

单词 银联



China UnionPay (CUP), China's only domestic bank card organization

See also:

relating money or currency

External sources (not reviewed)

银联的紧急通知银联将根据中国国家外汇管理局 (SAFE) 对跨境支付结算业务的最新要求,从 2012 年 8 月 1 日起推行新措施。
As informed by ChinaPay, a new policy on overseas payment was enforced by SAFE (State Administration of Foreign Exchange) of China start from 1st August 2012.
联信永益在本项目建设中充分考虑了系统的安全性,通过建设密钥体系、数据加密等方式,从网络安全性、信息保密性、信息完整性和密钥安全性等方面对系统安全性进行保障。固网支付平台 银联 金 融 机构系统对接,实现公共事业支付业务与POS消费支付业务,拓展第三方机构及系统接入固网支付平台,以增强固网支付平台的多业务,多领域应用模式。
During the construction of the project, Surekam gave adequate consideration to system security, providing guarantee for system security in terms of network security, information confidentiality, information integrity and key security by way of
constructing a key system, data encryption and
[...] etc. By joining to UnionPay’s financial [...]
institution systems, the landline network
payment platform has realized utilities payment business and POS consumption payment business, extending the access of third-party institutions and systems to the platform to enhance the platform’s multi-business, multi-field application mode.
本项目是银联信托 有限公司的日常运作设计和实施高级工作流脚本和事件规则。
In this project, we have design and implemented advance workflow script and event rules for BCT's daily operation.
1971年顾国和先生开始了他又一项领先的努力:名村造船所(Namura)开发设计并随后在位于大阪的船厂建造的最大42000吨级散货轮 银联 ” 号
In 1971, Mr. K.W. Koo began yet another pioneering endeavor with Namura Shipyard developing and
constructing what was then the Osaka-based shipyard's biggest vessel ever, the
[...] 42,000 dwt bulk carrier m/v "FEDERAL BULKER".
公司拥有完整的品质管理体系和安全保障体系,先后通过ISO9001:2000国际质量体系认证和ISO14001:2004国际环境体系认证,并取获得ICCR集成电路卡注册证书、全国IC卡生产许可证 银联 标 识 卡生产企业资格证书、以及国家人力资源和社会保障部颁发的社会保障(个人)卡COS检测合格证书等。
The company owns integral quality management system and security guarantee system and has been certified by the ISO9001:2000 International Quality System Authentication and ISO14001:2004 International Environment System Authentication and has gained ICCR Integrated Circuit Card
Registration Certificate, National IC Card
[...] Production License, Unionpay Logo Manufacturer [...]
Certificate and the Certificate for COS
Test of Social Security (Personal) Card granted by State Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security etc.
本次项目建设的目标是依托固定电话网络,通过建立 银联 或 银 行 对 接的管理服务平台以及设置在用户端的电话支付管理终端,实现固定电话用户与银行账户管理系统的数据互通,从而实现对资金的支付管理。
The purpose of the construction of the project was to realize
intercommunication of data between landline
[...] telephone subscribers and bank account management [...]
systems over the landline telephone network
by establishing a management service platform that joins to UnionPay or banks, as well as telephone payment management terminals provided on subscriber side, thereby realizing funds payment management.
恒生银行(中国)有限公司(简称恒生银行(中国)或本行)发行的借记卡(简称恒生卡)为个人人民币借记卡,让持卡人可透过适用的自动柜员机网络方便快捷地处理账户,随时随地利用恒生卡及密码于这些自动柜员机提取现金、转账结算、查询账户余额、修改密码;并可在全球带有 银联 ” 标 识的商户进行消费。
The debit card issued by Hang Seng Bank (China) Limited ("Hang Seng Bank (China)") is a Personal Renminbi Debit Card (the "Hang Seng Card"). With the Hang Seng Card, you can have immediate and convenient access to your account via accessible ATM networks.
银行、联邦银行、国民银行、西太平洋银行等银行及其附属行的分支机构遍布澳大利亚全国,且许多分行都设有 24 小时自动提款机(ATM)。
[...] of the ANZ, Commonwealth, National, Westpac and affiliated banks are found [...]
all over Australia, and many provide
24-hour automated teller machines (ATMs).
同时,另一个美国公司环球支付公司(WorldPay)已经签署协议,允许中国消费者通过由中 银联 运 营 的电子支付网络在美国和大多数欧洲国家购买商品 银联 是 一家中国主要的电子金融交易公司。
Meantime, another US company named WorldPay has signed a deal that will allow Chinese buyers to purchase
