

单词 银河


银河系 pl

galaxies pl


the galaxy (our galaxy)
Milky Way Galaxy


galactic nebula

See also:

relating money or currency

mythical ape

External sources (not reviewed)

(e) “银河 15 情 况及其对空间可持续性的影响概述”,由安全世界基金会 [...]
(e) “A
[...] summary of the Galaxy 15 situation [...]
and its impact on space sustainability”, by the observer for the Secure World Foundation.
包头香格里拉大酒店坐落于繁华的市中心,面对市内最大的绿色景观-占地十万平方米 银河 广 场 ,靠近市政府及主要商业区和购物中心。
Shangri-La Hotel, Baotou, is located in the city centre, next to the 100,000 sqm Yinhe Square and close to the commercial district and government offices.
在影片中,多啦A梦和朋友发现自己的军队(根 银河 帝 国)正试图接管地球的星际战争。
In the film, Doraemon and friends find themselves in an interstellar war where an army (based on the Galactic Empire) is trying to take over Earth.
泗水芝布特拉世界,Tunjungan商场,大城市 银河 商 场,Supermal Pakuwon Indah,泗水城市广场,Lenmarc,泗水皇家广场,东岸广场与泗水广场是当地著名的购物中心,而高科技购物中心与船塢廣場则是泗水大型的电脑与移动电话购物中心。
Ciputra World Surabaya, Tunjungan Plaza, Grand City, Galaxy Mall, Supermal Pakuwon Indah, Surabaya Town Square, Lenmarc, Royal Plaza Surabaya, East Coast and Surabaya Plaza are just some of the famous shopping centres available, while Hi-Tech Mall, WTC and Plasa Marina are the computer and mobile phone shopping centres in Surabaya.
[...] 向外地工作人员解释正在进行的人员编制改革,特别 银河 系 统 向 Inspira(人才 管理系统)迁移的情况,并解释专家小组程序和拟定试行机制以解决瓶颈问题和 [...]
Furthermore, on behalf of the Field Personnel Division, the Section would launch an internal communications campaign to explain to staff in the field the ongoing staffing reform, in
particular with regard to the
[...] migration from Galaxy to Inspira (the talent management system), [...]
the expert-panel process
and the development of a pilot mechanism for eliminating bottlenecks and expediting urgent recruitment in field operations.
数据仓库项目管理员将负责数据仓库项目的整体实施情况;牵头分析和记 录本组织在报告方面的业务需要;负责数据仓库的设计;协助设计数据方面;确 保与传统记录系统(如综管系统、PMStars 系统、”核心”和银河”系 统)的无缝 整合,确保数据仓库数据的提取和输入;设计同新的 Inspira 数据交换和报告生 成系统的整合办法,确保数据仓库的数据质量和完整性;监督自助服务的报告门 户网站的建设;设计和确保数据安全规则和模式的执行;确保数据仓库所有方面 的实施都符合行业最佳实践和秘书处的标准。
The Data Warehouse Project Manager would be responsible for implementing the data warehouse project overall; leading analysis and documentation of the Organization’s business needs in reporting; overseeing data warehouse design; providing assistance in designing data dimensions; ensuring tight and seamless integration with such legacy systems of record as IMIS, PMStars, Nucleus and Galaxy for data extraction to and from the data warehouse; designing integration with the new Inspira system for data exchange and report generation; ensuring data quality and integrity in the data warehouse; overseeing the building of the selfservice reporting portal; designing and ensuring implementation of data security rules and models; and ensuring that all aspects of the data warehouse are implemented in line with industry best practices and Secretariat standards.
2007年,贝克汉姆加盟洛杉银河俱乐 部并移居美国,作为一名联合国儿童基金会亲善大使他在那里继续工作着。
His visit supported the launch of UNICEF
[...] 2008 State of the World’s Children Report, [...]
which focussed on child mortality and
brought worldwide coverage to the issue.
秘书处开始了高级监测和评价干事的空缺员额在联合 银河 系统 上的广告程序,并很快在该系统上宣布员额的空缺,并在专业刊物上予以登载,以确保申 请人拥有适当的评价方面的资格。
The Secretariat had initiated the advertisement process for the post of Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Officer in the United Nations (UN) galaxy system and the vacancy announcement would shortly be launched in the UN system and would also be advertised in specialized journals to secure applicants with appropriate evaluation qualifications.
该方案在法国的科研伙伴 是国家科学研究中银河系、 恒星、物理和仪器实验室,以及蔚蓝海岸观测站 (Gemini)。
