

单词 长假期

See also:


long vacation
refers one week national holiday in PRC starting 1st May and 1st Oct


long term
long time
long range (of a forecast)

长期 adj

long-standing adj
permanent adj

External sources (not reviewed)

针对即将来临的5.1长假期,澳门特区政府旅游局印制单张方便旅客在 5 . 1 长假期 掌 握食肆营业讯息,并发送手机短讯予内地旅客,加强旅游讯息通报。
In response to the upcoming May 1st long holidays, Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) has produced pamphlets [...]
as a food guide for visitors
to obtain local restaurants' operation information during the May 1st long holidays.
此外,震后 初期工作人员活动减少,因为出于人身 安全和安保考虑,工作人员要么被强制 临时调动、长假期、被安置在后勤基 地,要么则留在各自的办公地点及后来 作为员工宿舍的订约停泊船只上
In addition, there were fewer movements of staff immediately after the earthquake as staff were either on mandatory temporary relocation, extended leave, housed in the Logistics Base or their respective office locations owing to safety and security concerns, and on the moored vessel later contracted for staff accommodation
旅游局预计,春长假期的入 境旅客较多,政府各有关部门已积极准备和部署,加上各个旅游接待单位和相关行业的配合,冀整 长假期 的 旅 游接待工作顺利进行。
All related governmental departments have
actively prepared and planned for
[...] it. With coordination by various hospitality entities and related trade partners, it is anticipated that tourism hospitality work will be smoothly operated throughout the long holidays.
环境 署在使用精算估值办法计假期负 债时,依据的假设是 假 是 一 项 长期 福 利
UNEP has applied the actuarial valuation method to the
[...] leave liability based on the assumption that annual leave is a long-term benefit.
秘书处的代表解释说,雇用临时人员或顾问在很多情况下是工 作人员长假、临时应对工作高期 、 实施某些项目,或因缺少特殊人才或这类人才不足之 所需。
The representative of the Secretariat explained that hiring of temporary assistance or consultants was in many cases necessary in
order to replace
[...] staff members who were on longterm leave, to cope temporarily with [...]
a peak workload, to implement certain special
projects, or to cover absence or insufficiency of particular expertise.
文职人员项下开支节余 939 100 美元,主要是因为美元兑欧元实际汇率与预 算所列汇率相比出现了有利的变化,致使本国工作人员(924 200
美元)所需资源 减少,而空缺率低于预算,以及将本国临时职位工作人员的薪金税计入此支出项
[...] 下,部分抵消了减少额; 一般临时人员(449 300 美元)支出节余主要是因为实际 空缺率为 19%,比 5%的预算空缺率高,并且本国临时职位工作人员的薪金税被计 入本国工作人员支出项下,考虑到 假 、 长期 病 假 、 顶 替有临时安排的本国工作 人员以及其他短期需求,做出了一些临时安排,这方面的费用部分抵消了减少额。
Underexpenditures of $939,100 under civilian personnel are attributable mainly to national staff ($924,200) owing to the favourable movement in the actual exchange rate compared with the budgeted exchange rate of the United States dollar against the euro, offset in part by the lower than budgeted vacancy rate and the recording of staff assessments for national temporary positions under this class of expenditure; general temporary assistance ($449,300), attributable mainly to the higher actual vacancy rate of 19 per cent as compared with the budgeted rate of 5 per cent, as well
as recording of staff
[...] assessments for national temporary positions under national staff, offset in part by the cost of temporary arrangements in view of maternity leave, long-term [...]
sick leave, replacement
of national staff on temporary assignment and other short-term requirements.
在这方面,委员会重申对灵活解释一般临时人 员批款使用准则感到关切,因为该批款的目的是用于临时替补 长期 病 假 或 产假 的工作人员或在工作量高峰期雇用更多工作人员,而不是为具有连续性质的、事 实上的经常预算员额提供经费(除其他外,见 A/50/7/Add.2)。
In this connection, the Committee reiterates its concern about the flexible interpretation of the guidelines
for the use of funds
