

单词 错失

错失 adjective ()

default adj

错失 ()

miss (a chance)

失错 verb ()

mistake v

失错 ()

by accident

See also:


wrong adj
bad adj
complex adj

let slip
inlay with gold or silver
surname Cuo


miss v


External sources (not reviewed)

各部委和机构各自为政的结果是,工作和资源分散 错失 解 决可持续 发展挑战的机遇,因为这些挑战是相互联系的。
When ministries and agencies work in isolation from one another,
the result is fragmentation of efforts and
[...] resources and a missed opportunity to [...]
address sustainable development challenges
that are themselves interconnected.
我们正错失与经济和社会事务部共同 努力实现协同增效的机会。
We miss opportunities in working [...]
with and achieving synergies with the Department of Economic and Social Affairs”.
鉴于信息技术市场规模很大,印度有可能由于这项协定 错失 发 展 信息技术硬件 业的良机。
Given the large size of the IT market,
[...] India may have missed an opportunity [...]
to develop its IT hardware industry because of the Agreement.
的确,不错失危机 带来的政治变革契机。
Indeed, the political opportunity for change generated by the crisis should not be wasted.
虽然印度 尼西亚代表团支持该决议草案中所载的联合思想,呼
[...] 吁进一步采取步骤实现民主过渡,但该国感到遗憾的 是,主要提案错失了更好地反映缅甸所取得的积极 进展的良机。
While his delegation supported the united message contained in the draft resolution which called for further steps towards a
democratic transition, it regretted that the
[...] main sponsor had missed opportunities [...]
to better reflect the positive progress made in Myanmar.
这是谈判的关键所在:如果一些国家因没有合规能力而被排 除在外,则人们错失一次 充分享有贸易便利化好处的重大机遇。
This is a major stake of the negotiation: an important opportunity to reap
the full benefits of trade
[...] facilitation would be missed if some countries [...]
were left out because they do not have the capacity to be compliant.
[...] 一起继续采取正确和果断的措施,我们定会确保,在 索马里开启的机会之窗将不错失。
We believe that if we collectively continue to take correct
and decisive measures, we will ensure that the current window of opportunity created in Somalia
[...] will not have been lost.
未来几年内将有大批工作人员退 休,这是本组织不错失的一 个机会,要籍此确保计划的荷求程度与人员的能力和技能之 间,以及计划职能与行政职能之间更加相配。
The large number of retiring staff in the coming years is an opportunity which the Organization must seize to ensure a better fit between programme exigencies and staff profiles and skills, as well as between programmatic and administrative functions.
最坏的情况下可能会丧失这种 能力,政策设计所需的必要分析也可能因此错失。
At worst, that
[...] capacity may be missing and the necessary analysis that informs policy design may consequently be missing.
自 2005 年以来,执行主任每年向全体工作人员发一份备忘录,报告儿基会 为处理已经证实的工作人错失行为 而采取的惩戒行动。
Since 2005, the Executive Director has issued an annual memo to all staff reporting the disciplinary actions taken by UNICEF to address proven wrongdoing by staff.
关于行政首长服务条 件的建议将重点放在诸如以下这样的问题上:行政首长的任用条件;涉及行政首 长的可能利益冲突及他们可能发生的不当行为 错失 行 为;适用于行政首长的财 务披露表政策;接受馈赠、荣誉和勋章的问题。
The recommendations dealing with the conditions of service of the executive heads focus on issues such as: the terms of appointment of the executive heads; potential conflicts of interest pertaining to and possible misconduct/wrongdoing by the executive heads; the financial disclosure statement policies applicable to the executive heads; and the acceptance of gifts, honours and decorations.
在这方面,一些 代表指出,限制使用互联网可能导 错失 重 要 机会。
In this connection, some delegates pointed out that restrictions on the use of the Internet could lead to
[...] substantial opportunities being lost.
它们 包括法律支助办公室提供道德操守咨询意见、法律支助办公室在 2007 年编纂保 护举错失行为 者不受报复的特别举措的规定、6 2007 年人力处制作的试验性联 机道德操守训练课程,以及人力处在 2007 年执行的首次全组织财务披露行动。
They included the provision of ethics advice by the Legal Support Office (LSO), the codification of specific protection from retaliation against allegations of wrongdoing in 2007 by LSO6 , a pilot online ethics training course by OHR in 2007 and the first organization-wide financial disclosure exercise for UNDP that was implemented by OHR in 2007.