goods in the US and most of
[...] Europe over the electronic payments network operated by UnionPay, China’s dominant player in electronic financial transactions.
我们的合伙人曾经是诸如尚德电力(纽约证券交易所代码STP),明阳电气(纽约证券交易所代码MY),百度(纳斯达克代码BIDU),酷6网(纳斯达克代码KUTV),和邦股份(上海证券交易所代码603077),讯龙科技(新浪收购),乐拍购物(乐天集团收购),熙可物流(万络环球收购) 银联 电 子 支付(中 银联 收 购 )等著名企业的早期投资人或创业者。
Our partners have been early investors or entrepreneurs behind leading companies, such as SunTech Power (NYSE: STP), Mingyang Wind Power(NYSE: MY), Baidu (NASDAQ: BIDU), Ku6 Media(NASDAQ: KUTV), Hebang Corporation (SSE: 603077), MeMeStar(acquired by Sina),
Luckypai (acquired by Lotte Group), Chic Logistics (acquired by
[...] Menlo worldwide), and ChinaPay (acquired by China Union Pay).
[...] 质量体系认证,PCI数据安全体系认证,业务系统通过银行卡检测中心认证(PBOC专业认证中心),以 银联 等 卡组织的专业认证。
CardInfoLink’s has passed PCIDSS, ISO27001 certification,
and certification of Bankcard Testing Center (Dedicated certification center of PBOC)
[...] and card schemes such as UnionPay.
You can pay with your Hang Seng Card when making purchases at any CUP contracted merchants. Transaction amount will automatically be deducted from your bank account to make the payment easy and safe.
2010 年 3 月,教科文组织统计研究所(UIS)与一些主要利益攸关方一
[...] 道在蒙特利尔举行了一次磋商会,这些利益攸关方包括:世界银行、泛美开 银 行 、 联 合国 拉加经委会拉丁美洲及加勒比地区信息社会观察站(LAC)、圣地亚哥教科文组织拉丁美洲 [...]
UNESCO’s Institute of Statistics (UIS) organized a consultation in Montreal in March 2010 with
key stakeholders including:
[...] the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Observatory [...]
for the Information Society
in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) at the UN-ECLAC, the OREALC/UNESCO Santiago Office and the Korea Education and Research Information Service.
这个项联合了世界银行和达喀尔分部,目前新增了非洲南部及东 部的五个国家:冈比亚、加纳、肯尼亚、马拉维和卢旺达。
With the collaboration of the World Bank and Pole de Dakar, [...]
the project now includes five new countries in Southern and
Eastern Africa: the Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi and Rwanda.
在加入美林证券之前,Eubanks 女士是联银行投资银行部的分析员。
Prior to Merrill Lynch, Ms. Eubanks was an analyst in Wachovia
[...] Corporation's investment banking group.
这是阿波罗为三菱东京联银行提 供的第二次PRINCE2培训,自去年12月实施培训以来,客户对于PRINCE2的项目理念相当认同。
It was the
[...] second time that Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi [...]
UFJ invited Apollo as their PRINCE2 training supplier, ever since last
December, clients are quite happy with the PM Core Concepts of PRINCE2 of Apollo.
Hubert 先生还经手过多个重组交易,其中包括 CIFG、BTA 以及联银行。
Mr. Hubert has also worked on several restructuring transactions including
[...] CIFG, BTA and Alliance Bank.
塔吉克斯坦拥有丰富的自然资源, 特别是水、水力发电和一些矿物,包括金 银 、 宝 石和铀。
The country is rich in natural resources, significantly water, hydropower, and some
[...] minerals including gold, silver, precious stones and [...]
下列政府间组织派代表出席了会议:非洲、加勒比和太平洋国家集团 、非 洲开银行、非洲联盟、亚洲开银 行 、 东南亚国 联 盟 、 加勒比共同体、商品 共同基金、英联邦秘书处、海湾阿拉伯国家合作委员会、全球数码团结基金、伊 比利亚-美洲会议、美洲开发银行、国际发展法组织、伊斯兰开 银 行 、 阿拉伯 国联盟、 欧佩克国际开发基金、经济合作与发展组织和全球抗击艾滋病、结核 病和疟疾基金。
The following intergovernmental organizations were represented: African, Caribbean and Pacific
Group of States, African
[...] Development Bank, African Union, Asian Development Bank, Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Caribbean Community, Common Fund for Commodities, Commonwealth Secretariat, Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, Global Digital Solidarity Fund, Ibero-American Conference, Inter-American Development Bank, International Development Law Organization, Islamic Development Bank, League of Arab States, [...]
OPEC Fund for International
Development, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
