

单词 铜仁市

See also:



benevolence n


humane adj

External sources (not reviewed)

日本自 1989
[...] 年以来,每年在日本地方上不同市 举 办 联合国裁军问题会议, 邀请来自世界各地的著名裁军专家进行有益的讨论。
Japan has sponsored a United Nations
Conference on Disarmament Issues in a
[...] different Japanese city each year since [...]
1989, at which distinguished disarmament
experts from around the world engage in useful discussions.
经社会了解到将于 2012 年 9 月 1-7 日在意大利的那不勒市举办世 界市论坛
The Commission was informed of the
[...] convening of the World Urban Forum in Naples, Italy, [...]
from 1 to 7 September 2012.
从宝马古根海姆实验室网站可以查看活动安排表,上面将包括一百多个在费佛伯格 (Pfefferberg) 和市举行的活动。
The schedule, available on the BMW Guggenheim Lab website, will include more than one hundred events at the
[...] Pfefferberg site and throughout the city.
因此,日本认识到大会对促进国家管辖范围以外 海洋生物多样性保护工作的作用,并将继续建设性地 参与不限成员名额非正式特设工作组的工作,以研究 与国家管辖范围以外海洋生物多样性养护和可持续 利用有关的问题,并适当考虑 10 月份在日本爱知县 名古市举行的《生物多样性公约》缔约方大会第十 次会议上通过的决定。
In this context, Japan recognizes the role of the General Assembly in facilitating the protection of marine biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction and will continue to participate in a constructive way in the work of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Informal Working Group to study issues relating to the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity beyond national jurisdiction, taking duly into account the decisions adopted at the 10th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity held in Nagoya, Aichi, Japan in October.
缅甸黄金、宝石铜和其 他丰富矿产资源的 开采牵扯到没收土地、强迫劳动以及侵犯良好环境权和水权。
In Myanmar the mining
[...] of gold, gemstones, copper and other plentiful [...]
mineral resources has been linked to land confiscation,
forced labour, and violations of the right to a healthy environment and the right to water.
这些项目包括Xstrata公司东加拿大Donkin焦煤项目25%的股份,位于蒙古的Zuun Mod大型铜矿勘探项目的100%股份,美国一处正在开发中的建筑材料开采项目的开采权益,以及在多伦多交易所创业板 市 的 Ad vanced Primary Minerals公司60%的股份。
These projects include a 25% interest in Xstrata's
eastern Canadian
[...] Donkin Coking Coal Project, a 100% interest in the large tonnage Zuun Mod Molybdenum and Copper project in Mongolia, a royalty interest in a developing construction material project [...]
in the United States
as well as a 60% equity interest in TSX-V listed Advanced Primary Minerals.
这些地铜矿的 开采是和其他金属如银、镍 和铅等在一起,由地下矿井进行开采的。
The copper is extracted here [...]
in underground mines together with other metals such as silver, nickel and lead.
(a) 促进区域做法和权利下放,具体方法是在政治和行政官员间建立网络,
组织具体活动或者参加主要国际聚会,例如,2005 年 2 月在摩洛哥马拉喀什以及 2007 年 2
[...] 月在巴马科举行的法语地区国际会议;2008 年 5 月在加拿大魁北市 举行的法语国家经济国际会议;2008 [...]
年 10 月在法国圣马洛举行的区域气候变化 世界首脑会议;以及 2010 年
10 月在里昂举行的第一次分权制法语国家议会会议。
networking of political and administrative officials and organization of specific events or participation in major international gatherings (for example, the international meetings of Francophone regions held in Marrakech, Morocco, in February 2005 and in Bamako in February 2007; the international
meeting of economic Francophonie held in
[...] May 2008 in Quebec City, Canada; the world [...]
summit of regions on climate change, held
in October 2008 in Saint- Malo, France; and the first States-General of Decentralized Francophonie, held in October 2010 in Lyons.
