

单词 铺装

See also:


spread v
set up v

plank bed
place sleep
(old) holder for door-knocker
(old) relay station

External sources (not reviewed)

社区中心屋顶跨过北侧服务通道与变电站屋顶连成一体,形成一个木 铺装 的 开 放的公共绿化观景平台,上植多株高大乔木。
This roof platform landscaped with wood pavement and arbour planting, and serves as a public garden.
在这个建筑中我们还应用了一系列的环保节能的措施,例如雨水收集,渗透景 铺装 , 生 态水体及堤岸等等。
A series of energy saving methods are applied to this community center, including rain water recycle, permeable ground materials, ecological water edge, local material and etc.
帮助改善该国的基础设施,特别 铺装 道 路 网络、电力、饮用水、法 院、监狱和拘留设施及卫生保健设施;和
Assistance to improve infrastructures in the country,
[...] particularly paved road networks, electricity, potable water, court houses, prison [...]
and detention facilities
and health care facilities; and
在过去的五年里,与欧洲和美国传统市场相比,亚洲地区尤其是中国的纺织品地 铺装 市 场 出现了相对较快的发展速度。
The market for textile carpet floor coverings in Asia and especially in China has been growing
at relatively high speed over
[...] the past few years – in contrast to the traditional markets in [...]
Western Europe and the USA.
本届国际地面材料铺装技术 展览会又一次取得了巨大成功,展会上推出了多种新型的地 铺装 理 念,再次奠定了其作为行业顶级展会的领先地位。
This year's DOMOTEX was a great success once again, introducing new floor covering concepts and impressively underlining its leading position as the top fair for the industry.
在混凝土跑道上牵引飞机的速度为每小时20公里,在 铺装 的 野战机场跑道上为每小时5公里。
The speed of towing an aircraft on the concrete surface is 20 km/h, on the ground 5km/h. The
body of the KZKT-537L did not have the
[...] opened cabin, semi-mounted on its deck in the [...]
form of cells for the cast-iron ballast cargo.
许莹副厅长首次对二十一局一公司承建的奇木高速公路第QM-1标段的项目部工作进行了督导,对水稳层、沥青路面、桥面 铺装 的 施 工现场进行了检查,并对现场施工控制有序,标准化建设等方面给予了高度的评价,同时也对奇木项目部即将面临的工期压力和冬季施工问题提出几点要求:第一,施工建设要以安全为前提,项目部全体人员要时刻提高安全意识,杜绝事故发生,创建 “零伤亡”工地,更好的提升奇木高速全线整体安全管理水平。
Xu Ying deputy director for the first time twenty-one bureau to build the Qimu the motorway QM-1 section project of the Department of supervision of work, on the water layer in bridge deck pavement, asphalt pavement, the construction site was examined, and the site construction control and orderly, standardized construction and other aspects to a high degree of evaluation, but also on the Qimu project department will soon face the time pressure and winter construction this paper puts forward some requirements: first, the construction to the premise of safety, project department staff should enhance the consciousness of safety, prevent accidents, to create a " zero casualty " site, the better promotion Qimu high-speed all the overall safety management level.
博纳在木地铺装、翻 新和保养产品方面处于领先地位,已经获得了使用 GEV 商标的许可。
Bona, the leaders
[...] in products for installation, renovation and [...]
maintenance of wooden floors, has been awarded to use the licence of GEV trademark.
细木墙裙可能是1766年时为王铺装的 , 除了门头饰板的边饰以外,墙裙应该是蓬巴杜夫人卧室装饰的“再利用”:墙上挂着纳图瓦尔(Natoire)的四幅画作,它们以寓意画的形式展现了绘画、雕塑、建筑和音乐艺术。
The woodwork was probably carried out for the Dauphine in 1766, except for the frames of the overdoors, which are undoubtedly a “reuse” of the decor from Madame de Pompadour’s room: they frame four paintings by Natoire representing allegories of Painting, Sculpture, Architecture and Music.
早期阶段的检测是至关重要的,可以发现如地下空洞,摇晃的路面砖,粘接材料 铺装 层 内 及其子基地的空隙等缺陷。
It is vital to detect at an early stage, defects such as sub-surface voids, rocking pavement slabs and de-bonding of materials and layers within the pavement and its sub-base.
