单词 | 锋芒内敛 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 锋芒内敛 —be talented yet self-effacing [idiom.]See also:锋芒—cutting edge • sharp point • tip (of pencil, spear etc) • vanguard • spearhead 内敛 n—reserve n
如果我早就处在囊中的话,就会锥子那样,整 个 锋芒 都 会露出来,不仅是尖梢露出来而已。 chinesestoryonline.com | If you have had done it, the whole awl, not only its point, would have pierced through. chinesestoryonline.com |
目前正在作出努力,以便 在暴力行动有所收敛的地 区中减少使用特别法律。 daccess-ods.un.org | Efforts are underway to reduce the use of special laws in areas where violence has declined. daccess-ods.un.org |
此次展览为中国“量身定做”,旨在让中国消费者进一步了解香奈儿,讲述那些让她创造经典的灵感,例如相嵌的双C标志、5号香水、以及寓意 “ 内敛 ” 和 “低调奢华”的山茶花等。 labbrand.com | The exhibition was “specially made for China” and aimed to further introduce Coco and what inspired her to create classics such as the interlocking C symbol, No.5 perfume, the camellia flower along with concepts such as “invisibility”, “hidden luxury” and more. labbrand.com |
L.U.C XP,这一配备机械自动上链L.U.C 96HM机芯的超薄表款,以其内敛的线 条大气地展示出这些华丽的艺术作品。 hautehorlogerie.org | These magnificent works of art are magnificently showcased within [...] the understated lines of the L.U.C XP, an [...] ultra-thin model equipped with the mechanical [...]self-winding L.U.C 96HM movement. hautehorlogerie.org |
如我 2009 年 5 月 20 日信函(S/2009/261)和我 2009 年 10 月 2 日报告(S/2009/ 504)第 20 段所指出的,目前正根据东帝汶总理凯·拉拉·夏纳纳·古 斯 芒 和我 的特别代表在 2009 年 5 月 13 日缔结的协议(以下称为“《协议》”)并按照东帝汶 政府和联东综合团在 2006 年 12 月 1 日缔结的《恢复并维持东帝汶的公共安全和 援助国家警察和内务部 的改革、重组和重建工作的安排》开展恢复履责进程。 daccess-ods.un.org | As highlighted in my letter dated 20 May 2009 (S/2009/261) and in paragraph 20 of my report dated 2 October 2009 (S/2009/504), the resumption process is being conducted pursuant to the agreement concluded on 13 May 2009 by [...] His Excellency Mr. Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, Prime Minister of Timor-Leste, and my Special Representative (hereinafter referred to as the “agreement”) and in accordance with the Arrangement [...] on the Restoration and Maintenance of Public Security in Timor-Leste and Assistance to the Reform, Restructuring and Rebuilding of the Timorese National Police and the Ministry of the Interior, concluded between the Government of Timor-Leste and UNMIT on 1 December 2006. daccess-ods.un.org |
三根指针加上一个端秀的日期窗口——不多不少,恰到好处的完美,这就是优 雅 内敛 的 品 味象征。 iwc.com | Three hands and a discreet date display – the epitome of good taste, it needs no more. iwc.com |
腕表设计简约内敛,搭 载伯爵制430P机芯,细节处一丝不苟,力臻完美。这款白金腕表镶衬美钻,搭配金质时标刻度,镶衬单行美钻的特制针式表扣,尽显超凡卓越的高贵风范。 piaget.com.cn | The quality of the gem-setting, the purity of the design and the refinement of the details - applied gold hour markers and an exclusive folding clasp set with a fine row of diamonds - contribute to the absolute elegance of this white-gold watch set with diamonds, which houses the calibre 430P. en.piaget.com |
传统上被认为极具女性气质的玫瑰金手表越来越受到低 调 内敛 的 男性消费者青睐。 hk.ashford.com | For the tamer male consumer who prefers to be less conspicuous, rose gold watches, traditionally considered more feminine, have become more appealing. ashford.com |
围绕“鼓楼之窗”的概念,设计希望体现政府办公大楼开放的形象和透明的胸怀,以及作为对外公共服务的窗口,满足人性化服务的需求 ; 内敛 的 院 落,围合的空间,通过别具一格的开窗来引入自然风雨,在“看与被看”的立体庭院景观中,疏解现代都市工作节奏下的压力;同时,在城市商业中心的整体改造和再生中,也带动周边环境质量的改善。 chinese-architects.com | As the window to the world, the building satisfies the requirements of a public service centre; an inside courtyard, enclosed space, which through unique windows introduces natural wind and rain. chinese-architects.com |