The programme’s scientific partners in France are the Galaxies, Stars, Physics and Instrumentation Laboratory (GEPI) of CNRS and the Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur (Gemini).
讲习班的会议侧重于下述方面:(a)巡天观 测;(b)从太阳/行星系银河/银河外 系;(c)数据 处理、数据库和多波长分析;(d)特别涉及南半球 的利用望远镜教育和望远镜网络;(e)空间科学和 技术的利用及其对社会的惠益。
The workshop sessions focused on (a) sky surveys; (b) from solar/planetary systems to galactic/ extragalactic systems; (c) data manipulation, databases and multi-wavelength analysis; (d) education with and networking of telescopes, with special reference to the southern hemisphere; and (e) utilization of space science and technologies and their benefits to society.
在候选星中,已经有 65
[...] 个经过了光谱分析和分类;其中包括 11 个新的共 生星银河系的若干罕见物体。
Of the candidates, 65 have undergone spectral analysis and been classified; they include 11 new symbiotic stars and a
[...] number of rare objects in the galaxy.
最后,主任宣布,根据与环境规划署达成的协议为提供财务管理服务设立一名 P-5 职等员额的第 51/53 号决定,并通过联合银河系统的征聘程序,基金秘书处基金管理和 行政干事 Bouthena Bendahmane 女士已被任命从 2007 年 11 月 1 日起填补这项 P-5 职等的 工作。
In closing, the Chief Officer announced that, following decision 51/53 on the establishment of a P-5 position under the agreement with UNEP for the provision of Treasury services, and as a result of the recruitment process carried out under the United Nations Galaxy system, the Fund Secretariat’s Fund Management and Administrative Officer, Ms. Bouthena Bendahmane, had been appointed to fulfil the P-5 function from 1 November 2007.
朝鲜宣布计划在4月中旬银河三号 (Unha-3)火箭将光明行三号卫星送入地球轨道,这一新威胁是旧威胁的继续。
With North Korea’s announcement of plans to use an Unha-3 rocket to launch its Bright Star-3 satellite into earth orbit in mid-April, the newest threat is a continuation of an old one.
设计院工程师组的另一项大奖——最佳超低温设计奖的获奖项目 银银河 大 厦 ,其特点是根据建筑性质合理采用了数码涡旋多联机系统,在设计上做到了设计指标正确、系统设计合理,并结合了气候条件,合理采用了喷气增焓技术,使得机组在超低温极端情况下仍然能够较好地发挥供热的功能。
The project uses the right design matrix and suitable system. The adoption of vapor injection technology, considering the climate conditions, is proper to enable heating to function normally under extreme weather conditions of ultra-low temperatures.
菲什曼主持康普顿伽玛射线观测站 (1991年发射,2000年结束) 上的BATSE实验 (Burst and Transient Source Experiment 爆发与暂现源实验),该仪器探测到几千个伽玛射线暴,它们几乎均匀地分布在天空,强有力地证明这些源是处 银河 系 外 遥远的宇宙距离上。
Gerald J Fishman was Principal Investigator of the BATSE experiment (Burst and Transient Source Experiment), a cluster of gamma ray detectors aboard the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO), which operated from 1991 until 2000. The BATSE experiment detected thousands of GRBs and showed that their distribution was nearly uniform in the sky.
研制了用于研究和预测伴随人的生命周期的宇宙物理因素对病理状态影响的系统(“太 阳 - 银河 ” ) ,(计算机软件的正式注册日期是2001年9月24日,证书号为2001611270); 研制了计算机软件“预测与诊断个体孕育期太阳物理环境对其功能的影响”(COSMIC V01)(注册日期是1997年3月21日,证书号为970122),以及计算机软件“预测与诊断个体孕育期太阳物理环境对其功能的影响”(注册日期是1997年3月24日,证书号为970125)。
A system for study and prediction of pathological states depending on the dynamics of Space Physics factors that accompany the life cycle of man (Helios-Milky Way), (Certificate of official registration of computer programs № 2001611270 of 24.09.2001), the computer program "Prediction and diagnosis of functional depending on the organism from the environment helio geophysical during prenatal development "(COSMIC V01) (Certificate number 970 122 from 21.03.1997), as well as a computer program" Prediction and diagnosis of the functional dependence of the organism from the environment helio geophysical during prenatal development "(certificate number 970 125 on 24/03/1997 ).
他还指出银河系正在发生质量损失这样的变化过程;他还从事星际 问题、射电星系和活动星系核子研究。
He also showed that evolutionary processes such as mass loss are occurring in galaxies; worked on interstellar matter, radio galaxies, and active galactic nuclei.
