

单词 镇源县

External sources (not reviewed)

主要是由於年内本集团淘 汰山东省邹 基地的落後生产设施,而其 减值损失於二零零九年一次性确认。
Such decrease was primarily due to a decrease in the Group overseas sales through intermediate traders which resulted in a drop in the commission paid.
根 据 抚土资期 为 二 零 一二年 八 月 二 十 日 的 确 认 , 吾 等 获 悉「 采 矿 用 地 改 革 试 点 [...]
方 案 」的 申 请 正 在 进 行 之中, 且 抚 顺 上 马 将 可 於 该 方 案
获 得 有 关 批 准 後 六 个 月 内 获 得 临 时 土地使 用 权 , 故 此 尽 管「 采 矿 用 地 改 革 试 点 方 案 」的 申 请 尚 未 完 成 , 惟 吾 等 与 董 事一 致 认 为 , 贵 公 司 现 时 适 宜 进 行 抚 顺 上 马 收 购 事 项 。
Based on the
[...] confirmation from FushunCounty Bureauof Land andResources dated 20 August 2012, [...]
we understand that the application
of the ‘‘Proposal for Experiment on the Reform of Mining Land Use Right’’ was in progress and Fushun Shangma will be able to obtain the temporary land use right within six months after the relevant approval of the proposal, so we concur with the view of the Directors that is a proper timing for the Company to conduct Fushun Shangma Acquisition although the application of the’’ Proposal for Experiment on the Reform of Mining Land Use Right’’ has not yet been completed.
This memorial plaque commemorates the completion of
Aon Green Teaching Building for the expansion of the Na Xian Hope School
[...] at Qiaoma Town, Ceheng County, Guizhou Province.
根 据 目 前 的 申 请 进 度 及 抚土资二 零 一二年 八 月 二 十 日 作 出 的 确 认 , 本 公 司 估 计 将 於 抚土资准「 采 矿 用 地 改 革 试 点 方 案 」之 後 六 个 月 内 获 得 临 时 土地使 用 权 的 审 批 。
Based on the
[...] current progress of the application and confirmation fromtheFushun County Bureau of Landand Resources on 20 August2012, the Company estimates that the approval for the [...]
temporary land use rights
will be obtained within six months after the ‘‘ Proposal for Experiment on the Reform of Mining Land Use Right’’ is approved by the State Administration for Land and Resources.
我希望藉着这次机会特别向前任署长 镇源为其过去四年的卓越领导表示衷心的敬意。
I would like to take this occasion to pay particular tribute to my predecessor, Mr Thomas Chan,for his excellent leadership of the Housing Department over the past four years.
有关上述持续交易的公告已於二零 零八年三月三日发布。
[...] 本公司与集团公司签署相关租赁协议,据此,集团公司 已同意向本公司出租位於中国山东省邹 路34号及西外环路西侧的土地的土地使用权,以及位 [...]
於中国山东省邹平县县城以东的经济开发区内土地的土 地使用权,以供进行本公司的营运,本公司可行使其权 利续约。
The Company and Holding Company entered into relevant leasing agreements pursuant to which, Holding Company agreed to lease to the Company land use rights in respect of land respectively located at No. 34
Qidong Road and west of Xiwaihuan
[...] Road, Weiqiao Town, Zouping County, Shandong Province, [...]
the PRC, and the land use rights
in respect of land located to the east of Zouping County, Zouping Economic Development Zone, Shandong Province, the PRC, for the Company’s operations, with a right of renewal exercisable by the Company.
因此,美国选民不仅要在总统选举和国 会选举中投票,而且还要投票选举成千
[...] 上万名州和地方政府的官员,其中包括 州议员、州长及副州长、州审计员市长、市政委员会委员、法 官、警官、执法官、治安官、治安法官 以及中小学和大学校董会成员、公用委 [...]
Consequently, U.S. voters are asked to vote not just for president and Congress but also for thousands of state and local government officials, including state legislators, state governors
and lieutenant
[...] governors, state auditors, countycommissioners, mayorsof townsandcities, aldermen, [...]
judges, constables,
magistrates, sheriffs, justices of the peace, and members of school boards, college boards, utility boards, and other positions of public trust.
截至二零一零年十二月三十一日止年度,本集团坯布收入占比增加,主要是由於本集团三类产品售价皆上涨的情 况下,坯布销售量增加;牛仔布占比减少,主要是本集团淘汰了位於山东省邹 基地的部份落後牛 仔布生产设备,牛仔布产量减少。
Our profitability was hurt because the decrease in our products’ selling prices was substantially larger than the decrease in the prices of raw materials, as market demand decreased along with the challenging economy in North America and Europe.
[...] 美有50个州政府,有超过30万民选官 员在地方政府任()有 近20万个特别区划,如校区和水利区。
