单词 | 铸 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 铸—cast or found metalsExamples:铸造n—castingn castn 铸造pl—foundriespl 铸造厂n—foundryn
为了产生与砂模过程中的空腔中的铸件可 以是种子,其基本组成为砂,是必需的。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | To produce castings with cavities in the sand mold process can be seeds, consisting essentially of sand, is required. en.developmentscout.com |
加上多工序的铝合金铸造技术,包括冷硬铸造和 真空压铸来模造车架,以增强车身於走弯路时的抗扭能力,确保安全。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Thus, diverse processes are used to make different kinds of aluminium depending on the use the [...] component is to be given: the [...] parts are made by chillcasting or vacuumdie-casting, worked into extruded [...]aluminium sections or [...]into aluminium panels of different thicknesses. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
低速高进给切削刀具:普通钢料、铸铁、 不锈钢、热处理过钢料、镍、 钛合金等材料。 cbceratizit.com | Low speed, high feed rate cutting tools: Regular steel, cast iron, stainless steel, heat treated steel, nickel based alloy, titanium alloy and other metal alloys. cbceratizit.com |
(24) 经营钢铁制造商、钢铁转炉商、铁器制造商、煤矿所有人、焦炭制造商 [...] 、矿山经营商、熔炼商、技工、木工、细木工、锅炉制造商、水管工、 黄铜铸工、建筑材料供应商及制造商、镀锡铁皮制造商及翻砂工於其各 [...]自所有的分公司所进行的贸易或业务,及购买、租赁或以其他方式收购 [...]任何矿山、矿井、采矿场及金属产地及任何相关权益及勘探、工作、进 行、开发及以其他方式利用上述各项;压碎、开采、擭取、挖掘、熔炼 、锻烧、精炼、选矿、混合、操作及以其他方式处理及准备营销矿石、 金属、宝石及各类矿物质及经营可助实现本公司目标之任何其他冶金业 务。 mmg.com | (24) To carry on the trade or business of steel makers, [...] steel converters, ironmasters, colliery [...] proprietors, coke manufacturers, miners, smelters, [...]millwrights, carpenters, joiners, [...]boiler makers, plumbers, brass founders, building material suppliers and manufacturers, tinplate manufacturers and iron founders in all their respective branches, and to purchase, take on lease, or otherwise acquire any mines, wells, quarries, and metalliferous land and any interests therein and to explore, work, exercise, develop and otherwise turn to account the same; to crush, win, get, quarry, smelt, calcine, refine, dress, amalgamate, manipulate, and otherwise process and prepare for market ores, metals, precious stones, and mineral substances of all kinds, and to carry on any other metallurgical operations which may seem conducive to the Company’s objects. mmg.com |
(66) 经营铸铁工、机械工程师及农具及其他机器之制造商、工具制造商、黄铜铸工、 金属工、锅炉生产商、技工、机械师、钢铁转炉商、铁匠、木 工、建筑商、油漆工、冶金家、电器工程师、供水工程师、燃气生产商 、农民、印刷商、搬运商及商人之业务,以及购买、出售、制造、修理 [...] 、转换、改制、出租及处置各类机械、工具、机车车辆及五金器具,及 [...]经营本公司认为能够就上述者便利经营或旨在直接或间接提高本公司当 时之任何财产及权利之价值之任何其他业务(制造或其他)。 mmg.com | (66) To carry on the [...] business of iron founders, mechanical engineers,and manufacturers ofagricultural implements and other machinery, tool-makers, [...]brass-founders, [...]metal-workers, boiler-makers, millwrights, machinists, iron and steel converters, smiths, wood-workers, builders, painters, metallurgists, electrical engineers, water supply engineers, gas-makers, farmers, printers, carriers, and merchants, and to buy, sell, manufacture, repair, convert, alter, let on hire, and deal in machinery, implements, rolling-stock, and hardware of all kinds, and to carry on any other business (manufacturing or otherwise) which may seem to the Company capable of being conveniently carried on in connection with the above, or otherwise calculated, directly or indirectly, to enhance the value of any of the property and rights of the Company for the time being. mmg.com |
今次「Le Creuset Baby」系列有可爱的粉红及粉蓝两色,由可以用来煮粥及糊仔的16 厘米坚韧防黏系列牛奶锅、16 厘米圆型铸铁锅,到上桌用的、造型别致的小汤碗、小熊碗连长方形托盘,全部均易於清洗及保养,帮爸爸妈妈节省不少时间之外,又能吸引小朋友进食。 daydaycook.com | The new “Le Creuset Baby” collection includes theRound French Oven 16cm (1.3L) and TNS Milkpan 16cm (1.6L) which are suitable to make porridges and baby foods; Baby Soup Bowl 250ml, Bear Ramekin 80ml with Rectangular Plate. daydaycook.com |
