单词 | 锦上添花 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 锦上添花 —gilding the lilyless common: lit. on brocade, add flowers (idiom); decorate sth already perfect See also:花上 v—spend v
如果在这些专业人员中有能够说投资者的母语的成员,熟 悉投资者的国家背景,对于投资来说,无疑是一 件 锦上添花 的 好 事。 remminternational.com | There is an added benefit to the investor, if members of the team of experts speak in the native language of the investor and have knowledge of the home country of the investor. remminternational.com |
ELASTOSIL® 原生料在与有机硅有关的应用中起着 锦上添花 的 作 用,这使高度均衡的加工工艺更为高效。 wacker.com | ELASTOSIL® original batches are the icing on the cake where silicones are concerned, rendering finely balanced processes even more efficient. wacker.com |
Burke 特 别引用了一名用户的话,这名用户评价 Seaportal 说:“对于 本来已经很好的酒店来说是锦上添花。 igel.com | Burke highlighted a user comment that said that the Seaportal “is a great addition to an already great hotel. igel.com |
与会者特别赞赏欧洲联盟的“除武器之外一切产品” 的倡议等优惠计划,即将放宽适用的原产地规则更 是 锦上添花。 daccess-ods.un.org | Preferential schemes, such as the European Union’s Everything but Arms initiative, as strengthened by the forthcoming relaxation of applicable rules of origin, were particularly appreciated. daccess-ods.un.org |
出乎意料的柔软感觉为这款手镯表 锦上添花。 piaget.com.cn | The watch’s incredibly supple feel enhances the visual perfection of this astonishing creation. en.piaget.com |
作者Jack [...] Rix着力描绘了驾驶这款全新玛莎拉蒂轿跑车的愉悦感受,称赞全新自动变速箱令舒适体 验 锦上添花。 maserati.com.cn | Jack Rix focused on how sweet it was to drive the new Maserati coupé, stating that the new [...] automatic transmission added to the experience. maserati.it |
她的造型经典优雅,朱红色的唇膏以及美丽的发 型 锦上添花。 citij.com | She kept it classy and elegant. She accented her overall look with a fresh rouge lipstick and a beautiful hairdo. citij.com |
除了这一很强的合作伙伴关系以外,社会变革管理计划的各种活动都将继续与一些更 具有部门性或专业性的非政府组织密切配合开展,它们的技术和学术能力、热情和承诺无疑 将使社会变革管理计划锦上添花。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Aside from this strong partnership, the various activities under the MOST Programme will continue to develop in close collaboration with more sectoral and professional NGOs whose technical and academic skills, enthusiasm and commitment undoubtedly represent an advantage for the MOST Programme. unesdoc.unesco.org |
如果您需要描述复杂的数据或者讲述具体的故事,我们可以通过视频或者动画的形式为您的用户体 验 锦上添花。 siegelgale.cn | When you need to depict complex data or tell detailed stories, we add depth to your user experiences [...] through video and animation. siegelgale.com |
为了让展馆布景设计锦上添花,音 乐家弗兰克•帕尔创作了一首原创背景音乐,发音器是他利用底特律大街上拾得的旧设备和部件组建的若干个机器人。 shanghaibiennale.org | To accompany the set design, musician Frank Pahl composes an original soundscape featuring automatons that he has constructed from old equipment and parts salvaged from the streets of Detroit. shanghaibiennale.org |
在这方面,与支持妇女方案的非洲开发银行扩大合作,将成 为 锦上添花 之 举。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this context, greater cooperation with the African Development Bank (ADB), which supports programmes for women, would add significant value. daccess-ods.un.org |
若想让你的旅程锦上添花,不 如在这里当场寄一张明信片回家。 4tern.com | If you want your journey to be remembered, get your postcard posted from the peak. 4tern.com |
数以百计的游戏开盒即可呈现 3D 效果,这一点更为该解决方案 锦上添花。 nvidia.cn | The fact that 3D just works with hundreds of games right out of the box is the icing on the cake. nvidia.com |
光顾一座著名的博物馆或 欣赏一场科隆爱乐乐团的演出将使您的文 化旅程锦上添花。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | A visit to one of the many important museums, or the Philharmonic, rounds off the cultural experience. carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |
对于使用溶剂的柔性版印刷和凹版印刷工序而言,Carroll [...] Scientific™油墨添加剂产品系列的Pinnacle®微粉蜡可为多种油墨配 方 锦上添花。 cn.lubrizol.com | For solvent-based flexographic and gravure processes, Pinnacle® [...] micronized waxes, part of the Carroll [...] Scientific™ ink additives product line, provide [...]the finishing touch for many ink formulations. lubrizol.com |
香传”系列月饼礼盒设计雅致简约,分红金两色,寓意吉祥富贵,而缎面玉兰花刺绣的巧妙运用不仅具 有 锦上添花 的 效果,更完美诠释了中国传统文化的独特艺术韵味,具有很高的观赏价值,让礼盒可以循环利用。 shangri-la.com | This year’s selection of themed packaging has a more natural style that is simple, noble and elegant. shangri-la.com |
而 TEL 在杜伊斯堡和莫斯科之间开设的直通集装箱班列亦为这项服 务 锦上添花。 trans-eurasia-logistics.com | The range of services also includes direct TEL container trains between Duisburg and Moscow. trans-eurasia-logistics.com |
