

单词 长蛇阵

See also:


classifier for gusts or bursts; for events of short duration such as lightning, storms, wind
short period of time
disposition of troops

External sources (not reviewed)

蛇——其身长约 1.5 米,是澳大利亚最致命的动物之一。
the brown snake – it is approximately 1.5 metres long, and is one of [...]
Australia's more deadly creatures.
因此,在国际极 地年的范围内,教科文组织制定了北斗 星 - 长蛇 座 项 目,在 2008 年至 2013 年期间对北斗水文循环情况进行监测。
Thus, in the context of the International Polar Year, UNESCO has established the Artic-HYDRA project, which will monitor the artic hydrological cycle between 2008 and 2013.
在本报告所述期间,波利萨里阵线 秘 书 长 多 次写信给我,主要对指控侵犯 领土内和摩洛哥境内撒哈拉人人权表示关切。
During the period under
[...] review, the Secretary-General of the Frente [...]
Polisario wrote to me on a number of occasions mainly
to express concern about alleged violations of human rights affecting Saharans both in the Territory and within Morocco.
珍奇动物,比如萨凡纳猫蛇、长颈 鹿,都出现在镜头中,陪伴模特。
Exotic animals, such as
[...] a savannah cat, a snake, and a giraffe, accompany [...]
the models.
法例的確是存在,但在執法方面卻有漏洞,這可能是由於㆟ 手不足,也可能是對藥房採取所謂「 蛇 」 行 動時的技巧欠妥善。
There is the law, but there is a fallacy of enforcing the law, perhaps due to inadequacy of manpower or inappropriate techniques in carrying out what is known as "spot checks" on the dispensaries.
马尔代夫最近经历了从专制向民主的过渡,我 们 完全了解这一过渡所带来的长的阵 痛。
The Maldives has recently undergone a
transition from autocracy to democracy, and we understand
[...] full well the growing pains that [...]
come with such a transformation.
当地政府与共和国部队进行了会晤,确保会议在波努 阿的卡基奥·阿芒古阿广场顺利举行,未发生任何事件,会议由科特迪瓦人阵 线代理秘长主持
A meeting between local authorities and FRCI representatives enabled the planned meeting to be held
without further
[...] incident at Kadjo Amangoua square in Bonoua, where it was chaired by the acting secretary-general of the Front [...]
Populaire Ivoirien.
2 月 14 日,波利萨里阵线秘书长穆罕默德·阿卜 杜勒阿齐兹写信给我,呼吁我进行干预,以确保将西撒哈拉水域明确排除在该协 [...]
On 14 February, the Secretary-General of the Frente [...]
Polisario, Mohamed Abdelaziz, wrote to me calling for my intervention
to ensure that Western Sahara’s waters are specifically excluded from the Agreement.
秘书长通报说,他的个 人特使在 3 月 17 日至 25 日期间对该地区作了第三次访问,会晤了阿尔及利亚、 毛里塔尼亚和摩洛哥的国家元首、萨基亚阿姆拉和里奥德奥罗人民解放阵线(波 利萨里阵线)秘书长及其他高级官员。
The Secretary-General informed that his Personal Envoy undertook a third visit to the region from 17 to 25 March, where he met with the Heads of State of Algeria, Mauritania and Morocco, the Secretary-General of the Frente Popular para la Liberación de Saguía el-Hamre y de Rio de Oro (Frente Polisario) and other senior officials.
02 时 35 分 以色列敌方部队在 Udaysah 镇蓝线附近 TP36 点、UTM 坐标为 Q:737280N:681298 处设置约 40 米长的蛇腹形 铁丝网,目的是关闭一条穿越雷场、 通往蓝线的公路。
8 February 2012 0025 0235 With a view to closing the road to the Blue Line that passes through a minefield, Israeli enemy forces rolled out some 40 metres of concertina wire at UTM coordinates Q:737280N:681298, near point TP36 in the vicinity of the Blue Line at Udaysah.
萨基亚阿姆拉和里奥德奥 罗人民解放阵线(波利萨里阵线)秘 书 长 穆 罕 默德·阿卜杜拉齐兹在 11 月 9 日 [...]
给我的信中提到摩洛哥国王的讲话,并重申他的立场,即撒哈拉居民应通过自由 公民投票决定其前途。
In a letter dated 9 November
[...] addressed to me, the SecretaryGeneral of the Frente [...]
Popular para la Liberación de Saguía el-Hamra