教科文组织大会在第 35 C/46 号文件中决定以泰戈尔、聂鲁达和塞泽尔那些久经考验 的先锋思想 为起点,促使教科文组织进行实质性的探讨并继续就“普遍性”与“多样性”的 对立统一问题采取行动,这符合本组织根据其《组织法》在联合国系 统 内 所 肩 负的“智力警 戒”使命,目的是在人之思想中筑起保卫和平之屏障。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The General Conference of UNESCO by 35 C/Resolution 46 resolved to take the pioneering and ever-pertinent message of Tagore, Neruda and Césaire as the starting point for engaging the Organization in substantial reflection and renewed action on a universal reconciled with diversity in keeping with UNESCO’s intellectual watch mandate within the United Nations system so as to promote peace in the minds of men, in line with the Organization’s Constitution. unesdoc.unesco.org |
曜越Tt eSPORTS PRIME Team– 韩国顶尖《星际争霸II》 职业电竞战队成立于2010年,不过其辉煌的战绩,很快就窜红在星际界中,成为国际星际赛事中大家所热烈讨论的知名战队之一;2012年,台北国际电玩展(Taipei Game Show)中,曜越科技Tt eSPORTS正式与韩国顶尖职业电竞战队 PRIME Team签约,在有曜越Tt [...] eSPORTS的电竞配备加持下,Tt eSPORTS PRIME [...] Team于2010的《星际争霸II:自由之翼》大赛中崭露头角,接着更以黑马姿态在大型国际星海赛事 中 锋芒 毕 露 ,其战无不胜的成绩,迅速累积名气,成为星海迷们的瞩目焦点英雄;近期 在 内 华 达 州拉斯韦加斯的 IPL4 国际星际争霸 II联赛,PRIME Team最终也抱走高逹USD25,00的冠军奖金及奖杯,证明其日不落的实力。 ttesports.com.cn | Established in 2010, PRIME quickly became an international force following two successful GSL 2nd place finishes by popular player MarineKing. ttesports.es |
超薄 SMD 显示器 - Kingbright 作为表面显示贴装技术领域的先锋, 研 发出 业 内 首 款 字符高度为 0.56 英寸、本身厚度为 0.094 英寸 (2.4 mm) 的 SMD LED 显示器。 digikey.cn | Ultra-Thin SMD Display - [...] As a pioneer in surface-mount display technology, Kingbright has developed the industry’s first 0.56 [...]inch character height, [...]SMD LED display with a thickness of 0.094 inch (2.4 mm). digikey.ca |
在本届国际教育大会所采取的创新措施方面,应当指出是,大量使用了视听 手段和信息传播技术:在开幕式和闭幕式上播放介绍情况的录像资料;分别在六个专题 讨论小组开始讨论之前,播放在国际教育局的青年专业人员项目(BRIDGE)范 围 内 制作 的“成功作法”录像资料;在当地“兰色 莱 芒 湖 ” 电视台的协助下,录制了一期(部长 圆桌会议)电视节目;在国际教育大会因特网址上介绍了百项“成功作法”;次日即可 在因特网上查询前一天的会议讨论概要等。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Among the innovations marking this session of the Conference was the substantial use of audiovisual and information and communication technology: an introductory video at the opening and closing meetings; videos on good practices [...] produced under IBE’s [...] BRIDGE project (young professionals) to introduce each of the six workshops; the recording of a television programme (round table of ministers) with the assistance of the local television station “Léman bleu”; the [...]presentation of some 100 [...]good practices on the Conference’s website; summaries of the proceedings accessible on the Internet the following day, and so on. unesdoc.unesco.org |
2007 年,以卡纳克民阵为代 表的卡纳克人在美拉尼西亚先锋小组 的框 架 内 获 得 观察员地位。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since 2007, observer status has been given to the Kanak people, represented by FLNKS, within the Melanesian Spearhead Group. daccess-ods.un.org |
Barclay 说:“我们的鞋带分为两种颜色——亮色和中色,前者适合希 望 锋芒 毕 露的男士;后者适合低调的男士。 mechanicsofstyle.com | We divided it into two palettes—brights and neutrals, for the sartorialist who wants to stand out, and the guy who’d like to stand out but can’t. He can buy the dark green with the gold tips and feel like he’s participating in fashion without looking crazy,” says Barclay. mechanicsofstyle.com |
