

单词 长得

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在希腊语中,“platanos”就是大的意思,悬铃木在适宜的环境下的确可 长得 很 大
In Greek, «platanos » means big, a characteristic that the Plane tree develops easily in favorable conditions.
由于中国的运输距离长得多( 与德国相比),这一效应甚至会更加显著。
Due to the much longer transport distances [...]
in China (compared to Germany) this effect may even be more significant.
轮胎制造商可以使用埃驰固DVA气密层制造重量更轻及耐久性更高的轮胎,因为这种轮胎保持适合空气压力的时间可 长得 多 而且滚动更容易。
With Exxcore DVA-based innerliners, tire manufacturers
can create tires that are lighter and more durable because they maintain proper
[...] air pressure far longer and roll easier.
为维持良好交通秩序而有必要时,至迟在集会或示威开始时之24小时 前,治安警察局长得更改原定之游行或列队路线。
The Head of the PSP may, until 24 hours prior to the beginning of the meeting or demonstration, on grounds of traffic management, change or restrict the route.
部分或全额供资,将使:(a) 眼下和未来的费用得以解决;(b) 费用得到
[...] 更好地匹配,从而使福利费用计在接受雇员提供服务时期的预算下;(c) 对会员国长期缴款的要求得以减少,因为投资收益开始补充预算;(d) 无 供资的离职后健康保险债务的长得 到 遏 制,使之不会变成联合国的一 项更沉重的负债(同上,第 45 段)。
The Secretary-General believes that the alternatives to the current approach, namely, partially or fully funding the after-service health insurance liabilities as they accrue, would (a ) address both immediate and future costs; (b ) enhance the alignment of costs so that the costs of the benefits are incurred under the budgets receiving the services from the employees; (c ) reduce the long-term contribution requirements by Member States as investment earnings begin to
supplement budgets; and (d
[...] ) contain the growth of unfunded after-service health insurance obligations from becoming a greater liability [...]
on the United Nations (ibid., para. 45).
如囚犯之律师及其他人士之探访被视为囚犯所急需的或基于正当利益, 监长得许可 在监狱规章规定以外之时间及日期进行该探访。
Visits by lawyers or by other persons, when deemed to be of an urgent nature or when a legitimate interest is invoked, may be authorized outside normal visiting hours.
本届教育大会还使教科文组织总干事、总干事办公室、助理总干事、教育部门代理助 理总干事以及国际教育局长得以与 各国部长、代表或政府间组织及非政府组织的代表进行 多次双边会晤和非正式讨论。
The Conference also enabled the Director-General of UNESCO, the Assistant
DirectorGeneral in the Office of
[...] the Director-General, the Assistant Director-General for Education, [...]
a.i., and the Director of
the IBE to hold many bilateral talks and informal discussions with ministers, delegates and representatives of intergovernmental organizations and NGOs.
一刻也不太快,因为超人的五年期间 长得 多 在 影迷岁!)寻求他的家庭行星,事情改变了他收养的星球上。
And not a moment too soon, because during the
[...] five years (much longer in movie-fan [...]
years!) Superman sought his home planet, things
changed on his adopted planet.
一个 P-4 职等法律干事可以督导现有工作人员处理书记官处工作中法律方面 的问题,从而使书记长得以腾出手来,专心进行全面监督、与法官和其他利益 攸关方沟通以及为法庭提供技术和行政支持。
A Legal Officer at the P-4 level could supervise the current staff on legal aspects of the work of the Registry, freeing the Registrar to focus on overall supervision, communications with the judges and other stakeholders, and the provision of technical and administrative support to the Tribunal.
全年长达六个月的冬季可任你在雪域中驰骋;而最美好的时光却是日照时间比冬 长得 多 的 春季,和煦的阳光烘托出一路上最壮阔的自然景致。
Whisking through snowy scenery is accessible during all six
winter months, but the most favoured time is
[...] the spring with long sunny days that [...]
bring out the best of the immense natural beauty along the routes.