自由软体铸造场」提供即时可用的 FOSSology 扫描环境 VDI 映像档,若您对於这套系统有兴趣的话,欢迎到此专案来下载利用。 openfoundry.org | OSSF provides instant VDI image file for FOSSology license scan agent. If you are interested in this system, you can download it here. openfoundry.org |
(15) 从事机械工程师、电机工程师、輪机师、采矿工程师、汽車工程师、水利工程 师、供水工程师及一般工程师、马口铁及钢板制造商、铁铸工、铜铸工、金属 工、工具制造商、锅爐制造商,以及钢铁转爐商之所有或任何业务。 ckh.com.hk | (15) To carry on all or any of business of mechanical, electrical, marine, mining, motor, hydraulic, water supply and general engineers, tinplate and steelplate makes, ironfounders, brassfounders, metalworkers, toolmakers, boiler-makers iron and steel converters. ckh.com.hk |
像香港人一样,他们为城市的市场取向和国际视野而自豪,并在香港身旁,铸就了一个 独一无二的中国创业大熔炉。 gemconsortium.org | Like the people of Hong Kong, they are proud of the market orientation and world vision of Shenzhen and have made enormous efforts to develop the city into China’s one and only one entrepreneurial hub in a location adjacent to Hong Kong. gemconsortium.org |
压铸汽车模型最初是汽车公司制造的玩具或模型。 hkcarworld.com | Die cast car models were originallymanufactured astoys or models for automobile companies. hkcarworld.com |
系列共有六个型号,各见不同特点:S-600用上DLC(Diamond-Like Coating)光面处理技术,加强机身坚硬度;S-610及S-620以PVD黑钢物料铸造, 机背配以鲜艳夺目的红色及黄色凹凸橡胶物料;S-670、S-680及S-685以玫瑰金、黄金及黑、金钢料配上真皮鳄鱼纹机背,更添高贵感觉。 think-silly.com | The six models in the series is distinguished with its own characteristics: S-600 comes with DLC (diamond-like coating)finishing,to increase the durability of the phone; S-610 and S-620 are made in black steel material, its back is paired with eye-catching blood red and vibrant yellow rubber material; S-670, S-680 and S-685 are made in rose gold, yellow gold and black gold steel. think-silly.com |
而且,如果他们不能拥有真实的东西,退而求其次是拥有1: 18压铸汽车,并骄傲地展示它。 hkcarworld.com | And, if they can’t own the real thing, the next best thing is to own the 1 18 die cast cars and proudly display it. hkcarworld.com |
认可上海黄金交易所1号金(成色9999)或2号金(成色9995)及或贸易场认可黄金炼铸商炼铸之公斤条(成色9999)。 cgse.com.hk | Accredited No.1 (fineness 9999) or No.2 [...] (fineness 9995) gold bar of Shanghai Gold Exchange [...] and/ or Kilobars manufactured byCGSE-accredited [...]refineries (fineness 9999). cgse.com.hk |
在宽松剪裁的裤子、背心、外套、工人裤及手提包上加进拼贴元素 — 牛仔布跟斜纹、格子布料的组合,突显坚韧的Denim质感;衣领与手袖边缘用上不同的布料包裹、白色的钮扣设计和铸有 Porter经典招牌人像的拉链,统统都成为相当有趣的细节。 think-silly.com | Patch work is featured throughout the collection — loose cut trousers, vest, jacket, overall, bag and other items. The mish mash of denim, canvas and check fabric accentuates the durable quality of denim fabric; collar and sleeve seams are finished with various fabric; white button and signature Porter portrait zipper are highlighting details. think-silly.com |
拖杆必须为钢质 (或至少为等同材质) 制成。铸铁( GGG40) 或铝质拖杆不得搭配我们的自行车架使用。 thule.com | The towbar must be made out of steel at least an equivalent material. towbars made out of cast iron (GGG40) or Aluminum are not to be used in combination with our bike carriers. thule.com |
牙冠和固定牙桥 牙冠,包括用下列材 料制作的牙冠:丙烯 酸、丙烯酸金属混合 物、陶瓷、陶瓷金属 混合物、纯金属、镶 金或三面牙冠、和不 锈钢; 与之相联的销针和组 合; 固定牙桥,包括铸造的、陶瓷金属混合 物、和加工在黄金上 的塑胶牙冠; 牙桥的重新黏接、内 镶和外镶; 打固位柱,包括牙冠 下的固位; 牙冠和支面或桥体的 修理和更换。 deltadentalins.com | Crown and Fixed Bridge Crowns, including those made of acrylic, acrylic with metal, porcelain, porcelain with metal, full metal, gold onlay or three quarter crown, and stainless steel, Related dowel pins and pin buildup, Fixed bridges, which arecast,porcelain baked with metal, or plastic processed to gold, Recementation of crowns, bridges, inlays and onlays, Cast post and core, including cast retention under crowns, Repair or replacement of crowns, abutments or pontics. deltadentalins.com |
