单词 | 镌镂 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 镌镂 —engraveSee also:镌—engrave (on wood or stone) 镂—engrave • hard steel
表背镌刻伯 爵家徽并标示伯爵制1270P机芯,共有两个视窗:一个用于显示动力储存,另一个可欣赏陀飞轮框架背部之美。 piaget.com.cn | The solid case-back is engraved with the Piaget coat-of-arms and the name of the 1270P movement. piaget.com |
伯爵表厂在此辉煌成就的基础上再接再厉,两年后,即2012年,推出了同款机芯 的 镂 空 版 本,唯美演绎令人心旌神驰 的 镂 空 艺 术。 piaget.com.cn | Two years later, in 2012, and building on this accomplishment, it presents the skeleton version of this same movement, brilliantly exploring the fascinating art of openworking. en.piaget.com |
永生(直译自希伯来语)指的是镌刻 在 墓碑上的文字,用来保留事先购买的墓地。 shanghaibiennale.org | Kept Alive (a literal translation from Hebrew) refers to the text engraved upon headstones to reserve pre-purchased burial spots. shanghaibiennale.org |
爱彼推出的“Pride限量版”腕表系列,表 背 镌 刻 代 表标记,象征一国的文化传承、艺术和传统。 audemarspiguet.com | Audemars Piguet created the “Pride limited editions” representing the heritage, arts and tradition of a country by engraving an iconic symbol on the case back of the timepiece. audemarspiguet.com |
最后,中心位置的夜空设计带有黄色 镌 刻 地 平线,展示佩戴者自行选择的夜空位置。 iwc.com | The horizon, engraved in yellow, shows the night sky as the owner himself sees it at a location of his choice. iwc.com |
1200P机芯完美体现制表品牌伯爵力图创新之精神,除上述特色之外,还搭配以太阳放射状饰纹装饰的齿轮组以及特别的长短针装置, 并 镌 刻 伯 爵首字母“ P”,如同品牌的秘密签名。 piaget.com.cn | As part of Piaget’s constant effort to differentiate its models, it has decorated the wheels of the 1200P movement with a sunburst motif and its index assembly carries the stylized P of Piaget like a secret signature. piaget.com |
黄铜表盘以雕刻刀镌刻 ( 一种极其精密的金属加工凿子) ,可在与机器连结的圆盘上复制图案,就如同一部缩放仪般。 audemarspiguet.com | The brass dial is engraved by a burin (a precision metalwork chisel) that reproduces the motif on a disc attached to the machine, like a pantograph. audemarspiguet.com |
透过蓝宝石水晶透明表背,这一表款的极致纤薄与精美绝伦的镶衬美钻尽收眼底 , 镌 刻 有伯爵标志的铂金摆陀在其间摇荡。 piaget.com.cn | This miniature marvel and its unique gemsetting may be admired through a sapphire crystal [...] fitted in the exhibition caseback and notably revealing the platinum [...] oscillating weight engraved with [...]the Piaget crest. piaget.com |
东侧是社区服务中心;北部为会务与后勤服务中心,南面对着内院是连续的两层通高檐廊;西侧布置政府直属职能部门,组成三个串联的一层小院,通 过 镂 空 花 墙与西侧的河道景色相钩连。 chinese-architects.com | In the west are the functional offices directly under the town government, which form three interlocked courtyards connected to the canal through a pierced tracery wall. chinese-architects.com |
XP产品线最新增添的表款是复杂而不失优雅的L.U.C XP 镂空腕表,象征着精华哲学。 hautehorlogerie.org | Ultra-thin transparency The latest addition to the XP line is the sophisticated and elegant L.U.C XP Skeletec epitomising the philosophy of essentials. hautehorlogerie.org |
我们拥有工艺精湛的珠宝工匠、宝石学家、镶嵌技师 、 镌 刻 技师、抛光技师,他们以专业的技术和丰富经验, [...] 为您的珠宝提供个性化的服务,如更改耳环搭扣装置,修改指环的尺码或者为您的珠宝抛光及镀铑。 piaget.com.cn | They contribute their expertise and experience to personalise your [...] jewellery by adding engravings, [...]to change the fastening mechanism of an ear [...]clip, to resize a ring or to rhodium-plate and polish your jewellery. en.piaget.com |
此枚腕表需花上近700小时完成组装、校正和手工修饰的工序,当中包括倒角或微珠以及“日内瓦波纹”等完工处理,再以人 手 镂 空 打磨120小时,方能成就出这件平衡有置的杰作。 audemarspiguet.com | This piece requires close to 700 hours of assembly, adjustments and hand finishing, including the beveling as well as finishing treatments such as [...] beading and “Geneva Stripes” and at least 120 [...] hours of manual openworking, stands out immediately [...]as an epitome of balance. audemarspiguet.com |
江诗丹顿新开的迪拜专卖店为一众高级钟表表迷与收藏家提供由日内瓦厂房制造的完整系列,包括一些最重要的作品,其中有为庆祝品牌250周年而推出的表款及一系列高级精密复杂表款,如于2006年的日内瓦高级钟表沙龙推出的 Maltres Cabinotiers 铂金镂空三 问腕表,是享负盛名的江诗丹顿「限量铂金珍藏系列」腕表之一。 vacheron-constantin.com | Vacheron Constantin's new boutique gives the opportunity for enthusiasts and collectors of fine watchmaking to find the Geneva manufactory's complete collection there, including some of its most important creations, among them pieces from the 250th anniversary as well as a broad range of grand complications like the Les Cabinotiers Platinum Skeleton Minute Repeater timepiece, presented at this year's SIHH as part of the launching of the prestigious Vacheron Constantin Excellence Platine collection. vacheron-constantin.com |
