

单词 长夜



endless night (idiom); fig. long suffering


endless night (idiom); fig. long suffering


long years of oppression [idiom.]
lit. many nights under a harsh moon


the winter days are short and the nights long [idiom.]

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

Those late nights of study made me appreciate [...]
so much the sacrifices of my parents and strengthened my resolve to be worthy of their love and efforts.
有些节日是在充满迷人的值得参观饱览的异国情调,如午夜的太阳、极 长夜 或 壮 观的自然景色的背景下举办。
Some of the events have exotic backdrops like
[...] the midnight sun, the polar night or magnificent [...]
natural surroundings.
宾客可以在旅舍的BBQ野餐区及娱乐区休闲地度过马尔堡峡湾夏季 长 的 夜 晚。
Guests can enjoy
[...] spending the long Marlborough [...]
Sounds summer evenings in the YHA Havelock hostel’s BBQ picnic and recreational area.
聆听果鸠如男高音一般的歌声、斑园丁鸟难以忘怀的呼唤声,以 长 尾 夜 鹰 像青蛙般的叫声。
Listen for the tenor-like song of the wompoo fruit-dove, the haunting call of the spotted catbird and the
[...] Kermit croak of the large-tailed nightjar.
那些(只,谁)都知道,婆罗门圣日,的确,结束后(完成)1000年龄(神)和他的夜晚,只要持续,(是真的)与(男子熟悉 长 度 ) 昼 夜。
Those (only, who) know that the holy day of Brahman, indeed, ends after (the completion of) one
thousand ages (of the gods) and that his night
[...] lasts as long, (are really) men acquainted with (the length of) days and nights.
经历长一夜…需 要振奋一下…清醒你的头脑…来一场排毒…减去多余重量…穿上合身的比基尼…无论你正在做什么,这里都有你要的答案 [...]
– M健康轻食午餐。
Had a hard night … need a boost [...]
… clearing your head … doing a detox … shedding those pounds … getting into that bikini
… whatever you’re doing, we’ve got the answer for you – M’s Light + Healthy Luncheon.
年,劳工组织专家委员会注意到,根据2004 年儿童基金会莱索托童工
[...] 调查――分析报告,放牧被认为是最恶劣形式的童工,它使男孩无法上学,工作 时长且夜间也 要工作,工作地点偏僻,还要常常面临极端的天气状况。
In 2008, the ILO Committee of Experts noted that, according to the UNICEF Lesotho Child Labour Survey – Analytical Report in 2004, herding was considered the worst form of child labour because it often prevented the boys involved from attending school, involves long hours and night work, and exposed the children to extreme weather conditions in isolated
areas.57 In 2001, CRC also noted with concern
[...] the high and increasing number of children, [...]
especially boys, employed as animal
herders, as well the number of children working in potentially dangerous conditions.
像是穿着尖锐装饰的吸血鬼在那个 长 的 夜 晚 在 Dirty bombs的音乐背景下呼应朋克风。
With sharp chocker to be
[...] vampires in that long night where echo the [...]
punk notes of a soundtrack entrusted to Dirty bombs.
还禁止雇用未成年人从事搬举和移动重物、从 长 时 间 工作 夜 间 工 作和其 性质可能有害于此类工作者道德的工作。
It is also prohibited to employ children for
work involving lifting and moving
[...] heavy loads, long working hours, night work and work which [...]
by its nature could be harmful
to the morals of this category of workers.
[...] 刑,与外界没有任何联系,遭到的虐待包括拳打脚踢,脱光衣服,背 部遭到木棒重击长达三天三夜处于 强制体位。
He also stated that he was tortured for a month without any contact with the external world, and that the ill-treatment included punching, beating,
kicking, stripping, being hit in the back with wooden sticks, and stress
[...] positions for up to three days and three nights.
没想到,是有的,但是要付费!我只好把电脑塞好,然后找个风水极佳 长 凳 睡 一 夜。
I put my laptop away, and scouted for the best bench to be my bed tonight.
如果长期关闭或夜,则一定要在活塞柱上流体干涸 前冲洗泵。
For a longer shutdown, or overnight, always flush [...]
the pump before the fluid dries on the displacement rod.