本次收购显著提升了汉高集团在压敏型黏合剂技术领域的地位,该产品系列也为汉高已相当完善的高业绩PSA业 务 锦上添花。 henkel.cn | The acquisition clearly strengthens Henkel’s position in the area of high-sensitive adhesives as the acquired product range is complementary to Henkel’s well established high-performance PSA business. henkel.com |
而VSC 400 MODULAR机床的推出更使埃马克机床的品 种 锦上添花 , 填补了标准机床和量身定制解决方案之间的空白。 emag.com | It is further complemented by the VSC 400 MODULAR, a series of machines that close the gap between standard and customised solution. emag.com |
除此,这也是一个携带家人了解异域文化的好机会,尤其对子女的成长 有 锦上添花 的 不可替代的作用。 embassyusa.cn | So it is a great honor to be a Fulbright scholar. eng.embassyusa.cn |
对于第二类基金和专业投资基金 (SIF)而言,法律上并没有委任管理 公司的规定,不过委任管理公司在其 他方面(如财务、治理结构等)有助于 锦上添花。 pwc.lu | For Part II funds and SIFs, legal requirements for appointing a management company are further detailed in the law transposing the AIFMD. pwc.lu |
Top Gear Italia将玛莎拉蒂Quattroporte总裁系列精英版形容为“追随疯狂骑士(V8发动机)的窈窕淑女”,对于一款几近完美的产品而言,仅需稍作改进,即可实 现 锦上添花。 maserati.com.cn | Just a few touches were needed to improve an already excellent product like the Maserati Quattroporte, defined by Top Gear Italia as “a classy lady that allows herself to be led by the boisterous cavalier that is the V8 engine”. web.maserati.com |
日蚀创意坊的“新生儿”:北极之音,致力于一切围绕音乐的事业,举办音乐派对、音乐节……与俄罗斯音乐家 Peter携手,我们共同打造一系列软硬件:音响系统,神奇穹顶,视觉DJ系统……让云南上空除了云朵月光,更有音 乐 锦上添花。 rishi-labs.org | In collaboration with Peter, a russian musician, we are creating all the infrastructures to bring music around Yunnan: the sound system, the magical dome, the visual Dj system. rishi-labs.org |
会议主席汶亚吉先生感谢小组成员和与会者的发言和讨论,他说会议成果对 经济及社会理事会 7 月在日内瓦举行的审议是锦上添花, 很 有助益。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Chair of the session, Mr. Boonyakiat, thanked the panellists and participants for the presentations and discussion, the outcomes of which he said will be a useful addition to the deliberations of the Economic and Social Council in Geneva in July. daccess-ods.un.org |
對於獲退稅的人士而言,那可能只是 錦 上添花 而 已。 legco.gov.hk | To people who will receive the tax rebates, the rebates may be no more than gilding the lily. legco.gov.hk |
帝雅延臨近酒店著名的表演湖,賓客到時可一邊享受美食,一邊可以近距離感受由奪目的 LED 燈、壯觀的噴火技術以及隨音樂翩翩起舞的水柱交織而成的全新表演湖演出,讓晚宴 錦 上添花。 yp.mo | Dinning at Ristorante il Teatro, customers can enjoy the splendid shows of the Performance Lake featuring an exciting display of vibrant LED lighting, dramatic fire effects and sensational choreography. yp.mo |
梅賽德斯-奔馳香港有限公司營運總裁魏德博士說:「首度於香港展出的全新C 63 AMG 轎跑車,糅合超卓性能及矚目設計於一身,為今天開幕 錦 上添花。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | To leave a remarkable impression of today, the new Mercedes-Benz C 63 AMG Coupé makes its first debut in Hong Kong, which offers the perfect synthesis of extraordinary performance and expressive design. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
得到國際的肯定固然是好,但我們必須瞭解,那只是 錦 上添花 ; 其 實, 要保育本土的獨特地質環境和優美景觀,最根本的還是要政府制訂全面的政 策加強保育,並且在兼顧到環境的生態承載力下,按可持續發展的模式,適 當地規劃發展。 legco.gov.hk | Moreover, the Government should take into account the ecological carrying capacity in carrying out proper planning and development according to the principles of sustainable development. legco.gov.hk |
为路易十六进行的唯一改动就是修建了一个风雅的小藏衣室,左侧有一扇小门,还有就 是 添 置 了 一批新家具,其中用金线 挖 花 织 制 的 锦 缎 再 现了1789年时此处床室的帷幔。 zh.chateauversailles.fr | The only alterations ordered for Louis XVI consisted in the creation of a delightful little dressing-room entered through a little door to the left, and [...] the delivery of a new set [...] of furnishings including the gilt brocade lampas which reproduces the recess hangings present [...]in 1789. en.chateauversailles.fr |
我們從產品的特性、目標客戶及配合市場趨勢,經過細心分析,經過我們的多年經驗,能為客人提供一個與別不同的卡通品牌形象策劃,如製作flash動畫、動漫插圖設計、吉祥物設計、促銷禮品及創新卡通品牌授權,可在套用在不同產品上,就更能便企業的品牌形象更添色彩活力, 錦 上添花。 inmedia.eksx.com | After careful analysis of product characteristics, target customers and in line with market trends, we, through our many years of experience, can provide guests with a difference, cartoon brand image planning, such as the production of flash animation, illustration design, mascot design, promotional gifts and innovative cartoon brand licensing can be applied in different products, the better corporate brand image even more color vitality. inmedia.eksx.com |