单词 | 销售价 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 销售价 noun —sales price nSee also:销售 n—selling n • market n 售价 n—price n 售价 pl—prices pl • selling prices pl 售价—selling price • sell for
其产品通过药房销售,价格定 位处于中高档 ;他们主要通过专业人士推荐,没有大量的广告宣传。 bootb.com | Its products are distributed in pharmacies and drugstores [...] with a middle-high price positioning; they [...]are mainly promoted through professional [...]endorsement and are not massively advertised. bootb.com |
如果霍诺瑞里一天可以售完整整两满盘面包,面包店主会支付她600中非法郎(1.20美元),这 是 销售价 格 的 10%。 unicef.org | If Honorine sells two full trays in a day, the baker will pay her 600 CFA (US$1.20), [...] which is 10 per cent of the sale price. unicef.org |
国务院颁发新条例,建立惩罚制度,规定严厉惩罚措施,例如,没 收任何非法消耗臭氧层物质生产活动的销售所得以及课 以 销售价 值数倍的罚款。 multilateralfund.org | Issuance of a new regulation by the State Council, for a penalty system which constitutes a significant [...] penalty, e.g. [...] confiscation of any sales value in any illegal ODS production activity and a penalty several times of its sales value. multilateralfund.org |
考虑到一些国家报告的产值不 是用首次销售价(例 如采用零售、出口或加工产品价格),这个数字可能夸大了。 fao.org | This might be overstated considering that some countries reported values other than first-sale prices (e.g. using retail, export or processed product prices). fao.org |
由于科特 迪瓦宝石级毛坯钻石都在 [...] 1 至 20 克拉之间,打磨钻石价格的上涨已经对科特迪 瓦钻石的销售价格产生积极影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since Ivorian gem-quality rough diamonds are between 1 and [...] 20 carats, the increase of polished diamond prices has had a [...] positive impact on the selling prices of Ivorian [...]diamonds. daccess-ods.un.org |
这一特定药物的销售价格为 每单位2美元,比其最主要竞争者(印度的Cipla) [...] 的价格低33%,由此假定该装置确实使用氟氯化碳作为推进剂。 multilateralfund.org | The sales price of this particular drug [...] was at US $2 per unit, and about 33 percent lower than the next competitor (from [...]Cipla in India), leading to the assumption that the device is indeed using CFC as a propellant. multilateralfund.org |
它是由暂时的困难所 [...] 造成,如果反复出现,就难以克服了:为了避免出现零周转基金或负周转基金的情况,支付就会 推迟,这可能导致供应商抬高销售价 格 或 降低交货质量;应延期支付工资;于是银行就会犹豫是 [...] 否允许透支或发放短期贷款,或者强行提高利率。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It gives rise to temporary difficulties that are awkward to overcome if they become recurrent: to avoid a negative or null working capital, [...] payments must be deferred, prompting [...] suppliers to raise their selling prices or lower the quality [...]of their deliverables; salary [...]payments must be deferred; banks are then reluctant to authorize overdrafts or to lend short-term money and may charge higher interest rates. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在大多数国家,任何企图剥夺客户或分销商自由决 定销售价格、销售条款 和条件的行为,或过分限制他们独立经营权利的行为都是违反竞争法的。 colgate.com | In most countries, any attempt to deprive customers or [...] distributors of their freedom to determine prices, terms and conditions of sale, or to place [...]undue limitations on their [...]right to operate independently violates the competition laws. colgate.com |
销售价格由自选商场负责人、香水柜台负责人和会计和信息助理(为其他柜台特别是 [...] 烟草和酒类产品制定价格)确定,“旨在保持往年的利润水平,同时又能与教科文组织以外 的商店竞争”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Prices are set by the self-service [...] section manager and perfumery section manager and, for the other sections – including [...]tobacco and alcohol – by the accounting and information technology assistant, “so as to remain within the margins of previous years while endeavouring to be competitive with outside shops”, he explained. unesdoc.unesco.org |