在大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国,在被告至少出庭一次之 后,通常允许进行缺席审判,但这种审判并不是为了在被告未被拘押的情况下进 行审判所作的调整安排,也不是这样做的机会,而是针对被告 错失 行 为 所作的 权利消减。
In the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America, the trial in absentia — generally allowed when the defendant appears at least once at trial — is not an accommodation or an opportunity to hold a trial without taking custody of the accused, but a diminution of rights in response to the wrongdoing of the accused.
(c) 如果尚未制订规定如何全面处理行政首长的利益冲突问题和(或)对错失行为 或不当行为的指控,则应制订这种规定。
(c) Adopting provisions comprehensively addressing conflicts of interest pertaining to, and/or wrongdoing or misconduct allegedly committed by, executive heads, if such provisions have not yet been adopted.
我敦促各方不错失目 前 的这一机会,在这些会谈中取得进展,并且在第三 方积极参与和四方积极支持下进行直接谈判。
We urge the
[...] parties not to miss the current opportunity to make progress [...]
in these talks and to move to direct negotiations
with active third-party involvement and close Quartet support.
在下次选 举前校准并全面撤销制裁以便在改革方面取得广泛 进步的机会可能已错失了。 三年前当《全球政治 协议》(Global Political Agreement, GPA)新鲜出 炉、联合政府刚刚成立的时候,可能还存在这样的 机会。
Opportunity for a calibrated, full removal of sanctions before the next elections, geared to broad progress on reform, such as perhaps existed three years ago when the Global Political Agreement (GPA) was fresh and the Inclusive Government formed, has probably passed.
再也不会有睡到中午才起身的状况,因 错失 了 美 丽的早晨,相等于就像在蹉跎纽西兰的光阴。
You will have a feeling of wasting another great morning by sleeping.
许多年轻人贫穷而且就业不足错失 了 经 济增长和发展 方面的机遇。
Many young people are poor and underemployed,
[...] which results in missed opportunities [...]
in terms of economic growth and development.
[...] 子,在这个问题上,许多成熟市场的跨国公司 错失 了 这个利润回报丰厚的 良机。
The telecom sector in Africa was provided
as an example where many mature market transnational
[...] corporations (TNCs) missed out on highly [...]
profitable opportunities.
必须首先在本区错失实现 和平的良机之前,立即制止以色 列对手无寸铁的巴勒斯坦平民进行的罪恶侵略并使其无法继续逍遥法外。
This has to begin with immediately ending Israel’s vicious aggression against the defenceless Palestinian civilian population and its destructive path of impunity before the window of opportunity to achieve peace in the region is missed.
客 户 」 同 意 「 e-Advice 」 及 「 e-Statement 」 将 为 「 本 行 」 及 「 客 户 」 之 间 就 当 中 资 料 及 细 节 的 确 实 证 明 , 而 「 e-Advice 」 及 「 e-Statement 」 将 对 「 客 户 」 具 有 约 束 力 , 并 将 视 为 「 客 户 」 已 同 意 放 弃 任 何 就 「 e-Advice 」 及 「 e-Statement 」 而 向 「 本 行 」 提 出 反 对 或 追 讨 赔 偿 的 权 利 , 除 非 「 客 户 」 能 于 「 本 行 」 将 「 e-Advice 」 及 「 e-Statement 」 传 送 至 「 指 定 电 邮 地 址 」 或 ( 视 属 何 情 况 而 定 ) 存 放 于 「 客 户 」 之 「 恒 生 商 业e-Banking」 内 之 後 之 6 0 天 ( 如 「 e-Advice 」 或 「 e-Statement 」 属 信 用 卡 之 每 月 「
e-Advice 」 或 「 e-Statement 」 ) 及 9 0 天 ( 如 属 所 有 其 他 「 e-Advice 」 或 「
[...] e-Statement 」 ) 限 期 内 , 以 书 面 将 该 等错 失 」 通 知 「 本 行 」 。
The Customer agrees that the e-Advices and e-Statements shall, as between the Bank and the Customer, be conclusive evidence as to the information and details shown therein and that the e-Advices and e-Statements shall be binding upon the Customer, who shall be deemed to have agreed to waive any rights to raise objections or pursue any remedies against the Bank in respect thereof unless the Customer has notified the Bank in writing of any such Errors within 60 days where the e-Advice or e-Statement is a monthly credit card e-Advice or e-Statement and 90 days for all other e-Advices and e-Statements after the Bank has sent the e-Advices or e-Statements to the Customer’s