1月初在哈尔斯塔举办的“伊利奥斯”(ILIOS)现代音乐节,是为了欢庆在 长 的 极地 之 夜 结 束 后太阳回归的盛会。
The ILIOS Contemporary Music Festival in Harstad is held at the end of January to
[...] mark the sun’s return after the long polar night.
六艘船上的船员和乘客在最初联络过后的 长 时 间 ,23 时至夜之间 ,或 者靠目力,或者通过船舶间对讲机,显然意识到以色列海军舰艇的存在。
The crew and passengers of the six vessels became visually aware of the presence of Israeli naval vessels some time
after the initial communications,
[...] between 2300 hours and midnight, both through sightings [...]
and two-way radio communication between the vessels.
我们都知道这是多么的疯狂!通过我们,以及我们对那里 长 期 了 解—宾馆 夜 店 , SBM 以及规则—他们会马上和一些专属而又熟悉的人社交起来。
Through us, and our longstanding relationships there – with hotels, nightclubs, SBM, the Principality [...]
– they are instantly
dialed into a heady social mix of people that is familiar yet exclusive.
鉴于目前的安全局势阻长途和夜间 驾 驶,已裁撤 6 个驾驶员(本国一般事 务人员)的职位:1 个从特派团总部(法希尔)的电台股;2 个从特派团总部(法希尔) 的网络和制图股;2 个从北区(法希尔)电台股;以及 [...]
1 个从西区(杰奈纳)电台股。
Given the current security situation, which
constitutes an
[...] impediment driving long distances and after daylight hours, six Driver (national General Service staff) [...]
positions have been
abolished: one from the Radio Unit-mission headquarters (El Fasher), two from the Web and Graphic Design Unit-mission headquarters (El Fasher), two from the Radio Uni-Sector North (El Fasher) and one from the Radio Unit-Sector West (El Geneina).
为了以优异的成绩完成博士学业,您曾在 3 年或更长的时间内, 每周学习 6、7 天,每天不分夜长时间辛勤劳作。
You have spent 3 or more years
[...] often working long days and nights for 6 or 7 days [...]
a week in order to ensure the excellence of your Ph.
同时,妇女每夜 晚要走过长段黑 暗的公共场所返回家中,公共领域没有防范犯罪活动的保护。
Also, women walk through dark public spaces as they
[...] return home late in the day, with no protection against [...]
criminal activities in the public sphere.
热像仪正被广泛应用于安防监控应用,帮助驾驶员和 长 在 漆黑 的 夜 晚 中航行,帮助消防员在熊熊燃烧的建筑物内以及其它许多有用的、有时甚至是拯救生命的应用中定位搜查受害人员。
Thermal imaging cameras are being used for security and
surveillance applications, to
[...] help drivers and captains navigate in the darkest of nights, help firefighters [...]
locate people in burning
buildings and many other useful and sometimes even life-saving applications.
在婆罗洲的丛林中研究难以捉摸夜 间 性 活动 长 类 动 物蜂猴的一个国际科学家团队发现了一个全新的物种。
An international team of scientists
[...] studying the elusive nocturnal primate the slow loris [...]
in the jungles of Borneo have discovered an entirely new species.
MHP我 升总裁哈坎尔,省宗教领袖哈桑·奇纳尔,有组织肖卡特Katırcıoğlu,省主任,主任,省教育Celalettin叶根吉公共卫生博士的董事局主席志愿者Ozturk,省总理事会主席Erdal雅科契依特,波市 长 S ı tk ıERAT,省,秘 长 阿 里 Nebol,GESI AD 隔 夜 主 席 穆斯塔法荣誉和其他成员站在自己的地方,在协议中。
MHP i l President Hakan Er, Provincial Mufti Hasan Cinar, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Organized Shaukat Katırcıoğlu, the Provincial Director of Education Celalettin Ekinci, the Provincial Director of Public Health Dr. Volunteer Ozturk, Provincial General Council Chairman Erdal Koçyiğit, Bor
Mayor Sıtkı Erat,
[...] Provincial, Secretary General Ali Nebol, GESIAD overnight Chairman Mustafa honor and other members [...]
took their places in the protocol.
Make use of it and go hiking, canoeing, fishing or play a round of golf in the wee hours.
他们演示夜晚如何在牢房地板上躺 下;他们像罐头沙丁鱼一样挤在一起。
They demonstrated how they lay down on the
[...] cell floor at night; they were packed [...]
together like sardines in a tin.