[...] appropriated for general temporary assistance, which are intended to be used for the temporary replacement of staff on extended sick leave or maternity [...]
leave or the engagement of additional
staff during peak workload periods, and not to finance de facto regular budget posts that are of a continuing nature (see, inter alia, A/50/7/Add.2).
(a) 如果我暂时请假(比如产假/育婴假、 假 、 长期 服 务 假和休假)会如何?
What happens if I go on temporary leave (e.g. maternity/parental
[...] leave, sick leave, long-service leave and [...]
然而,2003 年后,由于实施了旨在支助有子女家庭的新方案(例如:新生儿 补贴,育儿补偿,为假期间返回工作岗位的母亲/父亲发放奖金,新生儿用 品,家庭额外补助,单亲家庭支助补贴),这对女性雇员产生了积极影响,尤其 是在城市地区,子女数量明显长。
However, after 2003, because of the new programs aimed at supporting families with children (for example: the new-born allowance, the child raising indemnity and the bonus for the mother/father who returns to the labour field although being in
child raising
[...] leave, the new-born trousseau, the additional family allowance and the support allowance for the single parent family), positive effects among the women employees and an increase of number of children can be noticed, mainly in the urban area.
支出上升原因主要為員工人數 增加和薪金調整,以及為表現花紅 假期 補 償 金和長期獎勵作出準備。
The increase was due mainly to an
increase in headcount and salary revisions, and provisions for performance
[...] bonus, leave compensation and long-term incentives.
该协 会 承认在工作场 所对产 妇保护的改善, 但 说 ,假 只 有 8 个期; 阿联酋 应确 保外国工人也有同长的产假,并在整个酋长国统一 立法。
It acknowledged
[...] improvements in maternity protection at work, but said paid leave is only 8 weeks; the UAE should ensure foreign workers are granted the same length, also harmonizing legislation throughout the Emirates.
这些负债是根据每名工作 人员在工作人员细则允许的最多天数以内的个人积 假期 天 数和最新的薪金计 算出来的。
The liability was calculated by applying accrued leave days, up to the maximum allowed under the staff rules, to the latest salary for each staff member.
同时,还可根据《劳动法》第 121
[...] 条,集体协议、集体或个人就业合同, 规定可享受补充带薪年假的其他各类雇员以及《劳动法》规定之外的其 假期长 度(更长)。
At the same time, according to article 121 of the Labour Code, collective agreements, collective or individual employment contracts may provide other types of employees which receive
supplementary annual paid leave, as
[...] well as other leave periods (which are longer) than those [...]
provided for in the Code.
[...] 非现金报酬部分的确定和量化应包括那些归为社会福利的报酬,如国家公务员系 统提供的健康保险、假、长期失业 救济金、儿童保育和国家养恤金/社会保障 [...]
FICSA further suggested that the identification and quantification of cash and non-cash compensation elements should include those characterized as
social welfare, such as health insurance,
[...] parental leave, extended unemployment benefits, [...]
childcare, and national pension/social
security, provided by national civil services, which would produce a more comprehensive and accurate picture.
政府規管離職公務員從事外間工作的政策,旨在確保公務員在離職 前假期間或離職後,不會在政府以外從事可能與其過往政府職務有實 際或潛在利益衝突,或引起公眾負面看法致令政府尷尬及影響公務員形 象的工作,同時不過分約束個別公務員在停止政府職務後就業或從事其 他工作的權利。
The Government’s policy on post-service outside work aims to ensure that civil servants on final leave or who have left the Government will not take up any work outside the Government (referred hereafter as outside work) which may constitute real or potential conflict of interest with their previous government service, or cause negative public perception embarrassing the Government and undermining the image of the civil service, without at the same time unduly restricting the said individuals’ right to pursue employment or other work after ceasing government service.
