单词 | 错了 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 错了 adjective —mistakenSee also:错 adj—wrong adj • complex adj • bad adj 错—stagger • interlocking • alternate • let slip • evade • polish • inlay with gold or silver • surname Cuo
如果傲慢的国家允许枪炮声占据上风,以 [...] 为通过杀戮、恐吓无辜平民并使其挨饿,他们就能达 到其政治目的或为其带来和平,他们完 全 错了。 daccess-ods.un.org | When arrogant countries allow the voices of arms and bombs to prevail and think that by killing, terrorizing and [...] starving innocent civilians they achieve their political goals or that that will bring them [...] peace, they are totally mistaken. daccess-ods.un.org |
通常情况下,针孔 [...] 的一头应被线缆插座占据,面对被占据针孔的针尖则应从主板插座上卸下,这样就不会将线缆 插错了。 seagate.com | Usually, one of the pinholes is filled on the cable plug, and one of the pins [...] facing the filled hole is removed from the motherboard socket, so it becomes impossible to plug [...] the cable in the wrong way. seagate.com |
欧洲联盟委员会认为第 8 [...] 条草案的评注第(3)段(A/64/10,第 51 段)给出的 一个例子“放错了地方”。 daccess-ods.un.org | The European Commission considered that an example given in paragraph (3) of the commentary on draft article 8 [...] (A/64/10, para. 51) was “misplaced”. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果您把外部投诉审查请求寄错了部 门, 会转送到正确的部门。 amerihealthmercyhp.com | If you send your request for external [...] review to the wrong department, it [...]will be sent to the correct department. amerihealthmercyhp.com |
另外,很多国家签署了 [...] “里约+20”会议上达成的各项协定,如果认为它们会因为协议不具法律约束 力而不认真予以对待就错了。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | Furthermore, it would be wrong to suggest that the many States that [...] had signed the agreements reached at Rio+20 would not take them seriously simply [...] because they were not legally [...]binding. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
在许多情况下,被关押者的姓和名被利比里亚国家警察 弄错了,拼写也不正确。 daccess-ods.un.org | In many cases, the last names and first names of the detainees were confused by [...] the LNP, and spelled incorrectly. daccess-ods.un.org |
日留下的,而不是三周之前留下的。由于此前另一名同样头部受伤的女孩 在我诊所就诊,因此弄错了日期。 daccess-ods.un.org | The mistake in the date was due to confusion with another young girl I had seen in my practice some time before, with the same cranial injury. daccess-ods.un.org |
一旦你预览您的视频并没有什么错了 , 你可以去设置电视标准上的“设置”选项,输出的宽高比(4:3 [...] / 16:9)“DVD设置栏”和输出(PAL / NTSC)视频质量“低视频质量,视频质量和最高的视频质量”。 daniusoft.com | Once you have previewed your [...] video and nothing wrong about it, you can [...]go to set TV Standard (PAL/NTSC) on "Setting" option, [...]output Aspect Ratio (4:3/16:9) on "DVD setting bar" and output Video Quality "Low video quality, High video quality and Highest video quality". the highest video quality option is best for high DVD Video quality, even though it will take longer authoring time and occupy more capacity of DVD disc. daniusoft.com |
外聘审计员代表还确认了被指控的法律顾问丢失文件一事已经查明: 是部门一位培训生将文件放错了位置。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The representative of the External Auditor also confirmed that the incident with the alleged disappearance of a file from the Legal Adviser was cleared since the file was misplaced by one of the service’s trainees. unesdoc.unesco.org |
正如作家弗克纳所写的那样:“要了解爱尔兰每个历史遗迹背后的故事,你即使用上一生也不够,但是如果能在旅行中了解其冰山一角也算 不 错了。 discoverireland.com | As the writer Frank O’Connor said, “It would take more than one lifetime to discover the reason for all the ruins in Ireland, but it sure makes for a diverting tour of discovery trying at least to scratch the surface. discoverireland.com |
因为代比在利比亚叛乱初期对卡扎菲这位命中的恩人给与了政治上的支持,并到了很晚的时候才与利比亚“全国过渡委员会”(NTC)进行配合,所以乍得与利比亚关系的新时代从一开始就 迈 错了 步 子。 crisisgroup.org | Because the latter supported his doomed benefactor politically at the start of the insurgency and only belatedly [...] aligned with Libya’s National Transitional Council (NTC), the new era of Chad-Libya relations [...] has started on the wrong foot. crisisgroup.org |
穆里尔·蒂普顿先生在前面犯了错, 并 且他射击她,却没有意识到,她已经退休前一段时间,也意外,Moseby先生在酒店打破了花瓶。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Muriel makes a mistake in front of Mr. [...] Tipton and he fires her, not realizing that she had already retired some time ago, [...]also Mr. Moseby accidentally breaks the vase in the hotel. seekcartoon.com |
