单词 | 铲 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 铲verb—removev铲—spadeExamples:锅铲n—spatulan 小铲子pl—trowelspl 铲车—front loader (vehicle)
在截至2010年12月31日止年度,本公司决定替换其Liebherr 994铲车以增加车队的灵活性,就此录得1,833美元 [...] 的美元的减值费用以减低其帐面值至估计回收价。 southgobi.com | For the year ended December 31, 2010, the Company decided to replace its [...] Liebherr994 shovel toincrease [...]fleet flexibility and recorded an impairment [...]charge of $1,833 to reduce its carrying amount to its estimated recoverable amount. southgobi.com |
在2010年,本公司决定替换其Liebherr 994铲车以增加车队灵活性,并录得将该铲车净账面值减180万美元至其 可收回金额的减值开支。 southgobi.com | In 2010, the Company [...] decided to replace its Liebherr994 shovel toincrease fleet flexibility and recorded [...]an impairment [...]charge of $1.8 million to reduce its carrying amount to its recoverable amount. southgobi.com |
(ii) 於中国的资本性支出承担主要与现代货箱码头於大铲湾和太仓项目的港口开支有关。 wharfholdings.com | (ii) Commitments for capital expenditure in China are mainly related to Modern Terminals’ port expenditure for theDachan Bay and Taicang projects. wharfholdings.com |
铲车可中 途 加 油 ,几 分 钟之 後 即 可 重 新 投 入使 用。 about.van.fedex.com | facility with fuel cells. The forklifts can refuel and be back in service in minutes. about.van.fedex.com |
此等风险包括无法预测的维修或技术问题以及严酷或恶劣天气及自然灾害、工业意外、电力及燃料供应 中断、关键设备故障(包括本公司的煤炭开采业务高度依赖的铲车出现故障和损坏,而替换需时较长)对 本公司开采业务造成的间歇中断。 southgobi.com | These risks include unexpected maintenance or technical problems, periodic interruptions to its mining operations due to inclement or hazardous weather conditions and natural disasters, industrial accidents, power or fuel supply interruptions and critical equipment failure, including malfunction and breakdown of its excavators, upon which its coal mining operations are heavily reliant and which would require considerable time to replace. southgobi.com |
此外,设备故障、获取替代铲车及其它设备出现困难或延迟、自然 灾害、工业意外或其它原因均可能导致本公司营运暂时中断,进而亦可能对本公司的业务、前景、财务状 况及经营业绩造成重大不利影响。 southgobi.com | In addition, breakdowns of equipment, difficulties or delays in obtaining replacement excavators and other equipment, natural disasters, industrial accidents or other causes could temporarily disrupt the Company’s operations, which in turn may also materially and adversely affect its business, prospects, financial condition and results of operations. southgobi.com |
於前部控制驾驶室後方,可选择配备能上锁的综合多功能箱,内有五个可拆卸式插槽以供存放工具,可将铁铲、小电器、雪地防滑链及其他工具整齐摆放,在需要时方便取用。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Optionally available: behind the forward control cab: an integrated, lockable multipurpose box – with five removable inserts for stowage of implements. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
间歇冲击:机床的肢动,重型铲车,起重机转环,开采通风扇,可变密度的混合机,活塞泵等。 mitcalc.com | Intermittent shocks: main drive of a machine tool, heavy forklift, crane swivel, mine fan, mixer for materials with variable density, piston pump, etc. mitcalc.com |
因此,本公 司已退废该铲车的全部账面值,并确认应收账款的数额,相等於估计保险赔偿金净额。 southgobi.com | As a result, the Company has derecognized the full carrying amount of the machine and recognized a receivable in the amount equal to the amount of the estimated net insurance proceeds. southgobi.com |
请勿用搅拌 刀以外的其他物品例如汤匙、锅铲来搅拌,如此可 能会与旋转中的搅拌刀组碰撞而发生危险。 nutrimaxorganic.com | These might get caught in the rotating mixing knife, possibly resulting in injury. nutrimaxorganic.com |
有线宽频及九仓 电讯的资本性开支主要用於购置制作和广播设备、推出网络及互聯网服务设备, 而现代货箱码头的资本性开支则主要用作兴建内地的大铲湾港口项目及增购其它 固定资产。 wheelockcompany.com | For i-CABLE and Wharf T&T, the capital expenditures were incurred substantially for procurement of production and broadcasting equipment, network rollout and internet service equipment while those for Modern Terminals were mainly for construction of the Dachan Bay port project in the Mainland and addition of other fixed assets. wheelockcompany.com |
现 代 货 箱 码 头 着 眼 於 国 内 市 场,透过投资深圳的赤湾集装 箱码头和蛇口集装箱码头,以 及进行苏州太仓和深圳大铲湾两个新的码头项目,立足於两 大制造业地区(珠江三角洲和 长江三角洲)。 wharfholdings.com | Modern Terminals focused on China and already had a foothold in the two largest manufacturing regions (Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta) through investments in Chiwan Container Terminal and Shekou Container Terminals (both in Shenzhen), and new terminal projects in Taicang (Suzhou) and Dachan Bay (Shenzhen). wharfholdings.com |
在截至2 011 [...] 年12月31日止年度其它经营费用,包括2,396美元的存货减值及於年内终止确认本公司Liebherr 996铲车(附注16)和其它移动设备的相关材料和物料的减值开支。 southgobi.com | Other operating expenses for the year ended December 31, 2011 includes $2,396 of impairments of materials and [...] supplies inventory related to the Company’s [...] Liebherr 996 shovel derecognized [...]during the year (Note 16) and other mobile equipment derecognized during the year. southgobi.com |
Woodhead无焊产品包括:环形和铲形端子、端接模组和热密封端子,以及磁性线材连接器、快速断开(quick disconnect)产品、线材针脚、电池电缆接片和线材管理产品。 ipress.com.hk | Woodhead solderless products include: ring and spade terminals, terminal blocks and heat-sealable terminals, as well as magnet wire connectors, quick disconnects, wire pins, battery cable lugs and wire management products. ipress.com.hk |