由左至右,左五起)香港UA影院董事包伟龙先生;澳門銀河影院营运行政经理翁栋良先生;澳門銀河非博彩营运高级副总裁麦佩欣小姐;澳門銀河市场发展高级副总裁简珮瑜小姐;澳門銀河市场策略副总裁贺慧贞小姐与一 众 U A 银河 影 院 及澳門銀河市场发展部同事共同领取由「亚洲电影博览会2012」颁发的「最佳服务奖」。
(from left to right, starting fifth from the left) Mr. Bob Vallone, Director of UA Cinemas Hong Kong; Mr. Perry Yung, Executive Manager of Cinema Operations, Galaxy Macau; Ms. Gillian Murphy, Senior Vice President of Non-Gaming Operations, Galaxy Macau; Ms. Janette Kendall, Senior Vice President of Marketing, Galaxy Macau; Ms. Joanna Barnes, Vice President of Strategic Marketing, Galaxy Macau and the UA Galaxy Cinemas and Galaxy Macau marketing team receive the “Best Service Award” at CineAsia 2012.
其中,设计院工程师组的天保国际商务园 AB 地块项目荣获了杰出设计大奖, 银银河 大 厦项目赢得了最佳超低温设计奖。
Award of Excellence for Design in Design Engineers' Group went to the Tianbao
International Business Park Blocks A
[...] and B while Luyin Silver River Tower Project won the [...]
honor of the best ultra-low temperature design award.
呼吸银河系 (JS1k) 是我的演示之一,也使用了 lighter 模式绘图方案,从这两个示例中您可以看出此模式能产生什么效果。
One of my demos, Breathing Galaxies (JS1k), also uses the lighter mode—drawing patterns from these two examples you start to see what effect this mode yields.
由于贝克汉姆仍忠于曼联,好像他 银河 队 一 样(正如他自己所说),我认为他说的一切纯粹是一些美国球员的偏见。
Since Beckham remains as loyal to Man U as he is to Galaxy (as he himself said), I can take his words as those of an actual United squad member, bias and all.
重回欧洲他的心指向南非 2008年末,在万众瞩目下,贝克汉姆完成了从洛杉 银河 到 AC 米兰为期三个月的租借。
While football on Robben Island might sound like a contradiction, thousands of documents discovered by historians in Cape Town after the prison was closed down proves this was not the case.
或许身为天文学专家的您发现银河 系诞 生新理论,或许您是全世界唯一知道严重急性呼吸道症候 群 (SARS)(即非典)病毒基因序列的人。
Perhaps you have discovered new theories on galaxy creation in astronomy, or you are the only person in the world that knows the sequence of that specific Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) virus gene.
银河沉醉 的组合触摸屏/ QWERTY键盘意味着消费者可以通过发送电子邮件,短信或通过社会媒体渠道为准输入方法,他们选择的消息。
The Galaxy Indulge’s combination [...]
touch screen/QWERTY keyboard means consumers can send messages via e-mail, SMS or social
media channels through whichever input method they choose.
银河标签 的紧凑和方便的设计使得该设备为一个真正的移动平板电脑看电影的完美,视频聊天,阅读的同时,为移动电子图书内容或发送电子邮件或在您的家里或办公室放松。
The Galaxy Tab’s compact [...]
and convenient design makes this device a true mobile tablet perfect for watching a movie, video
chat, reading e-book content or emailing while on-the-move or relaxing at your home or office.
Milky Way Galaxy travels at [...]
the rate of 500,000 miles per hour.
如果你想知道Nostale的游戏秘籍,那么我们唯一可以告诉你的是这款游戏是由创建 银河 帝 国”,“倚天2”和“远古文明”的公司研究开发的,所以你懂的
If you want us to give you clues about the good work of Nostale, we can tell you that it's developed by the company that has developed OGame, Metin2 or Ikariam.
Carlyle Thayer, “Efforts to Ensure Maritime Security”《为保障海洋安全所做的努力》,在第二届东 京防卫论坛讲座上的演讲,由(日本)国防部组织,椿 山银河宴会厅,东京,2012 年 3 月 16 日。
Carlyle A. Thayer, “Efforts to Ensure Maritime Security”, Presentation to Second Tokyo Defence Forum Seminar, organised by the defence ministry, Galaxy, Chinzan-so, Tokyo, 16 March 2012.
24 对联合银河系统 空缺通知 的分析显示,诸如“经验教训”、“总结经验教训”、“分享经验教训”、“知识管理” 和“最佳做法”一类的词汇只出现在 9%的空缺通知中。
The scarce amount of time that Secretariat staff devote to learning lessons is partly related to the fact that, for a large majority, learning lessons is not part of their job description.24 An analysis of vacancy announcements in the United Nations Galaxy system reveals that terms such as “lessons learned”, “learning lessons”, “sharing lessons”, “knowledge management” and “best practices” appear in only 9 per cent of all vacancies.




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