单词 | 销量 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 销量 —sales volumeExamples:销售量 n—sales volume n (唱片销售量的)排行榜 n—chart n
从全球范围来看,像亚洲太平洋地区,拉丁美洲和印度等地区,未来小吃和烘焙产 品 销量 将 呈 现最好的增长势头,”PMMI商业智能总监Paula [...] Feldman说。 foodtechchina.com | From a global perspective, as in Asia Pacific, Latin America and [...] India and other regions, the future food [...] and baking products sales will present the best [...]growth momentum, " PMMI business intelligence director Paula Feldman said. en.foodtechchina.com |
此外还每月审查采购/购置计划执行 情况,以防止年终债务核销量过大。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, monthly reviews on the implementation status of procurement/acquisition plan are conducted to prevent high year-end obligations’ cancellations. daccess-ods.un.org |
在MarkLines的销量数据库系统中,可以通过分国家・分厂商/品牌来检索并显示我司所保有的全球55个国家和地区 的 销量。 marklines.com | MarkLines' sales volume database system can search and show sales volume data in possession of MarkLines covering 55 countries worldwide by country, maker/brand [...] and model. marklines.com |
同样值得铭记的还有,2010年1月除《德勤 预测》做出的估计之外,当年对下一代平板 电脑销量的最大胆预测仅是100万台。 deloittetmt.com | It is also worth remembering that in January 2010, aside from the [...] Predictions estimate, the most aggressive forecast for total [...] next-generation tablet sales that year was one million units. deloittetmt.com |
本业务利润率为 20.4%,下降 20 [...] 个基点,体现了成本膨胀及业务发展投资的影响,其中包括在美国德克萨斯州新建的系统及解决方案总部,阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜的新建生产设施,新兴市场增加的员工总数,以及汇率带来的 700 万美元的消极影响,但部分被销量杠 杆化效应及成本控制的效益所冲抵。 emerson.com | Segment margin declined 20 basis points to 20.4 percent reflecting cost inflation, business development investments, including a new systems-and-solutions headquarters building in Texas, a new facility in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and [...] additional headcount in [...] emerging markets, and a $7 million negative foreign currency impact, partially offset by volume leverage and cost-reduction [...]benefits. emerson.com |
面包及零食市场报告指出:面包和零食产品制造商将会有望看 到 销量 的 持 续增长,到2015年,美国包装零 食 销量 预 计 将达到4%的增长率,而在同一时期,全球休闲食品 的 销量 将 以每年增长7%的速度提升,并将达到3340亿 的 销 售 总 量。 foodtechchina.com | Bread and snacks market report pointed out: Bakery and snack products [...] manufacturers will be [...] expected to see sales continued to grow, to 2015, the United States of America packaging snack sales is expected to reach 4% growth rate, while at the same time, the global leisure food sales to an annual growth rate of 7%, and will reach 334000000000 of the total sales. en.foodtechchina.com |
DIWARail 传动箱最初在公共汽车上使用,现在已经是320-kW这一等 级 销量 最 好 的变速箱。 voith.com | Originally at home in city buses, the DIWA Rail is now the best-selling hydromechanical transmission in the 320-kW Class. voith.com |
全方位渠道电子商务软件顶级供应商hybris今天公布的软件最新功能,将帮助书籍、杂志、游戏、软件出版商及其他服务商提高数码产品、内容和在线服务 的 销量 , 从 而进一步巩固hybris提供最灵活、最现代化商务平台的地位。 hybris.com | hybris, the top-rated provider of omni-channel commerce software, today further strengthened its position of offering the most agile, most modern commerce platform by announcing important new features that empower publishers of books, magazines, games and software, as well as other service providers, to sell more digital goods, content and services online. hybris.com |
人头马在上世纪90年代曾经领导着中国的干邑市场,但如 今 销量 已 经 逐渐跌落至第三位,落后于路易威登的轩尼诗和Pernod Ricard的马爹利。 spla-t.com | Remy Martin led [...] China’s Cognac market in the 1990s but has since fallen into third place in terms of volume, behind LVMH’s [...]Hennessy and Pernod Ricard’s Martell. spla-t.com |
尽管销量去杠 杆化、不利的产品组合、更高的重组费用及其它成本增长带来的影响被原材料成本控制及其它成本控制的收益所部分冲抵,但本业务利润率下降 [...] 270 个基点,降至 8.2%。 emerson.com | Segment margin of [...] 8.2 percent decreased 270 basis points, as volume deleverage, unfavorable [...]product mix, higher restructuring, [...]and other cost increases were partially offset by materials containment and other cost reduction benefits. emerson.com |
