

单词 长幼

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

虽然国家所承担的社会保护责任更多,但 家庭仍在行使着诸多的社会保护功能,如照料家庭中 长幼 成 员
Although the State has assumed greater responsibility for social protection, families continue to provide many social protection functions, such as caring for the young and older family members.
Fledgling numbers increased with the age of both male and female parents up to eight years of age.
各代表团强调致力于建设包容性社会,让 所有人,无长幼,都可以不受歧视的行使和享有基本权利和自由。
Delegations emphasized their commitment to building inclusive societies where all individuals, regardless of age, can exercise and enjoy their fundamental rights and freedoms without discrimination.
有关长在幼儿园或学校的协作情况请向班主任老师 或校领导了解。
You can find out more about parental involvement in your child's school from the class teacher or headmaster or headmistress.
长从幼稚园 领孩子时,条码标签便可用于辨认孩子的家长。
When parents pick up their kid from the Kindergarten, barcode labels [...]
are used to match a kid to their parents.
人一生中的各种仪式(出生、成长、结婚、离婚和殯葬等仪式),游戏和体 育活动,亲族关系与亲族关系的仪式,定居模式,烹调技术,确定身份长 幼尊卑 的仪式,有关四季的仪式,不同性别的社会习俗,打猎、捕鱼和收获 习俗,源于地名的姓名和源于父名的姓名,丝绸文化和工艺(生产 [纺织 ]、 缝纫、染色、图案设计),木雕,纺织品,人体艺术(纹身、穿孔、人体绘 画)。
Life-cycle rituals – birth; rites of passage; wedding, divorce and funerary rituals; games and sports; kinship and ritual kinship ceremonies; settlement patterns; culinary arts; designation of status and prestige ceremonies; seasonal ceremonies; gender-specific social practices; practices relating to hunting, fishing and gathering; geonymic and patronymic nomenclature; silk culture and crafts (production [fabrication], sewing, dyeing, cloth designs); wood carving; textiles; body-art (tattooing, piercing, painting).
婚姻不可在至少有一方已经结婚的两人之间、直接亲 长幼 之 间、兄弟姐 妹之间、同父异母或同母异父兄弟姐妹之间、养父母和养子女之间、同一人收养 [...]
的子女之间以及至少有一方因为有限的实际行为能力而一直受到监护的两人之间 缔结(该法第 4 节第 1-3 条)。
A marriage may not be contracted between persons of whom at least one is already married,
[...] between direct ascendants and descendants, [...]
brothers and sisters,
half-brothers and half-sisters, adoptive parents and adopted children, or between children adopted by the same person, and between persons of whom at least one has been placed under guardianship due to his or her restricted active legal capacity (§ 4 clause 1–3 of the Act).
重视营养问题的突出表现包括由于美国政府和爱尔兰政府发起的千日倡 议,该倡议支持《增强营养框架》和秘 长 的 全球 妇 幼 健 康 战略。
The attention to nutrition prominently included the launch of the 1,000 Days initiative by the Governments of the United States and Ireland,
supporting the Scaling Up Nutrition
[...] framework and the Secretary-General’s Global Strategy on Women’s and Children’s Health.
长牙时, 幼儿会觉得牙龈很痒, 而喜欢咬东西, 可以给他们没有尖锐陵角的固齿 器。
Give them a teething ring of hard rubber or plastic, but without sharp edges.
据妇女、儿童及青少年事务部(Ministry of Women, Children and Youth Affairs)称,跨国收养儿童数量的快速 长 已 促使 托 幼 机 构 激增。
According to the Ministry of Women, Children and Youth Affairs, the rapid increase in inter-country adoptions has spawned a proliferation of child care institutions.
Guided by a core Early Childhood
[...] Education (ECE) curriculum element of parental involvement, [...]
Ms. Aimee and Ms. Ren looked
for avenues to include parents in this character education being taught to students.
在欧洲,毒品和犯罪问题办公室和 小组其他成员支持欧洲委员会制定 2010 年 11 月 17 日通过的《欧洲委员会长 委员会爱幼型司法准则》5 。
In Europe, UNODC and other members of the Panel supported the Council of Europe in the development
of the guidelines of the
[...] Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on child-friendly justice5 [...]
adopted on 17 November 2010.
编制为处境危险的婴幼儿而设计的培训材料/模块: 鉴于处境危险的婴幼儿包括受到艾滋病蔓延影响的婴儿的人数在不断 长 , 以 及 幼 小 的 流 浪儿童越来越多,“生活价值观”将与教科文组织和其他合作者一起,在 2001 年期间设 计一些初步的培训材料/模块,供流浪儿童和为他们工作的人员以及为感染艾滋病的婴幼 儿工作的人员使用。
In response to the growing number of young children at risk, of younger children affected by the spread of AIDS but also the increasing number of younger street children, Living Values, in cooperation with UNESCO and other partners, will design during 2001 some draft materials/modules to use with young street children and those who work with them, and also for working with young children affected by AIDS.