[...] BR-111 地板产品提供卓越的 UV 漆,还提供全套铺装材料 (如地板胶、清洁剂和保养产品)。
Bona doesn't just supply outperforming UV finishes for
all BR-111 flooring products, but also
[...] a whole range of installation material such as [...]
adhesives, cleaning, and maintenance products.
一直致力于为客户提供专业电子商务解决方案和淘宝商城旗舰店运营的水迎,将与香港山成集团(《愤怒的小鸟》芬兰总公司Rovio大中华区的品牌授权独家代理商)紧密合作,为其提供从整体战略方向规划、产品战略、网站建立, 铺装 修 , 品牌营销,产品页面日常管理,客服人员运营到仓储物流管理等服务。
Aquanations, the subsidiary of 800 TeleServices is specialized in e-Commerce consulting and operation management, has appointed with the role to work close with Promotional Partners Worldwide and Rovio in overall strategic directions, product development and price positioning, marketing and design, customers services and customer relationship management as well as warehouse and logistics management.
4月中旬,飞翱集团与广受年轻女性热捧的日本知名休闲品牌“ANAP”代理商共同携手合作,为其旗下的童装品牌—“ANAP KIDS”打造天猫官方旗舰店,提供从整体战略方向规划、产品战略、网站建立、 铺装 修 、品牌营销、产品页面日常管理,客服人员运营到仓储物流管理等等一站式电子商务外包代运营服务及解决方案。
In mid-April, 800 TeleServices worked together with the distributor of a Japan young lady fashion brand ‘ANAP’, to create an 'ANAP KIDS’ official flagship store on Tmall.com. 800 TeleServices provided an overall strategic directional plan, product strategies, the virtual shop creation and design, brand marketing, product page daily management, customers service operations and warehousing and logistics management, etc. one stop service and solutions.
与居民一起,企业家和遗迹的保护者与市政府作出以下选择:街道上没有人行道(具有历史价值的房子的前廊除外) 铺装 材 料 加强历史特征,并为行人提供舒适的环境,自行车道系统和自行车棚散布在这个区域,机动车的限速为30公里/小时,街道设施和街道照明是公共空间中的一个整体的部分,细心的选择树木,禁止在公共区域出现商店(花,植物,草和水果店除外),餐厅露台,雨蓬,安全性和广告要遵守条例。
Together with residents, entrepreneurs and protectors of monuments, the municipality opted for streets without
pavements (except the historical front porches
[...] to houses), for paving material that enhances [...]
the historical character and provides
walking comfort, for a system of bicycle paths and a number of bicycle sheds spread throughout the area, for a speed restriction of 30 km/h for vehicles, for street furnishings and lighting which are an integral part of the public space, for a careful selection of trees, for a prohibition on shop displays in the public area (with the exception of flowers, plants, vegetables and fruit), for regulations to apply at restaurant terraces and for awnings, security and advertising.
它能够使现有光纤网络上的光纤带宽成倍增加,从而大幅减少部署新光缆的需求,并为以后的全光纤网络设计和 装铺 平 道 路。
Its ability to exponentially increase fiber bandwidth on existing fiber networks significantly
reduced the need for new cable
[...] deployments, while paving the way for future all-optical network designs and installations.
朝鲜民主主义人 民共和国将尽最大的努力,为改善南北朝鲜的关 铺 平 道 路,争取实现民族和解 与统一。
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea would do its best to pave the way for improved inter-Korean relations and to achieve national reconciliation and unity.
但是,不同国家之间存在巨大的差距,妇女、穷人和农村地区居民面临电 子鸿沟,特别是在宽带铺设方面。
However, there are substantial disparities between countries and digital divides affecting women, the poor and those living in rural areas, particularly concerning broadband deployment.
请遵守下列提示: 温度传感器的连接线铺设在 回路中,因为会导致电压耦合,进而导致测量错 误。
Do not loop the temperature sensor connecting leads when laying because this can cause voltage coupling and result in measurement errors.
此选购件不能用在下端装或 P 型压力表上,并且必须在 工厂装到 M 型压力表上。
This option is not available on lower mount or P model gauges and must be factory installed on M model gauges.
