

单词 锰结核

See also:

manganese (chemistry)

External sources (not reviewed)

申请者还表示,它是“区 域”锰结核的一 个承包者,并一直根据其与管理局的合同满意地履行义务。
The applicant also stated that it
[...] was a contractor for manganese nodules in the Area and [...]
had been fulfilling its contract with
the Authority obligations satisfactorily.
此外, 利比亚呼吁进一步交换多金结核、 锰结核 、 硫化物 和富钴结克勘探方面的科研经验,以确保公平和公正 [...]
Moreover, Libya appeals for further exchanges of scientific
experiences relating to the exploration of
[...] polymetallic nodules, manganese nodules, sulphides [...]
and cobalt-rich crusts in order to ensure
a fair and equitable distribution of such resources, free of any monopoly in terms of research and experience.
管理和组织锰结核的勘 探,编写和维护向联合国国际海底管理局筹备委员会提 交的呈件,以依照《联合国海洋法公约》接受太平洋的 [...]
“首块矿区”,并开发海洋油气地球物理活动的新工艺和 新技术
Managed and organized
[...] prospecting for ferromanganese nodules, prepared and defended [...]
submissions to the Preparatory Commission
for the United Nations International Seabed Authority for the allocation of a pioneer site in the Pacific Ocean, in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and the development of new systems and technologies for maritime oil- and gas-related geophysical activities.
一次典型的盒式岩芯钻取器活动包括:描述所收 集的沉积物锰结核;对沉积物顺序作二次抽样; 锰结核 进 行 测量和归档;对 结核子样品进行选定地球化学分析;对结核进行妥善保护,以便在国内实验室中 作进一步分析。
A typical box corer session included describing the recovered sediment and Mn nodules, subsampling the sediment sequence, and measuring and archiving Mn nodules, selected geochemical analyses of nodule subsamples and proper conservation of nodules for further analyses in home laboratories.
[...] 及导航辅助工具的科学研究,组织对苏联大陆架以及太 平洋和印度洋的油气、锰结核和其他类型矿产资源进 行研究
Management of scientific research into the production of maritime geophysical and research equipment and navigation
aids, organization of research on
[...] oil and gas, ferromanganese nodules and other types [...]
of mineral resources on the continental
shelf of the USSR, and in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
在随后的辩论中,各代表团期待地注意到,富钴 锰结 壳 探矿和开发规章将 得核准。
In the ensuing debate, delegations noted with anticipation the forthcoming approval of the regulations on prospecting and exploitation of cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts.
秘书处维持着一个中央数据储存库,它由以下核心数据组构成:海底块状 硫化物数据库;富钴锰结壳数 据库;多金 结核 数 据库;一个网上地理信息系 统;图书目录;一个书目数据库;以及一个海底专利数据库。
The secretariat maintains a Central Data
Repository, which is
[...] comprised of the following core data sets: a sea floor massive sulphides database; a cobalt-rich ferromanganese [...]
crusts database; a polymetallic nodules database; a web-based geographical
information system (GIS); the library catalogue; a bibliographic database; and a seabed patents database.
(c) 确定进行有经济效益的提炼要求多金 结核 中 有 什么品级的镍、钴、铜锰,并 且通过勘探确定合同区内可以确认和界定的这种物质的数量和质地。
(c) Define what grade of nickel,
[...] cobalt, copper and manganese is required in the polymetallic nodules for economic [...]
extraction, and determine
through exploration what quantity and density of such material can be identified and delineated in the contract area.
它目前由以下的核心数据集构成:海底块状硫化物数据库、 富钴锰结壳数据库、多金结核数 据 库、网基地理信息系统、图书目录、书目 数据库以及海底专利数据库。
It is currently composed of the
[...] following core data sets: a sea floor massive sulphides database; a cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts database; a polymetallic nodules database; [...]
a webbased GIS; the
library catalogue; a bibliographic database; and a seabed patents database.
秘书处维持一个中央数据储存库,其构成部分包括:多金属硫化物数据库、 富钴锰结壳数据库、多金结核数 据 库、网上地理信息系统、图书目录、书目 数据库以及海底专利数据库。
The secretariat maintains a central data repository, comprising a series of databases on polymetallic sulphides, cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts and polymetallic nodules, a web-based GIS, the library catalogue, a bibliographic database and a seabed patents database.
因此,项目组进行了 复杂的氧锰基化合物毫结构合 成及实验研究,由此得以提供生产出的微结构及多晶材料 的电子、结构及磁力特征。
For this reason, the project team carried
out the sophisticated synthesis
[...] of nanometric structures of manganese oxide-based compounds [...]
and their experimental study,
thereby providing the electrical, structural and magnetic characterization of the nanostructured and polycrystalline materials produced.
第 4 节概述头 5 年的勘探方案和日期表,汤加近海采矿有限公司工作计划目 标是:(a) 确定加工和回收多金结核中的 镍、钴、铜 锰 的 最 有效且在环境上 可以接受的方法;确定在销售成品中以什么形式报告这些金属及其有关的基本建 设费用和生产费用;(b) 决定在尽量不损害环境的情况下,从海底回收物质的最 佳方式及其有关的基本建设费用和生产费用;(c) 确定进行有经济效益的提炼要 求多金结核中有 什么品级的镍、钴、铜和锰,并且通过勘探确定合同区内可以 确认和界定的这种物质的数量和质地。