由于较高的销售价格、 成本缩减,以及剥离的混合效益冲抵了原材料和其它成本的增长,从而使本业务利润率为21.0%,较去年同期扩增了90个基点。 emerson.com | Segment margin of 21.0 percent expanded [...] 90 basis points from the prior year [...] quarter, as higher selling prices, cost reductions, [...]and divestiture mix benefit offset [...]materials and other cost increases. emerson.com |
纠纷的主要内容是,原告要求支付 5,000 个全球移动通信系统(GSM)模块和 其他货物订单的销售价款。 daccess-ods.un.org | The subject of the dispute was the plaintiff’s claim [...] for payment of the sale price in respect of an [...]order for 5,000 GSM modules and other items. daccess-ods.un.org |
自2003年以来,中国BOPP膜销售价格下 降了23%,已经供过于求,大部分生产企业利润下滑。 zccor.com | Since 2003, [...] China's BOPP film sales price fell 23%, has [...]been an oversupply of most of the production decline in corporate profits. zccor.com |
古巴朗姆酒、特别是头号品牌“哈瓦那俱乐部”无法进入美国市场,意 味着销售至少减少 220 万箱子朗姆酒,按 [...] 2009 年哈瓦那国际俱乐部的 平均销售价格计算,造成经济损失 8 700 万美元。 daccess-ods.un.org | The lack of access for Cuban rums to the United States market, in particular for the market leader, Havana Club, means there was a sales shortfall of at least [...] 2.2 million cases of rum, which, at the [...] average 2009 invoice price for Havana Club [...]International, is an economic loss of about US$ 87,300,000. daccess-ods.un.org |
用ProFoss可以更好的监控生产,如使产品更接近目标值1%,对 于 销售价 格 每 公斤1欧元,每月5000吨的产量,则每月可以节省50000欧元。 foss.cn | By producing products 1% closer to target through better monitoring with ProFoss, [...] savings of up to $50,000 per month can be [...] made, based on a sales price of $1.00 per [...]kg and a production of 5,000 tonnes per month. foss.us |
该组包 [...] 括已被转移到驻格鲁吉亚的联合国难民事务高级专员办事处(难民署)的资产,其 存货价值为 3 667 100 美元(剩余价值为 1 106 900 美元),还包括通过商业性销 售处置的资产,其存货价值为 3 000 100 美元(剩余价值为 821 900 美元),销售 价值 363 700 美元。 daccess-ods.un.org | The group comprises assets with an inventory value of $3,667,100 (residual value of $1,106,900) transferred to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Georgia as [...] well as assets with [...] an inventory value of $3,000,100 (residual value of $821,900) disposed of through commercial sale at a total sale value of $363,700. daccess-ods.un.org |
如上所述,PFS 假设船上交货集中销售价格为 100 美元/吨,还考虑了支付给项目供应商的 [...] 2% 版税。 oceanicironore.com | As noted above, the PFS [...] assumes a concentrate selling price of $100/tonne [...]FOB and also takes into consideration the 2% royalty [...]payable to the vendors of the project. oceanicironore.com |
增值税(VAT)是美国以外的国家普遍征收的国家级税费,已包含在商品的实 际 销售价 格 中。 zs.orlandoairports.net | VAT, on the other hand, is a national tax commonly applied in foreign countries that is included [...] in the actual sales price of an item. orlandoairports.net |
标准的水稻使产量降低了 [...] 25%,但减少杀虫剂使用量的米粒 销售价 格 要 比原来价格 增加了 23%,而不使用杀虫剂的米粒价格要比原来的价格增加 54%。 teebweb.org | standards reduces yields by 25%, rice grown with reduced [...] pesticide use can be sold at 23% higher and [...]organically grown rice at 54% higher. teebweb.org |
它不仅是个长远的策 [...] 略,还会带来很多益处,降低大型维修成本,获得市场 最高租用金,降低房客周转率,提高房屋占用率,并获 取较高的再销售价格。 remminternational.com | This is a longterm strategy that will result in lower costs of major repairs, achieving the highest rents [...] in the marketplace, lower tenant turnover, a higher occupancy [...] level, and a higher value of the property at time of sale. remminternational.com |
乳业的大量外国投资有利于澳大利亚提升在价值链中的地位,向庞大且快速发展的出口市 场 销售价 格 更高的加工成品。 australiachina.com.au | Significant foreign investment in the dairy sector will [...] allow Australia to [...] move up the value chain, selling more expensive, [...]processed products to a large and fast-growing export market. australiachina.com.au |
