单词 | 铬 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 铬noun—chromenbariumn铬—chromium (chemistry)Examples:镀铬n—chromen 总铬n—total chromiumn 铬酸n—chromaten
用于钛合金、耐高温合金、铬镍铁合金和耐蚀耐高温镍基合金。 parlec.com.cn | Use for titanium, high temperature alloys, inconel, and hastalloy. parlec.com |
铬钢上若有洗涤剂残留 物,应立即用柔软的抹布擦掉,以避免形成污渍。 vzug.com | Immediately wipe away all traces of washing detergent from [...] the chrome steel with a soft [...]cloth to avoid staining. vzug.com |
配方可以量身订做以获得从熔融金属外观到镀铬镜面外观等不同效果。 eckart.com.cn | Formulations can be tailored to achieve effects from molten metal to chrome like mirror appearances. eckart.net |
精心的材质选择(黄铜、不锈钢、铬钢)令RMI系列快速接头更坚固可靠。 staubli.com | The choice of materials (brass, stainless steel and chromium steel) makes RMI couplings robust and dependable. staubli.com |
有铬不锈钢(Cr) 和铬镍不锈钢(CrNi) 两种材料的钢片综可 供您选用。 groz-beckert.pl | Healds made of non-tempered steel are produced of GROBINOX® stainless steel - optionally available in chromium steel (Cr) or chromium nickel steel (CrNi). groz-beckert.pl |
a. 镍或镍含量大于 40%(重量百分比)的合金; b. 镍含量大于 25%(重量百分比)和铬含量大于 20%(重量百分比)的合金; c. 含氟聚合物(氟含量大于 35%的聚合或弹性聚合材料); d. 玻璃或搪玻璃(包括陶化或釉化涂层); e. 石墨或碳素石墨; f. 钽或钽合金; g. 钛或钛合金; h. 锆或锆合金;或 i. 铌或铌合金。 daccess-ods.un.org | a. nickel or alloys with more than 40% nickel by weight; b. alloys with more than 25% nickel and 20% chromium by weight; c. fluoropolymers (polymeric or elastomeric materials with more than 35% fluorine by weight); d. glass or glass-lined (including vitrified or enamelled coating); e. graphite or carbon-graphite; f. tantalum or tantalum alloys; g. titanium or titanium alloys; h. zirconium or zirconium alloys; or i. niobium (columbium) or niobium alloys. daccess-ods.un.org |
配有重型全铬湿端,及伟尔矿业为要求最严格的应用设备设计和制造的电机,这都令其成为目前最可靠、最耐用的入水式泵。 zs.weirminerals.com | A heavy duty all chrome wet end coupled with a motor designed and built by Weir Minerals for the most demanding applications makes this the most dependable, long lasting submersible pump you can buy. weirminerals.com |
在中国,我们的主要服务为检验鉴定、测试分析及技术服务。产品范围包括能源矿产品(煤、焦炭、生物燃料等)、钢铁原材料(铁矿、锰矿、铬矿、铁合金等)、有色金属(铜、铝、铅、锌等)、钢材和海事、工业矿产品(水泥、石材、镁砂、盐、萤石、重晶石等)、化肥及固体化工品、农药及除草剂、地质勘探样品、机械采样系统等。 sgsgroup.com.cn | In China, our team mainly provides the services of inspection, testing and technical consultation for a wide range of field such as: coal and coke, iron ore, manganese ore, chromites, ferro-alloy, copper, aluminum, lead, zinc, steel products and marine services, cement, stone, magnesia, salt, fluorspar, barite, fertilizer and dry chemicals, pesticide and herbicide, geochemical exploration samples, mechanical sampling system, etc. sgsgroup.com.cn |
产品简介: 当今世界上最好的镀铬件清洗和上光专用产品,可赋予汽车、摩托车及其他交通运输车辆镀铬装饰件全新的外观。 xado.info | Gives a new appearance to chrome-plated parts of cars, motorcycles and other vehicles. xado.com |
目前制造的所有金属部件均不含六价铬。 spellmanhv.cn | Currently, all metal parts are manufactured hexavalent chromium free. spellmanhv.com |
按标准, 不锈钢阀上可供应不锈钢材料 的手柄, 黄铜阀上可供应镀铬黄铜材料 的手柄。 swagelok.com.cn | Is available in stainless steel material on stainless steel valves and in chrome-plated brass on brass valves, as standard. swagelok.com.cn |
超精密电阻抗蚀贴片 PR 薄膜电阻,具有特殊抗酸抗湿的镍铬皮膜,非常小的公差精度±0.1%,最低温度系数为±25PPM/°C。 4-direct.com | Anti-Corrosive Precision Chip Thin Film Resistors features special passivated NiCr film for Anti-Acid and Anti-Damp, very tight tolerance from ±0.1%, and extremely low TCR from ±25PPM/°C. 4-direct.com |