我们还同意秘长得出的 结论,即: 这种信息将有助于安全理事会考虑采取最有效的措 [...]
施打击索马里沿海海盗行为,并将有助于该区域各国 和联合国确定在可预见的未来该区域对起诉能力的 可能预期需求。
We also agree with the Secretary-General’s conclusion [...]
that such information would assist the Security Council in its consideration
of the most effective measures to combat piracy off the coast of Somalia, and regional States and the United Nations in determining the likely anticipated demand for prosecution capacity in the region for the foreseeable future.
Emerson 在第二次世界大战期间显著长,得 益 于 来自政府生产飞机炮塔的合同,包括了安装在 B-24 [...]
轰炸机前鼻翼上的 “127 型”炮塔。
Much of Emerson’s dramatic growth in World War II [...]
results from government contracts to build airplane gun turrets, including
the “Model 127” mounted in the nose of the B-24 bomber.
该决议草案也是国际社会与缅甸政府 合作的一个重要方面,因为它使秘 长得 以 特 别是在 选举后阶段借助缅甸问题特别顾问的工作,继续关注 [...]
The draft resolution was also an important aspect of international
engagement with the Government in that it
[...] allowed the Secretary-General to continue [...]
to follow the situation in the country,
particularly during the post-election phase, through the work of his Special Adviser on Myanmar.
贝尔法斯特马拉松(Belfast City Marathon)每年也吸引全世界的马拉松爱好者来到北爱尔兰(Northern Ireland)参加马拉松长跑、竞走、和接力活动,接力比赛中,五位选手可以分担 长得 惊 人 的26.2英里行程。
The Belfast City Marathon also attracts athletes from all over the world to Northern Ireland for a marathon run and walk, team relay and fun run.
这就是我们长期会投入工作的类型,将在海地这样的国家 得长 期 、 持久的效果。
This is exactly the type of investment that will have long and lasting results in a country like Haiti,” adds Mr. Ayoya.
(a) 加拿大政府“注册残疾储蓄计划”帮助家长和其他人实行储蓄,以确 保具有严重残障的儿童得长期经 济保障。
(a) The Government of Canada’s Registered Disability
Savings Plan helps parents and others save
[...] to ensure the long-term financial [...]
security of a child with a severe disability.
得长期发展成果的最佳途径是开发署侧重于利用在项目层面取得的成 功支持更高层面的转型变化。
Long-term development results are best achieved when [...]
UNDP concentrates on leveraging projectlevel successes to support higher-level transformational changes.
已经得长足的 进步,但在许多领域,进展是不均衡的,需要做更多的工作,以确保儿 童的生存与健康,尤其是确保儿童在不利环境中的生存与健康。
Significant strides had been made but progress was uneven in many areas and more needed to be done to ensure the survival and health of children, especially in adverse circumstances.
新条文的目的是使少年 犯机构中的年轻人有机会得长期支 持,而这将反过来降低再次犯罪的可能 性。
The objective of the new provision will be to give young people the
[...] opportunity to receive prolonged support in a [...]
juvenile institution, which will in turn
reduce the risk of recidivism.
近几十年来,很多国家的经济和贸易持续增长,科学技术和创新飞速发展,在 为民众开办高质量教育方面得长足 进展,传播已成为全球化的驱动力。
Many countries have experienced sustained growth and trade in recent decades; science, technology, and innovation have progressed apace; populations have made giant strides towards quality education; and communications have become a driving force of globalization.
社会和经济处境最困难的个人或家庭,即无工作收入、无养老金或财产以 及无任何其它收入,有权得长期援 助。
Persons or families in the hardest position socially and economically, i.e. without income from work, pension or property, and without any other income, are entitled to permanent assistance.
非洲国家只有把(就国内生产总值和 人均国内生产总值而言)相对有力的经济增长变成社会最贫穷阶层的就业机会和 福利,才能在减少绝对贫穷方面 得长 足 的 进展。
Only if African countries are able to translate the relatively strong economic growth, both in total GDP and GDP per capita, into employment creation and benefits for the poorest sectors of society can Africa make significant progress towards reducing absolute poverty.
