



英镑 n

pounds pl
pound n


pound sterling

External sources (not reviewed)

我们是金融服务补偿计划的成员,万一公司倒闭,该计划能保障客户首次存入的50,0 00 英 镑 得 到100%的补偿。
We are a member of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme which covers, in the unlikely event of default by the broker, 100% of the first £50,000 deposited by the client.
这一数字包括在观光、购物和 食物方面的消费,以及赋税收入 130 多万镑。
This figure includes spending on tours, shopping, and food, as well as over £1.3 million in the form of taxes and levies.
Clarins presented Anne with a difference-making check of £30,000 for the charity.
由于Ann患病,且是此公益组织的主要募款人员,这一奖项将用于雇用一位专职募款人员,雇佣期限为两年,这一人员首年将负责募集160,0 00 英 镑 , 以 便采购300个癫痫发病警报系统。
Given Ann's illness and the fact that she is currently the charity's main fundraiser, the Award will be allocated to the employment of a full time professional fundraiser for two years, who in year one will be tasked to raise £160,000 to purchase 300 epilepsy alarms.
国际发展部的年度拨款(大约 250 000 英镑)用于 特里斯坦-达库尼亚医疗保 健项目(驻地医生以及一年一次的牙科检查和两年一次的视力检查)和一个规模 不大的培训方案。
The DFID annual allocation (approximately £250,000) funds the health-care project on Tristan da Cunha (resident doctor plus annual dental and biennial optician visits), together with a modest training programme.
费用估计数是根据 2008 年 9 月 1
[...] 日生效的本国薪金表和世界银行 2011 年以 1 507.50 黎巴镑兑 1 美元的 汇率计算出的。
The cost estimates are based on the national salary scales
effective 1 September 2008 and on the 2011 World Bank exchange rate of
[...] 1,507.50 Lebanese pounds per United States dollar.
多伦多证券交易所股票代码:GIB.A)(纽约证券交易所股票代码:GIB)宣布,公司计划以每股普通股105便士(约合1.68加元)的现金或17亿 镑 ( 约 合28亿加元)的总价格收购Logica。
(TSX:GIB.A) (NYSE:GIB), a leading global provider of IT and business process services, has announced a recommended cash acquisition of Logica for 105 pence (C$1.68) per ordinary share
equivalent to a total
[...] purchase price of pound 1.7 billion (C$2.8 billion) plus the assumption of Logica''s net debt of pound 322 million (C$515 [...]
million) as of December 31, 2011.
一旦您找到了感兴趣的物业,并签署了初步的销售合同(销售协议),您将支付£3,000 英镑+增值税作为我们的成功酬金。
Once you have found a property and signed the preliminary sales contract (compromis de vente) you will then be expected to pay a further £3,000 + VAT as our success fee.
自我提出上次 报告以来,联合国和联合王国签署了支助协议,为联合安全委员会秘书处提供 260 000 英镑;为 开始资助海上安全协调办公室提供 150 000 英镑。
Since my last report, the United Nations and the United Kingdom signed agreements for support amounting to £260,000 for the secretariat of the Joint Security Committee and £150,000 to commence funding the maritime security coordination office.
例如,苏丹政府为达尔富尔重建基金分配了金额 为
[...] 6 亿美元的外方资金和 1.34 亿苏镑的本地资金, 以用于重新安置,并确保重返家园者过上稳定和有尊 [...]
The Sudanese Government has for example allocated the sum of $600
million, as a foreign component, and 134
[...] million Sudanese pounds, as a local component, [...]
to the reconstruction fund for Darfur
for resettlement and to ensure stability and a life of dignity for those who return, and also for the implementation of a number of development projects in the region.
[...] 用于开立乙方的账户的货币,可能是英国( 镑 ) 、 欧盟(欧元)、美国(美元) 和瑞士(瑞士法郎)的法定货币,视乎情况而定。
Base Currency the currency used to open your account,
which may be the lawful currency of the
[...] United Kingdom (GBP Sterling), the European [...]
Union (Euros), the United States (United
States Dollars) and Switzerland (CHF Francs), as appropriate.
使用以下货币的客户是我们的主要客户群:美元、加拿大元、日元、韩元、港币、新加坡元、台币、新西兰元、澳元、 镑 、 丹 麦克朗、挪威克朗、瑞典克朗和欧元。
The customer speaks loudest with the US Dollar, Canadian Dollar, Japanese Yen, Korean Won, Hong Kong Dollar, Singapore Dollar,
Taiwan Dollar, New Zealand Dollar,
[...] Australian Dollar, British Pound, Danish Krone, Norwegian [...]
Krone, Swedish Krona, and Euro.