While the United States has a single federal government, the country contains 50 state governments, more than
300,000 elected positions with
[...] local governments(county, city, andtown), andnearly [...]
200,000 special purpose districts
such as school districts and water districts.
根 据 董 事 会 函 件 , 截 至 最 後 实 际 可 行 日 期 , 抚 顺 上 马 已 完 成 第 一 步 — 向 抚土 资交 申 请 , 并 正 进 行 第 二 步 — 待 该 申 请 获 审 批 , 抚土资安 排 制 定 「 采 矿 用 地 改 革 试 点 方 案 」并 将 其 提 交 给 抚 顺 市 国土资 源 局 。
According to the Letter from the Board, as of the Latest Practicable Date, Fushun Shangma has already completed first step
of submission of
[...] application to the FushunCounty Bureauof Land and Resources and is in theprocess of second step of examination and approval of the application,the FushunCounty Bureauof Landand Resources shall arrange for formulation [...]
of the ‘‘
Proposal for Experiment on the Reform of Mining Land use Right’’ and submit it to the Fushun City Bureau of Land and Resources.
(i) 抚 顺 上 马 应 向 抚土资交一份申 请
(i) Fushun Shangma shall submit an
[...] application to the Fushun CountyBureau of Landand Resources
根 据 董 事 的 陈 述 ,
[...] 已 根 据 辽 宁 省 国土资 源 厅 发 出 的 意 见 修 改「 采 矿 用 地 改 革 试 点 方 案 」, 并 将 由 抚土资交 给 辽 宁 省 国土资 源 厅 以 供 审 批 。
Based on the representation of the Director, the ‘‘Proposal for Experiment on the Reform of Mining Land use Right’’ has been revised based on the comments
received from Liaoning
[...] Departmentof Land and Resourcesand will be submittedby FushunCounty Bureauof Land and Resourcesto Liaoning [...]
Department of Land and Resources for approval.
亨吉斯(Dean Hedges),反对暂缓抽水的议案,宣称:「州立自然资源局及法令250号的批准,加上环境保护局的监督,已经足够保护
Dean Hedges, the town water manager, opposed the moratorium, stating: “permitting by the State Agency of Natural
Resources, Act 250 and oversight by the Environmental
[...] Protection Agency (EPA) would suffice enough to protect the town’swater.
The IRCAD (Institute for Research on Cancers of the Digestive Tract) in Strasbourg now has its clone in Taiwan: the ASIA IRCAD Taiwan, a centre of 7,300 square meters modelled on the Strasbourg centre, was opened with great flourish on 26th May 2008 in partnership with the Chang Bing Show Chwan Memorial Hospital, Lugang Town, Changhua County, Taiwan.
事实上,这里的水实在太纯净了,邻近的阿摩斯(Am os 天从接取水用於日常生活。
In fact, the esker water is so pure that residents in the
[...] neighbouringtown ofAmos use it straight from thesource fortheir everyday [...]
water needs.
根 据 董 事 会 函 件 , 根 据抚土资确 认 , 抚 顺 上 马 作 为 抚 顺 县 的 试 点 企 业 之一, 正 [...]
在 申 请 以 临 时 用 地 方 式 在 上 马 矿 进 行 采 矿 。
According to the Letter from the Board, as
[...] confirmedby Fushun CountyBureau of Land and Resources, Fushun Shangma, being [...]
one of the experimenting
enterprises in Fushun County, is in the process of applying to undertake mining activities at the Shangma Mine on a temporary land use basis.
[...] 快成熟业态的拓展进度,巩固在国内主要区域市场的领先地位,同时加快在三四线城市以 及镇县 场的拓展速度;继续推进「农超对接」基地的建设,继续打造「食品安全示 [...]
范店」和「环保节能示范店」;强化业态标准,推进规范执行,优化管理流程,以提高销 售和盈利水平。
Looking ahead, the Group’s retail division is committed to its strategy of national expansion with an emphasis on strong regional leadership and creating synergies with its multi-format business platform. In addition to stepping up its efforts in developing mature markets to consolidate its leading market position and
accelerating its expansion into
[...] third-to-fourth tier cities, counties, towns and villages, [...]
the division will also continue to establish
direct trading bases between farmers and supermarkets, food safety model stores and energy-saving model stores, as well as further enhancing the retail formats models, promoting the standardization of operational flow and optimizing management flow in order to increase sales and profitability.




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