

单词 长统袜

See also:





sock n
hosiery n

External sources (not reviewed)

在提挈诺州,孩子们在一月5到6号挂起长袜。Befana的名字由显现节而来,好孩子会受到甜点; 统 上 , 坏孩子会 长袜 里 发 现煤球或类似煤球的糖块。
In Ticino, children hang up stockings
on night of January
[...] 5-6 (the word Befana is derived from Epiphany): "good" children receive sweets, while tradition has it that [...]
"bad" children find
a lump of coal, or sugar lumps resembling coal, in their stockings.
经典的V字套领灰色山羊绒衫至今仍在生产,并加入更多崭新款式,例如附针织袖子的皮衣、男装直 长 裤 、 短裙 长 裙 和 裤 袜。
There are leather jackets with knitted sleeves attached,
[...] straight-leg trousers for men, short and long dresses and leggings.
按目前的估计来看,总部外办事处和研究机构的纳入、还要开展的 用户培训以及保持统长期运 作的人事费将是完成该项目所需费用的大部分。
The current estimates for the integration of field offices and
institutes, additional end-user training and
[...] staff costs for a longer implementation [...]
period account for a large part of the resources
still needed to finish the implementation.
全球结构变化的累积效应是统、长 期 、 相辅相成的,存在重大信誉、业务和财政风 险。
The cumulative effects of changes in global
[...] architecture are systemic, long-standing and [...]
mutually reinforcing and carry serious
reputational, operational and financial risks.
穿着结实耐用的袜、戴 上宽沿帽、身着舒适的服装,并涂抹防晒霜和驱虫剂。
Wear sturdy shoes and socks, a hat, sunscreen lotion, comfortable clothing and insect repellent.
公司于1992年在中国青岛建立了第二家海外生产厂,专门生 长袜 和 包 芯纱。
Ltd., was set up in China in 1992 and has since specialized in the production of stockings and core-spun yarn.
大会第六十六届会议强调指出继续对《关于进一步执行小岛屿发展中国家可 持续发展行动纲领的毛里求斯战略》的后续行动和执行情况进行实质性审议的重 要性,并决定在其第六十七届会议上审议为第六十六届会议印发的秘书长关于更 好地执行《小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展的行动纲领》和《关于进一步执行小岛 屿发展中国家可持续发展行动纲领的毛里求斯战略》的具体建议的报告 (A/66/278)以及秘长关于审查联合国 统 对 小 岛屿发展中国家支持情况的报 告(A/66/218)(第 66/198 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly stressed the importance of the continued substantive consideration of the follow-up to and implementation of the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and decided to consider at its sixty-seventh session the reports of the Secretary-General on concrete recommendations to enhance the implementation of the Barbados Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (A/66/278) and on the review of United Nations system support to small island developing States (A/66/218), issued for the sixty-sixth session (resolution 66/198).
他还提请注意独立审计咨询委员会(审咨委)关 于内部监督:2012-2013 两年期方案预算的报告 (A/66/85);秘书长转递的联合检查组(联检组)题为 “联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室的管理和行政审查” 报告的说明(A/66/315),以及秘长和联 合国 统行 政首长协调 理事会(行政首长协调会)的意见(A/66/ 315/Add.1 和 Add.1/Corr.1);秘书长转递联检组题 为“联合国系统各组织信托基金的行政管理政策和程 序”的报告的说明(A/66/348),以及秘书长和行政首 长协调会的意见(A/66/348/Add.1);内部监督事务厅 (监督厅)关于对秘书处新闻职能组织框架的审查报 告(A/66/180)。
He also drew attention to the report of the Independent Audit Advisory Committee (IAAC) on internal oversight: proposed programme budget for the biennium 2012-2013 (A/66/85); the note by the Secretary-General transmitting the report of the Joint Inspection Unit (JIU) entitled “Review of management and administration in the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime” (A/66/315) and the comments of the Secretary-General and of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB) (A/66/315/Add.1 and Add.1/Corr.1); the note by the Secretary-General transmitting the JIU report entitled “Policies and procedures for the administration of trust funds in the United Nations system organizations” (A/66/348) and the comments of the Secretary-General and of CEB (A/66/348/Add.1); and the report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) on the review of the organizational framework of the public information function of the Secretariat (A/66/180).
为此,我们依照 4.5 部族代表的传统系统,邀请
[...] 目前参与甄选全国制宪大会 825 名成员的 135 名统 长老在摩加迪沙汇聚一堂。
To that end, we have brought together in Mogadishu a group of 135 traditional elders who are currently engaged in
selecting 825 members of the national Constituent Assembly, in line
[...] with the traditional system of 4.5 clan [...]
然而,由于我们认为不合规“无 法避免”,再加上资源不够,以致于该 统长 期 受 到善意忽略,到今天随着工作 量日益增加而处于难以为继的边缘,即便是不考虑这样一个令人吃惊的事实:即 [...]
每个条约平均有 23%的缔约国从未参与过该条约的审查程序。
But by resigning ourselves to the “inevitability” of
non-compliance and inadequate
[...] resources, the system was left to suffer a long history of [...]
benign neglect to the point where,
today, it stands on the verge of drowning in its growing workload, even when leaving aside the shocking fact that at average 23 % of States parties to one treaty have never engaged in the review procedure of that treaty.
谨 慎管理可确保自然统长期发 挥其功能,自然系 统是这些服务流的源泉。
Mindful management
[...] helps ensure the long-term functioning [...]
of the natural system from which these services flow.
最低生活水平,是根据食物、衣 服、袜及其他满足基本需要的商品和服务消费的最低支出计算的。
Subsistence level is established based on minimum
expenses made on consumption of foodstuffs,
[...] clothing, footwear and other goods and [...]
