

单词 铺设

铺设 ()

lay (paving, wiring etc)

See also:


spread v
set up v

place sleep
plank bed
(old) holder for door-knocker
(old) relay station

External sources (not reviewed)

请遵守下列提示: 温度传感器的连接线铺设在回 路中,因为会导致电压耦合,进而导致测量错 误。
Do not loop the temperature sensor connecting leads when laying because this can cause voltage coupling and result in measurement errors.
但是,不同国家之间存在巨大的差距,妇女、穷人和农村地区居民面临电 子鸿沟,特别是在宽带铺设方面
However, there are substantial disparities between countries and digital divides affecting women, the poor and those living in rural areas, particularly concerning broadband deployment.
使用用铺设钻孔的提供模 板 (B),将卷盘安装至墙壁。
Mount the reel to a wall, using the provided template (B) for laying out the holes you drill.
(b) 海铺设的管 道和电缆不应视为水下文化遗产。
(b) Pipelines and cables placed on the seabed shall not be considered as underwater cultural heritage.
八.13 咨询委员会在之前关于企业资源规划系统执行进展情况报告(A/65/576、 A/64/7/Add.9 和 A/63/487)中提出了一些评论意见并对若干问题表示关切,其中 包括项目组人员未及时到位,征聘主题专家过程冗长,项目组和信息和通信技术 厅在编目和废弃即将由企业资源规划系统替代系统方面需加强合作,项目组有必 要和信息和通信技术厅及外勤支助部在开展技术活动 铺设 基 础 设施方面加强 合作,以及企业资源规划系统和人力资源管理系统 Inspira 之间需开发界面的复 杂性和界面数。
VIII.13 In its previous reports on progress made in the implementation of the enterprise resource planning system (A/65/576, A/64/7/Add.9 and A/63/487), the Advisory Committee made observations and expressed some concerns on a number of issues, including the delays in staffing the project team; the lengthy process of recruiting subject-matter experts; the need for closer cooperation between the project team and the Office of Information and Communications Technology in cataloguing and decommissioning the systems to be replaced by the enterprise resource planning system; the need for closer cooperation between the project team and the Office of Information and Communications Technology and the Department of Field Support in implementing technical activities and infrastructure; and the complexity and number of the interfaces to be developed between the enterprise resource planning system and the human resources management system, Inspira.
此外,与国际海缆船务的合作证明了Xtera是既 铺设 新 系统又能重新部署旧系统的完整解决方案提供商。
In addition, the partnership with KCS demonstrates Xtera's capability as a provider of complete solutions for
[...] redeployment as well as new systems.
他提出了一种用于沥青跑道的理念,并监督 沥铺设从采石场选取骨料到摊铺及压实的全过程。
He developed the concept for the race track asphalt and supervised the asphalt work from selection of the aggregate in the quarry to paving and compaction.
公司充分利用凭借丰富经验开拓的专业技能和高技术提供广泛的服务,除了用电缆船提供服务外,还提供在日本近海安装地震探测系统、用AE2000自主水下机器人调查海缆埋设情况和鲸鱼习性、选择最佳海底电 铺设 路 线 等服务。
By making the best use of the expertise and high technologies cultivated through the rich experience, KCS offers a wide range of services such as installation of earthquake detection systems in nearby seas in Japan, a survey on cable burial conditions and whale behavior using the autonomous underwater
robot, AE2000, and the best route selection for
[...] submarine cable laying, in addition to the services using the cable ships.
由阿拉伯联合酋长国采取初步措施,建立国家铁路公司,负 铺设 1 10 0 公里路轨,成本在 68 亿至 82 亿美元之间,将使科威特和阿曼与阿拉伯 联合酋长国连接起来。
The taking by the United Arab Emirates of preliminary
[...] steps to establish a national rail company which will be responsible for the introduction [...]
of 1,100 kilometres