在美国,直到 [...] 2005 年为止,已建独立式住宅的中位数 销售价 格 逐 年增加 30 年,但其后逐年下降,从 [...] 2006 年的高峰到现在已经下跌 34%(按不变美元计算下 跌近 40%);目前的价格按不变美元计算已恢复到 1990 年的水平。 daccess-ods.un.org | The median [...] United States sales price of an existing [...]single-family home increased annually for 30 years until 2005, but has [...]declined yearly since then and has now fallen by 34 per cent (or almost 40 per cent in real terms) since its peak in 2006; the current price in real dollars is back to the 1990 level. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然较高的销售价格弥补了原材料成本的增长,但却不足以维持利润。 emerson.com | Higher selling prices offset materials [...] cost increases, but not enough to maintain margin. emerson.com |
2、受欧债危机、欧洲光伏补贴削减等因素影响,报告期内太阳能光伏行业仍旧低迷,多晶硅、 电池组件产品及太阳能玻璃销售价格 较 去年同期下降幅度较大,公司太阳能产业盈利同比大幅 [...] 度下降。 csgholding.com | B. Influenced by the European debt crisis and government subsidy cut, the solar [...] photovoltaic industry keeps sluggish in the [...] report period. The selling price of polysilicon, [...]cells & modules and solar energy glass [...]decline considerably compare with the same period of last year. csgholding.com |
在有可能进行企业收购时,为应有的评估工作收集 信息属于正当行为,但不能收集关于 销售价 格 和专有技术的信息。 eps-materials.com | Information gathering during the due diligence of a [...] potential acquisition is proper, provided [...] information concerning selling prices and proprietary [...]technology is excluded. eps-materials.com |
(a) 知识产权利用产生的具体货币利益可能包括:许可费,即向第三方许可使用 知识产权或开发收费数据库等带来的收益 ; 销售价 格 , 即向第三方转让或销 售知识产权所得的收益;特许使用费,即知识产权成功商业化后,来自销 [...] 售、许可或合资企业的收益;工资,即提供国国民参与知识产权的利用获得 [...] 的收益;部门不同,货币收益可能不同。 wipo.int | (a) Specific monetary benefits flowing from the exploitation of IP rights could include: license fees, in the event of a licensing of the IP rights to a third party or the development of, for [...] instance, a fee-paying [...] database; the sale price, in the event of an assignment or sale of the IP right [...]to a third party; [...]royalties, in the event of a successful commercialization of the IP rights, whether as a result of sale, licensing or joint venture; salaries, where provider country nationals are involved in the exploitation of the IP rights; monetary benefits may vary between different sector. wipo.int |
这种滥用包括:(a)直接或非直接地制 定不公正的购买和销售价格或者不公正的贸易条件。 cgfwatch.org | This principle of separation also applies to the enforcement of the law” (emphasis in the original) (Régibeau and Rockett, 2004, p. 3). cgfwatch.org |
销售的成本包括: 6%的转手佣金和其它2%的销售价格的 各种费用。 vicinno.com | Selling costs include a 6% commission for resale and miscellaneous other fees that amount to another 2% of the sale price. vicinno.com |
企业赠送的礼品是自产产品(服务)的,按该产品(服务) 的市场销售价格确 定个人的应税所得;是外购商品(服务)的,按该商品(服务)的实际购置 [...] 价格确定个人的应税所得。 bdo.at | If the gifts are self-made products (services), the IIT shall be [...] based on their market value; if the gifts [...]are products (services) purchased from other [...]enterprises, the IIT shall be based on the actual purchasing price. bdo.at |
不过坏消息,芬兰巨人:诺基亚今天升级了其第二季度和全年的2011设备和服务观,承认多种因素的负面影响诺基亚的设备及服务业务在更大程度上比此前的预期,如竞争动态和市场,在多个类别的价格趋势,特别是在中国和欧洲;对与较低的平 均 销售价 格 和 毛利率较低的设备产品结构转变,以及由诺基亚和某些竞争对手的定价策略。 technologeeko.com | Still bad news for the Finnish giant: Nokia today updated its second quarter and full year 2011 outlook for Devices & Services, admitting that multiple factors are negatively impacting Nokia’s Devices & Services business to a greater extent than previously [...] expected, [...] such as competitive dynamics and market trends across multiple price categories, particularly in China and Europe; a product mix shift towards devices with lower average selling prices and lower gross [...]margins; and pricing [...]tactics by Nokia and certain competitors. technologeeko.com |