y Río de Oro (Frente Polisario), Mohamed Abdelaziz, referring to the speech made by the King of Morocco, reiterated his position that the Saharan people should decide their future by means of a free referendum.
例如连杯上雕刻长帽蝮蛇花纹代表 长 者 的光荣、精神和权威(Liou, 1979; C. Lee, 2000)。
For example, the long-hooded pit viper pattern carved on the [...]
Linnak represents the glory, spirit and honor of a person of
high status (Liou, 1979; C. Lee, 2000).
此次会议促进了政府、议员和其他东帝汶领袖有关正义与和解问题的对话, 总统、国民议会长、总理和阵秘 书 长 出 席 了开幕式。
The conference facilitated dialogue among the Government, members of Parliament and other Timorese leaders on issues of justice and reconciliation, with the opening session bringing
together the President, the President of the National Parliament,
[...] the Prime Minister and the Secretary-General of Fretilin.
2 时 15 分 一个以色列敌方巡逻队使用探照灯照射 Manarah 及周边地区 的黎巴嫩军阵地,时间长达 5 分钟。
0215 An Israeli enemy patrol directed a searchlight for five minutes towards the Lebanese Army position at Manarah and the surrounding area.
像上次访问那样,他会晤了阿尔 及利亚、毛里塔尼亚和摩洛哥的国家元首、波利萨里 阵 线 秘 书 长 以 及 其他高级 官员。
As on his previous visit, he met with the
Heads of State of Algeria, Mauritania and
[...] Morocco, the SecretaryGeneral of the Frente Polisario [...]
and other senior officials.
然而,7 月波利萨里阵 线代表团长马赫 福兹·阿里·贝巴突然去世,因而不能维持这个时间表,双方 认为,最好是等到斋月(8 月 11 日至 9 月 10 日)之后和大会高级别会议和一般性 辩论之后再举行会谈。
However, the sudden death in July of Mahfoud Ali Beiba, the head of the Frente Polisario delegation, did not make it possible to maintain this schedule. The parties concurred that it was best to wait until after Ramadan (11 August to 10 September) and for the high-level meetings and general debate of the General Assembly to meet again.
作为 2010 年 2 月在纽约阿蒙克举行的关于西撒哈拉问题的第二轮非正式会 谈的后续行动,2011 年 3 月 17 日至 25
[...] 日,我的个人特使第三次访问了该区域, 会晤了阿尔及利亚、毛里塔尼亚和摩洛哥的国家元首、波利萨里 阵 线 秘 书 长和 其他高级官员。
To follow up on the second round of informal talks on Western Sahara held in Armonk, New York, in February 2010, my Personal Envoy undertook a third visit to the region, from 17 to 25 March, where he met with the
Heads of State of Algeria, Mauritania and
[...] Morocco, the Secretary-General of the Frente Polisario [...]
and other senior officials.
請問有關當局會否考慮採取一些可能更為有效的打擊措施,例如派遣警 隊中年紀較大的“師姐”參與街頭“ 蛇 ” 行 動,誘捕街頭行騙黨?
May I ask the relevant authorities whether they will consider adopting combat measures, such as deploying female police officers relatively older in age to participate in "undercover operations", which may be more effective in trapping and arresting street deception gangs?
由于波利萨里阵线代表团长马赫 福兹·阿里·贝巴突然去世, 不得不推迟原定于 2010 年 8 月举行的第三轮非正式会谈。
Owing to the sudden death of Mafoud Ali Beiba, the head of the Frente Polisario delegation, the third round of informal talks, scheduled for August 2010 had to be postponed.
工程组负责预制建筑物、发电机、桥梁、工程支持、有刺铁丝网、捆扎用 铁丝蛇腹形 铁丝网、篾筐、沙包、木材和胶合板以及水处理和供电用品的采购, 以支持维和特派团。
The Engineering Team is responsible for the procurement of prefabricated buildings; generators; bridges; engineering support; barbed, binding and concertina wire; gabions; sandbags, timber and plywood; and water treatment and electrical supplies in support of peacekeeping missions.
我的特别代表继续其斡旋工作,与拉莫斯-奥尔塔总统、总理、议长费尔南 多·“拉萨马”·德阿劳若以及阵秘 书 长 进 行 定期会晤。