定向促销是增加销售额的好方法,原因包括:扩 大 销量 、 增 加转换率、提高平均订货量、回报忠实顾客、甚至清除库存。 hybris.com | Targeted promotions are a great way [...] to increase sales in a variety of ways: drive volume, increase [...]conversion rates, boost average [...]order value, reward loyalty, and even clear out inventory. hybris.com |
我们的产品能够帮助您解决包装和标签问题,降低总成本,并有助于设计出炫目的包装效果以提高产 品 销量。 exxonmobilchemical.com | Our products help solve your packaging and labeling problems, improve your total costs and support dazzling package designs that help you sell more. exxonmobilchemical.com |
对于中高端市场来说,联想(本年度其智能手机品类 的 销量 增 长了44倍)、中兴、华为和小米凭借其对于本土市场的需求和分销渠道的了解给苹果、HTC和三星等品牌施加了不小的压力。 labbrand.com | Toward the mid and high ends of the market, [...] Lenovo (who saw sales increase 44 fold this [...]year), ZTE, Huawei and Xiaomi are giving [...]Apple, HTC and Samsung a run for their money by leveraging their understanding of local requirements and distribution channels. labbrand.com |
该项行动的有效程度,是以收回产品的数量占已离开制造工场的产品数量的百分比评估,并会计算该批产品的零 售 销量。 cfs.gov.hk | The effectiveness of the recall is assessed upon the amount of product returned as a [...] percentage of the amount of product which left the manufacturer while taking into [...] account the retail turnover of that product. cfs.gov.hk |
(b) 氟氯烃淘汰政策与执行(基金提供 47,790 美元,对应方资助 7,168 美 元),以修订消耗臭氧层物质条例,使其包括氟氯烃淘汰问题和管理事宜; [...] 建立发布和控制氟氯烃配额和使用氟氯烃的设备的许可证的电子系统;建立 7 [...] 氟氯烃进口商登记报告制度;通过降低关税和进口税,鼓励进口不使用氟氯 烃的设备;监测和控制氟氯烃的销量 , 并 在该国建立销售体系;以及通过开 展监测与执法方面的训练进一步加强海关以及其他执法官员的能力 multilateralfund.org | (b) HCFC phase out policies and enforcement (US $47,790 from the Fund plus US $7,168 counterpart funding), to amend the ODS regulations to include HCFC phase-out issues and management; establish an electronic system for the issuance and control of HCFC quotas and permits for HCFC-based equipment; establish a reporting system for registered importers of HCFCs; promote importation of non-HCFC-based equipment through reduced [...] tariffs and import duties; monitor and [...] control HCFC sales and establish a sales system in [...]the country; and further strengthen [...]the capacity of customs and other law enforcement officers through training in monitoring and enforcing regulations multilateralfund.org |
通过气候控制公司 Senmatic 的销售和分销网络,公司拥 有人之一 Fionia 旨在不断增长公司在全球园艺照明市场的份 额,该市场每年的销量约为 两百万只荧光灯。 sapagroup.com | Through the sales and distribution net of climate-control company Senmatic, one of its owners, Fionia aims to conquer a growing share of a global market of approximately two million luminaries/ year for horticulture lighting. sapagroup.com |
这个市场正在全球增长。”博世变速器技术公司变速器技术副总裁Martin Kruessmann博士说, “我们欣慰地看到,美国市场的销量 不 断 攀升。 cn.drivelinenews.com | Worldwide, this market is growing,” said Dr. Martin Kruessmann, vice president of transmission technology at Bosch Transmission Technology BV. drivelinenews.com |
且回顾2000年后如潮水般大量涌现的男 子/女子组合。跟随着社会主流审美观,于 是 造 就 了 一 大 班 打 着 可 爱 旗 号 的 男 子 / 女 子组合,朗朗上口的卡拉OK曲调(或更甚 以 前 ) 其 销 量 通 常 就 可 以 轻 易 登 上 O r i con排行榜高位(日本Oricon排行榜的地 位相当于美国Billboards排行榜)。 nipponproject.com | Looking at the vast majority of boy/girl bands in Japan appearing after 2000, taste in mainstream society has turned to cute boys and girls singing catchy karaoke -style tunes (more so than before) that sell and often make Oricon Chart rankings (equivalent to the Billboards). nipponproject.com |
随着优惠券销量的增长,公 司亦必须随之扩容。 deloittetmt.com | So as sales volume grows, the organization [...] must grow as well. deloittetmt.com |
在过去的一周内,中国汽车制造商发布了一月汽 车 销量 数 据,经历不幸的2011年后,国内制造商可能进入拐点,一大块市场份额被国际竞争对手夺占。 youngchinabiz.com | We’ve seen a mini flood of data come out over the [...] past week from China’s auto makers, as [...] they release January sales that show domestic [...]players may finally be turning a corner [...]after a miserable 2011 that saw them lose big market share to international rivals. youngchinabiz.com |
