




Ministry of Civil Service, Taiwan


Hu Quan (1102-1180, Song Dynasty official and poet)


measure and select talents

External sources (not reviewed)

价 格 经 公 平 磋 商,参 考德 及 弘 德 於 相 近 时 间 向 独 立 第 三 方 销 售 相 近 数 量 的 相 同 或 相 近 产 品 的 价 格 而 厘 定。
The prices for such transactions were determined after arm’s length negotiations with reference to the prices quoted byKangquan,Lead and Hongde respectively for sales of similar quantities of the same or similar products to independent third parties at the relevant time.
德 及 弘 德 均 本 公 司 的 非 [...]
全 资 子 公 司,根 据 香 港 上 市 规 则 属 本 集 团 成 员。
Kangquan, Lead and Hongde [...]
are all non-wholly owned subsidiaries of the Company and are part of the Group pursuant to the Hong Kong Listing Rules.
由於本集团认为可信赖和合作性强的供应商对本集团是非常重要且有益处,故本集团向德 及 弘 德 采 购 本 集 团 产 品 所 需 要 的 组 件,使 本 集 团 对 该 等 组 件 在 质 量、及 时 交 货 等 方 面 获 得 保 证,从 而 得 以 控 制 本 集 团 生 产 所 需 大 部 分 组 件 的 供 应,德 及 弘 德 可 稳 定 地 生 产 睿 德 所 需 数 量 的 产 品,以 按 售 予 独 立 第 三 方 产 品 价 格 相 同 基 准 厘 定 的 具 有 竞 争 力 的 价 格,提 供 优 质 产 品 与 服 务。
Each of Kangquan, Lead and Hongde is consistently able to produce the quantity of products required by Ruide and provide quality products and services at competitive prices which were determined on the same basis as the prices of the products sold to independent third parties.
於本公布刊登日期,董事会成员包括郭令灿先生担任执行主席;郭令海先生担任总裁、行政 总裁;陈林兴先生及英正生先生担任执行董事;郭令山先生担任非执行董事及卡达先生、司 徒復可先生及丁担任独立非执行董事。
As at the date of this announcement, the board of directors of the Company comprises Mr. Quek Leng Chan as Executive Chairman; Mr. Kwek Leng Hai as President, CEO; Mr. Tan Lim Heng and Mr. James Eng, Jr. as executive directors; Mr. Kwek Leng San as non-executive director and Mr. Sat Pal Khattar, Mr. Volker Stoeckel and Mr. Ding Wai Chuen as independent non-executive directors.
德 及 弘 德 分 别 从 事 手 机 [...]
电 池 外 壳 和 配 件、液 晶 显 示 模 组(LCM)及 电芯的生产及销售。
Kangquan, Lead and Hongde [...]
are respectively engaged in the production and sale of cases and accessories for handset batteries, LCM and battery cores.
今年亦不例外,派出历来最多的十一队健儿,寓挑战於慈善外,更为好友兼首次参与毅行者的now宽频电视及揿钱节目主持陈(Danny Chan)进行最Smart最严格的训练,务求令Danny状态十足,操到最Fit !
On the other hand, by providing a series of smart fitness training, we are now assisting our friend Danny Chan, Host of nowTV and the programme "ATM", to get ready and give the best performance in Trailwalker.
86 根据通告第 20/80 号》,部门一经知悉某名人员行为不当,并怀疑他患上精神病,便应饬令他出席医事委员会,由医事委员会评定他的整体精神状况,并 就他的精神状况是否可为他的不当行为开脱,或作为减轻责任的理由,而且以他的健康情况是否适宜让他出席纪律研讯,提供意见。
86 According to Civil Service Bureau Circular No. 20/80, as soon as it comes to notice that an officer has misconducted himself and it is suspected that he may be suffering from mental illness, the officer should be required to attend a medical board to assess the officer’s general mental state and comment on whether the officer’s mental state exculpates him from his misconduct or provides a mitigating factor and whether the officer is fit to attend a disciplinary investigation.
因此,委员会直接 处理部门提交的个案,而秘书处亦从收审阅实任和晋升至委员会职权范围内非首长 级职位个案的职责。
As a result, the Commission dealt with submissions from the departments directly` and the Commission Secretariat took over from CSB the responsibilities for scrutinising departmental submissions on substantive appointments and promotions to non-directorate PSC posts.
吴荣奎先生是资深公务员,一九七一年加入政务职系,退休前担任的高级职位计 有(人事管理)(一九八五至八七年)、公务员薪俸及服务条件常务委员会 [...]
秘书长(一九八九至九一年)、布政司办公室辖下行政署长(一九九一至九四年)、 宪制事务司(一九九四至九七年)及运输局局长(一九九七至二零零二年)。
Senior positions he held prior to his retirement
[...] include Deputy Secretary forthe Civil [...]
Service (Staff Management) (1985 – 1987),
Secretary-General of the Standing Commission on Civil Service Salaries and Conditions of Service (1989 – 1991), Director of Administration of the Chief Secretary’s Office (1991 – 1994), Secretary for Constitutional Affairs (1994 – 1997) and Secretary for Transport (1997 – 2002).
独立非执行董事李及王伟玲小姐之委任并无订有守则第A.4.1条所规定之指定年期,惟须根据公司细则第 ''(B)条之规定於本公司之股东周年大会上轮席告退及膺选连任。
The INEDs Mr. Lee Hiok Chuan and Ms. Ong Wui Leng are not appointed with a specific term as required by Code A.4.1, but are subject to retirement by rotation and re-election at the Company’s annual general meeting in accordance with the Company’s Bye-Laws ''(B).




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