香港公约》和《控制危险 废物越境转移及其处置巴塞尔公约》之间的法律界限由两个公约秘书处的代表做
[...] 了说明;他们指出,《香港公约》所涉及的是“直到船舶回收设施 门口 前 ”的 阶段,而《巴塞尔公约》要管的则是随后的船舶拆卸之后的废物管理。
The legal boundaries between the Hong Kong Convention and the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal were clarified by delegates from the respective Convention secretariats, who pointed out that while the
Hong Kong Convention regulated ship
[...] recycling “up to the gate of the ship-recycling [...]
facility”, the Basel Convention regulated
the subsequent management of waste following the dismantling of a vessel.
控制器是智能网 络装置,用于进门口控制 和监视报警。
The controllers are intelligent networked
[...] devices for door entry/exit control and alarm monitoring.
许许多多的大、小型供水系统创造了中国南京的水游城主题购物乐园,让建筑内外成为水的世界门口是一道人造悬瀑,水池由 164 件 [...]
Aquarius Universal 3000 水泵阵列组成,配备 Comet 50-10 喷头和一个 8 m 高的中心喷泉,迎来送往,大宴宾客。
Many small and large water systems create the Aqua City Park shopping mall in Nanjing, China, and will make the building inside and out to a
water world: waterfalls frame the building
[...] from outside, in front of the entrance [...]
a pool with a matrix with 164 piecess Aquarius
Universal 3000, equipped with comet 50-10 nozzles and an 8 m high Jet Center welcomes the visitors.
但是,应当指出,文件 170 EX/26 第 20 和 21 段提及的工程(在邦门口设置 一个长期 安全岗哨,在絮弗兰门口设立 一个长期的安全检查哨所),资金已经到位,正处于筹备阶 段,将在 2005 年大会开幕前竣工。
In contrast, the work referred to in paragraphs 20 and 21 of document 170 EX/26 (installation of a
permanent security
[...] post at the Bonvin gate and construction of a permanent security control post at the Suffren gate), for which [...]
financing is assured,
is in preparation and will be completed before the 2005 General Conference.
第三个案件涉及 Chaker Marri 先生,据称他于 2009 年 9 月 3 日在位于奎 达的俾路支大门口被身 着制服的边境部队人员和身着便衣的特工人员绑架。
The third case concerned Mr. Chaker Marri, allegedly abducted in front of the University of Balochistan, located in Quetta, by Frontier Corps agents in uniform and secret agents in civilian clothing on 3 September 2009.
普迦最近为了庆祝一个节日,在她 门口 用 粉 笔绘制了一幅色彩斑斓的“蓝果丽”彩图。
Puja – who recently drew an intricate ‘rangoli’, a colourful chalk pattern, outside her home for a festival – helped design a cartoon to accompany the faith-healer article.
机场乘车到国家会议中心及国家会议中心酒店 沿机场 高速一直到北四环 亚运村方向出口出 沿四环主路西 行 过安慧桥后出主路至北四环中路辅路 沿北四环中路 辅路走约一公里 在北辰西桥下右转至北辰西路 沿北辰 西路北行 路右经过水立方和数字北京 有四座土黄色砖 和玻璃相间的大厦 最北面的楼就是国家会议中门口 设安
From Beijing Capital national airport to China National Convention Center: Drive along with the airport highway until to North Fourth Ring Road, exit from Ya yun Chu side, after the exit, towards to west direction, when passed Anhui bridge, get exit from main road, drive along with sideway about 1 KM, then turn right at Beichen west bridge to Beichen West Road, towards with along Beichen West Road through the water Cube and the Digital Beijing and the glass building is China National Convention center.
假体准备的经验教训(小高考)和账面从祭品到祭坛( 门口 ) 成 为庄严的游行,但礼仪纲要:他们解雇的慕道者和群众,在一长串;照应开头的单词“正确和公正的”,并桑克蒂斯中断了;院校的话; [...]