根状茎匍匐,有时分开,具长柔毛; 节间 3-6 * 2-6 毫米叶全部基生; 宽的托叶或者非常宽卵形, 3-5 * 3-6 毫米,流苏状; 叶柄2-11厘米,密长柔毛; 幼时叶 片两面具紫色红色的脉,圆形或扁球形或肾形, 2.5-6 * 3.4-8 厘米,草质或者厚草质, 背面具长柔毛在脉上,正面稀疏长硬长,基部6-8脉,小脉不明显,第三脉随机网状,基部心形,边缘细齿和长缘毛,不具明显先端。
Leaves all basal; stipules broadly or
[...] very broadly ovate, 3-5 × 3-6 mm, fimbriate; petiole 2-11 cm, densely villous; blade with veins purple-red on both surfaces when young, [...]
oblate-orbicular or
reniform, 2.5-6 × 3.4-8 cm, herbaceous or thickly so, abaxially villous on veins, adaxially sparsely long-hirsute, basally 6-8-veined, smaller veins obscure, tertiary veins randomly reticulate, base cordate, margin denticulate and long-ciliate, without a distinct apex.
克罗地亚在 20 个幼鱼生长地点 禁止捕捞活动,并在其大部分领 水内禁止某些形式的商业捕捞。
In Croatia, fishing activities were banned in 20 nursery areas and some forms of commercial fishing were prohibited in larger parts of its territorial waters.
ACC是一种个人意外险,只要你身在纽西兰,无论是工作者还是旅客,无论你 幼 、 年 少、 长 , 就 能享有这样的福利。
As long as you are in New Zealand, regardless whether you are a businessman, traveler, jobless, employee, young or old, you are eligible to make claims from ACC.
除了为新幼犬提供最佳的营养之外,安排定期看宠物医生也是保 幼 犬 长 期 健康快乐的关键。
In addition to providing your new puppy optimum nutrition, scheduling regular visits to the veterinarian is the key to his enduring health and happiness.
在国家一级,产妇保健专题基金对联合国秘 长 的 《 全球 幼 健 康战略》和 保健 4+机构(人口基金、儿童基金会、世卫组织、世界银行和艾滋病规划署)为了 加快在实现千年发展目标 4、5 和 6 方面的进展而作出的重大联合努力也作出贡 献。
At the country level, the MHTF contributes to the large joint effort by the United Nations Secretary-General’s Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health and the Health 4+ (H4+) (UNFPA, UNICEF, WHO, the World Bank and UNAIDS) to accelerate progress towards MDGs 4, 5 and 6.
在为社区中的新生幼猫寻找领养机会时,需要 幼 猫 长 到 六 到八周大的时候把它们带出 来,以免错过与人交往的最好时机。
When seeking adoption opportunities for kittens, they will need to be brought in at six to eight weeks of age in order not to miss the best time for socialising with people.
经社会了解到太平洋小岛屿国家为保护生物多样性和维系生态系统服 务能力而出台的各种举措,诸如太平洋最大的海洋保护区——基里巴斯的菲 尼克斯群岛保护区、以及涵盖亚太区域若干国家的珊瑚礁三角区倡议——这
[...] 一地区拥有世界最大面积的红树林,提供了金枪鱼和其他全球重要鱼种产卵幼体生长的重要区域。
The Commission was informed of initiatives that were being undertaken by Pacific island developing countries to protect biodiversity and the maintenance of ecosystem services, such as the Phoenix Islands Protected Area in Kiribati, the largest marine protected area in the Pacific Ocean, and the Coral Triangle Initiative, which covered a number of countries in the Asia-Pacific region, included the greatest extent of mangrove forests
in the world and provided a critical
[...] spawning and juvenile growth area for tuna and [...]
other globally significant fish species.
2000 年,儿童权利委员会关切地注意到,童工是一种普遍的现象,而儿 童可能幼年起就长时间工作。
In 2000, CRC was concerned that child labour was widespread and that
[...] children might be working long hours at young ages.
最不发达国家在人的能力发展方面的努力受到以下各方面的影响:贫穷率 高、失业现象严重、人口长率高 、卫生和营养结果差(反映于 幼 发 病率和死 亡率高),以及营养不良的沉重负担;传染性疾病的流行,包括艾滋病毒/艾滋病、 [...]
Efforts at development of human capacities in least developed countries have been affected by high incidence of poverty,
mass unemployment,
[...] high population growth rates, poor health and nutrition outcomes, as evidenced by high child and maternal [...]
morbidity and mortality
rates and the high burden of undernutrition, the prevalence of communicable diseases, including HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and polio, and the growing burden of non-communicable diseases.