审计委员会感到关切的是,发现的不足之处表明财务报表编制过程控制不 当,因此增加了错误和 错报以及不遵守会计准则的风险。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Board was concerned that the weaknesses identified are an indication that the controls rendered for the financial [...] statements preparation [...] process were not adequate and thus increased the risk of error and misstatement [...]as well as non-compliance with accounting standards. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,他说有些建议 是在对调查结果进行了错误阐 释的基础上做出的,因此不能考虑将其落实。 unesdoc.unesco.org | However, he notes that some of the recommendations stem from a misinterpretation of the findings, and consequently cannot all be considered for implementation. unesdoc.unesco.org |
f 一旦确立某个行政机构在司法管辖权、自然正义、法律 上犯有错误,或有任何其他明显的失误,或因行事方式不正确或反复无常,犯下 了错误,法院即可批准上诉的请求。 daccess-ods.un.org | The State party asserts that in order to obtain leave to apply for judicial review, the complainant needed to show that he had an arguable case, which required a lesser burden of proof than that required for judicial review on the merits.f The Court can grant an application if it is established that an [...] administrative body has [...] committed an error of jurisdiction, natural justice, law or any other apparent error, or error made in a [...]perverse or capricious manner. daccess-ods.un.org |
中心触点输出值若在此范围之外表示手柄霍尔传感器的供电出 现了 错误。 sauer-danfoss.com | A center tap output outside this range indicates a fault in the supply to the joystick Hall sensors. sauer-danfoss.com |
SupplyOn [...] 可以基于客观原因拒绝注册,尤其当潜在 客户提供了错误或误导性的注册数据的时候,如果有明显迹象表明该客 [...]户的可信度不能保证,或有明显迹象表明该客户违反了可适用的国际、 欧洲或国内法律规定。 supplyon.com | SupplyOn may refuse registration for [...] objective reasons, notably where a prospective [...] customer provides wrong or misleading [...]Registration Data, if there is clear indication [...]that its creditworthiness is not ensured or if there is clear indication that applicable international, European or national legal regulations are violated. supplyon.com |
例如,如果在种植后发现种子存在质量问题,需要由 合格的组织内部人员确认这属于产品问题,而不是分销商或栽培者作 出了错误判断。 excellencethrou...stewardship.org | For example, if a seed-quality problem is identified after planting, qualified organization [...] personnel will need to confirm that this is a product issue and [...] not a result of misidentification by a distributor [...]or grower. excellencethrou...stewardship.org |
债务人向莫斯科地区联邦国家商事法院(二审法院)提起了上诉,理由是,该 仲裁裁决有违俄罗斯联邦的公共政策,因为仲裁庭在调查本案事实情况时 犯了 错误, 没有邀请适当的被申请人(即负责履行前苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟 (苏联)义务的俄罗斯国家主管机关)参加便解决了争议,还对债务人是否按 照合同负有赔偿责任以及这类赔偿责任的限度 作 了错 误 的 裁决。 daccess-ods.un.org | The debtor lodged a cassational appeal with the Moscow Area Federal State Commercial Court (the court of second instance), on the grounds that the arbitral award was contrary to the public policy of the Russian Federation, [...] since the Arbitral [...] Tribunal had erred in the investigation of the factual circumstances of the case, had settled the dispute without inviting the participation of an appropriate respondent, in the form of Russian State authorities responsible for fulfilling the obligations of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), and had incorrectly ruled on whether the debtor had liabilities [...]under the contract [...]and on the extent of such liabilities. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这份“便携式地图集”中,de la Feuille 记载了错综复杂的西班牙王位继承战争(1701-14 年),这场战争始于西班牙哈布斯堡国王查尔斯二世的去世,他把西班牙留给了法国波旁王朝国王路易十四的孙子安茹公爵菲利普。 wdl.org | In this “portable atlas,” de la Feuille documented the intricacies of the War of Spanish Succession (1701-14), which began after the Habsburg king of Spain, Charles II, died and left his kingdom to Philip, the Duke of Anjou and the grandson of the French Bourbon king, Louis XIV. wdl.org |
如果项被放入了错误的 文件夹,请尝试将其向左或 向右移动,从而获取正确位置。 redlion.net | If the item is being [...] dropped into the wrong folder, try moving [...]left or right to get to the correct position. redlion.net |
在有些案件中,军事和司法当局采取 了 适 当措施,例如公开 认 错 和 加 速 调查,但在其他案件中,安全部队人员污蔑受害人或者采取强迫、威胁或贿赂手 [...] 段迫使其撤回控诉。 daccess-ods.un.org | In some cases, military and legal authorities have [...] implemented adequate measures, [...] such as public recognition of wrong-doing and expediting investigations, [...]but, in other cases, [...]members of security forces contributed to the stigmatization of the victims or pressured them to withdraw their accusations through coercion, threats or payoffs. daccess-ods.un.org |