第 3 条--政府的捐助 政府应根据其本国法律和条例采取必要的和适当的措施,依据本协定为在该大学建 立建议的 IHP-HELP 中心提供所需最高可达九十万镑( £900,000)的财政支持。
The Government shall take appropriate measures, in accordance with its laws and regulations, which may be necessary to provide the financial support up to a maximum of NINE HUNDRED THOUSAND POUNDS STERLING (£900,000) that may be required for the setting up of the proposed IHP-HELP Centre at the University as provided for under this Agreement.
在埃镑压力 下降情况下,预期埃及中央银行在 2012 年将进一步提升利率,这 对经济增长可能有不利影响。
With the downward
[...] pressure on the Egyptian pound, it is expected that [...]
the Central Bank of Egypt will raise interest rates
further in 2012, which might have a detrimental effect on economic growth.
该价格应每吨以美元表示,并且每吨以欧 元、镑及特别提款权表示。
This price shall be expressed in United States dollars per tonne as well
[...] as in Euros, Pounds Sterling and [...]
Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) per tonne.
埃及国家货币埃镑则没 有经历如此大的修正,在2%左右,部分原因在于该国中央银行的 [...]
The Egyptian pound has not endured [...]
such a drastic correction, around 2%, partly because it is tightly managed by the Central
Bank, and especially because of market activity has been severely restrained since the turmoil began.
1994 年环境法第 88
[...] 条规定:“违反本法第 29 条规定的,处以至少 5 年监禁 以及不低于 20 000 并最多至 40 000 埃镑的罚款”。
Article 88 of the Environment Act of 1994 provides that the penalty for any violation of the provisions of article 29 of the Act shall be a term of imprisonment
of not less than five years and a fine of not less than
[...] 20,000 Egyptian pounds and not more than 40,000 Egyptian pounds.
(c) 经费事宜:政府同意在今后的五年中,采取在邓迪大学建立拟建立的 IHP-HELP
[...] 中心所需的一切必要措施,包括捐助 900,000 英镑(苏格兰行政院、企业和终身 学习部第一副部长和部长 [...]
2005 年 3 月 2 日的信函,可查阅)。
(c) Financial matters: The Government agrees to take, in the course of the next five years, all appropriate measures that may be required for the setting up of the proposed IHPHELP
Centre at the University, including the
[...] contribution of up to GBP 900,000 (letter [...]
from the Scottish Executive, Deputy First
Minister and Minister for Enterprise and Lifelong Learning, 2 March 2005, available upon request).
这些努力创建了联合王国的一个产业供应链,有许 多不同的产品、服务和专长,年营业额超过 160 亿镑,在联合王国直接或间接 支持 40 多万人。
These efforts have created a United Kingdom industry supply chain with a substantial range of products, services and expertise, generating an annual turnover of over £16 billion and supporting directly or indirectly more than 400,000 people in the United Kingdom.
在本财政年度,欧元兑美元的汇率从 1.58 美元降至
[...] 1.32 美元,下跌 16.3%,镑兑美元的汇率从 1.98 美元降至 [...]
1.43 美元,下跌 28.0%。
During the fiscal year, the euro weakened 16.3 per cent versus the
United States dollar, to $1.32 from $1.58,
[...] and the British pound weakened 28.0 [...]
per cent against the United States dollar, to $1.43 from $1.98.
我们希望吸引尽可能多的通过网站尽可能的全新成员,我们有一个新的成员只在网上选择下载当前的(和过去的)通讯,并形成这些最新通讯通过电子邮件接收文章,尽快,因为他们成为可用本次认购 镑 的 费 用每年10(不包含会议的折扣),但不提供这些新成员邮递英国印刷通讯。
We hope to attract as many as possible entirely new Members via the website, and we have a new, Online-Only membership option to download current (and past) Newsletters, and receive Articles forming these Newletters by email, as soon as they become available, and this subscription costs £10 per annum (this includes no rights to Conference discounts) but not to offer these new Members postal delivery of printed UK Newsletters.
如果标普500 或者原油的成交量接近黄金或者镑 的 成 交量时,我们将认为这是热门产品,有很大可能会引入权威机构对相关产品的分析研究报告至日评、周评。
Provided that S&P500 or crude oil turnover is close to that of gold
[...] or Great British Pound (GBP), we would [...]
consider they are hot products and will probably
introduce relevant analysis and reports from authoritative organizations to the daily commentaries and weekly reviews.