The preparation for the lessons (the
little Entrance) and the carrying of the
[...] oblation from the Prothesis to the altar (the [...]
great Entrance) become solemn processions,
but the outline of the liturgy: the Mass of the Catechumens and their dismissal; the litany; the Anaphora beginning with the words "Right and just" and interrupted by the Sanctus; the words of Institution; Anamimnesis, Epiklesis and Supplication for all kinds of people at that place; the Elevation with the words "Holy things to the holy"; the Communion distributed by the bishop and deacon (the deacon having the chalice); and then the final prayer and dismissal–this order is characteristic of all the Syrian and Palestinian uses, and is followed in the derived Byzantine liturgies.
校车司机或助理不允许离开校车到学生 门口 接 送 学生。
Bus drivers/assistants are not allowed to leave the bus and call
[...] at a family’s door to pick-up a student.
第二个案件涉及 Abdul Mujeeb 先生,据称他于 2009 年 9 月 1 日在位于奎 达的俾路支大学文学门口被边 境部队和军事情报人员绑架。
The second case concerned Mr. Abdul Mujeeb, allegedly abducted in front of the Arts Faculty of the University of Balochistan, located in Quetta, by Frontier Corps and Military Intelligence agents on 1 September 2009.
加农业生产,办法是为当地生产的粮食提供进入市场的机会,在新伙伴关系的本 土学校供餐旗舰项目主持下,支持学校供餐和保健方案;利用粮食计划署的当地
[...] 粮食采购能力,增加小农进入市场的机会,办法包括在靠近农 门口 的 地方购买 粮食;建立可靠的粮食储备体制,增强在粮食危机中的复原力,以促进粮食和营 [...]
WFP support to NEPAD continued to focus on key NEPAD priority areas, such as boosting agricultural production by providing market access to locally produced food to support school feeding and health programmes, under the auspices of the NEPAD Home-Grown School Feeding flagship project; leveraging WFP local food procurement capacity to enhance market access for
smallholder farmers by, inter alia, buying food
[...] closer to the farm gate; and promoting food [...]
and nutritional security through enhancing
resilience in food crises through establishing reliable food-reserve systems.
The entrance into the farmhouse leads into the lounger/diner with a wood burning insert stove (which also supplies ducted hot air) at one end of the room and a open fire at the other end.
门 口头这种口头介绍自己,其他人将不得不作出的决定为您回答你的鼓励参与 问题...允许您控制,形成和发展适当的公事公办的关系,这使得做你的工作更容易 [...]
By verbally presenting yourself with this verbal introduction [...]
encourages involvement by making the other person to have
to make a decision for you by answering your questions… allowing you to control and form and develop a proper businesslike relationship, which makes for doing your job easier without causing you stress or anxiety.
经过一个痛苦的乘坐同城快递,罗德尼到达 门口 的 Bigweld工业。
After a harrowing ride on the crosstown express, Rodney
[...] arrives at the gate of Bigweld Industries.
[...] 联科行动工作人员告知专家组,在这两个地点 门口 的 执 勤卫兵断然拒绝联科行 动人员入内,理由是并未接到关于允许联科行动人员入内检查的上级指示。
UNOCI elements in Korhogo informed the Group that the soldiers on
[...] guard duty at the gates of the sites have [...]
categorically refused permission to enter,
stating that they have not received instructions from the chain of command to allow UNOCI personnel to proceed with inspections.
不是所有巴士都可以在旅门口停车 上下旅客。
Not all bus services pick up and drop off at hostel.