若申请人因第 2 点所述的原因经常入境西班牙,可以 得长 时 间 段的多次入境 签证。
Applicants who travel to Spain
[...] assiduously due to any of the reasons mentioned above in section 2 will be able to obtain a long-stay multiple [...]
entry visa.
我们巩固不扩散制度的努力是否能够 得长 期 成 功,还将取决于核武器国家 是否愿意削减其核武器储存并减少其军事理论对于核武器的依赖。
The long-term success of our efforts [...]
to strengthen the non-proliferation regime will also depend on the willingness of the
nuclear-weapon States to reduce their own stockpiles of nuclear weapons and their reliance on them in their military doctrines.
此外,2009 年难民 署在防治难民高发的贫血症方面 得长 足 进 展,同所有合作伙伴一道为儿童健康 和营养综合方案和执行战略奠定了基础。
Furthermore, in 2009 UNHCR made considerable progress in combating the high levels of anaemia afflicting the refugee population, and laid the foundation for a comprehensive child health and nutrition programme and implementation strategy with all partners.
第二是必须一方面在安全理事会与非盟和平与 安全理事会之间另一方面在联合国秘书处与非盟委
[...] 员会之间建立一种战略性的和更有效的伙伴关系,以 求得长期的成功,并确保该两个组织对以下问题具 [...]
有共同的理念:如何提高非盟提供快速反应的能力并 加强联合国保障持续行动的能力,据此处理维持非洲 和平的问题。
Secondly, it is necessary to establish a strategic and more effective partnership between the Security Council and the AAU Peace and the Security Council, on the one hand, and between the United Nations
Secretariat and the AU Commission on the other, in
[...] order to achieve long-term success and [...]
ensure a joint vision of the two organizations
on how to address peacekeeping in Africa by enhancing the ability of the AU to provide a rapid response and bolster the United Nations capacity to guarantee sustained operations.
因此,我们呼吁地区级政府部门及其他利益相关方将清洁水源、环境卫生及洗手三要素置于优先地位,以确保 得长 期 的 积极成果,造福乌兹别克斯坦儿童,”联合国儿童基金会首席通信发展官(Chief [...]
of Communication for Development)莎维塔.瓦德纳克维(Savita Varde-Naqvi)说。
That’s why we call upon regional- and district-level authorities and other stakeholders to make all three elements of
clean water, sanitation and hand-washing a
[...] priority for long-term, positive outcomes for [...]
Uzbekistan’s children,” said Savita
Varde-Naqvi, UNICEF Chief of Communication for Development.
承诺 协调一致也要求与私营部门、工会、消费者协会和教育机构等合作,提高公众对 于政策协调性的意识,以求得长期 广 泛支持。
Commitment to coherence also entails working with the private sector, trade unions, consumer associations and educational institutions, among others, to raise public awareness for policy coherence to sustain broader support.
[...] 是关于继续就一般防范措施进行工作的决定,以保证 得长 期 的效果,以及关于 通过援助受害者的行动纲领的决定。
The European Union also welcomed the decisions taken by the States parties to Protocol V concerning, in particular, the pursuit
of work on generic preventive measures,
[...] which guaranteed longer-term effects, and [...]
the adoption of a plan of action on victim assistance.
联合王国政 府外交和联邦事务部和国际发展部共同作出评估,认为这些里程碑主要是:领土 的新宪法;新法令,包括作出如下规定的法令:(a) 选举进程和政党条例;(b) 公共生活中的廉正和问责;(c) 公共财政管理;2013 年 3 月终了财政年度财政盈 余;公务员制度改革得长足进展。
The Government’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Department for International Development jointly assessed these milestones to be, inter alia, a new constitution for the Territory; new ordinances, including those making provision for: (a) the electoral process and regulation of political parties; (b) integrity and accountability in public life; (c) public financial management; a fiscal surplus in the financial year ending March 2013; and substantial progress in the reform of the public service.




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