

单词 铜管乐器

铜管乐器 noun

brass n

See also:

铜管 n

copper n
copper pipe n
brass n


wind instrument

管乐器 n

pipe n

乐器 pl

musical instruments pl

External sources (not reviewed)

HUBER+SUHNER QUICK-FIT连接器是全球认可的 Nand 7/16 连器,用于泡沫绝缘皱铜管电缆
HUBER+SUHNER QUICK-FIT connectors are worldwide approved Nand
[...] 7/16 connectors for foam dielectric corrugated copper tube cables.
厅内悬挂着著名的编钟 - 史上最大的铜乐器。
Opened in 1953, the museum has 200,000 cultural relics from Wuhan.
我们的冷器有标准的铜管产品 ,还有海水型的铜镍合金管产品而且交货期很短。
Our condensers, the standard version with copper tubes and the seawater version with copper-nickel tubes, are available [...]
with short delivery times.
管弦乐队 作比方,每一乐器都需 要一个与合奏相和谐的总谱,而合奏则需要指挥的领导。
Using the orchestra as a metaphor, each instrument must have [...]
a score that is in harmony with the ensemble, while the ensemble,
in turn, must be led by a conductor.
对于吸收器,管的导热系数只是影响整体导热性能的一部分因素,也就是说,全铝吸收器的导热性能完全可以与传统 铜管 吸 收 器 相 媲 美。
In an absorber, the tube material heat transfer coefficient only affects a fraction of the total heat transfer,
meaning that the performance of an all aluminium absorber is fully comparable with
[...] traditional absorbers with copper tubes.
乐队同时使用数码效果和传乐器如S 形 铜 号 和鹦鹉螺,还有打 乐 器 , 创造出一种动感而又可冥想的氛围。
This band use moderen digital effects and also singingbowls, lur and bukkehorn (trad. Instruments), and of course a percussion scene of you name it….
表演艺术部管Beth Kerzee女士表示:“我们确信,作为主动的学习者,学生会平衡好学业 乐器 学 习
Head of Performing
[...] Arts Department Ms. Beth Kerzee has said, “We are confident that our students will live up to their reputation as active learners to balance their academics and instrumental learning.
电缆入口支持标准的泡沫绝缘皱 铜管 电缆 1/2”、7/8”、11/4”和15/8”和1/2”高柔性 [...]
SUCOFEED 以及产自 Andrew 的同类产品、RFS(金属电缆)和 NK 电缆。
The cable entries support standard foam
[...] dielectric corrugated copper tube cables 1/2”, 7/8”, [...]
11/4” and 15/8” and 1/2” highflex
SUCOFEED as well as equivalent products from Andrew, RFS (Kabelmetal) and NK cables.
这门课程是用于更专业来训练耳朵的听力,关于听写、重新认识声音、训练和声音程及旋律的听力、音成的上行与下行、邻音音程与非邻音音程、协和与不协和音程、增音程与减音程、大音阶与小音阶、临时记号如升号或降号或还原记号、大和弦与小和弦、增和弦与减和弦、转位和弦、完全终止、不完全终止、教会终止、假终止、半终止、单拍与复拍、 管 、 铜管 、 弦 乐 、 键 盘与击乐、中世纪音乐风格、文艺复兴、巴洛克、古典、浪漫、二十世纪初期、现代、爵士音乐的各方面领域,并搭配所有实际应用练习。
This lesson is dedicated to Ear training and includes Music Dictations, Audition training, Work on ear on harmonic and melodic intervals, Upward, downward, small and large intervals, Consonnances and Dissonances, augmented intervals and diminished intervals, major scales and minor scales, Accidentals such as Sharps, Flats, naturals, Major chord and Minor chord, Diminished chords and Augmented chords, Chord inversion, the Perfect Cadence, imperfect Cadence, Plagal cadence, and
Half cadence, Binary measures and
[...] ternary measures, Woodwinds, Brass, Strings, Keyboards [...]
and Percussions, music styles such
as Middle age music, Renaissance music, Baroque music, Classical music, Romantic music, Modern music, contemporary music and Jazz music, including exercises.
秘书处保证说,管估计数目不乐观,但管理层 将继续严格控制支出和拖工情况,并尽快向理事机构汇报一 切情况变化,无论是积极的,还是消极的。
The Secretariat provided assurances that, despite the
[...] existence of less optimistic estimates, the management will continue [...]
to tightly control expenditure
and delays and inform the governing bodies on any evolution of the situation, whether positive or negative, as soon as it occurs.
艺术教育受到限制购买各艺术学科所需用品和材料的严重影响,如造型 艺术的油彩、颜料、丙烯颜料和画笔以 乐器 等。
Arts education is also severely affected by the constraints on purchasing the supplies and materials required for the study of various