理事会正在寻求问题的短 期解决办法,但需要找到普遍定期审议资金问题 长期 解 决办法,避免采取临时 措施,因为这有可能损害所有国家待遇平等的原则。
While searching for a solution to the problem in the short term,
the Council needed to
[...] also find a long-term solution to the question of resources for the universal periodic review process [...]
to avoid ad hoc
measures, which risked undermining the principle of equal treatment for all States.
[...] 到一张表(见表八.8.),显示联合国所有租赁房地产的租约到期日、年租金估计 数和面积,并在设施管理处签订 长期 租 约 、基本建设总计划周转空间、设施管 理处租用的基本建设总计划周转空间和设施管理处为“团结”项目租赁的房地产 [...]
In this connection, the Advisory Committee was provided with a table (see table VIII.8) showing the lease expiry, estimated annual rental costs
and square footage of
[...] all United Nations leased properties, distinguishing between longterm leases concluded [...]
by the Facilities
Management Service, capital master plan swing spaces, Facilities Management Service leases in the capital master plan swing spaces and properties leased by Facilities Management Service for the Umoja project.
e) 为所有教育政策和方法提供财政支助,有系统性地侧重于弱势群体(例如土著 人、移民、有特殊需求的人和那些居住在农村地区的人),并确保免费提供这类
[...] 计划或得到我们政府的补贴,同时还有学习鼓励措施,例如奖学金、费用减免和 带薪学假期。
(e) supporting financially a systematic focus on disadvantaged groups (for example indigenous peoples, migrants, people with special needs and those living in rural areas) in all educational polices and approaches, and ensuring that such programmes are provided free of
charge or subsidised by our governments, with incentives for learning such as bursaries, fee
[...] remission and paid study leave.
会议认为,国家自主性对受害者援助相关活动 长期 可 持 续性 至关重要。
It was also recognised that national ownership is
[...] essential to the long-term sustainability [...]
of victim assistance-related activities.
世界应异口同声地谴责在保加利亚的这种野蛮袭击——以度 假 的 家 庭、长和儿童为袭击目标,并立即制止伊朗的恐怖运动。
The world should speak with one voice against this barbaric attack in
Bulgaria, targeting families,
[...] parents and children on their summer vacation — and bring an [...]
immediate halt to Iran’s campaign of terror.
第 12.44 及 12.45 段更特別 指出:假如通知期內遇上法假期, 及 /或因上市發行人指定將代表委任表 格提交到非香港的地址而令中央結算及交收系統 (CCASS) [...]
或託管人將收取 表決指示的限期推前,則投資者未必有足夠時間作出回應。
In particular, as highlighted in paragraphs 12.44 and
12.45 of the CCP,
[...] where statutory holidays fall within the notice period and/or the deadline for receipt [...]
of voting instructions
by Central Clearing and Settlement System (CCASS) or the custodian is earlier than usual because the listed issuer has stipulated an address outside Hong Kong for the lodging of proxies, investors may not have sufficient time to respond.
付款日定 期不可设定为星期六,日及公假期。
The value day can be set on any dates other than
[...] Saturday, Sunday or public holiday.
此外,如上文第 2 段所述,根据大会第 63/266 号 决议,秘长已在他的报告中列入 2010-2011 两期特别 政治任务预算 总额的预测数据,他估计可能高达约 1 148 739 700 美元,比 2010-2011 两年期拟议方案预算中的特别政治任务经费多出 319 811 300 美元(见 A/64/349,第 78 段和附件三)。
Furthermore, as noted in paragraph 2 above,
[...] pursuant to General Assembly resolution 63/266, the Secretary-General has included in his report a projection of the total budget for special political missions for the biennium 2010–2011, [...]
which he estimates
could amount to some $1,148,739,700, or $319,811,300 more than the provision for special political missions in the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010–2011 (see A/64/349, para. 78 and annex III).
提交 人强调他与他的妻子受到的虐待和威胁,此外,他 假期 结 束后没有回去上班, 结果导致对他的政治立场的负面关注。
The author emphasized the ill-treatment and threats that he and his wife were subjected to, and the