精神的惊喜,他发现内敛,温 顺的马,和周围的篝火睡觉腿(可能是牧人)。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | To Spirit’s surprise, he finds restrained, docile horses, and two-legs (possibly wranglers) sleeping around a campfire. seekcartoon.com |
这款全黑手表只在刻钟标记处点缀亮丽色彩,端 庄 内敛 又 不 失活泼气息,堪称对古典主义的完美演绎。 hk.ashford.com | The all black watch is a study in classicism with the only hint of color at the quarter hour markers. ashford.com |
跟着拼接行业的商用化历程的加快,市场对DLP和LCD大屏幕需求会越来越大,但时机不是谁都可以抓住, 能 锋芒 毕 露 的,生怕也就是那些在本人营业范畴树立起共同价值的品牌。 jxlcd.com | Following stitching industry commercial course speeding up, the market demand for DLP and LCD screen will be more and more big, but the timing is not who can grasp, hard-edged, in fear that my business field to establish common values of brand. jxlcd.com |
对开发署利用最不发达国家基金和特别气候变 [...] 化基金资源开展的工作的评价指出,虽然“全环基金和开发署是气候变化和适应 领域内的先锋,” 但“还应对各级在气候变化和适应领域的能力发展需求进行评 [...]估并应采取一连串加强措施”[7]。 daccess-ods.un.org | The evaluation of UNDP work with the Least Developed Countries Fund and Special Climate [...] Change Fund Resources found that while [...] “GEF and UNDP are pioneers in the field of [...]climate change and adaptation,” “needs [...]for capacity development in climate change and adaptation at various levels should be assessed and consecutive strengthening measures should be taken. daccess-ods.un.org |
金属壳内装有 AK-47 型冲锋枪使 用的 7.62 毫米曳光弹药,弹头涂有绿 色,与刚果(金)武装部队的弹药形成对比(见图 6)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The metal casing included 7.62 mm tracer ammunition for AK-47 rifles, which were painted with a green tip, in contrast to FARDC ammunition (see image 6). daccess-ods.un.org |
Bricemo,(命名为委内瑞拉帐户的锋利 , 他的智力第二司各脱,主教四1667)。 mb-soft.com | Bricemo, named on account of his keenness of intellect the Second Scotus, Bishop of Venezuela (d. 1667). mb-soft.com |
2010年7月,力拓集团还与中国铝业(力拓最大股东中国铝业公司的子公司)进行了另一项开创性的交易,双方签署了一份具有法律约束力的协议,共同在西非国家 几 内 亚 开发 西 芒 杜 (S imandou)铁矿石项目;这将成为非洲有史以来最大的采矿与基础设施项目,也是世界最大的绿地铁矿石项目。 australiachina.com.au | In another ground-breaking transaction, Rio Tinto signed a binding agreement with Chalco (a subsidiary of Rio Tinto’s largest shareholder, Chinalco) in July 2010 to develop the Simandou iron ore project in Guinea, West Africa. australiachina.com.au |
从联科行动获得的信息表明,这一武装团伙由 15 至 17 名 男子组成——既有科特迪瓦人也有利比里亚人,持有 AK-47 冲锋枪和手工制 12 号口径猎枪。 daccess-ods.un.org | Information received from UNOCI indicates that the armed group consisted of 15 to 17 men — both Ivorians and Liberians — armed with AK-47s and handmade 12-gauge shotguns. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,很多分布最终都会向正态分布 收 敛 ( 随 着试验次数的增加,一个二项分布最后会变成 正态分布;在高中间率的情况下,泊松分布也会变成正态分布;在切去两端的最大值和最小 值后,三角分布也变成了正态分布;等等),如果用多种不同类型的分布来模拟 DCF 模型, 那我们就不能确定最终 NPV 分布的形状和类型(例如,收益服从对数正态分布,并随着时 间彼此呈现负相关,运营成本与收益正相关,但是假设其服从一个三角分布,市场竞争的影 响我们用一个泊松分布来模拟,它是用一个小利率乘上服从二项分布的技术成功概率)。 