单词 | 铝材 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 铝材 noun —aluminum n (often used)aluminium nSee also:铝 n—aluminium n 铝—aluminum (chemistry)
低扭矩手柄为环氧 树脂铝材制成 并有七种不同的颜色供选择。 swagelok.com.cn | The low-torque [...] handle is epoxy-coated aluminum and is available [...]in seven colors. swagelok.com.cn |
不锈钢材料或者铝材 制作的机泵能从容处 理各类流体。 graco.com | Stainless steel or aluminum pump handles a wide [...] variety of fluids. graco.com |
采用坚固的模制铝材制造 ,提供可靠性、可重复性和准确性。 antunescontrols.com | Made of rugged die-cast aluminum, it offers reliability, [...] repeatability, and accuracy. antunescontrols.com |
压力容器的定义是:材质为不锈钢或 者 铝材 , 焊 接 容器系列,用于存储高压大于0,5 bar的空气或者氮气。 bauergroup.com | A pressure vessel is defined [...] as follows: welded vessel, produced in series, made of steel or aluminium for the purpose [...]of containing air or [...]nitrogen with an excess pressure of more than 0,5 bar. bauergroup.com |
如果您追求的是更轻的重量和更高的性能,在您的HVACR应用中选 择 铝材 将 为 您提供比使用铜管的装置更轻的设备,并将始终受益于所节省的空间。 hydro.com | If light weight and high performance are your ambitions, [...] then selecting aluminium for your HVACR [...]application will provide you with equipment [...]lighter than devices using copper tubes – and you will always benefit from the space saved. hydro.com |
尽管此参数不是一个主要特征,但使 用 铝材 您 将会制造出更具成本效率的系统。 hydro.com | Even if this parameter is not the key feature, you will manufacture a more [...] cost-effective system when you use aluminium. hydro.com |
液压升降台“L”型托架可以通用安装到许多不同品牌和不同规格的产品上,其原理是通过T形槽安装到外部挤 压 铝材 框 架 上。 bucherhydraulics.com | Dyna-Lift “L” Bracket universally fits many different brands and [...] sizes of extruded aluminum profiles via the T-Slot. bucherhydraulics.com |
使用ETONIS®进行改性处理不仅可以确保建材很好地粘接 在 铝材 上 ,同时还能赋予其很高的抗压强度(>45 N/mm²)以及非常良好的抗折强度(几乎达到10 [...] N/mm²),”瓦克聚合物技术服务部门Klas Sorger博士说。 wacker.com | Modification with ETONIS® not only ensures [...] that the building material bonds well to aluminum, but also gives it [...]a high compressive strength [...](>45 N/mm²) with a very good flexural strength of almost 10 N/mm²,” says Dr. Klas Sorger of WACKER POLYMERS’ technical service department. wacker.com |
9系列是由著名的硬铝材料,一般是在飞机上发现,并提供先进的建筑质量的两倍,铝耐用,同时还能保持在3磅的笔记本电脑的重量。 technologeeko.com | The 9 Series is made from material known as Duralumin, [...] typically found in advanced aircrafts and offers construction quality [...]twice as durable as aluminum, all while keeping the laptop weight under 3 lbs. technologeeko.com |
从这个意义上 [...] 看,萨帕享有优势地位,因为萨帕在制 造流程中采用的回收铝材比例较高,” 她解释说。 sapagroup.com | In that sense, Sapa has a privileged [...] position taking into account the high percentages [...] of recycled aluminium used in our [...]manufacturing processes,” she explains. sapagroup.com |
除了位于苏州工业园区的工厂项目外,海德鲁公司还在上海拥有一个建 筑 铝材 系 统 零售和分销部门和一个位于北京的建筑材料系统办事处。 norway.org.cn | Apart from the Hydro plant in Suzhou, the Norwegian [...] company also has a department for sales and [...] distribution of aluminium building systems [...]in Shanghai and building systems office in Beijing. norway.cn |
这一过程中需要用到精心搭配了碳纤维 、 铝材 和 玻 璃纤维的混合物,也因此获得了宝贵的知识。 bksv.cn | These use a finely tuned blend of [...] carbon fibre, aluminium and fibreglass, [...]the development of which provided valuable transferable knowledge. bksv.com |
主要用材: 涂料,青砖,石材,铝材,平 板玻璃,木材 chinese-architects.com | Primary Material: painting, brick, stone, aluminium, glass, timber chinese-architects.com |
不仅相对过去的6,000 min-1 [...] 转速大幅提高了,而且加速到10,000 min-1 仅需要0.45秒的超短时间,在铝材 加工 、小孔径钻孔加工中可发挥其巨大的威力。 moriseiki.com | Despite the substantial increase in speed from the 6,000 min−1 on existing models, it takes a mere 0.45 seconds to accelerate [...] up to 10,000 min−1 , and this gives a powerful [...] edge when machining aluminum and in machining with [...]small-diameter drills. moriseiki.com |