(f) 砷、铬、钒、锑或钼等一些金属可能具有更灵活的浸出性能,尤其 是在灰泥或混凝土结构被销毁或粉碎时(例如,在路基中用作骨料 [...] 等回收利用阶段,或者在垃圾填埋时 ficem.org | (f) Certain metals [...] such asarsenic, chromium, vanadium, antimony, [...]or molybdenum may have a more mobile leaching behaviour, [...]especially when the mortar or concrete structure is crushed or comminuted (for example, in recycling stages such as use as aggregates in road foundations, or in landfilling) ficem.org |
打开1961年的销售宣传册,您会发现化油器版与喷射版3500 GT在外观上有一些区别:后者拥有矩形侧面转向指示灯,侧窗用固定的3/4比例分割,前者则在前格栅周围采用了更为厚重的铬合金。 maserati.com.cn | Looking at the 1961 sales brochures, there were some external differences between the carburetor version and the injected 3500 GT: the latter sported rectangular side indicators and the side window was divided with a fixed 3/4 piece, while the former adopted a thicker chrome surround to the front grille. maserati.us |
这些极薄的片状铝颜料可以和其它物料一起使用而生产出耐刮擦的镀铬效果涂料。 eckart.com.cn | These extremely thin aluminium leaflets make it possible, among other things, to produce abrasion-resistant chrome-effect coatings. eckart.net |
电镀层不含铬,十分适合与VOSS管路连接系统的组合。 voss.de | The galvanised coating is free of chromium (VI) and approved for combination with VOSS tube coupling systems! voss.de |
模具在 酸洗后,重新进行镀铬之前必须进行回火处理。 sorelforge.com | In case of replating, the tool should be tempered after it has been acid stripped. sorelforge.com |
此外, 在电镀工程中,三价铬酸盐浴槽和六价铬酸盐浴槽临近的时候,请注意不要使 六价铬酸盐处理液飞溅到三价铬酸盐处理液的浴槽内。 i-aquos-club.com | If a trivalent chromate bath and hexavalentchromate batharenearby in a plating process, take measures to prevent hexavalent chromate treatment [...] solution from splashing into the bath of trivalent chromatesolution. i-aquos-club.com |
镀铬的调心滚子轴承被安装在Macagua大坝涡轮机进口处的辊式闸门上。 schaeffler.cn | Spherical roller bearings with chromium coating were fitted in the roller gates for the turbine inlets in the Macagua dam. schaeffler.com |
这些有害物质包括铅、镉、汞、六价铬、多溴联苯醚(PBB)和多溴二苯醚(PBDE)。 exfo.com | These hazardous materials include lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chrome, polybrominated biphenyl ether (PBB) and polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE). exfo.com |
合金不同于几种金属的简单“混合”! [...] 不锈钢的化学性质稳定,没有零散氧化物形成,并且很坚固,用土擦拭不会导致土壤中的铁、铬或镍含量明显发生变化。 eijkelkamp.com | stainless steel is so chemically stable that no loose oxides are formed. it [...] is also hard; scouring with soil will not lead to detectable [...] levels ofiron, chromiumor nickel concentrations [...]in soil. eijkelkamp.com |
可能包括下面一种或几种硬质合金:碳化钛,碳化铬,铬,镉,钴和镊。 parlec.com.cn | This may include one or more of the following carbide, titanium carbide, [...] chromium carbide, chromiumcadmium, cobalt, [...]and nickel. parlec.com |
订购32台泵是扩建项目的一部分,包括五台配备标准高铬金属叶轮的沃曼® 20/18 AH®水平重型橡胶内衬渣浆泵。 zs.weirminerals.com | The order for 32 pumps is part of the expansion project and includes five Warman® 20/18 AH® [...] horizontal heavy duty rubber lined slurry pumps with [...] standard high-chromemetal impellers,” [...]JP Joseph of Weir Minerals Africa, says. weirminerals.com |
低合金钢相对容 易成形,而“稀有”材料,例如 镍基合金、镍铬铁合金,钛和铝 合金则要求在锻造过程中能对过 程参数进行调整,甚至进行改 变,例如调整锻造速度曲线。 schulergroup.com | Low-alloy steels can be formed relatively easily, while “exotic” materials such as nickel-based alloys, Inconel, titanium and aluminum alloys require process parameters that can be adjusted or even varied during the forging operation, such as adjustable profiles for the forging speed. schulergroup.com |