八.13 咨询委员会在之前关于企业资源规划系统执行进展情况报告(A/65/576、 A/64/7/Add.9 和 A/63/487)中提出了一些评论意见并对若干问题表示关切,其中 包括项目组人员未及时到位,征聘主题专家过程冗长,项目组和信息和通信技术 厅在编目和废弃即将由企业资源规划系统替代系统方面需加强合作,项目组有必 要和信息和通信技术厅及外勤支助部在开展技术活动 铺 设 基 础设施方面加强 合作,以及企业资源规划系统和人力资源管理系统 Inspira 之间需开发界面的复 杂性和界面数。
VIII.13 In its previous reports on progress made in the implementation of the enterprise resource planning system (A/65/576, A/64/7/Add.9 and A/63/487), the Advisory Committee made observations and expressed some concerns on a number of issues, including the delays in staffing the project team; the lengthy process of recruiting subject-matter experts; the need for closer cooperation between the project team and the Office of Information and Communications Technology in cataloguing and decommissioning the systems to be replaced by the enterprise resource planning system; the need for closer cooperation between the project team and the Office of Information and Communications Technology and the Department of Field Support in implementing technical activities and infrastructure; and the complexity and number of the interfaces to be developed between the enterprise resource planning system and the human resources management system, Inspira.
在同一决议中,安理会决定该部队除了根据第 425(1978) 号和第 426(1978)号决议执行任务外,还将除其他事项外,监测敌对行动的停止; 在以色列国防军撤出时,陪同和支助黎巴嫩 装 部 队在整个黎巴嫩南部进行部 署;确保“蓝线”得到尊重,并协助黎巴嫩 装 部 队 确保“蓝线”和利塔尼河之 间的地区没有任何未经授权的装人 员、资产和武器;采取力所能及的一切必要 行动,确保其行动区不被用来进行敌对活动;应黎巴嫩政府的要求协助其保障边 境和其他入境点的安全,防止武器或有关物资未经其许可进入黎巴嫩。
By the same resolution, the Council decided that the mandate of the Force, in addition to carrying out its mandate under resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978), would include, inter alia, monitoring the cessation of hostilities, accompanying and
supporting the deployment of
[...] the Lebanese Armed Forces throughout southern Lebanon in parallel with the withdrawal of the Israeli Defense Forces, ensuring respect for the Blue Line and assisting the Lebanese Armed Forces in ensuring that the area between the Blue Line and the Litani River is free of any unauthorized armed personnel, [...]
assets and weapons, taking
all necessary action within its capabilities to ensure that its area of operations is not utilized for hostile activities, and assisting the Government of Lebanon, at its request, in securing its borders and other entry points in order to prevent the entry into Lebanon without its consent of arms or related materiel.
此外,提议 将一个当地雇员员额改叙为本国干事职等设施管理干事,负责非洲经委会设施管
[...] 理方面的技术文件、设计准备和行政支持,并为照明、供暖、通风和空调系统以 及建筑相关装提供 所需价值评估工程(同上,第 18A.117 段)。
In addition, it is proposed to reclassify one Local level post to the National Officer level for a Facilities Management Officer to provide technical documentation, design preparation and administrative support in the management of ECA facilities, and to provide the required value engineering for the
lighting, the heating, ventilation and air conditioning, and
[...] architectural-related installations (ibid., para. [...]
冈比亚还报告称,它继 续开展合作,在受影响地区的社区进行雷险教育,而且拥有一支训练有素 装备 完善的人道主义排雷队,时刻准备应对任何紧急情况。
Gambia also reported that it continues in collaborate to deliver mine risk education in communities in the affected areas and has a well trained and fully equipped humanitarian demining team which is always ready to respond to any emergencies.




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