单词 | 镇 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 镇noun—townn镇adjective—calmadj镇—suppress small town subdue garrison press down cool or chill (food or drinks) 镇verb—guardvExamples:小镇n—townn small townn 小镇pl—small townspl 市镇n—townn
因为如此一来,每日护肤即能提供抗氧化剂与具备生物效用的营 养素给肌肤,镇静发炎迹象、消除老化现象,让肌肤达到最佳状况。 rs.xango.com | Skin will perform at optimal levels when daily regimens provide antioxidants and bioavailable nutrients while calming the signs of inflammation and minimizing the visible signs of aging. rs.xango.com |
匈牙利新厂房预期於二零一二年第二季开始加工,而阿根廷Timbues镇的大型大豆厂计划於二零一二年第二季末落成。 glencore.com | A new plant in Hungary is expected to start processing in Q2 2012, while the large-scale Timbues soya bean facility in Argentina is scheduled to be completed by the end of Q2 2012. glencore.com |
关 於 上 述 可 公 开 获 取 资 料 所 载 之 数 据 , 吾 等 已 审 阅 : (i) 中 华 人 民 共 和 国 工 业 和 信 息 化 部 於 二 零 一一年 十 一 月 七 日 发 布 的《 钢 铁 工 业 ‘‘ 十 二五’’ 发 展 规 划 》; 及 (ii) 中 国国家 统 计 局 於 二 零 一二年 六 月 十 八 日 公 布 的 有 关 生 铁 、 粗 钢 和 钢 材 的 数 据 及 於 二 零 一二年 八 月 十 七 日 公 布 的城镇化率; 及 (iii) 辽 宁 省 统 计 局 於 二 零 一二年 八 月 一 日 公 布 的 辽 宁 省 生产总 值 , 吾 等 认 为 吾 等 的 理 解 与 董 事 的 理 解 是 一 致 的 。 cre8ir.com | For the data as stated in the above mentioned public available information, we have reviewed (i)《钢铁工业‘‘ 十二五’’ 发展规划》issued by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the PRC on 7 November 2011; and (ii) data from the National Bureau of Statistics of the PRC regarding pig iron, crude steel and steel dated 18 June 2012 and urbanization rate dated 17 August 2012; and (iii) gross domestic product of Liaoning Province from the Bureau of Statistics of Liaoning Province dated 1 August 2012, we consider that our understanding is consistent with that of the Directors. cre8ir.com |
随着新镇内部配套设施的日趋完善辅以国际知 名赛事的影响,我们的收入来源将更多元化。 equitynet.com.hk | With the increasingly improved [...] auxiliary facilities located in our [...] Shanghai Luodian New Towntogether with [...]the BMW Masters, the source of the Company’s [...]revenue will become more diversified. equitynet.com.hk |
目前,上海是举世闻名的港口城市,也是中国最大的经济重镇,在中国经济发展上居重要地位。 seagate.com | Today, Shanghai is an internationally famous port city and the biggest economic centre in China, playing an important role in China's economic development. seagate.com |
这个镇的主要街道上,游客发现在英语和古老的橡木木地板,窗户仍然忠於其原有的风格。 zh.horloger-paris.com | On the main [...] street ofthistown,the visitor [...]finds the floors in the English and ancient oak wood, windows remained faithful to their original style. en.horloger-paris.com |
监於在海港政府大楼安装电子镇流器的计划十分成功,我们陆续在其他政府建 筑物安装南京、深圳、福建等地生产的不 同牌子的电子镇流器,成绩同样令人鼓 舞。 devb.gov.hk | Following the successful implementation of electronic ballasts in Harbour Building, we had also tried in some other Government buildings, other brands of electronic ballasts manufactured in Nanjing, Shenzhen, Fujian, etc. with similar encouraging results. devb.gov.hk |
吉柏林党仍存在於热那亚,以 及利古里亚下辖的城镇。 spinola.it | A Ghibelline party exists in Genoa, and in [...] the subject townsof Liguria. spinola.it |
在土地估 值 中 , 我 们 采 用 基 准 地 价 修 [...] 正 法 , 是 利 用城镇基准地 价 和 基 准 [...]地 价 修 正 系 数 等 评 估 成 果 , 按 照 替 代 原 理 , 将 待 估 宗 地 的 区 域 条 件 和 个 [...]别 条 件 等 与 其 所 处 区 域 的 平 均 条 件 相 比 较 , 并 对 照 修 正 系 数 表 选 取 相 应 的 修 正 系 数 对 基 准 地 价 进 行 修 正 , 从 而 求 取 待 估 宗 地在估 价 基 准 日 价 格 的 一 种 估 价 方 法 。 cre8ir.com | We have adopted the land datum value approach in the valuation [...] of land. The land datumvalue approach [...]represents an asset appraisal method [...]of determining the price of the assessed land as at the valuation date by using assessed results such as the land datum value in towns and cities, as well as the correction coefficient of the land datum value, and in accordance with the substitution principle, comparing the area and individual conditions of the assessed land with the average conditions of the area it is located in, adjusted by the correction coefficient chosen in the correction coefficient table for the land datum value. cre8ir.com |