fact that he had not returned to
[...] work after the expiration of his holiday leave, which [...]
drew negative attention to his political stand.
[...] 替较快,并强调,必须努力让这些实体作出持续承诺,指派 长期 间 的 借调人员, 从而确保职能的稳定(A/64/7,第二.28 段)。
The Committee has previously noted that some of those posts are subject to a quick turnover and has stressed the importance of making efforts to obtain the sustained commitment of those
entities to provide assignments of
[...] seconded personnel of longer duration, in order to [...]
ensure stability of functions (A/64/7, para. II.28).
其研究结果呼吁对社会科学能力建设进 长期 投 资 , 指出了世界各地研究能力的差距,并确定了一项新的全球议程,以促进社会科学作为推动实 [...]
Its findings call for long-term investment in social [...]
science capacitybuilding and point to disparities in research capacities
in the world and set a new global agenda to promote social sciences as an invaluable tool for the advancement of all Internationally Agreed Development Goals, including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
[...] 年度会议上取得具体成果,但委员会也应制 长期 工 作 计划,以期对《联合 国示范公约》的服务问题进行全面审查(见 [...]
E/2011/45,第 97 段)。
It was agreed that the Committee would start with work on “fees for technical assistance”, with a view to achieving concrete
results for the next annual session, but it
[...] would also have a longer-term plan of work [...]
with a view to a comprehensive review of
services issues for the United Nations Model Convention (see E/2011/45, para. 97).
为了在近期解决多国办事处补充人力资源方面的困难,确保工作人员的能力与其岗位 职责,应发挥的作用和总部、地区办事处、多国/国家办事处及上述机构之间协同完成任务
[...] 的要求相适应,向本国执行局会议提交 长期 人 事 战略(本文件 B 部分),在制定这一战略 [...]
In order to offset the difficulty in filling resource gaps in cluster offices in the near future, and so as to ensure that staff skillsets are in line with the profiles, roles and task-sharing between Headquarters, regional bureaux,
cluster/national offices and institutes referred to
[...] above, the overall long-term staffing strategy [...]
submitted to the Executive Board at
this same session (Part IB of this document) has been elaborated taking into account inter alia the work of the Decentralization Review Task Force.
长期以来,高技术行业占国际贸易的份额持续增加,比起其 他产业类别――如初级产品和中低级技术产品――增长更迅速。6 尽管技术成熟水 平较低的行业扩大出口份额没有高科技产业那样快,但采用更先进的工艺技术, 尤其是在使用信通技术作为通用技术的情况下,也为提高生产率和质量创造机 会。
High-technology industries have enjoyed a sustained increase in the share of international trade for a prolonged period, growing more rapidly than other industrial classes such as primary products and low- and medium-technology products.6 Even though industries at lower levels of technological sophistication have expanded their share of exports less rapidly than high-technology industries, the deployment of more advanced process technologies, particularly when they involve the use of ICTs as general-purpose technologies, also creates opportunities for improving productivity and quality.
比如,对于公务员,假设其公务员年限为 5、10 或 15 年,那么分别 可获提供的补充假长度为 2、4 或 6 个工作日,而对于合同制军事人员,如果 累计服役年限为 15、15 至 20 和 20 年以上,那么可获同类年假的时间长度分别 为 35、40 和 45 天。
For example, public servants are offered supplementary annual leave of 2, 4, or 6 working days if their experience with the public service is above 5, 10 or 15 years, whilst the military that are enrolled by means of contract benefit from similar annual leave with a duration of 35, 40 and 45 calendar days in case they have cumulated 15, from 15 to 20 and above 20 years of service respectively.




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