Designated Electronic Mail Address
[...] or, as the case may be, placed the same in the Customer’s [...]
Hang Seng Business e-Banking.
上述 框架将列出国家与地方两级的明确战略,以便:更好地支助有效的能力发展;列
[...] 入明确的时限与退出战略;避免将资源过度分散于多个优先事项,导 错失 机会 和失去重点。
This framework will contain clear strategies at both national and local levels to: better support effective capacity development; embed clear time frames and exit strategies;
and avoid thinly spreading its resources across multiple priorities
[...] resulting in missed opportunities [...]
and lack of focus.
道德操守办公室的宗旨之一,是在保护工作人员以免由于下列原因遭到报复 方面发挥关键作用:(a) 举报欺诈或其他不当行为;(b) 本着诚意针对被指错 失行为提供信息;或(c) 在正式受权进行的审计、检查或其他监督活动中进行合 作。
One of the purposes of the Ethics Office is to play a key role in staff protection against retaliation for having (a) reported fraud or other misconduct, (b) provided information in good faith on alleged wrongdoing or (c) cooperated with a duly authorized audit, inspection or other oversight activity.
著名教育顾问、《你所不知道的升学经验》(What You Don't
Know Can Keep You out of College)一书的作者Donald
[...] Dunbar表示:“在Quad2Quad面市前,在网站上搜索大学面试政策难度很大,因为这些信息通常都被湮没了,许多打算申请入学的学生面 错失 良 机 的风险。
According to Donald Dunbar, noted educational consultant and author of "What You Don't Know Can Keep You out of College," "Before Quad2Quad, ferreting out the college interview policies on websites
was challenging because that information was often buried, putting many prospective
[...] students at risk of missing the boat.
[...] 国系统持续改进业绩,妇女署将进行定期审计、独立的行政和与方案有关的内部 审计,并对被控欺诈、不当行为、骚扰、滥权和(或)其 错失 行 为 进行调查。
To ensure continuous performance improvement throughout the United Nations system, UN-Women will carry out periodic audits, independent administrative and
programme-related internal audits, and investigations of alleged
[...] fraud, misconduct, harassment, abuse and/or other wrongdoing.
此外,为改进快速拍摄功能,以确保外出拍摄时不 错失 任 一 拍照良机,理光引入了混合型自动对焦系统和图像感应器偏移图像稳定功能,这一功能利用理光独立开发的外置自动对焦感应器和3英寸、约123万像素VGA液晶显示屏提高户外场景的清晰度。
Additionally, for the advancement of
the Quick Shooting capabilities
[...] required to make sure you never miss a shot when out [...]
shooting, Ricoh has introduced a Hybrid
AF System and an Image-sensor-shift Image Stabilization Function, which makes use of Ricoh's independently developed external AF sensor, and a 3-inch, approximately 1.23 million-dot VGA LCD monitor for heightened outdoor visibility.
这些因素包括但可能不限于:通过采用《法律框架》提高 了认识;工作人员对举错失行为 更有信心;专职调查员的存在;人力资源业务 [...]
These include, but may not be limited to: awareness raised through the introduction of the
Legal Framework; staff being more confident
[...] in reporting wrongdoing; the presence [...]
of a dedicated investigator; and the transfer
of responsibility for investigating allegations of workplace harassment and abuse of authority from the Human Resources Practice Group to the Internal Audit and Investigations Group.
但是,通过一种区分制裁类型、关注选举所 需具体改革的协调一致的方式,来推动进步并打破 目前僵局的机会仍然存在,不错失。
But a chance to promote progress and break the current deadlock still exists through a coordinated approach that distinguishes types of sanctions and focuses on specific reforms needed for those elections.
如上所述,埃塞俄比亚军队从索马里完全撤离加上议会的扩大、谢赫·谢里夫 当选总统、在新的总理指导下组成 了民族
[...] 团结政府,这些都创造了新的动力,也 为索马里持 续和平与安全带来了不错失的机会。
As mentioned earlier, the complete withdrawal of the Ethiopian troops from Somalia, together with the enlargement of Parliament, the election of President Sheikh Sharif, the formation of a Government of national unity under a new prime
minister, create a new momentum and a window of opportunity for lasting peace and security in
[...] Somalia which must not be lost.




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