services which satisfy the primary needs.
这些新型有机硅产品的典型应用是为(比如尼 袜 的 )吊带配上防滑层, 或为防袜袜底配上橡胶小点。
Typical applications of the new silicone grades
include non-slip coatings of
[...] bands – such as those used in women’s hosiery – and the rubber coatings of slip-resistant socks.
有些女性(或在某些情况下,虽然有时会采取行动,打扮像一个女仆,园艺),男性(在一个情节的蟑螂偷他的洗衣袋和不断下降的轨道衣服 -
[...] Oggy他们一但,不好意思,离开屏幕,当胸罩之间的拳击短裤 袜 子 可 见)。
Although sometimes acting somewhat female (or in some cases, dressing like a maid, gardening), or male (in one episode the roaches steal his laundry bag and keep dropping a track of clothes – Oggy picks
them up one-by-one, but, embarrassed, moves off screen when a brassiere becomes visible
[...] among the boxer shorts and socks).
特别报告员认为,司法统长期存 在结构和组织上的缺陷,特别是在联邦实体的 层面上,这对司法当局的独立性和自治产生影响。
The Special Rapporteur observes that persistent structural and organizational flaws in the judicial system, especially at the level of federative entities, have an impact on the independence and autonomy of judicial authorities.
漫步ED:萨拉中断EDS公司的最新骗局,一个幽灵般的降神会,订购ED拿起他 袜 子 , 和其他的“人情”。
Rambling Ed: Sarah interrupts the Eds' latest scam, a ghostly séance, to order Ed
[...] to pick up his sock, and other "favors".
玻利维亚在其答复中提供了关于与落实《宣言》所规 定权利有关的法律和计划的广泛情况,包括教育和语言、交流和媒体、住房、经 济政策、粮食安全、土地和农业发展、司法和妇女特别是在司法方面的权利、人 权、土地、水、协商程序、非殖民化和减少 长统 治 的 程序等领域的情况。
In its response, Bolivia provided extensive information on laws and programmes that are relevant to the implementation of the rights in the Declaration, including in the areas of education and languages, communications and media, housing, economic policies, food security, land and agricultural development, justice and women’s rights in the administration of justice in particular, human rights, land, water, consultation processes, decolonization and processes to reduce patriarchy.
公司的服务团队以此为目的,为保证小至各个 部件,大至整个统长期而 高效运作而努力。
In order to guarantee this on a
long-term basis, our service team provides an indefinite and smooth operation of each and
[...] every unit and thus the whole system.
史陶比尔集团将坚持不懈地致力于进一步增强德盟产品系列的创新能力,包括用 袜 机 和 无缝,直行针织机的电子控制器,织机的电子控制,以及用于众多工业应用的DEIMOTION产品系列。
The Stäubli Group confirms its continued commitment by further expanding the innovation capacities of the DEIMO product range including electronic controllers for socks and seamless, rectilinear Knitting machinery, as well as the electronic control of weaving machines and DEIMOTION product line for further industrial applications.
长袜子皮 皮 如果安娜未得到权利人的同意,也未查实作品已进入公有领域,那么 安娜把下列文件上传到自己网页上的行为很可能侵犯了版权
Pipi Longstocking Unless Ana obtained permission from the right holders and/or ensured that the works were in the public domain, she has very likely infringed copyright by uploading the following files onto her WebPage
目前有关监管国际粮食市场投机行为的提案60 或贸易谈判的 依据,是认识到作为农产品的粮食不是也不能被视为 袜 子 或 轮胎”61 ,因此, 这些提案和谈判是朝建成没有歧视和机会均等的世界的方向迈进的步伐。
Proposals on regulating speculation in international food markets60 or trade negotiations that are based on the acknowledgement that food as the product of agriculture is and cannot be treated as if it was “socks or tyres”61 are thus steps towards such a world, without discrimination and with equal opportunities.
展会还展示了SWG091N 15G所编织的各种各样成品,当中由手套 袜 子 ,五 趾 袜 , 和护 腿 袜 , 到帽子,围巾,领带,甚至服装如 袜 , 小背心,童装以及其它针织配件等。
Also shown, SWG091N 15G demonstrates the extended capability of WHOLEGARMENT knitting, ranging from gloves, socks, five-toe socks, and leg warmers to caps, scarves, neck-ties and even garments such as leggings, tanktops, camisoles, childrenswear as well as other knitted goods and accessories.
在最后的停止开采计划中处理有关对海底和相关生态 统长 期 责 任的 问题和方案,包括长期监测和确定必要的周期,以确保补救计划的有效性,并确 [...]
Address issues and programmes related to long-term responsibility for the seabed
[...] and associated ecosystems in the final decommissioning [...]
plan, including
long-term monitoring and definition of the period necessary to ensure remediation plans are effective and that any unforeseen consequences are detected.
我们的高性能材料通过过硬的现场使用性能及大量的第三方测试,证明其独具耐化学性、机械强度与出色的生命周期经济性,从而为生产商提供了一个极具吸引力的替代选择,帮助他们解决传统金属管道 统长 期 存在的腐蚀问题。
Through a solid field performance and extensive third-party testing, our high-performance material has proven that it possesses a unique combination of chemical resistance, mechanical strength and excellent life-cycle economics to offer a highly attractive option for manufacturers looking to avoid the ongoing corrosion problems associated with traditional metallic piping systems.
无论您需要在标准培训中加入有关厂内系统的基本定向培训,或为您的公司量身定制特殊培训,我们都能按您的要求制定合适的计划,确保我们的 统长 期 有 效地运行。
Whether you need basic orientation training for your facility systems as part of standardized training, or require specialized training tailored to your
company, our programs are geared to your specifications and thereby
[...] ensure the long-term production capacity of your systems.




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