本公司董事确认,据彼等所深知,董事会并不知悉任何事宜可能致使载於本公告的中国新城镇发展有限公司截至2012年6月30日止第二季度及上半年的中期未经审核财务报表於任何重大方 [...] 面属虚假或具误导成分。 equitynet.com.hk | The Directors of the Company confirm that, to the best of their knowledge, nothing has come to the attention of the Board of Directors which may [...] render the interim unaudited financial statements [...] of China NewTown Development Company [...]Limited for the second quarter and first [...]half year ended 30 June 2012 presented in this announcement to be false or misleading in any material aspect. equitynet.com.hk |
事实上,今天在香港当房屋事务经理,是个不折不扣的「市镇总管」,需要集多种技能於一身:由一般的房屋管理,以至维修保养、保安及交通管制、福利及社区关系等,各种事情都要处理。 housingauthority.gov.hk | In a very real sense, today's housing manager in Hong Kong [...] is actuallya"town manager", and [...]she or he needs a whole mixed tool-bag of skills: [...]from traditional housing management, through maintenance, security and traffic control, to welfare and community relations. housingauthority.gov.hk |
这些个别方案引起「堪萨斯市规划委员会」注意,将这个区域重新纳入城市整体计画中,也吸引「都会土地研究所」等多个设计团体前来,探究旧铁路市镇还有哪些潜力。 thisbigcity.net | These individual efforts have brought the attention to the Kansas City Planning Comission to include this area back into the overall city plans and have attracted the attention of [...] various design groups such as the Urban Land Institute to look at the potential of what [...] this oldrailtown couldbecome. thisbigcity.net |
乔纳森曾负责500公顷的苏格兰港口和中国许多地方的新区规划,包括台湾Acer新镇。 venicebiennale.hk | He has since been responsible for master planning the 500 [...] ha Port of Leith in Scotland and many [...] proposals fornew settlementsin China, with [...]Oval Partnership, including Acer Aspire in Taiwan. venicebiennale.hk |
(3) 会否考虑缩短时间上限,以及把办公时间内新界地区个案所需的时间上限与 [...] 市区看齐,及把办公时间以外新界其他地区个案所需时间与市区及新界新市镇看齐? devb.gov.hk | (3) whether consideration will be given to shortening the target response time, and to match the response time during office hours for cases in the New Territories with those in urban areas, and to match the response time outside [...] office hours for cases in other areas in the New Territories with those in [...] urban areas/new townsin theNew Territories? devb.gov.hk |
北京是中国的政治及文化重镇,因此,与中国其他城市相比,有较高比例的 高等教育机构集中在北京,总校数至少有 59 所。 seagate.com | As Beijing is the political and cultural capital of China, a larger proportion of tertiary-level institutions are concentrated here than in any other city in China, reaching at least 59 in number. seagate.com |
很多时候,自然灾难往往突如其来:泥石流令房屋及村庄与外界失去联系,地震在瞬间摧毁整个地区,洪水威胁着无数人的家园,森林火灾危及城镇和村庄,海啸巨浪席卷整个地区,而龙卷风更会摧毁当地的基础设施。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Ever more frequently, nature strikes at lightning speed: mudslides cut houses and villages off from the outside world, earthquakes destroy entire regions within seconds, [...] floods threaten people's livelihoods, forest [...] fires endanger townsandvillages [...]and tidal waves devastate whole regions, tornadoes [...]destroy a region's infrastructure. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
今年九月,英国威尔斯政府亦批准可行性研究经验,是否能在斯温席附近的Felindre地区兴建永续都市村落,这块占地100公顷的土地过去为马口铁工厂,由威尔斯钢业公司经营,此外还有许多类似计画,都打算重新开发现有郊区或旧工业城镇。 thisbigcity.net | Earlier in September, the Welsh government also approved funding of a feasibility study for a sustainable urban village near Swansea to be located in Felindre, a 100-hectare site which used to be a tinplate factory settlement run by Steel Company of Wales. thisbigcity.net |
草本精华爽肤水秉承Kiehl’s采用天然成份的坚持,不含酒精及化学物料,配方中的牛蒡给予纾缓及镇静作用,玉米薄荷油除了带来清凉感觉,当中的维他命原B5亦能修护和滋养皮肤。 think-silly.com | This herbal toner is made with all natural ingredients and contains no alcohol or chemicals, like the rest of Kiehl’s range. Great burdock is soothing and gentle on the skin, pure corn mint oil is refreshing, while vitamin B5 keeps skin moisturised. think-silly.com |