像我们的许多产品一样,Viking M采用铝材料制 成——这是一种轻质、牢固和环保的材料。 liko.com | Like many of our products, Viking [...] M is made of aluminium – a light, strong and environmentally-friendly material. liko.com |
回来后我就这个问题请教了工程师,也请教了好几个搞LED大功率灯具技术的人.事实上,很多买LED大功率室内灯的客户以及卖LED大功率室内灯具的销售人员都有一个误解,以为LED大功率室内驱动电源 用 铝材 的 好,其实不然,因为LED大功率室内驱动电源 用 铝材 做 外 壳的话,里面必须要灌一种硅胶在电子元器件与铝壳之间形成一种绝缘功能.但是硅胶分为树脂胶、软硅胶、硬硅胶几种,商家为了节省成本一般都会选择较便宜的 [...] 硬硅胶,有的不负责任的商家甚至会往铝壳里面灌沥青。 zszhida.com | Came back I ask the engineers on this issue, also sought the advice of several high-power LED lighting technology to engage people in fact, a lot of buying power LED indoor lights indoors customers and sell high-power LED lamps have a misunderstanding of the sales staff , [...] that the high-power LED [...] driver power supply aluminum interior good, it is not true, because the LED driver power supply indoor to do with the aluminum shell, then there [...]must be fed with one kind [...]of silicone between the electronic components and aluminum to form a insulation function, but the silicone into resin, soft silicone, hard silicone types, businesses usually choose to save the cost of the cheaper hard silicone, and some businesses and even irresponsible to the inside filling aluminum asphalt. zszhida.com |
在丹麦工厂,我们通过对天然铝材料 进 行阳极氧化处理,可获得几乎任何形状与颜色的组件,这种严苛的工艺需要将铝制组件先后浸入多达 [...] 50 个不同精确温度的浴器中。 bang-olufsen.com | We treat [...] and anodise the raw aluminum ourselves in virtually [...]any shape or colour at our factory in Denmark, a demanding [...]process that involves dipping each component in up to 50 different baths at exact temperatures. bang-olufsen.com |
尺寸小,重量轻,加之高强度铝材质 使得产品性能最佳。 staubli.com | Compact size and light weight combined [...] with high strength aluminum construction provide optimum [...]performance. staubli.com |
柯克先生、孙燕燕女士、精密管材部总裁萨尔瓦多·比尤斯卡( Salvado Biosca)先生、欧亚挤压铝材部总 裁拉法耶尔·福尔特斯(Rafael Fuertes)先生、挪威驻上海代总领事思丽女士、佩尔·达尔先生、CSEE公司总经理布鲁诺·弗雷德里克斯(Bruno Frederix)先生共同完成了传统的剪彩仪式。 norway.org.cn | In pouring rain, but luckily inside a tent, the opening ceremony continued with a traditional ribbon-cutting ceremony by Mr. Hans-Joachim Kock and Ms. Sun Yanyan, Mr. Salvado Biosca, President of Precision Tubing, Mr. Rafael Fuertes, President of Extrusion Eurasia, Ms. Siri Borgen, Acting Consul General, Mr. Per Dale, Mr. Bruno Frederix General Manager CSEE. norway.cn |
易高260为电池供电,由铝材质制成,提供了一种快速低成本的检测涂层针孔的方法。 elcometer.com | Battery powered and [...] housed in a rugged aluminium case, the Elcometer [...]260 provides a quick, low cost method of testing coatings for pinholes. elcometer.com |
BYK®-4511 [...] 用于提高环氧体系对多种金属底材的附着力,如喷砂处理的钢材、冷轧卷钢、镀锌 钢 材 、 铝材 , 对 玻璃底材也同样有效。 byk.com | BYK®-4511 is the additive especially designed to improve the adhesion of epoxy systems [...] to several metal substrates, such as sandblasted steel, cold-rolled [...] steel, galvanized steel, aluminum, and also on glass. byk.com |
优势:降低维护和设计成本、不会出现类 似 铝材 的 腐蚀问题、符合食品接触标准、更加安全卫生并且重量大大减轻。 quadrantplastics.com | Benefits: Maintenance and design cost reductions, no [...] corrosion problems like aluminum, food contact compliance, [...]better hygiene and safety performance [...]along with considerable weight reduction. quadrantplastics.com |
全新的GST [...] 25M专业曲线锯可以满足亚太地区专业人士对高素质金属切割工具不断增长的需求,可应用于汽车、墙壁、楼梯 、 铝材 、 金属盒等的切割。 china-smn.bosch-pt-asia.com | The new GST 25M Professional was developed to meet the growing demand from Professionals in [...] Asia Pacific for quality metal-cutting tools for application on cars, [...] walls, staircases, aluminium, metal boxes and more. china-smn.bosch-pt-asia.com |