The objectives of Tonga Offshore Mining’s plan of work are to: (a) determine the most efficient and environmentally acceptable method to process
and recover nickel,
[...] cobalt, copper and manganese from the polymetallic nodules, and define in what form these metals would report in a final product for sale, as well as the related capital and operating costs; (b) decide upon the optimum method to recover the material to surface with the minimum of environmental disturbance, as well as the related capital and operating costs; and (c) define what grade of nickel, cobalt, copper and manganese is required in the polymetallic nodules for economic [...]
extraction, and determine
through exploration what quantity and density of such material can be identified and delineated in the contract area.
有人表示,在富钴锰结壳规 章通过后,“区域内”的所 有三大类矿藏都将涵盖其中,管理局应对这些资源的开发进行有限度的初步研 究。
It was stated that, with the adoption of the regulations
[...] regarding cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts, all [...]
three significant categories of mineral
deposits in the Area would be covered and the Authority should conduct a limited preliminary study on the exploitation of those resources.
迄今为止,管理局已颁布《区域内多金 结核 探 查 和 勘探条例》,并正在为多金属硫化物及富钴 锰结 壳 的 探查和勘探通过类似条例 (见以下 A 节)。
To date, the Authority has issued Regulations on Prospecting
and Exploration for
[...] Polymetallic Nodules in the Area and is in the process of adopting similar regulations on prospecting and exploration for polymetallic sulphides and cobalt-rich ferromanganese [...]
crusts (see section A below).
在卫生 方面,近年来,儿童死亡率和产妇死亡率以及主要的卫生问题, 结核 病 和其它传染性疾病 都得到控制。
In the area of health, child and maternal mortality rates
and major health
[...] threats, such as tuberculosis and other communicable diseases, have been brought under control in recent years.
涉及的工作可能包括:监督金属趋势、多 金结核、多金属硫化物和富钴 锰结 壳 有关副产品的价格;利用探矿和勘探数 据对矿床资源进行评估;以及与理事会成员有关的其他统计数据。
The work involved may include monitoring metal trends and prices for the metals and
by-products associated with
[...] polymetallic nodules, polymetallic sulphides and cobalt-rich ferromanganese [...]
crusts; resource evaluation
of deposits based on prospecting and exploration data; formulation of cost models associated with polymetallic nodule mining and the processing of polymetallic nodules; and other statistics of relevance to membership in the Council.
日本欣见,在 2000 年通过《“区域”内多金结 核探矿和勘探规章》和在 2010 年通过《“区域”内多 金属硫化物探矿和勘探规章》之后,国际海底管理局 为最后确定关于“区域”内富钴 锰结 壳 的 探矿和勘 探规章草案而作的持续努力。
Japan welcomes the continuing efforts of the International Seabed Authority to finalize the
draft of the
[...] Regulations on prospecting and exploration for cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts in the Area, following the adoption of the Regulations on Prospecting and Exploration for Polymetallic Nodules in the Area in 2000 and the adoption of the [...]
Regulations on Prospecting
and Exploration for Polymetallic Sulphides in the Area in 2010.
虽然迄今所进行的地球化学分析的结果似乎前景乐观, 但这项工作至今尚未考虑稀土元素作为多金 结核 或 富钴 铁 锰结 壳 矿 床的采矿 副产品所需的冶金因素、矿石加工成本和回收效率。
While the results of the geochemical analyses carried out so far appear promising, the work to date does not take into account the required metallurgical factors, ore processing costs and recovery
efficiencies of rare earth elements as byproducts
[...] of mining polymetallic nodules or cobalt-rich ferromanganese [...]
crust deposits.
(a) 确定加工和回收多金结核中的 镍、钴、铜 锰 的 最 有效且在环境上可 以接受的方法;确定在销售成品中以什么形式报告这些金属及其有关的基本建设 费用和生产费用
(a) Determine the most efficient and environmentally acceptable
method to process and
[...] recover nickel, cobalt, copper and manganese from the polymetallic nodules, and [...]
define in what form these
metals would report in a final product for sale, as well as the related capital and operating costs
第二部分将侧重于已知海底矿产资源(多金 结核 、 富钴 铁 锰结 壳 和多金 属硫化物)的地球化学、地理分布和区域经济潜力。
The second part will focus on the geochemistry, geographic distribution and regional economic potentials of known seabed mineral resources (polymetallic nodules, cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts and polymetallic sulphides).
智利代表团指出,由于特定的地结 构 , 某些矿泉水天然含有一些高含量物质, 如砷锰、硼 和氟化物,不支持通过这些标准。
The Delegation of Chile indicated that some natural mineral
waters due to certain
[...] geological structure naturally contained higher levels of some substances such as arsenic, manganese, boron and fluoride [...]
and did not support the adoption of these levels.