arts disciplines, including oil and acrylic paints and brushes for
[...] the plastic arts, musical instruments and other items.
陶瓷卫生洁具;浴缸,冲凉房,按摩冲浪浴缸;厨房用水龙头,浴室用水龙头,花洒喷头;防冻龙头;编制软管;金属波纹管;抽水马桶水箱配件;铜合 管 材 , 铜管 接 头 ;塑料管,塑料管接头;铸铁排水管,管件接头;橡 管 箍; 铜 球 阀 ,闸阀;铸铁闸阀;金属/非金属截止阀,止回阀;铜合金地漏;铸铁地漏;煤气管;煤气阀;铝塑复合管;塑料马桶盖板;陶瓷芯轴(水龙头用);橡胶垫圈;通风管道;ANSI/NSF无毒认证;饮水机(R.O.),软 器。
Ceramic sanitary ware; bathtub, bathroom, massage bathtub; kitchen faucets, bathroom faucets, shower heads; antifreeze faucet; the preparation of hose;
metal bellows; toilet
[...] tank fittings; copper alloy tube, copper pipe joints; plastic pipe plastic fittings; cast iron pipes, fittings joints; rubber pipe coupling; brass ball valve, gate valve; iron gate; metal / non-metallic valve, check valve; copper alloy to drain; cast iron floor drain; gas pipe; gas valve; plastic composite pipe; plastic toilet cover; ceramic mandrel (faucet use); rubber washer; ventilation pipe; ANSI / NSF certified non-toxic; drinking fountains (RO), water softeners.
从文化周期来看乐器 制造也应当被视为一种文化活动,因为它是艺术表达的生产要素(投入)的一部分。
Using the culture cycle, the manufacturing of musical instruments is [...]
considered a cultural activity since it is part of
the production element (input) for artistic expression.
哥打基纳巴卢大多数村庄和小镇都拥有周日跳蚤市场,售卖各种商品,包括水果、蔬菜、兰花、艺术品和手工制品,甚至传 乐器。
Most villages and towns in Kota Kinabalu feature
Sunday Flea Markets selling products from fruits, vegetables, orchids, arts and crafts to
[...] even traditional music instruments.
目前我正在创作“黄金号角(Golden Horns)”,它是一座35层楼高, 管乐器 和 通 风系统所组成的声音装置艺术作品,将建置于伊斯坦布尔的一座住宅大厦中,我希望借此设计将建筑物转化成为音乐旋律。
Right now I’m working on ‘‘Golden Horns’’, a 35-story sound installation that’s part wind instrument and part ventilation system.
性能优异的多用途舒尔话筒具有准确的频率响应曲线,适合再现扩 乐器 或 普 通 乐器 清 晰 的声音。
Multi-purpose Shure microphone with contoured frequency response for clean sound reproduction of amplified or acoustic instruments.
市长征召他的人喊“我们在这里”,以及玩各 乐器 的 噪音,使动物可以听到他们的声音。
The Mayor enlists all of his people to make noise by shouting “We are here”, as well as playing a variety of instruments, so the animals may hear them.
铜管规格 为Φ15.85×0.5t, 铝翅片为平波纹两次翻边型, 翅片间距可从7片/寸调整至12片/寸以适应不同冷量要求,盘管的排数选取、管流程确定等均经优化设计,使其整体换热性能达到最佳效果,采用现代化的全套换 器 生 产 与检验设备进行制造,使产品内在质量得到可靠保证。
The specification of the copper tube isΦ15.85×0.5t; the aluminum fins are a type of level wave with double turned over edges and the distance between the fins can be adjusted from 7/inch to 12/inch to adapt to different cold volume; the row number choice of the coiler, confirmation of the pipe flow, etc. are all implemented through optimum design to make the overall heat exchanging performance to reach the best effect; a whole set of modern heat exchanger production and [...]
inspection equipment
is adopted for manufacture to supply reliable assurance of the product internal quality.
考古学家在船上发现了水果和干果等各种有机物质,还发现了陶瓷器皿、金 器 、青 铜器和武器。
Archaeologists found organic matter such as fruit and nuts aboard the ship, as well as pottery, gold
[...] and silver jewellery, bronze tools and arms.
这种立法为以下任何罪行或罪行组合规定了普遍管辖权: (a) 严重违反日内瓦四公约及其《第一附加议定书》的行为(主要是英联邦成员 国);(b) 1954 年《海牙公约》《第二号议定书》和《保护所有人免遭强迫失踪国 际公约》特别规定的犯罪(例如塞浦路斯、日本和荷兰);(c) 没有条约规定普遍
[...] (比利时、加拿大、新西兰和菲律宾)以及违反禁止 管 制 使 用某种 器 的 行为(南 非);(d) 《罗马规约》第 8 条所列的战争罪(比利时、加拿大、德国、新西兰和 [...]