[...] [...] International、苏格兰皇家银行与苏格兰皇家银行(德国)有限公司、海湾第一银行新加坡分行、印度海外银行新加坡分行、卡塔尔国家银行新加坡分行、大华银行有限公司、澳大利亚和新西兰银行集团有限公司、三菱东京UFJ银行株式会社新加坡分行、英国阿拉伯商业银行、中国信托商业银行有限公司新加坡分行、瑞弗森国际银行集团有限公司新加坡分行、东亚银行有限公司新加坡分行、天顶银行(英国)有限公司、巴西银行、台湾银行新加坡分行、恒生银行有限公司、泰京银行(大众)有限公司新加坡分行、兆丰国际商业银行股份有限公司新加坡分行、印尼国家银行新加坡分行以及阿拉伯法 联 合 银 行。
The 21 participating banks joining the Bookrunning Mandated Lead Arrangers in the transaction include: Rabobank International, The Royal Bank of Scotland plc and RBS (Deutschland) AG, First Gulf Bank PJSC, Singapore Branch, Indian Overseas Bank, Singapore Branch, Qatar National Bank SAQ, Singapore Branch, United Overseas Bank Limited, Australia and New Zealand Banking
Group Limited, The Bank of
[...] Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Limited, Singapore Branch, British Arab Commercial [...]
Bank plc, Chinatrust Commercial Bank Co.
1 个财务干事(P-3)一般临时人员职位,
[...] 以提供关于电子支付系统使用方法的培训;协助维和特派团建立银行业务和作出 支付安排;安排和协调现金的运送、存放和支付等后勤事项;处理开设和关联 合国银行账 户以及修订银行账户签字人名单所需的文件。
Accordingly, it is proposed that one general temporary assistance position of Finance Officer (P-3) be continued in the Global Banking Operations Section to provide training on the use of electronic payment systems, to assist in establishing banking operations and arranging payments for peacekeeping missions; to arrange and coordinate the logistics for the transportation, storage and disbursement of cash; and to process the
documentation required for the opening
[...] and closing of United Nations bank accounts and amendments to bank signatory panels.
拟议编列 152 000 美元差旅费,用于参加与维和有关的研讨会、会议、讲 习班、与世银行官 员进行的协调会议(以便交流有关解除武装、复员和重返社 会的经验)、解除武装、复员和重返社会问题机构间工作组年度会议(目的是协调 和统联合国 在解除武装、复员和重返社会方面的所有行动者的努力)以及与非联盟官 员在亚的斯亚贝巴举行的协调会议(29 400 美元);秘书长的年度务虚会 以及在阿克拉的科菲·安南培训中心举行的讲习班(22 700 美元);关于警察参 与维和的不同方面以及有关支持国家当局和国际维持治安的研讨会和讲习班 (92 300 美元);关于少年司法的年度会议(7 600 美元)。
An amount of $152,000 is proposed for travel to participate in: peacekeepingrelated seminars,
conferences, workshops and
[...] coordination meetings with World Bank officials in order to exchange on lessons learned on disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, the annual Inter-Agency Working Group on Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration, which seeks to coordinate and harmonize the efforts of all United Nations actors on disarmament, demobilization [...]
and reintegration,
and coordination meetings with African Union officials in Addis Ababa ($29,400); the Secretary-General’s annual retreat and a workshop at the Kofi Annan Training Centre in Accra ($22,700); seminar and workshops related to the different aspects of the police involvement in peacekeeping, support to national authorities and international policing ($92,300); and the annual meeting on juvenile justice ($7,600).
八国集团在 2003 年于法国埃维昂举行的首脑会议上设立了非洲伙伴关系论坛,
[...] 以支持扩大非洲与经合组织国家,连同非洲联盟、新伙伴关系、欧洲委员会(EC)、 国际货币基金组织、经合组织联合 国 、世 银 行 、 世界贸易组织以及非洲经济委 员会之间的高级政策对话。
The Africa Partnership Forum was established by the Group of Eight at the summit held in Evian, France, in 2003 to support an expanding senior policy dialogue between Africa and OECD countries together with the African Union, NEPAD, the
European Commission (EC), IMF, OECD,
[...] the United Nations, the World Bank, and the World [...]
Trade Organization (WTO) and ECA.
此外,财务处将继续管理维和资金的投资及资金流动;每月给外地行动汇款;向 国际征聘工作人员支付工资(包括教育补助金);印发给派往执行外地行动的缴付 美国税的工作人员的偿还收入税款的支票;处理 银 行 账 户签字人名单的修正; 提供关于使用各银行系 统的技术支持和指导。
In addition, the Treasury will continue to manage the investments and liquidity of peacekeeping funds; execute monthly remittances to field operations; execute payroll payments (including education grants) to internationally recruited staff members; print and distribute cheques for the reimbursement of income tax to United States tax-paying staff members assigned to field