江苏共昌自2003年以来,在国内同行业中率先累计花巨资639万美元引进并消化吸收了国外轧辊生产先进技术,建成了第一期热轧板带复合轧辊生产线,研制生产出了具有国外进口同等水平的高镍铬、高铬铸铁及高速钢等5个引进技术的、用于中宽带钢工作辊的轧辊品种(轧辊辊身直径≤800mm);在此基础上,公司研制出了世界最大的立式离心机和Φ800mm以上宽带钢全部系列的精轧工作辊品种,还研制出了最大直径达Φ1350mm的高铬钢粗扎工作辊,开发出了半高速钢轧辊等新产品,建成了第二期大型宽厚板工作辊、以铸代锻整体铸造支承辊生产线; 2009年建成了大型水平辊环及热轧工作辊生产线,开发出了万能型钢轧机用大型H型钢用辊等。 gcroll.com | Since 2003, Jiangsu Gong-chang has invested a total of USD 6,390,000 to import advanced [...] foreign manufacturing [...] technology, set up the first phase production line of hot strip mill rolls, researched and manufactured five roll varieties which have the same level of importsuch as ICDP, High-Cr castiron rolls and HSS rolls etc. used for work rolls of medium and wide strip (barrel diameter ≤800mm); then, the company researched and manufactured the largest [...]vertical centrifuge [...]in the world and all series of finishing work rolls (over 800mm) of wide strip mill as well as roughing work rolls (the max Φ1350mm) of high-Cr steel, developed new rolls like semi-HSS rolls, and set up the second phase large production line for work rolls of wide strip mill and monobloc casting back-up rolls. gcroll.com |
高梯度分离过程 [...] 机:赤铁矿,褐铁矿,菱铁矿,钛铁矿,铬铁矿,黑钨矿,钽铌矿,以及其他弱磁性矿物的选矿,石英,长石,霞石,萤石,硅线石,锂辉石和其他非金属矿物的除铁的应用,和纯化。 chinatrader.ru | Process of High-Gradient Separator The applications [...] of the machine: hematite, limonite, [...] siderite, ilmenite, chromite, wolframite, [...]tantalum and niobium ore, and other weakly [...]magnetic minerals beneficiation; quartz, feldspar, nepheline, fluorite, sillimanite, spodumene and other non-metallic minerals to remove iron, and purification. chinatrader.ru |
所以我们可以在铁路 (这在方向盘上的行为)、 疲劳的探测器、 向导长灯、 氙气大灯、 LED 尾灯、 雾灯与光旋转中添加向导维护,前面座位和后方加热,电动调节前排座椅、 防盗、 系统的高功率音响与低音炮,GPS [...] 导航系统报警助理的半独立泊车、 无钥匙起动器、 装饰面料和皮革、 阿尔坎塔拉和皮革和完全的皮革、 [...] 更多的抽屉和存储和照明解决方案,网络的行李,遮阳后保险杠、镀铬外墙(为窗口) 包,18"铝合金轮毂、 [...]培训体育射击、 挡风、 玻璃屋顶和当然油漆金属 (除其他外)。 cn.motorhq.org | So we can add Wizard maintenance in rail (which acts on the steering wheel), the detector of fatigue, the wizard long lights, xenon headlights, the LED rear lights, fog lights with light rotation, front seats and rear heated, power-adjustable front seats, anti-theft, system of high power sound with subwoofer, GPS navigation system alarm, Assistant of semi-autonomous parking, starter keyless, upholstery fabric and leather, alcantara and leather and entirely of leather, more drawers and storage and [...] lighting solutions, networks for luggage, [...] sunshade rear bumper, chromeexterior (for Windows) [...]package, 18 "alloy wheels, train [...]sports shooting, athermic windscreen, roof of glass and of course paint metallic (among other things). motorhq.org |
WG1:材料声明(美国)——IEC62474 电子电气产品的材料声明; WG2:环境意识设计(日本)——IEC 62430 电子电气产品的环境意识设计; WG3:有害物质的检测方法(德国)——IEC 62321 电子电气产品中六种限 用物质:铅、汞、镉、六价铬、多溴联苯和多溴二苯醚的浓度测定程序。 switch-china-sme.eu | WG3: Detecting Methods of Toxic Substances (Germany)—IEC 62321 Determination of concentration of six regulated substances (lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers) used in electrical and electronic products. switch-china-sme.eu |
跨骏工程塑料制品公司(Quadrant EPP)材料的本粘合剂使用手册中提及了许多用于表面处理或溶剂粘结的 化学品:二甲基乙酰胺、二甲基甲酰胺、二氧杂环已烷、乙醇(酒精)、甲酸、六氟丙酮半水合物、异丙醇、 二氯甲烷、全氯乙烯(四氯乙烯)、苯酚、磷酸、重铬酸钾、p-甲苯-磺酸、间二苯酚、重铬酸钠、硫酸、1,1,1三氯乙烷和三氯三氟乙烷。 quadrantplastics.com | Plenty of chemicals, to be used for surface pre-treatment or solvent cementing, are mentioned in this guide for adhesive bonding of Quadrant Engineering Plastic Products’ materials: dimethylacetamide, dimethylformamide, dioxane, ethanol (ethyl alcohol), formic acid, hexafluoroacetonesesquihydrate, isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol), methylene chloride, perchloroethylene (tetrachloroethylene), phenol, phosphoric acid, potassium dichromate, p-toluene-sulfonic acid, resorcinol, sodium dichromate, sulphuric acid, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, trichlorotrifluoroethane. quadrantplastics.com |