




dice cup




be very fond of

External sources (not reviewed)

拥 有 多 年 的 电 信 行 业 从 业 经 验 及 超 过7年 的 管 理 经 验。
He has many years of experience in the telecommunications industry, including over 7 years in managerial positions.
先 生 答說,如某配料加进食物内以达到某些技术用途,则应标示 [...]
Mr. K WCHUNG replied that if [...]
an ingredient was added to food to achieve certain technological functions, it should be indicated as food additives.
根据细则第 88(1) 条,余文耀先生先生须在股东周年大会上轮席退任,惟符合 [...]
Pursuant to Article 88(1) of the Articles, Mr. Yue Man Yiu,
[...] Matthew and Mr. Chung Koon Yan will [...]
retire by rotation and, being eligible, offered
themselves for re-election at the AGM.
审 核委员会先生担任主席,其他成员包括叶豪盛教授、颜永红先生及彭立军先生。
The Audit Committee is
[...] chairedby Mr. Chung Shui Ming, Timpson [...]
and the other members are Professor Ip Ho Shing, Horace,
Mr. Yan Yonghong and Mr. Peng Lijun.
先 生 回答說,《食物及药物(成分组合及标签)(修订)规例》所列的 [...]
23 种食物添加剂作用類别,已涵盖常見食物添加剂的作用類别,业界应标示 “增稠剂(thickener)。
Mr. K WCHUNG replied that the [...]
23 functional classes of food additives as listed in the Food and Drugs (Composition and
Labelling) (Amendment) Regulation had covered the functional classes of common food additives; and “thickener” should be labelled.
The HKU Student Research Team is fully responsible for the 2007 July 1 Rally Headcounting Project, with the assistance of the Public Opinion Programme.
与本公司任何董事、高级管理人员、主要股东(定 义见上市规则)或控股股东(定义见上市规则)概无任 [...]
何关连,并且无根据证券及期货条例第十五部所指的本 公司股份中拥有权益。
Mr. Chung doesnot have any [...]
relationships with any Director, senior management, substantial shareholders (as def ined in
the Listing Rules) o r cont rol l ing shareholders (as defined in the Listing Rules) of the Company and does not have any interests in the shares of the Company within the meaning of Part XV of the SFO.
This is the full text of the written submission to the Joint Subcommittee to Monitorthe Implementation of the West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD) Project, Legislative Counci on June 17, 2008, by Robert Ting-Yiu Chung, Director of Public Opinion Programme, on his views on the WKCD Project, suggesting a Deliberative Polling in the WKCD Public Engagement Exercise, in response to the public call of the Joint Subcommittee to Monitor the Implementation of the WKCD Project, Legislative Council.
007年'月'0日 召 开 的 本 公 司 第 四 届 董 事 会 第 一 次 会 议 上,第 四 届 董 事 会 续 聘 殷 一 民 先 生 为 本 公 司 总 裁;续 聘 史 立 荣 先 生、何 士 友 先 生、韦 在 胜 先 生(同 时 续 聘 为 本 公 司 财 务 总 监 )、谢 大 雄 先 生、周 苏 苏 女 士、田 文 果 先 生 为 本公司高级副总裁,新聘邱未召先生为本公司高级副总裁;续聘陈杰女士、方榕女士、赵先明先生、丁明峰先生、 庞 胜 清 先 生、樊 庆 峰 先 生、曾 学 忠 先 生、徐 慧 俊 先 生、於 涌 先 生、叶 卫 民 先 生生、倪 勤 先 生 为 本 公 司 副 总 裁,新 聘 武 增 奇 先 生 为 本 公 司 副 总 裁;续 聘 冯 健 雄 先 生 为 本 公 司 董 事 会 秘 书。
At the first meeting of the Fourth Session of the Board of Directors held on 30 March 2007, Mr. Yin Yimin was reappointed President of the Company, Mr. Shi Lirong, Mr. He Shiyou, Mr. Wei Zaisheng (concurrently re-appointed as Chief Financial Officer of the Company), Mr. Xie Daxiong, Ms. Zhou Susu and Mr. Tian Wenguo were re-appointed Senior Vice Presidents of the Company, Mr. Qiu Weizhao was appointed Senior Vice President of the Company, Ms. Chen Jie, Ms. Fang Rong, Mr. Zhao Xianming, Mr. Ding Mingfeng, Mr. Pang Shengqing, Mr. Fan Qingfeng, Mr. Zeng Xuezhong, Mr. Xu Huijun, Mr. Yu Yong, Mr. Ye Weimin, Mr. Zhong Hong and Mr. Ni Qin were re-appointed Vice Presidents of the Company, Mr. Wu Zengqi was appointed Vice President of the Company and Mr. Feng Jianxiong was re-appointed Secretary to the Board of Directors of the Company.
Ms.Eva Chung, Coordinator of Department [...]
of Physiotherapy of HKSH, draws up an individualized training plan for Danny according