7月12日上午,会议正式召开,在浙江省汽摩配商会秘书长丰斌华秘书长主持下,与会者针对国内汽摩配展会众多,质量参差不齐的状况及浙江汽摩配行业该如何打造、培育浙江自己的专业展会,以实现浙江近万家汽摩配和汽车用品企业在 门口 参 加 展会的愿望,从而促进浙江汽车摩托车零部件用品制造业又好又快的发展进行了热烈地讨论,大家一致认为:各协(商)会应积极联手,在宁波国际汽车城举办的汽车零部件(用品)进出口交易会的基础上共同培育、打造具有浙江特色的汽车零部件(用品)进出口交易会,并结成战略联盟。
July 12 morning, the meeting formally convened, in Zhejiang Province Qimo with the Secretary-General Chamber of Commerce HSBC Binhua under the auspices of the Secretary-General, the participants for the domestic automobile and motorcycle show with many, the situation of uneven quality and Zhejiang automobile and motorcycle industry with the How to create and nurture their professional show of Zhejiang, Zhejiang Jin
Wanjia Qimo to achieve with supplies and
[...] automotive enterprises at home participate in [...]
the show's desire to promote Zhejiang
car and motorcycle parts and components manufacturing supplies又好fast development of a warm Discussion, it was agreed that: the HS (to) should be actively join in the Ningbo International Automobile City organized by the auto parts (supplies) on the basis of the Import and Export Fair in developing, building, Zhejiang has the characteristics of automotive components (supplies ) Import and Export Fair, and a strategic alliance.
(w) 探视时间和探视持续时间的规则应当明确并以书面形式张贴在每个监门口。
(w) Rules for visiting times and duration of visits be clear and posted in writing at the entrance of each prison.
这 将意味着该办公室将失去地位,而其地位是诉讼辩护制度的运作所必需的,该办
[...] 公室可说服潜在诉讼当事人不要将无望胜诉案件提交审理,“在法 门口 ” 与 管 理层谈判达成有效的解决办法,在诉讼中帮助工作人员避免陷入法律技术陷阱, [...]
It would mean that the Office would not have the standing, which is so necessary for the operation of an adversarial system, to persuade potential litigants against bringing
hopeless cases, to negotiate effective resolutions
[...] “at the court door” with management, [...]
to help staff avoid the technical legal
pitfalls in litigation, to provide “equality of arms” for staff within the overall system or to provide the Internal Justice Council with full information, from a claimant’s perspective, as to the functioning of the system.
扎克被吓了一个恐怖片的僵尸,他们的母亲告诉他们不要看,和Zack开始对酒 门口 堆 放 家具的大厅时,他的梦游。
Zack gets scared by a horror film about zombies, which their mother
has told them not to see, and Zack starts to pile furniture
[...] against the hotel door in the lobby when [...]
he's sleepwalking.
新的特别指挥部调查证实,2009 年 1 月 3 日发生的平民伤亡和对清真寺破 坏确实是以色列国防军对站在清真 门口 附 近 的两个恐怖分子发射导弹的结 果。
The new special command investigation confirmed that civilian casualties and damage to the mosque which occurred on 3 January 2009 were indeed a result of an IDF missile strike directed at two terrorist operatives standing near the entrance to the mosque.
各家庭已见证微量营养素粉防治儿童营养不良的显著效果——以至于每当法多先生路过社区时,站在小泥 门口 的 母 亲们纷纷向他问候:“你好,健康负责人先生!你什么时候带来更多‘超级宝贝’粉呢?
Families have had remarkable results overcoming and preventing the symptoms of malnutrition in their children – so much so that, as Mr. Fado makes his rounds through the
community, a refrain echoes from mothers
[...] standing in the doorways of the small [...]
mud houses: “Good day, Mr. Health Agent!
草台班在东大名创库支持下,在那块将拆之地配以简单设施,建立“钉子剧场”,牌子仅是写 门口 水 泥墙上的粉笔大字。
With the support of the DDM Warehouse, and under the continuing spectre of inevitable demolition, Grass Stage made some modest renovations and established “The Nail Theater,” whose name was written in large characters in chalk on the cement wall by the entryway.
也就是说,我们几乎能在客户位于世界各地的生产工 门口 向 他 们提供当今市场上最可靠的产品……,提供一流的支持,当然还有极具竞争力的价格。
This means we’re close by to our customers’ production facilities around the globe, offering the most reliable products available on today’s market ... with top-notch support – and, of course, competitive prices.




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