亨特•汤普森(Hunter S. Thompson)在《朗姆酒日记》(The Rum Diaries)中恰如其分地描述了此情景:“圣胡安夜晚之声,湿热的空气侵入,整个城市变得如蒸笼一般;生活和运动之声,人们不断努力、放弃再努力;希望之声、人们背后的声音;时钟的安静而急促滴答声,时间划过 长 的 加 勒比 夜 晚 的 孤独之声。
Or as Hunter S. Thompson so aptly described things in “The Rum Diaries”, “Sounds of a San Jean night, drifting across the city through layers of humid air; sounds of life and movement, people getting ready and people giving up, the sound of hope and the sound of hanging on and behind them all, the quiet, deadly ticking of a thousand hungry clocks, the lonely sound of time passing in long Caribbean nigh.
文绮华表示,台湾一直是澳门第三大客源市场,去年入境澳门的台湾旅客总人数达107万多人次,相较往年下降,然而令人欣喜的是,台湾在澳门过夜的旅客数每年都呈现持续的 长 , 2012年在澳门 夜 的 台 湾旅客 长 了 百分之2.6,且 夜 旅 客 占台湾整体入境旅客的比例也较2011年增加了5个百分点,说明澳门在台湾旅客心中已经逐渐转型为旅游地点,而非过境转运站,这也是澳门特区政府旅游局长期以来努力的目标。
The proportion of Taiwanese visitors to overall overnight-stay visitors increased year-on-year by 5% in 2012, suggesting that Macau has gradually transformed from a transit station into a tourist destination in the Taiwanese's perspective, a goal MGTO has long strived to reach.
通过其他设置夜间优化:关、长 曝 光 时间:1/1s、最小平均亮度:关、曝光程序 +2),可在低照度下生成曝光足量的明亮图像,只是较长的曝光时间会导致移动对象的图像模糊。
The other settings (Night Improvement: Off, maximum exposure [...]
time: 1/1s, minimum average brightness Off and the image program
+2) allow generating sufficiently bright images for as long as possible; even though the longer exposure times may lead to moving objects that are blurred.
第六.LCD拼接屏的结构,我们都知道,一台完整的液晶拼接幕墙是由多个拼接单元以m×n的形式拼接而成的,在众多的应用场合中,都是需要无 夜长 时 间 不停的运转工作,这就要求液晶拼接屏具有较强的稳定性和可靠性。
LCD splicing screen structure, as we all know, a complete LCD splicing curtain wall is made of multiple splicing unit in the form of m * n
patchwork, in numerous applications,
[...] is need a long time keep running day and night work, which requires [...]
the LCD splicing screen
has strong stability and reliability.
這些措施包括僱主在工作編排方面應注意的事 項;員工在結夜間輪 值工作後,應營造有助睡眠的環境,盡快 在黑暗及安靜的環境中睡眠,以及僱員應避免睡眠前飲用咖啡、 茶或含酒精的飲品等。
These include, for instance, measures to which employers should pay attention in arranging work; the advice that employees should sleep in a dark and quiet environment as soon as possible after night shift work to create a favourable environment for sleeping; and that employees should avoid drinking coffee, tea or alcoholic beverages before sleep.
联合行动中心负责:(a) 发挥联络中心的作用,确保政府和联合国国家工作 队能够适当利用稳定团的资产和资源进行重建活动;促进各项旨在加强国家能力 的活动,例如支持重要访问和方案的发起;(b) 通过每日局势报告和夜行动 检 测中心的行动紧急时间报告交流信息,促进联合国系统对海地状况的了解;(c) 协调稳定团危机管理中心,使稳定团高级管理层能够作出知情决定,妥善利用稳 定团资源应对自然灾害或其他重大危机事件。
The Centre is responsible for: (a) providing a focal point that ensures that the Government and the United Nations country team have appropriate access to the Mission’s assets and resources for reconstruction activities and enabling activities that strengthen Government capacity, such as support for high-profile visits and programme launches; (b) facilitating situational awareness within the United Nations system in Haiti through operational information shared in daily situation reports and emergency incident reporting made possible by a round-the-clock operations monitoring centre; and (c) coordinating the Mission’s crisis management centre, facilitating informed decisions by MINUSTAH senior management on the use of Mission resources in response to natural disasters or other significant crisis events.




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