operations; process the
[...] amendment to the bank account signatory panels; and provide technical support and guidance on the use of various banking systems.
这 12 个员额包括行政领导和管理项下的一个 P-2
[...] 协理经济事务干事员额;次级 方案 1(与全球经济联系、区域一体化及合作)下的一个 P-2 [...]
员额;次级方案 2(生 产和创新)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 3(宏观经济政策和增长)下的一个
P-2 员额;次级方案 5(社会发展与平等)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 12(墨西哥和 中美洲的次区域活动)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 13(加勒比次区域活动)下的 1 个当地雇员员额;方案支助项下的一个 P-4 临时员额、一个 P-2 员额和 3 个当 地雇员员额。
These 12 posts comprise one P-2 post of Associate Economic Affairs Officer under executive
direction and management; one P-2 post under
[...] subprogramme 1, Linkages with the global [...]
economy, regional integration and cooperation;
one P-2 post under subprogramme 2, Production and innovation; one P-2 post under subprogramme 3, Macroeconomic policies and growth; one P-2 post under subprogramme 5, Social development and equality; one P-2 post under subprogramme 12, Subregional activities in Mexico and Central America; one Local level post under subprogramme 13, Subregional activities in the Caribbean; and one P-4 temporary post, one P-2 post and three Local level posts under programme support.
[...] 育课程的系统改革,以及各国加强普通中等教育和职业教 联 系 的政策,尤其是注重生活能 力的培养,提高就业能力和切实的公民意识。
Focus will be placed on promoting systemic reform of secondary
education curriculum as well as national policies
[...] for enhancing linkages between general [...]
secondary and vocational programmes, the
emphasis being on life skills development for employability and effective citizenship.
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过去数年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包 联 科 行 动总部 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区 的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展 联 活 动 ,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作 联 合 国综合框架一部分联 合国 国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地每天提供八小时的医疗支助, 而不是目前的两小时。
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the
services it provides, which include round-the-clock
[...] operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations [...]
country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework;
and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.
援助侧重于以下几个方面:(a)建立符合国际标 准和规范的法律和政策框架;(b)加强国内机构特别是反腐败机构和刑事司法机 关的能力,以便以综合协调的方式有效预防和控制腐败;(c)在公共和私营部
[...] 政府机关进行国际合作并在国内和国际范围追回资产;(e)与国际社会成员联 合国 系统成员发展战略性和主题性的合作伙伴关系,以确保技术援助提供工作 [...]
的一致性;(f)支助建立网络和平台,使会员国在区域和国际层面进行政策对话 和同侪学习。
Assistance focuses on (a) establishing legal and policy frameworks consistent with international standards and norms; (b) strengthening the capacity of domestic institutions, in particular anti-corruption bodies and criminal justice institutions, to effectively prevent and control corruption in an integrated and coordinated way; (c) enhancing integrity, accountability and transparency in public and private sectors, including the management of public resources; (d) supporting relevant Government institutions in international cooperation and the recovery of assets at the domestic and international levels; (e) development of strategic and thematic
partnerships with members of the international
[...] community and United Nations system to [...]
ensure coherency in the delivery of technical
assistance; and (f) supporting the establishment of networks and platforms for policy dialogue and peer learning among Member States at the regional and international levels.




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