to his fitness and data analysis.
剧情 首播日期: 2012.03.08 本片改编自真人真事,讲述一位生长於大家庭的少爷Roger与自幼照顾自己长大的妈姐家佣桃姐之间所发生的一段温暖人心的主仆情故事(桃姐)自13岁就到梁家当佣人,转眼60年过去,她已伺候了梁家老少五代人。
Synopsis Release Date: 2012.03.08 Inspired by a true story of the producer, Roger Lee, and his servant, the film tells about a heartwarming relationship between a young master of a big family, Roger (Lau) and the servant of the family who raised him, Sister Peach (Ip).
以法式玫瑰园为主题,鰂鱼涌太古坊agnès b. FLEURISTE早前重新设计,延续agnès b.对花卉浓厚兴趣的分享,花店布置俨如法国南部後花园,统一摆放来自不同地方如肯雅、荷兰及厄瓜多尔等的玫瑰花,种类超过三十款。
With French rose as its theme, agnès b. FLEURISTE at Taikoo Place (Quarry Bay, Hong Kong) has been renovated and reopened recently. In keeping with the love of floral, the agnès b. florist is set up like a garden in South of France, placing over thirty types of roses (from Kenya, The Netherlands, República del Ecuador and more) together.
Press the CLOCK button to set the current minute and activate the clock.
根据本公司收到之通知,本公司於最後可行日之主要股东仅有 U9,其直接持股为 27,847,026 股(占本 公司股权 15.88%),公司董对 U9 直接总持股数 27,847,026 股拥有权益。
Based on the notifications received by the Company, the only substantial shareholders of the Company as at the Latest Practicable Date are U9, which has a direct interest of 27,847,026 Shares (equivalent to a 15.88% interest in the Company), and our Director Cheng Ee Chew, which is deemed to have an interest in all of the 27,847,026 Shares held directly by U9.
持有香港大学电子商业及互联网计 算学硕士学位、伦敦大学法律学士学位、香港中文大学工商管理学学士学位及硕士学位和清华大学法学学士学位。
Mr. Chung holds a Master’s [...]
Degree in Electronic Commerce and Internet Computing from The University of Hong Kong, a Bachelor’s
Degree in Laws from University of London, a Bachelor’s Degree and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and a Bachelor’s Degree in Laws from Tsinghua University.
Guests from different sectors were invited to attend the
[...] ceremony, including Dr. Jong-Chul, Kim, [...]
CEO of JEJU AIR and Mr. Stanley Hui, JP,
CEO of Hong Kong Airport Authority.
Because of a critically ill Doberman Xiaobao, three people met his master winter flowers, Li Shimin was Tussilago beauty attract, fall in love at first sight, in his organization, the three men were known flow two other close friend – in vain, happy.
於2007年6月15日召开的本公司2006年年度股东大会上,杨荣明先生、施少斌先生和冯赞胜先生 被选举为本公司第四届董事会之执行董事,而黄显荣先生、刘锦湘先生、李善民先生和张永华先 生被选举为本公司第四届董事会之独立非执行董事;杨秀微女士先生被选举为本公司第 四届监事会之股东代表监事,而吴权先生则被职工代表大会选举为本公司第四届监事会之职工代 表监事。
(2) At the 2006 annual general meeting held on 15 June 2007, Mr. Yang Rongming, Mr. Shi Shaobin and Mr. Feng Zansheng were elected as executive directors of the Fourth Session of the Board of the Company; Mr. Wong Hin Wing, Mr. Liu Jinxiang, Mr. Li Shanmin and Mr. Zhang Yonghua were elected as independent non-executive directors of the Fourth Session of the Board of the Company; Ms. Yang Xiuwei and Mr. Zhong Yugan were elected as supervisors representing the shareholders of the Fourth Session of the Supervisory Committee of the Company; and Mr. Wu Quan was elected as the supervisor representing the staff of the Fourth Session of the Supervisory Committee of the Company.
於本公布日期,董事会成员包括(主席)利定昌;(独立非执行副主席爵士;(董 事总经理)利子厚;(独立非执行董事)Per Jorgensen 及葉谋遵博士;(非执行董事) 胡法光、Hans Michael Jebsen、利宪彬、利乾、利德蓉医生;以及(物业董事)黄于 华玲。
As at the date of this announcement, the Board of Directors comprises (Chairman) Peter TingChang Lee; (Independent non-executive Deputy Chairman) Sir DavidAkers-Jones; (Managing Director) Michael Tze Hau Lee; (Independent non-executive Directors) Per Jorgensen and Dr. Geoffrey Meou-tsen Yeh; (Non-executive Directors) Fa-kuang Hu, Hans Michael Jebsen, Anthony Hsien Pin Lee, Chien Lee, Dr. Deanna Ruth Tak Yung Rudgard; and (Director, Property) Pauline Wah Ling Yu Wong.