真正的手表真正的人”,“真实的人真正的手表”的口号的品牌荷尔斯泰因州,总部设在巴塞尔乡村半州的一个小镇的2300名居民。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Real Watches for Real People," "The real watches for real [...] people" is the slogan of the brand based in [...] Holstein,asmall town of 2300 inhabitants [...]of the canton of Basel-Landschaft. en.horloger-paris.com |
康涅狄格州Newtown小镇,尚未从上周五Sandy Hook小学枪击案中回复过後,悲痛的情绪仍然弥漫,沉淀在每一个人的心坎中,死者的家属开始为致亲举行葬礼,惨案过後,Sandy Hook小学会否重开,仍属未知之数。 ktsf.com | Shattered by last week’s school shooting Newtown in the US state of Connecticut prepared for its first two funerals on Monday, including the one for the youngest victim, while officials weren’t sure whether the school itself would ever reopen. ktsf.com |
最近,我曾向委员汇报各项照明措施,包括使用省电的电子镇流器和T5光管。 housingauthority.gov.hk | We recently briefed Members on various lighting measures, including the use of energy efficient electronic ballasts and T5 fluorescent lamps. housingauthority.gov.hk |
正 如 费 正 清 指 出 , 丰 厚 的 财 富 或 税 收 是 他 们 最 後 取 得 成 功 的 必 要 条 件 , 因 为 若 没 有 广 大 的 经 济 基 础 , 他 们 不 会 有 高 昂 的藩镇士气或 能 使 他 们 取 得 军 事 胜 利 的 新 型 西 方 武 器 。 hkahe.com | As Fairbank points out, this wealth or high tax yield of them was a prerequisite for their eventual success for without their broad economic bases which provided adequate financial resources, they would not have that high han morale or the new Western arms which later made possible their victory. hkahe.com |
(二) 沙头角镇至伯公坳段 由4号点起沿沙头角河中心线逆流而上经伯公坳东侧山谷谷底 至该坳鞍部中心止(5号点,北纬22˚33'23.49",东经114˚12'24.25")。 basiclaw.gov.hk | From Point 4, the boundary runs upstream along the centre line of the Sha Tau Kok River and thence along the bottom line of the valley east of Pak Kung Au until it reaches the middle of the Pak Kung Au saddle point (“Point 5”, Latitude 22˚33'23.49" North, Longitude 114˚12'24.25" East). basiclaw.gov.hk |
二 零 一 零 年 之 社 会 消 费 品 零 售 总 额 上 升18.4%;城镇居民人 均 可 支 配 收 入 增 长11.3% ,反 映 中 高 档 的 卫 生 用 纸 市 场 之 前景 十分 亮 丽。 vindapaper.com | In 2010, total national retail sales of consumer goods increased by 18.4% while the per capita disposable income of urbanresidents grew by 11.3%, underscoring promising prospects for the mid-to high-end household paper market. vindapaper.com |
Glimpse 保湿霜也於各种环境条件下保护肌肤,有助肌肤的舒缓、镇静与保湿,使肌肤维持天然弹性,带来更明亮焕发的肤色。 rs.xango.com | Glimpse Moisturizing Cream also safeguards the skin under various environmental conditions and assists in calming, soothing and moisturizing the skin to maintain the skin’s natural elasticity, resulting in more radiant luminous skin. rs.xango.com |
幕 府 的 改 革 大 致 上 是 失 败 的 ; 但 在 另 一 方 面 , 个 别藩镇的改革 却 能 够 重 建 其 经 济 及 恢 复 武 士 的 士 气 , 这 使 他 们 在 培 里 赴 日 後 的 一 段 混 乱 时 间 里 享 有 稳 固 的 基 础 。 hkahe.com | The Shogunate efforts were largely unsuccessful while on the other hand reforms in some of the individual domains did restore han finances and samurai morale, giving them a sound foundation during the turmoil of the post-Perry period. hkahe.com |
有关上述持续交易的公告已於二零 零八年三月三日发布。 本公司与集团公司签署相关租赁协议,据此,集团公司 [...] 已同意向本公司出租位於中国山东省邹平县魏桥镇齐东路34号及西外环路西侧的土地的土地使用权,以及位 [...]於中国山东省邹平县县城以东的经济开发区内土地的土 地使用权,以供进行本公司的营运,本公司可行使其权 利续约。 wqfz.com | The Company and Holding Company entered into relevant leasing agreements pursuant to which, Holding Company agreed to lease to the Company land use rights in respect of land respectively located [...] at No. 34 Qidong Road and west of Xiwaihuan [...] Road, Weiqiao Town, Zouping County, [...]Shandong Province, the PRC, and the land [...]use rights in respect of land located to the east of Zouping County, Zouping Economic Development Zone, Shandong Province, the PRC, for the Company’s operations, with a right of renewal exercisable by the Company. wqfz.com |
当晚,Alys [...] Beach将敞开大门、院落和街道迎接具有创新开拓精神的艺术家们,这些艺术家将通过摄影和动画等各种投影媒介将整个小镇变成一件有生命的艺术作品。 tipschina.gov.cn | For one evening, Alys Beach opens its doors, courtyards and pedestrian paths to [...] innovative, ground-breaking artists who [...] transform the entire townintoaliving [...]work of art through a variety of projected [...]mediums including photography and animation. tipschina.gov.cn |