crystalballservices.com | In addition, a lot of distributions will converge to the normal distribution anyway (a Binomial distribution becomes normally distributed when number of trials increase; a Poisson distribution also becomes normally distributed with a high average rate; a Triangular distribution is a normal distribution with truncated upper and lower values; an so forth) and it is not possible to ascertain the shape and type of the final NPV distribution if the DCF model is simulated with many different types of distributions (e.g., revenues are Lognormally distributed and are negatively correlated to one another over time, while operating expenses are positively correlated to revenues but are assumed to be distributed following a Triangular distribution, while the effects of market competition are simulated using a Poisson distribution with a small rate times the probability of technical success simulated as a Binomial distribution). crystalballservices.com |
2010年8月中国最大的汽车内饰生产商 延 锋 伟 世 通汽车饰件系统有限公司(YFV)推选贝内克-长顺汽车内饰材料(张家港)有限公司为最佳服务供应商。 contitech.cn | August 2010China's largest [...] manufacturer of automobile interiors, Yanfeng Visteon (YFV), [...]has nominated Benecke-Changshun [...]Auto Trim as the supplier with the best service. contitech.cn |
伯爵Gouverneur腕表的超然风范完美衬托吴尊成 熟 内敛 的 贵族气质,吴尊以王子般的姿态压轴现身,穿梭由三座巨型金环所结合的光晕隧道,其气度神韵,展现犹如王者降临般的尊爵风范。 piaget.com.cn | Walking through the arched tunnel of light framed by [...] the 3 gigantic rings, Wu showed up with [...]the charm of a Prince Charmant as the [...]finale of the event, the Gouverneur watch on his wrist perfectly brought out Wu’s inner maturity and temperament and imbued him with the vigor of a king. piaget.com |
收益图标签 (A) 可以允许你生成一个典型的期权收益图,然后你可以通过选择输入变量 (B) ,输入最小值和最大值(C) 以及它的步长(例如,设置最小值为 20,最大值为 200,步 长为 10 来运行分析,这些分析值就为 20, 30, 40, …, 180, 190, 200) 和网格步数(步数越少, 分析速度就越快,但是结果的精确度就较低,请参看以下关于网格步数 收 敛 的 详 细讨论)来 生成图表。 crystalballservices.com | Payoff Chart: The Payoff Chart tab (A) allows you to generate a typical option payoff chart where you have the ability to choose the input variable to chart (B) by entering some minimum and maximum values (C) to chart as well as its step size (e.g., setting minimum as 20 and maximum as 200 with a step of 10 means to run the analysis for the values 20, 30, 40, …, 180, 190, 200) and lattice steps (the lower the lattice step number, the faster the analysis runs but the less precise the results––see the following discussion of Lattice Step Convergence for more details). crystalballservices.com |
我堅信,正義與真理的光芒必將照耀我們這個國度的每個角 落,而我所能做的也只能是倔強的堅持,不為別的,僅僅是為我自己 良心與靈魂的安穩,以及為了我們的後代們能生活在一個具有優良品 質的社會裏,更為了我們這個民族,我們這個國度能以健康的體魄繼 續存在於世界。 legco.gov.hk | I firmly believe that justice and truth will shine in every corner of our country. What I can do now is to hang on persistently, not for any special cause, but for peace of my own conscience and soul, as well as for a quality society where our children will live; and, more importantly, for our nation, so that our country can continue to exist in this world in good health. legco.gov.hk |
小穗7-10毫米,灰白色的或绿色; 颖片近等长,椭圆状长圆形,3脉,中脉的粗糙,先端锐尖的或具小齿; 胼胝体抑制,0.3-0.5毫米; 狭披针形的外稃,5.5-7.5毫米,似皮革,具柔毛,低于重叠并且围 住 内 稃 的 芒 , 空 白边有点长,先端圆形的头发,不裂; 持久的芒,1-1.8厘米,膝曲(或者2)的1,柱子扭曲,全部粗糙。 flora.ac.cn | Spikelets 7–10 mm, pallid or green; glumes subequal, elliptic-oblong, 3-veined, midvein scabrid, apex acute or [...] denticulate; callus [...] obtuse, 0.3–0.5 mm; lemma narrowly lanceolate, 5.5–7.5 mm, leathery, pilose, hairs slightly longer below awn, margins overlapping and enclosing palea, apex rounded, not lobed; awn persistent, [...]1–1.8 cm, 1(or 2)-geniculate, [...]column twisted, scabrid throughout. flora.ac.cn |