教科文组织在促进基础教育计划幼 儿 及 家 长 教 育 方面的活动通过散发幼儿教育方面 的信息与数据,扩大各地区的合作和预算外资金支持,以及巩固各地区的机构间合作,而得 以加强。
UNESCO’s activities in promoting early childhood and parent education as part of basic education programmes were reinforced through disseminating information and data on early childhood education, expanding partnerships and extrabudgetary support and consolidating interagency cooperation in all regions.
上述结果表明:高剂量的VE降低了中华 幼 鳖 的 生 长 和 血 清皮质醇的含量;在一定剂量范围内,肝脏VE随着饲料中VE含量的增加而升高[动物学报 [...]
These results suggest that high doses
[...] of vitamin E reduce growth rates and serum cortisol [...]
levels in juvenile soft shelled
turtles, and that liver vitamin E increases with increasing dietary vitamin E within certain limits[ Acta Zoologica Sinica 49(1):40-44,2003].
为确保所有用于为残疾人服务的设施和方案受到独立当局的 有效监测而采取的措施
尽管针对所谓的“弱势群体”所开展的与残疾事务相关的 活动仍主要遵循纵横贯穿的工作原则,但是也应看到通
[...] 过经济财政部的“营养共同方案”这一战略方案所取得的 进步,这一方案将人类发展与自妊娠期就开始的亲子保 健和幼儿的健康长联系在了一起。
Measures taken to ensure that all services and programmes designed to serve persons with disabilities are effectively monitored by independent authorities Although the cross-cutting approach (under which persons with disabilities are included within the sector of the population classified as “vulnerable”) is still the preferred means of addressing these issues, noteworthy progress has been made by the strategic “Articulación Nutricional” (food network) Programme of the Ministry of Economic
Affairs and Finance, which links human development
[...] with children’s healthy growth and the health of mothers [...]
during pregnancy.
自2011年讲座开设以来,美国晨晖儿童治疗中心负责人理卢幼慈(Professor Norma Y.
Leben)教授,国际多元智能学会常务董事Julie Viens,香港明德儿童启育中心专业理疗师柏安妮(Ann
[...] Bridgewater),新加坡国际学幼儿园 园 长 J o a nn e Tsang女士,中国音协奥尔夫专业委员会幼教中心主任曹利等多位海内外权威儿童教育专家应邀出席,对家长们最关注的问题进行了讲解,并在讲座现场针对家长提出的疑问给予了专业的建议和最实用的指导,从而帮助家长朋友们运用更科学的方法培育孩子,让孩子们拥有最好的未来。
Since the inception Ivy Schools Distinguished Speaker Series in 2011, many outstanding and authoritative early childhood educators around the world, such as Professor Norma Y. Leben,
the founder of US Morning Glory Treatment
[...] Center; Ms. Julie Viens, the managing partner [...]
of MI Institute; Ms. Ann Bridgewater,
an occupational therapist from Hong Kong’s Child Development Centre; Ms. Joanne Tsang, the Head of Preparatory Years Department at the Singapore International School in Hong Kong; Ms. Li Cao, all delivered informative sessions.
筹备了一年多的首届亚欧照明展于2011年8月5日在新疆国际会展心6号馆隆重召开,出席的嘉宾代表分别是:吉尔吉斯斯坦比什凯克市副市长秋舍姆比耶夫先生、中国照明学会理事长王锦燧先生、商务厅副厅长李建杰先生、建设厅副巡视员杨开俭女士、市商务局局长张峻祥先生、深圳LED产业联合会会长眭世荣先生、深圳科工贸委 幼 林 处 长。
Prepared for one year, ‘Eurasia Lighting Exhibition’ was held in No.6 hall of Xinjiang Expo Center on 5th August, 2011, the attending guest representatives are respectively: Mr. Diushembiev Bakytbek , the vice president of Bishkek City, the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Mr. Wang Jinsui the chairman of the Chinese Illuminating Engineering Society, Mr. Li jianjie, the vice head of Department of Commerce of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Ms. Yang Kaijian, the Vice Inspector of Department of Housing and Urban and Rural Construction of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,Mr. Zhang junxiang, the director of Department of Commerce of Urumqi City, Mr. Xu Shirong, the
president of Shenzhen Municipal LED Industry
[...] Association, Ms. Li youlin, the vice president [...]
of Shenzhen Science Industry Trade Information Commission.
( 服务六岁以下儿童) 提供,暂幼儿服务和长时间 服务则由部 分日幼儿中 心及幼稚园暨幼儿中心提供,以支援因重要或突发事宜短暂时间内 未能照顾子女的家长。
Occasional child care
[...] service and extended hours service are provided at some CCCs and KGs-cum-CCCs to support [...]
parents who are
unable to take care of their children temporarily because of important or sudden engagements on an occasional basis.




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