在到期日之前,有在市场的预期,投资者缴付保费购买股票在一定的数值​​,如一些人所提供给他 镑 3 . 0 00 ,00高土地价格的可能性。
Before the expiration date, there are expectations in the market that investors are paying
premiums to buy shares at a certain value, as some have offered him £ 3.000,00 the
[...] possibility of the high price of land.
同样,镑于 2 009 年 8 月 5 日上升到兑换 1.70 美元的高位,后来由于对选举结果的忧虑日益增加 而于 11 月开始下降趋势,2010 年 3 月 31 日降至 1 英镑兑换 1.52 美元。
Similarly, the British pound rose against the United States dollar to a high of $1.70 on 5 August and started a declining trend in November, with increasing worries about the outcome of the election, to $1.52 by [...]
31 March 2010.
我们介绍的租户或占用人仍占用物业的全部时间(初始租期为六个月或以上),Home House Estates 标准出租服务费用为租赁协议条款下应支付的总租金的 10% 加现行标准税率的增值税(受 600.00 英镑加现 行标准税率的增值税的最低费用限制),并应提前支付。
The charge for Home House Estates’ Standard Lettings Service is 10% plus VAT at the standard rate prevailing, payable in advance, for the whole time that the Tenant introduced by us or the Occupant remains in occupation of the Property (where the initial letting period is six months or more) (subject to a £600.00 plus VAT at the standard rate prevailing minimum fee) on the total Rent payable under the terms of the Tenancy Agreement.
9 时,Basil Abdu al-Sheikh 向 Muhradah 行政长官报称,4 时,4 名蒙面人
[...] 携带军用手枪、手榴弹、剑和木锯进入他在 Muhradah 的家,偷走了 30 万叙利镑、一枚金戒指和两部手机。
At 0900 hours, Basil Abdu al-Sheikh alleged to the administrator of Muhradah that, at 0400 hours, four masked persons armed with a military pistol, a hand grenade, a
sword and a wood saw entered his home in Muhradah and
[...] stole 300,000 Syrian pounds, a gold ring and [...]
two mobile telephones.
拟议减少以下方面所需资源:(a) 本国工作人员 (1 253 300
美元),主要原因是拟减少 92 个本国人员员额,并采用世界银行预测 的 2011
[...] 年汇率(1 美元兑换 1 507.50 黎巴镑);以及(b) 一般临时人员(451 [...]
800 美元),主要原因是战略军事单元(最迟将于 2010 年 6 月 30 日关闭)裁撤两个临
时职位(一个 D-2 和 1 个一般事务(其他职等))。
Reduced requirements are proposed under: (a) national staff ($1,253,300), attributable primarily to the proposed reduction of 92 national posts and the application of the World
Bank exchange rate forecast for 2011
[...] (1,507.50 Lebanese pounds to $1); and (b) [...]
general temporary assistance ($451,800)
due mainly to the abolishment of two temporary positions (1 D-2 and 1 General Service (Other level)) in the Strategic Military Cell, which will be terminated by 30 June 2010.
执行局审议了将 2008-2009 年两年期外聘审计员的费用增加 114 800 英镑的请 求(WFP/EB.1/2010/6-B/1),在执行局成员 与外聘审计员的代表对工作时数增加进行了联合分析后,核准 将外聘审计员的费用增加 104 000 英镑,使 2008-2009 两年 期该费用的总额达到 502 000 英镑。
The Board, having considered the request to increase the fee for the External Auditor
for the Biennium
[...] 2008–2009 by 114,800 Pounds Sterling (WFP/EB.1/2010/6-B/1), and following the analysis jointly carried out by Bureau members and External Auditor representatives of the larger number of hours worked, approved an increase of 104,000 Pounds Sterling to the fee for the External Auditor, bringing the total fee to 502,000 Pounds Sterling for the [...]
Biennium 2008–2009.
2005 年 9 月 10 日 5人以内的参会团体的会议费用为 1000 埃镑, 由 团体、学会和大学支持的个人参会者会议费用为 200 埃镑(其他的优惠针对联系过的 MSAE 会员)。
10 September 2005 The conference fees are 1000 EP (Egyptian Pounds) for organizations, including up to 5 participants, 200 [...]
EP for individuals supported by
organizations, institutes or universities (other facilities are prevailed to MSAE members upon contact).
下列情况下,我们会被收取附加费:美元金额和 镑 金 额 并不是支付给英国的银行账户或不是从英国银行账户支付出来、欧元金额不在欧盟的单一欧元支付区(SEPA)协议下、争议解决、支付金额过大或过小。
Surcharges will be applied for
[...] USD amounts, Pound amounts not payable [...]
to or from a UK bank account, Euro amounts not payable
under the EU's SEPA protocol, dispute resolution and extremely large or small payments.




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