争议法庭在下述案件中裁定了赔偿金:(a) 原因是失去了被考虑担任某一职位的机会或者失去了被任命担任某一职位的机 [...] 会,依据是该工作人员有“很大”的任用机会,有 50%的任用机会,或者甚至是 10%的任用机会的推测;(b) 原因是程序性错误, 即使工作人员并没有因这 种错 误而遭受损害;以及(c) 原因是违反了礼节性做法的义务,即使争议法庭认定有 争议的行政决定是合法的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Dispute Tribunal has awarded compensation in the following cases: (a) for the lost chance of being considered for a position or for the lost chance of being appointed to a position, based on the speculation that the staff member had a “high” chance of being appointed, a 50 per cent chance of being appointed or even a 10 per cent chance [...] of being appointed; [...] (b) for a procedural error even when the staff member did not suffer any injury as a result of such error; and (c) for violating [...]obligations of courtesy, [...]even though the Dispute Tribunal found that the contested administrative decision was lawful. daccess-ods.un.org |
兼容的指令 必须遵循严格的语法要求,命令树中不允许多余的字符,命令树与参数之间只允许一个 [...] 空格隔开,参数后不允许多余的字符等,否则蜂鸣器会报警,表示当前命令产 生 了错 误。 cn.rigol.com | The compatible commands must follow the syntax strictly, for instance, unwanted characters are not allowed in command trees; command trees and parameters should be separated by a space, unwanted [...] characters are also not allowed to follow parameters, or else the instrument will beep to [...] alarm for an execution error. rigol.com |
注意:如果更换了错误类型的电池,那么可能存在爆 炸危险。 sonimtech.com | CAUTION: There is a risk of explosion while charging if the battery has been replaced by an incorrect type. sonimtech.com |
据称,驳回申请的遣返前风险评估官员和法官在 法律上犯了错误,认定提交人必须证明她和女儿人身受到威胁,不考虑她们因属 于社会特殊群体,即女性而面临风险,有充分理由感到恐惧。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is alleged that both the PRRA officer and the IRB member who denied the refugee status application erred at law when they concluded that the author needed to prove that she and her daughter were personally targeted, disregarding the well-founded nature of their fear in view of the risks faced by members of a particular social group, i.e. women. daccess-ods.un.org |
同时这也是降低用水量所期望的——可以通过降 低“管理损失”来实现,管理不善时,如将正确的水量输送 到 了错 误 地 点或输送时间 有错就会造成“管理损失”。 wrdmap.org | It is also expected to reduce water consumption – this can be achieved by reducing the ‘management losses’ which can occur when there is weak management which delivers the right amount of water but to the wrong places or at the wrong times. wrdmap.org |
因为每一个新 专利都可以获得长达 30 个月的自动停止审 [...] 评,所以这种专利被用于阻碍仿制药进入市 场。125 例如,在联邦贸易委员会诉 [...] Bristol Myers 公司案中,公司被发现进行了错误的 列名——“因为 FDA 并没有对桔皮书上所 [...] 列的专利进行审查,判断其在事实上是否符 合法定的列名标准。 cgfwatch.org | Such patents have been used to delay the entry of generics, as each new patent could be used to obtain a new automatic stay for 30 months.125 In a case decided by the FTC [...] against Bristol Myers, for instance, [...] the company was found to have made wrongful listings [...]“because the FDA does not review [...]patents presented for listing in the Orange Book to determine whether they do, in fact, meet the statutory listing criteria. cgfwatch.org |
她强调,各机构 都在真诚努力分享信息和作出澄清,但觉得文件没有反映出对实现 2013 和 2015 [...] 年目标所 涉及的任务的规模的理解,而且含有暗示各机构 犯 了错 误 的 文字。 multilateralfund.org | She stressed the sincerity of the agencies’ efforts to share information and provide clarification, but felt that the document did not reflect an appreciation of the size of the tasks [...] involved in meeting the 2013 and 2015 targets, and contained language that implied [...] presumptions of wrongdoing by the agencies. multilateralfund.org |
为什么要使用脚本程序进行转换呢,其实实际测试过程中,使用PDF Distiller的对象引用到C#后,转换成功,但整个PDF [...] Distiller对象不能释放,第二次再转换时,就发 生 了错 误 ,故此处使用脚本程序实现转换.这样我们只要在C#的程序中调用脚本程序就可以实现WORD到PDF的转换。 oapdf.com | process using a script to convert it, in fact, the actual testing process, the use of PDF Distiller of the object reference to C # after a successful conversion, the PDF Distiller of the object can not be [...] released, and the second conversion times [...] and then when the error occurred, so here [...]the realization of the conversion process [...]using a script. so that we as long as the procedures in C # script in the call can be achieved WORD to PDF conversion. oapdf.com |