This legislation provides for universal jurisdiction over any or a combination of the following: (a) grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol I thereto (primarily States members of the Commonwealth); (b) crimes specified under the Second Protocol to the 1954 Hague Convention and the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (for example, Cyprus, Japan and the Netherlands); (c) other violations of international humanitarian law where no treaty requires universal jurisdiction, such as war crimes committed in non-international armed conflict (Belgium, Canada, New Zealand and the Philippines) and
violations of treaties that
[...] either prohibit or regulate the use of certain weapons (South Africa); [...]
(d) the war crimes list
contained in article 8 of the Rome Statute (Belgium, Canada, Germany, New Zealand and the United Kingdom).
采用连续多点矫直设计、FNC-水口快速更换/塞棒控流、1m长抛物线锥 铜管 结 晶 器 、 可退回的机械或液压驱动结晶器振动装置、二冷水动态控制系统,以及能够连续检测渣层厚度的独特的结晶器保护渣检测装置,可获得最好的产品质量和设备性能。
Continuous and multi-bending radius configuration, FNC-Flying Nozzle Change / stopper
rod practice, 1-m-long
[...] parabolic-tapered copper tube, retractable mechanical [...]
and hydraulic oscillator, dynamic spray-control
system and the unique Mold Powder Measuring Device for continuous reading of mold slag thickness, for best product quality and productivity performances.
Elspe 市建立了第 一个分厂,专为卫 生设备排水口铜 管连接和塑料产品 生产钎焊件。
Elspe producing
[...] soldered fittings for copper pipe connections [...]
and plastic products for sanitary drainage systems.
铝箔,特种大型铝合金型材,铝合金精密模锻件,电气化铁路架空导线,超薄铜带,耐蚀热交 器铜 合 金材,高性能铜镍、铜铁合金带, 铜 带 、线 、 管 及 棒加工材,耐高温抗衰钨丝,镁合金铸件,无铅焊料,镁合金及其应用产品,泡沫铝,钛合金带材及钛焊接管,原子能级海绵锆,钨及钼深加工产品
Aluminum foil, special large-scale aluminum alloy, aluminum precision forging, electrified
railway overhead wire,
[...] ultra-thin copper strip, copper alloy corrosion resistant heat exchanger materials, high-performance copper and nickel, with copper alloy, beryllium copper strip, wire, tube and Stick processing [...]
materials, high temperature
anti-tungsten filament, magnesium alloy castings, lead-free solder, magnesium alloy and its applications, foam aluminum, titanium alloy strip and welded pipe, atomic-level sponge zirconium, tungsten and molybdenum deep processing products
铜管,铸铜珠, 镀金链,在经过切割和抛光的宝石周围形成强烈对比, 将这些石头保留原始造型,做成独特的项链和奇异的吊坠。
Copper pipe, cast copper beads, gold plated [...]
chains, and beveled and polished stones provide this contrast and take new form
around the organically shaped feature stones creating statement necklaces and quirky pendants.
我们知道,直到二十世纪初,保护一个显示水的液体侵略或气态的形式在空气中悬浮的想法,是不是优先手表,如果不遗憾的海轮板对他们 乐器 海 洋计时器制造商接触到盐的侵蚀。
We know that until the early twentieth century, the idea of protecting one shows the aggression of liquid water or suspended in the air in gaseous form, was not the priority watch, if not Manufacturers of marine chronometers regretting their instruments on board of seagoing vessels are exposed to salt erosion.
这些投资的范围从小型企业到大型企业,包括大连万达集团最近的数十亿美元的AMC影院连锁公司的收购以及像天津钢管,尚德太阳能,金龙精 铜管 这 样 的公司,甚至像中海油,中石化和中航工业这样的国有企业的重大投资项目。
These investments range from small enterprises to large, including Dalian Wanda’s Group’s recent multi-billion dollar acquisition of the AMC theater chain as well as major
investments by companies like
[...] Tianjin Pipe, Sun Tech, Golden Dragon Precise Copper, and even state-owned [...]
enterprises like CNOOC, SINOPEC, and AVIC.
我们提供这些研讨会是因为客户在 铜管 转 为 铝管的过程中,钎焊工艺的变更对于他们是一个最大的挑战,"海德鲁精密管材事业部业务拓展员,Patrick Jansson说道。
We offer these workshops because customers find the brazing process one of the most challenging changes to their production processes, when they switch to aluminium tubing from copper tubing," says Patrick Jansson, a business developer for Hydro's aluminium precision tubing organization.




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