玛雅人所占据的是现在的中美洲,他们留下 了 镌 刻 在石碑上的详细历史记录,记录了他们丰富的文化、复杂的政治体制及先进的技术。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Occupying what is now Central America, the Maya left behind detailed historical records of their rich culture, sophisticated political systems and advanced technology inscribed on stone monuments. chinese.eurekalert.org |
此系列将采用新商标G.GUCCI Firenze1921,镌刻于 配饰内侧、皮带扣以及金属旅行标签上。 gucci.com | The collection will carry a new trademark, G. GUCCI Firenze 1921, with a stamp appearing inside the accessories, on belt buckles and printed on metal travel tags. gucci.com |
我们很高兴能推出这款限量版时计, 镌 刻 作 为泰国国家象征的皇家白象,以向这个美丽的国家致敬。 audemarspiguet.com | We are happy to create this exclusive timepiece engraving it with Thailand’s royal white elephant to honour this beautiful country. audemarspiguet.com |
古腾(Marc Guten)则为每一位优胜者送上一枚特别为这次比赛 而 镌 刻 的 腕表。 vacheron-constantin.com | H.E Mr. Humaid Al Qutami presented the awards to the participants and Mr. Marc Guten, International Director of [...] Vacheron Constantin, offered each of the winners a Vacheron Constantin [...] timepiece especially engraved for this [...]special occasion. vacheron-constantin.com |
工序纯以手工进行,利用一座备有可下降的旋转 柱 镌 铸 零 件的表面,装饰制表大师运用不同的力度琢磨出动人的光泽效果,并勾勒抛光设计图案。 audemarspiguet.com | The work is done by hand, using a machine equipped with a rotating peg that is lowered to mark the part’s surface. audemarspiguet.com |
表壳底盖上镌刻有这位广受爱戴的法国人的肖像,外 圈 镌 有 “A Tribute to J.Y. Cousteau 1910-2010”(献给雅克•伊夫•库斯托,1910-2010年)字样。 iwc.com | Engraved on the back of the case is a portrait of the ever-popular Frenchman, encircled by the words “A Tribute to J.Y.Cousteau 1910–2010”. iwc.com |
举例而言,Jules Audemars系列镂空时间等式腕表和Jules Audemars女装腕表系列配备蓝宝石水晶玻璃底盖,以底盖下巧夺天工的机芯向爱彼表达无限敬意,赞扬其对这项精细复杂工艺可圈可点的贡献,以及品牌如何引领高级制表工艺臻至完美的卓越境界。 audemarspiguet.com | As representatives of this work, the Jules Audemars Equation of Time skeleton or the Lady Jules Audemars with transparent sapphire caseback pay tribute to the attentive care that Audemars Piguet brings to this complex and refined savoir-faire, the pinnacle of the art of prestigious watchmaking. audemarspiguet.com |
吸塑板是用中密度板为基材,表面平整度好,容易做造型, 可 镂 铣 图 案,表层用进口PVC贴面经热压成型,PVC模压板具有色泽丰富,形状独特之优点 ,由于吸塑门板四板封住成为一体,不需要封边,解决了封边长时间后可能是开胶的问题。 huangmao.cn | Blister in the Midu Ban plate is used for the substrate, the surface roughness, and easy to do modeling, Lou milling patterns, with imports of PVC paste the surface of the hot press forming, PVC molded panels rich with color, shape unique advantages, because Blister four-door shut to become one, do not need Edge, the Edge solution may be a long time after the issue of plastic. huangmao.cn |
继成功发布男款镂空表之后,Oris再次推出全新艺术 家 镂 空 女士钻表,手表尺寸为31mm。 oris.ch | After the success of the Artelier Skeleton model for men, Oris launches a stunning diamond encrusted 31mm timepiece for ladies. oris.ch |
伯爵1200D机芯继承于伯爵的经典之作12 0 0 S 镂 空 自 动上链机芯,它是伯爵在15年间完全自主设计和制造的第34枚机芯。 wthejournal.com | Successor to the already iconic automatic skeleton caliber 1200S with its peerless slenderness, Caliber 1200D is the 34th movement to be entirely developed and produced by the Manufacture in the last 15 years. wthejournal.com |
新的一季,瑞士机械表Oris首次推出艺术家女 款 镂 空 表 ,为Oris艺术家系列增添了一个精致永恒的表款,将是喜欢此类风格的表迷之最佳选择。 oris.ch | This season, Swiss Mechanical watch brand Oris are set to debut the Artelier Skeleton for ladies. oris.ch |
大空间粗旷的整体感觉和着意加入的一些新的细节形成有趣对比,比如可折叠的西大门,X形的门把手可嵌入钢板 上 镂 空 的 文字中,膨胀的南大门等等。 chinese-architects.com | As interesting contrasts to the rawness of the large open space, some intricate new details were added deliberately, such as foldable western entry door(s), expanded south door inspired by structure of airplane wings; X shaped door handle that interlocks with the carved-out text on the standing steel plate, and so on. chinese-architects.com |