我们认为,规章草案的通过也应当作为 会员国讨论“区域”内富钴锰结壳 规 章草案的重要 基准。
We believe that adoption of the draft regulations should also serve as an important reference for Member States in discussing the draft regulations on cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts in the Area.
(j) 进一步努力普及艾滋病毒防治、护理和扶助措施,加强疟疾 结核 病和 其他疾病的防治工作,包括为全球抗击艾滋病 结核 病 和 疟疾基金提供充足的资 金并通过联合国系统各机构、基金和方案及其他多边和双边渠道开展工作,酌情 加强创新筹资机制,提高应对措施的长期可持续性。
(j) Increasing efforts to achieve universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support, strengthening the fight against malaria, tuberculosis and other diseases, including by providing adequate funding for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and through the agencies, funds and programmes of the United Nations system and other multilateral and bilateral channels, strengthening innovative financing mechanisms, as appropriate, and contributing to the long-term sustainability of the response.
最不发达国家在人的能力发展方面的努力受到以下各方面的影响:贫穷率 高、失业现象严重、人口增长率高、卫生和营养结果差(反映于妇幼发病率和死
[...] 亡率高),以及营养不良的沉重负担;传染性疾病的流行,包括艾滋病毒/艾滋病、 疟疾结核病和 小儿麻痹症,以及日益沉重的非传染性疾病负担。
Efforts at development of human capacities in least developed countries have been affected by high incidence of poverty, mass unemployment, high population growth rates, poor health and nutrition outcomes, as evidenced by high child and maternal morbidity and mortality rates and the high burden of undernutrition, the prevalence
of communicable diseases, including
[...] HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and polio, [...]
and the growing burden of non-communicable diseases.
我们期望 管理局在 2011 年即将举行的第十七届会议上,在制 订区域内富钴锰结壳探 矿和勘探规章草案的定稿 方面取得进展。
It is our expectation that work will progress towards finalization of the draft regulations on prospecting and exploration for cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts in the Area at its upcoming seventeenth session in 2011.
不断变化的人口状况、不良的技术和社会经济条件、无计划的城市化、在 高风险地区内的开发、发展不足和不良的基础设施、薄弱的适应能力、环境退化、
[...] 气候多变、气候变化、遭遇地质灾害、竞争稀少的资源以及诸如艾滋病毒/艾滋 病、疟疾结核病等 流行病的影响,所有这些都增加了最不发达国家面对自然灾 [...]
Changing demographics and poor technological and socio-economic conditions, unplanned urbanization, development within high-risk zones, underdevelopment and poor infrastructure, weak adaptive capacity, environmental degradation, climate variability, climate change, exposure to geological hazards, competition for scarce resources, and
the impact of epidemics such as HIV/AIDS,
[...] malaria and tuberculosis all increase [...]
the vulnerability of least developed countries to natural hazards.
秘书长在题为《履行诺言:促进到 2015 年实现
千年发展目标商定行动议程的前瞻性审查》 (A/64/665)的报告中强调指出,一些国家在消除赤贫 方面成绩显著,提高了学校入学率,改善了儿童的健
[...] 康状况,为更多人提供饮用水,扩大了艾滋病毒/艾 滋病的治疗范围,疟疾、结核以及热带疾病的防治 工作也取得了长足进步。
In his report entitled “Keeping the promise: a forward-looking review to promote an agreed action agenda to achieve the Millennium Development Goals by 2015” (A/64/665), the Secretary-General stressed that several countries have obtained very positive results in the fight against extreme poverty, have improved their levels of school attendance, children’s health and access to
potable water and HIV/AIDS treatment and have made strides in the fight
[...] against malaria, tuberculosis and tropical [...]
我目前的研究兴趣主要集中在以下方面:(1) 大洋中脊和弧-弧后系统上的海底 热液活动;(2) 与热液活动有关的块状硫化物矿床和作为深海矿产资源的 锰结 壳矿 床;(3) 海底以下生物圈的微生物地球化学;(4) 热液系统内及其引发的地 球化学循环;(5) 陆地和海底的“稀有金属”矿产资源。
My current research interests are mainly focused on: (1) the seafloor hydrothermal activities both on the mid-ocean ridge and the arc-backarc systems; (2) the massive sulfide deposits related to hydrothermal activity and the ferromanganese crust deposits as deep-sea mineral resources; (3) the microbial geochemistry of the subseafloor biosphere; (4) the geochemical cycle within and from the hydrothermal systems; and (5) the “rare-metal” mineral resources on land and seafloor.
2006 年,理事会第十二届会议决定分别制订关于富钴 锰结 壳 的 规章草案 和关于多金属硫化物的规章草案,并将前者交给委员会,由委员会参考理事会 2005 年和 2006 年的讨论和可能获得的任何新的技术资料或经更新的技术资料予 以进一步更加详细地审议。
At the twelfth session, in 2006, the Council had decided to separate the draft regulations dealing with cobalt-rich crusts from those dealing with polymetallic sulphides and to remit the former to the Commission for further and more detailed consideration in light of the discussions that had taken place in the Council in 2005 and 2006 as well any new or updated technical information that might become available.




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