二片式铰接结构利用坚固耐用的铸钢头拴进耐磨的锻造钢管。 taiwan.cat.com | Two-piece construction features a durablecast steel head bolted to a hard-wearing forged steel tube. rossiya.cat.com |
铸制本场认可交收金条的可以是本场行员,也可以是非行员,只要能提供铸制和品质控制的技术资料,符合香港商品 法例规定,再向本场申请,经本场核定,即可成爲认可交收之炼铸商,其铸制的 金条可作市场交收流通之用。 cgse.com.hk | In addition to CGSE’s Members, Non-Members are allowed to deliver their gold bars as long as they submit evidences to prove their technologies and quality control capabilities, and comply with the requirements of Trade Descriptions Ordinance. cgse.com.hk |
在铸就了1 Million金砖瓶身後,基於种种幻想,Lady Million的瓶身重新诠释了大胆不羁的女性阴柔气质的终极图腾:钻石。 hk.eternal.hk | After the 1 Million ingot, the object of every fantasy, the Lady Million bottle had to be an audacious reinterpretation of an ultimate symbol of femininity: a diamond. hk.eternal.hk |
根 据 上 市 规 则 [...] 第 14A .11 条 , 大维铸造为本 公 司 的 关 [...]连 人 士 。 cre8ir.com | Pursuant to Rule 14A.11 of the Listing [...] Rules,DaweiCasting is aconnected [...]person of the Company. cre8ir.com |
电缆安装插座和插头具有更多功能性,同时,新产品采用压制触点,以及机械加工或压铸型连接器本体,达到比第一代的全机械式FAKRA连接器更低的成本。 ipress.com.hk | The cable mounted jacks and plugs provide [...] additional versatility while the stamped contacts and [...] machined or diecast bodies reduce [...]the price over the original, fully machined FAKRA connectors. ipress.com.hk |
壳体和叶轮的碳化矽制成的矿物铸件, 使用专利方法用相同的材料涂覆在产品上侧盖。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Casing and impeller are made of silicon [...] carbide mineralcasting,the cover on [...]the product side is coated with the same material using a patented process. en.developmentscout.com |
本集团继续扩充业务,於本年度内动用约 16,879,000 美元以购买铸模及工具;约 12,279,000 美元以购买办公室设备、家俬及装置;约 15,709,000 美元以购买厂房设备及机器。 ttigroup.com | The Group continued to expand its business and during the year spent approximately US$16,879,000 on moulds and tooling and acquired office equipment, furniture and fixtures for approximately US$12,279,000 and plant and machinery for approximately US$15,709,000. ttigroup.com |
椰壳;平唇、没有站立功能的凹底,腹由两片凸形椰壳块作成,唇与颈上部由两片环形椰壳块作成,颈与肩再由两片椰壳块接上,皆以细椰壳钉沿边接合;一面刻梅花一枝,其上刻“孙筠绶为若褱四弟写”, 另一面刻回环状的金文铭记: “中斯大它铸其宝 鬲其万年子子孙孙永宝用”,其中刻楷体“仲斯鬲”,又刻 “乙亥春若褱摹古 e-yaji.com | Coconut-shell; with a flat lip and concave, non-functional foot; made up of two convex segments for the main body and four more for the neck (two horizontal, disc-shaped sections for the lip and main neck, and two smaller sections to join it to the body on each main side), held together with coconut-shell pins around the edges; carved on one main side with a branch of flowering prunus, inscribed above with ‘Designed by Sun Yunshou for fourth younger brother Ruohuai’, andon the other with an engraved bronze-script text encircling two further inscriptions in regular script, the title ‘Zhongsi li’, and ‘[Engraved] copying antiquity by Ruohuai in the spring of the yihai year e-yaji.com |
要对硬碟消磁,须首先移除硬碟上所有可能阻挡消磁器的磁场的保护物料(例如铸件、 机、托架等)。 hkcert.org | For degaussing hard drives, all shielding materials (e.g. castings, cabinets, and mounting brackets), which may interfere with the degausser's magnetic field, must be removed from the hard drive before degaussing. hkcert.org |
在 长 期 措 施 方 面 , 他 推 行 一 些 计 划 来 重新铸造已贬 值 的 货 币,这 些 货 币 是 大 多 在 1830 年 代 发 行 的;此 外, 他 也 发 起 了 一 次 规 划 , 把 江 户 及 大 阪 周 围 易 於 到 达 及 适 合 耕 作 的 土 地 交 由 幕 府 直 接 统 治 。 hkahe.com | As longer-range projects he developed plans to improve the currency by remounting depreciated coins, many of which had been issued during the 1830s, and initiated a program designed to bring under direct Shogunate control all the easily accessible arable lands directly surrounding the great cities of Edo and Osaka. hkahe.com |