即使是最细微的指印,也会对原始 铝材 料 造 成影响,这就是说, 在组件获准进入加工处理工艺之前,我们需要实行严格的质量控制并对大量部件进行回收利用。 bang-olufsen.com | Raw aluminum is incredible susceptible [...] to even the smallest fingerprint which means we quality control and recycle a lot [...]of parts before they're allowed to begin the treatment process. bang-olufsen.com |
我们正在进入家具设计领域,包括切割具有复杂形状 的 铝材 以 及 用于桌面和台面的花岗石,”Cleveland说。 flowwaterjet.com | We are now getting into furniture design, [...] whether it's cutting aluminum for intricate shapes [...]or granite for table and counter tops," says Cleveland. flowwaterjet.com |
例如,他报告说,使用回收材料生产 铝材 可 能比使用铝土矿生 产 铝材 减少95%的 能源,矿石加工需要的能源比回收铜需要的能源多 5 至 7 倍,比回收钢材需要的 [...] 能源多 2 至 3.5 倍。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, he reported that it [...] might take 95 per cent less [...] energy to produce aluminium from recycled materials than from bauxite [...]ore, that recycling copper [...]took between five to seven times less energy than processing ore and that recycled steel used two to three-and-a-half times less. daccess-ods.un.org |
达文固定支架产品独特的设计具备了高机动性、高强度、多功能、高抗震性和耐久性的优势,保证了产品可以为客户提供快捷的安装,并且支架的每个部件都可以按照客户自己的意愿进行自由搭配,采用船舶 级 铝材 、 不 锈钢部件、高强度工程塑料盒橡胶球制造。 darveen.com.cn | Of the fixed bracket product unique design with high maneuverability, high strength, multi-function, high shock resistance, and durability advantages, ensure the products can provide customers with quick installation, and support for each of the components can be carried out in accordance with the [...] customers own willingness to free [...] collocation, Marine grade aluminum, stainless steel parts, [...]high strength engineering plastic rubber ball manufacturing. darveen.com |
另外我司可根据客户要求设计开发模具,生产各种LED日光灯PC罩 , 铝材 , 灯头等配件;公司专注品牌的培育,充分发挥企业的管理、技术和产品优势,完善服务网络,以优良的品质、优惠的价格、完善竭诚的服务赢得客户,以诚信、务实的合作态度致力与国内外客商建立长远的战略伙伴关系,共同发展,共创双赢! chuangjade.com | In addition we can develop the mould design according to the customer [...] request, the production of LED [...] fluorescent lamp PC cover, aluminum, lamp holder and accessories; [...]The company devotes in the [...]brand development, give full play to the enterprise management, technology and product advantage, perfect service network, by the fine quality, the preferential benefit price, the perfect service to win customers wholeheartedly, by the good faith, practical cooperative attitude and businessmen at home and abroad to establish long-term strategic partnership, common development, and create a win-win situation! chuangjade.net |
无论是用于汽车车轮、管线钢 [...] 管、重型建筑型材、高速火车车轮轮对,还是用于墙 面结构或海上风力发电机的铝材:西 马克梅尔专门定 制的机器和设备都能精确无缺陷地生产出所需部件。 pws-gmbh.info | Whether it‘s steel for car wheels, pipeline [...] tubes, heavy structurals, wheels for [...] high-speed trains, aluminum for façade construction [...]or offshore wind turbines: the [...]machines and plants tailored by SMS Meer ensure the flawless production of the necessary parts. pws-gmbh.info |
所使用清洗药水为进口德国汉高,涂料为美国PPG食品型环氧树脂,内涂牌号为7570-316A,厚度为12g,外涂牌号为2066-802A,厚度为2-4g,所用食品蜡为美国进口的凡士林(白蜡),产品包装可根据用户要求的卷重,内外径尺寸和方向,选用优质包装材料,按进 口 铝材 标 准 实施包装。 daoualu.com | Cleaning solution used for the import of German Henkel,PPG paint for the U.S.food-type epoxy resin, Coated grades for the period 7570-316A,Thickness is 12g,Applied externally grades for the 2066-802A; Thickness is 12g,Wax used in food imports to the United States Vaseline (ash),the product packaging can be customized volume weight,size and orientation within [...] the outer diameter,high-quality [...] packaging materials used,the implementation of standards by importing aluminum packaging. daoualu.com |