of track at a cost of between $6.8 and 8.2 billion that will link the United Arab Emirates with Kuwait and Oman.
拉布和萨穆埃尔,谁与平等的区别分别主持了两所学校,通 铺设 在 mi shnah和他们的其他教导他们的意见的巴比伦犹太法典的基础。
Rab and Samuel, who respectively presided with equal distinction over the two schools, laid the foundation of the Babylonian Talmud through their comments on the Mishnah and their other teachings.
瓦克将第一次展出适用于铁路隧道路 铺设 用 排水混凝土的新型ETONIS® 260, 耐久又透水。
For the first time, WACKER is showcasing the new ETONIS® 260 for drainage concrete for road surfacing in railway tunnels durable yet water-permeable.
美国的冰淇淋制造商Ben &
[...] Jerry’s在商品包装上一直有明确独特的品牌形象,但它们的 铺设 计 (500家遍及世界以及250家在美国)还远远没有做到一致。
Ben & Jerry’s, the American ice cream-maker, has always had a clear and unique
brand identity on their packaged
[...] goods, but the design of their stores (500 worldwide, with 250 [...]
in the US) are far from being consistent.
然而,为了继续 保持与特派团的伙伴关系,政府请联刚特派团完成他们认为是优先事项的下列具 体任务:㈠ 培训 20 个警察营和提供部署所需要的装备;㈡ 装备 3
个将接受刚 果培训员培训的宪兵营;㈢
[...] 支持战时军事法庭,向它们提供运输和通信装备并 加强它们的管理能力;㈣ 加强公共行政能力,包括向它们提供运输方式;㈤ 继 续使用联刚特派团的土木工程单位,在难以到达的东部地区,特别是在东方铺 设道路,以支持国家权力的恢复。
However, in order to continue its partnership with the Mission, the Government requested that MONUC undertake the following specific tasks, which it characterized as priorities: (a) training 20 police battalions and providing the necessary equipment for their deployment; (b) equipping three military police battalions who will be trained by Congolese trainers; (c) supporting the operational military tribunals by providing them with transport and communications equipment, and reinforcing the capacity of their administration; (d) reinforcing the capacity of public administration, including by providing modes of transportation; and (e) continuing the use of the MONUC civil engineering units to support the restoration of
State authority through
[...] the opening of roads in areas in the east that are difficult to reach, particularly in Orientale Province.
正由于材料良好的变形能力,铺设这 些密封材料时铺设较硬 的高密度聚乙烯材料来说更容易。
Because of their formability, it is easier to lay these sealing membranes on the construction site than stiffer HDPE membranes.
这些活动例如包括疏浚河 道铺设管道 、采矿、拖网捕鱼和港口工程。
These are for instance dredging, pipe line construction, mineral extraction, trawling and port works.
2010年,曼海姆行政法院驳回了施瓦本地区一个农民反对建造南德乙烯管线(EPS)的起诉,法院认为EPS的管 铺设 不 存 在安全隐患;EPS和巴登-符腾堡州之间的公共法合约继续有效。
In 2010, Baden-Württemberg’s Higher Administrative Court in Mannheim overruled a local farmer’s objection to the construction of the EPS.
通过艾默生的创新型模块化和机柜化解决方案,实现在一个中央位置同时计划、制造和测试全部 10 个网络节点,无需逐铺设。
Emerson’s innovative modular and containerized approach allows simultaneous planning, fabrication,
and testing of all 10 network nodes in a central location,
[...] rather than building them sequentially [...]
at each site location.
在速效项目中,我们要强调智利和厄瓜多尔联合 工兵队所做的工作,他们改善了太阳城的运河体系,
[...] 包括彻底清理了中央运河,并与韩国工兵一道,重铺设了环绕太子港的道路。
Among the quick-impact projects, we would like to highlight the work of the joint corps of Chilean and Ecuadoran engineers, who have improved the canal system in Cité Soleil,
including the thorough cleaning of the
[...] central canal, and repaved the road encircling [...]
Port-au-Prince, together with Korean military engineers.
自中油公司第一条海底管线铺设 以来,DNV一直担任密切的合作伙 伴角色,不论是可行性评估、认证、 设计、监造、项目管理或风险评估等 项目,DNV都可因应各个海管项目 的需求提出适切的解决方案。