My Special Representative continued her good offices efforts through regular meetings with President
Ramos-Horta; the Prime Minister; the President of Parliament, Fernando “Lasama” de
[...] Araújo; and the Secretary-General of Fretilin.
[...] 讯时没有,而且说他被施以溺刑和强制体位,他还记得被带到了一间 放满蛇的房间,蛇被关在笼子里,看守威胁他说如果不交待他在阿 [...]
He said that torture took place in the barracks but not during the interrogations, and that he was subjected to drowning
and stress positions, and recalled a
[...] room full of caged snakes that guards threatened [...]
to open if he did not speak about
what he had done in Afghanistan.
Heshmatollah Tabarzadi 是政治活动分子和伊朗民阵线秘书 长 , 20 09 年 12 月 27 日被捕,被移交 Evin 监狱。
Heshmatollah Tabarzadi, political
[...] activist and Secretary-General of the Iran Democratic Front, was arrested [...]
on 27 December 2009 and transferred to Evin prison.
与议会长、东帝汶独立革阵线秘书长并与国防国务秘书每月举 行会议。
Monthly meetings were held with the President of the Parliament, the SecretaryGeneral of Fretilin and the Secretary of State for Defence.
为了迅速制止局势进一步恶化,为 最终解决问题铺平道路,我们已经指定了三名官员(国防长 Sebhat Ephrem;阵政治事务负责人 Yemane Ghebreab;和国家安全顾问 Abraha Kassa)。
In order to expediently check any further deterioration and pave the way for a final solution, we have assigned on our part there officials (Defence Minister Sebhat Ephrem; PFDJ Head of Political Affairs, Yemane Ghebreab; and National Security Advisor, Abraha Kassa) I suggested that you also similarly (or in ways you think best) assign officials so that both sides can meet as soon as possible to look into these matters.
阵秘书长马 里 ·阿尔卡蒂里在 12 月 15 日的致辞中呼吁东帝汶人团结起来维护宪法原则和民 主法治,拒绝为获得政治权力而使用暴力,并呼吁 [...]
2011 年成为所有东帝汶人之 间建立信任以及民族团结之年。
In his message of 15
[...] December, the Secretary-General of Fretilin, Mari Alkatiri, [...]
called for the Timorese to unite to defend
the Constitution’s principles and the democratic rule of law and to reject the use of violence for obtaining political power, and appealed for 2011 to be the year of building trust among all Timorese and of national solidarity.
访问期间, 罗斯先生会见了阿尔及利亚总统阿齐兹·布特弗利卡、波利萨里 阵 线 秘 书 长阿 卜杜拉齐兹先生、毛里塔尼亚总理叶海亚·乌尔德·艾哈迈德·瓦格夫和外交部 长穆罕默杜·乌尔德·穆罕默德·马赫默德和摩洛哥外交部长塔伊卜·法西·费 赫里及其各自小组的成员。
During his trip, Mr. Ross met with the President of Algeria, Abdelaziz Bouteflika; the Secretary-General of the Frente Polisario, Mr. Abdelaziz; the Prime Minister, Yahya Ould Ahmed El Waghef, and the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou, of Mauritania; and the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Morocco, Taïb Fassi-Fihri, as well as with members of their respective teams.
My Special Representative continued her good offices through regular meetings with the President, the Prime Minister, the President of Parliament and the Secretary-General of the Frente Revolucionária do Timor-Leste Independente (Fretilin).
在本报告所述期间,波利萨里阵线 秘 书 长 数 次致函联合国秘书长,主要是 对据称影响到在领土内和在摩洛哥境内撒哈拉人的侵犯人权行为表示关切。
During the period under review, the Secretary-General of the Frente Polisario wrote to the Secretary-General of the United Nations on a number of occasions mainly to express concern about alleged violations of human rights affecting Saharans both in the Territory and within Morocco.




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