除了发行量和销量预期不一致这个问题之外,目前还没有一项旨在确定出版物贬值标 准的折旧政策。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Apart from the question of striking a balance between [...] production runs and sales forecasts, there is [...]currently no write-down policy setting [...]criteria for the impairment of publications. unesdoc.unesco.org |
如今,同方威视成为世界上生产集装箱检查系统 的 销量 最大的专业公司,累计完成 104 套。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Now, Tongfang Nuctech has become a professional [...] company producing container inspection system and [...] it has the largest sales volume in the world with [...]altogether 104 sets. unesdoc.unesco.org |
双离合器专业生产商格特拉克(Getrag)在其第二代干式离合器6DCT250成为首 个 销量 过 百 万的DCT之后,已宣布将再上一层楼,以全新阵容推出第三代DCT,力图与相关供应商及主要汽车制造集团正在研发的新一波九速和十速行星齿轮自动变速器一争高下。 cn.drivelinenews.com | With its second generation dry-clutch 6DCT250 becoming its first ever DCT to sell more than a million units, dual clutch specialist Getrag has announced a fresh line-up of third-generation DCTs aiming to take the fight to the new wave of nine- and ten-speed planetary automatics under development by suppliers and major automakers groups. drivelinenews.com |
很明显中兴的销售在第四季度会急剧上升,允许其实现目标;但是如果按照当前的销售轨迹来看,今年 的 销量 将 达 到2500万部,比目 标 销量低 10%-15%。 youngchinabiz.com | Obviously ZTE’s sales could pick up sharply in the fourth quarter, allowing to hit its [...] target; but if they stay on [...] their current track, its smartphone sales would come in at about 25 million [...]for the year, or 10-15 percent below its target. youngchinabiz.com |
作为通用汽车在中国的主要品牌,别克在2008年帮助通用汽车在中国 的 销量 增 涨 了6.1%,而通用汽车2008年的本 土 销量 却 下降了22.9%。 labbrand.com | As GM’s main brand in China, Buick [...] helped GM’s 2008 car sales increase 6.1 per cent in the world’s largest car market, while GM’s sales back home plunged a [...]whopping 22.9 per cent during the same period. labbrand.com |
商业和生产上的困难令公司的经营复杂化,兰博基尼的管理层必须向外寻求合作,以更好地利用设备——由 于 销量 下 降 ,大量设备处于闲置状态。 lamborghini.com | The commercial and production difficulties were complicating the life of the company, leading the head of Lamborghini to [...] seek outside collaboration in order to make better use of the equipment [...] that, due to dropping sales, largely remained idle. lamborghini.com |
2011经过了将近1年的筹划与准备,犀牛王正式开启了电子商务的大门,旗下艾伦德蒙做为首个打入该领域的品牌,同时进驻了两大国内知名商务平台淘宝与拍拍,短短数周就取得 了 销量 过 万 的骄人成绩,成功打造多款精品爆款,令整个团队士气大增,2012我们有信心,在这个新的领域刮起新的男装风潮。 xnwfs.com | 2011 After nearly a year of planning and preparation, rhino king officially opened the doors of e-commerce, Alan Edmund's done into the field, led by a brand, while stationed in the two well-known [...] business platform Taobao and pat, Within a few [...] weeks over a million sales achieved remarkable [...]success, successful models [...]to build a variety of fine burst, greatly increased the morale of the whole team, we are confident that 2012, in this new field of men's blowing the new wave. xnwfs.com |
因此,如果某厂商的多个车型属于同个大类,则这些车型 的 销量 总 数 表示为大类合计,而不是细分到每个车型。 marklines.com | Consequently, if one maker sales plural models in the same segment, a total number of vehicles in the segment, consisting of various models, are shown as the segment total, instead of separately by each model. marklines.com |
梅赛德斯-奔驰C级是奔驰全系车型中 的 销量 冠 军 ,新款C级轿车配备了一系列主被动安全系统——智能化照明系统、预防性安全系统(pre-safe)、乘客安全防护系统、救援工具等,从而让它兼备舒适、精致、实用等特质以及一流的安全性能。 mb-drivingacademy.cn | The new C-Class is equipped with an array of active and passive safety system including Intelligent Light System, Pre-Safe, Passenger Protection System, First Aid Kit etc. All these advanced features make the C-Class comfortable, delicate, practical, and most importantly, safe. mb-drivingacademy.cn |