DNV Greater China Pipeline Technical Consultative Committee consists of members from the whole value chain of the Chinese pipeline industry, including owners, contractors, operators, authorities, designers, engineering companies, manufacturing companies, research institutions and universities.
The type of pavement should be upgraded to asphalt concrete or cement concrete as soon as possible in the future.
Tietgen 的最初构想是充分利用丹麦的位置优 铺设 电 报 线路将超级大国法国和英国与俄罗斯和东亚连接在一起。
Tietgen’s original idea was to capitalize on Denmark’s location to create telegraph lines connecting superpowers France and Great Britain with Russia and East Asia.
在情况介绍后的讨论中,管理局成员指出,虽 铺设 海 底电缆是公海自由,铺设电缆 和“区域”内活动可能发生冲突,因此,避免此种冲突符合管理局和 国际缆线保护委员会成员的利益。
In discussions following the presentation, members of the Authority noted that
while the laying of
[...] submarine cables is a freedom of the high seas, it was in the interest of both [...]
the Authority and the
members of the International Cable Protection Committee to avoid potential conflicts between the laying of cables and activities in the Area.
1939 年之前的发展得 益于大型建设项目、1917 年铺设的法国-埃塞俄比亚铁路线加强了港口活动,还 得益于食盐的开采。
Between then and 1939, it developed thanks to large construction projects, the building of the Franco-Ethiopian railway in 1917, increased port operations and salt production.
令人费解的是,对于在改变位于贾科维卡中 部的两度被毁塞尔维亚教堂遗址 铺设 混 凝 土这个 令人义愤填膺的决定方面缺少进展,报告继续保持缄 默。
Inexplicably, it continues to remain silent on the lack of progress in reversing the outrageous decision to pave over with concrete the remains of the twicedestroyed Serbian church in the centre of Djakovica.
扩大现有定居点、建造新的定居点、修建隔离墙、没收土地、拆毁房屋铺 设以色 列专用公路、设立数百个检查站和路障、造成巴勒斯坦人流离失所以及允 许定居者肆意侵犯巴勒斯坦平民及其财产,这些行为一天也没有停止。
The expansion of existing settlements, the construction of new settlements, the construction of the Wall, the confiscation of land, the demolition of homes, the construction of Israeli-only roads, the hundreds of checkpoints and roadblocks, the displacement of Palestinians and permission of the vile aggression of settlers against Palestinian civilians and properties have not stopped for a single day.
海底缆线是重要的基础设施,根据 1982 年 12 月 10 日《联合国海洋法公约》 (“公约”)第八十七条和第一一二至一一五条的规定,海底缆线 铺设 是 一 项公 海自由,应由所有国家在适当顾及其他国家的利益,并顾及公约所规定的在公约 第一条第(1)款界定为国家管辖范围以外的海床和洋底及其底土的“区域”中开 展活动的权利的情况下,加以行使
Submarine cables provide critical infrastructure, and the laying of submarine cables is one of the freedoms of the high seas under articles 87 and 112 to 115 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 (“the Convention”), which freedoms shall be exercised by all States with due regard for the interests of other States and for the rights under the Convention with respect to activities in the Area, defined in article 1, paragraph 1 (1), of the Convention as the seabed and ocean floor and subsoil thereof, beyond the limits of national jurisdiction
通过艾默生的创新型模块和机柜化解决方案,国家宽带网络公司和艾默生得以在一个中央位置同时计划、制造、安装、整合和测试 10 个网络节点,无需逐铺设,从而节约了成本且减少了工程延期风险。
Emerson’s innovative modular and containerized approach allows NBN Co and Emerson to simultaneously plan, fabricate, fit out, integrate and test all 10
of the network nodes in a central location,
[...] rather than building them sequentially [...]
at each site location, which is more
expensive and more prone to risk of delays.




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