From the famous ultra-thin hand-wound calibre 9P to the 600P tourbillon movement, the thinnest in the world, the exceptional talent of Piaget craftsmen resides in their ability always to reinvent ancient watchmaking and jewellery techniques, allowing us to dream by creating surprise and emotion around gold and diamonds.
应主席邀请,房屋署先生及香港铁路有限 公司的纪建勳先生各自就其机构制定及应用制度的 经验进行简报。
Upon invitation by the Chairman, LC from the Housing Department and SG from the MTRCL conducted presentations on the experience of CPFS development and application in their respective organizations.
Under the guidance of Professor Alice Jones of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the research study on ”Effects of a Structured Exercise Programme on Functional Balance in Visually Impaired Elderly living in a Residential Setting” was completed in 2006 and the report was published in the Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal in February 2009.
业界两大领导品牌联手合作,彰显数位电影典藏新世纪已经来临,使用者可以随心所欲,在他们偏爱的媒体 (电脑或电视) 中建立、储存及享受个影片库,不论是在家里,还是随身携带,都非常方便好用。
This collaboration between two industry leaders underscores a new era in digital movie collecting by enabling people to build, store and enjoy their personal libraries of favorite films in their preferred medium—whether on the computer or the TV—at home and on the go.
来自美国的Thom Browne无疑是近年於国际时装界迅速冒起的设计师之一四十至六十年代美式风格,把大胆创新的元素,成功融合至考究的用料和剪裁,把素来以平实内歛见称的男士西服重新演绎。
American fashion designer Thom Browne has been gathering praises from the fashion scene in recent years. In love with the Americana style from 40s to 60s, he has succeeded in injecting new ideas to menswear, while re-inventing the men’s suit by merging unique materials with contemporary tailoring.
TRACE 行政总裁 Olivier Laouchez 说 :「TRACE Sports HD 对体坛精英情有以我 们非常兴奋能与亚洲首屈一指的卫星营运商亚洲卫星进一步扩阔彼此间的合作关系,为区内 热爱体育的观众带来耳目一新的高清节目。
At TRACE Sports HD, we love champions, and therefore we are thrilled to further expand our partnership with AsiaSat, our champion satellite partner in Asia, to introduce our new HD service to the region’s passionate community of sports fans,” said Olivier Laouchez, Chairman and CEO of TRACE.
为本公司关连人士之承授人(包括所有董事及郑敏泰先生之儿子郑传 全先生和岳明珠女士兄弟生)已向本公司、联交所及保荐人承诺,彼 等不会行使首次公开发售前购股权,而导致公众股东所持有之本公司已发行 股本低於25%。
The grantees who are connected persons of the Company (including all Directors and Mr. Cheng Chuen Chuen, the son of Mr. Cheng Man Tai, and Mr. Yue Zhong Lu, the brother of Madam Ngok Ming Chu) have undertaken to the Company, the Stock Exchange and the Sponsor that they will not exercise the Pre-IPO Share Options to such extent that the Shares held by the public Shareholders will fall below 25% of the issued share capital of the Company.
委员会成员由本集团的高级管理层成员组成,包括本集团的生产及质保部总监萧 炜女士、行政部总监李伯涛先生、本集团的中国区域销售总监郑国良先生、人力资源 及资讯技术部总先生、本集团於东南亚地区的区域销售总监刘锋先生以及来 自各生产工厂的技术、生产及行政部门的管理人员。
The members of the committees comprise the senior management of the Group including Ms. Xiao Wei, the director of production and quality assurance department, Mr. Li Bo Tao, the director of administration department, Mr. Zheng Guo Liang, the regional sales director of the Group in the PRC, Mr. Zhong Xuan Feng, the director of human resources and information technology departments, Mr. Liu Feng, the regional sales director of the Group in Southeast Asia region, and the management of the technical, production and administration from respective production plants.
The required two goals in the final minutes to overcome Sevilla in their last league game, and they followed that performance up with a 2-0 win against Benfica in the Champions League on Wednesday night.




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