最后,领导们对艾默生 CT 2010 财年的合作经销商们举行铜牌发 放仪式。
They also presented brass plates to distributors who will work with Emerson CT in FY10 as a symbol of the desire to continue making good progress and achieving great results through "communication and integration" in the coming year.
在坦桑尼亚,最近由于国市场上铜 价 下 跌,经济 的支柱产业——采矿业——的税收减少,对本国资源 的调集产生了不利的影响。
For Zambia, domestic resource mobilization was recently adversely affected by lower tax revenues from the mining sector, the mainstay of the economy, due to falling copper prices on the international market.
会议的成果将递交2011年10月10日至21日在大韩民国昌 市 举 行的《联合国防治荒漠化公约》缔约国第十届会议。
The outcomes of the meeting will be transmitted to the tenth session of the Conference of the Parties to the
United Nations Convention to Combat
[...] Desertification that will be held from 10 to [...]
21 October 2011 in Changwon City, Republic of Korea.
2004 年,在世界各地 区,尤其是在下列市举办 了这一巡回展览:圣多明各(多米尼加共和国),4 [...]
月;拿骚 (巴哈马)、马普托(莫桑比克),5 月;巴西利亚(巴西),7 月;达喀尔(塞内加 尔),8 月;日内瓦(瑞士)、圣卢西亚、斯德哥尔摩(瑞典),10
月;巴黎(法国)、赫 尔辛基(芬兰)、纽约(美国),12 月。
This travelling exhibition could be visited in 2004 in
various parts of the world, particularly
[...] in the following cities: Santo Domingo [...]
(Dominican Republic) in April; Nassau (Bahamas)
and Maputo (Mozambique) in May; Brasilia (Brazil) in July; Dakar (Senegal) in August; Geneva (Switzerland), Saint Lucia and Stockholm (Sweden) in October; Paris (France), Helsinki (Finland) and New York (United States of America) in December.
可持续发展还 是 2011 年 8 月在大韩民仁川市举行的第三次全球 模拟联合国年会的主题,来自 [...]
61 个国家、近 500 名 大学生参加了这次会议。
Sustainable development had also been the theme of the third
annual Global Model United Nations Conference, held
[...] in August 2011 in Incheon, Republic of Korea, [...]
which had been attended by
almost 500 university students from 61 countries.
共有来自 40
[...] 个国家的 160 名青年代表参加了 由儿童基金会和哥本哈市举行 的儿童气候论坛。
A total of 160 youth delegates from 40 countries participated at the Children’s Climate Forum, organized
[...] by UNICEF and the City of Copenhagen.
满意地注意到,以法语为共同语言的国家的国家元首和政府首脑在 2008 年 10 月 17 日至 19 日于加拿大魁北市举行 的第十二次首脑会议上,承诺开展多 边合作以实现和平、善治和法治、经济治理和团结、环境、可持续发展和气候变 化,并决心共同努力,通过有针对性地采取行动,在这些领域中取得增值效应
Noting with satisfaction the commitment to multilateral cooperation for peace, good governance and the rule of law, economic governance and solidarity, the environment, sustainable development, and climate change, undertaken by Heads of State and Government of countries using French as a common language, at their twelfth summit, held in Quebec City, Canada, from 17 to 19 October 2008, and their determination to work together to bring about, through targeted action, added value in these areas
铜缆接入市场领 先的xDSL、IPTV和VoIP测试解决方案供应商Consultronics。
Acquires Consultronics, a leading supplier of xDSL, IPTV and VoIP
[...] test solutions for copper access market.
在她的家乡,法兰克福附近的德来爱心(Dreieich),她曾组织了一个由250名儿童共同绘画,然后蚀刻 铜 版 浮 雕,嵌 市 政 厅周围路面的项目。
In her hometown, Dreieich, near Frankfurt, she worked on one
project with 250 children, whose
[...] drawings - etched into copper reliefs - are embedded in the pavement around the town hall.
第 4 节概述头 5 年的勘探方案和日期表,汤加近海采矿有限公司工作计划目 标是:(a) 确定加工和回收多金属结核中的镍、钴 铜 和 锰 的最有效且在环境上 可以接受的方法;确定在销售成品中以什么形式报告这些金属及其有关的基本建 设费用和生产费用;(b) 决定在尽量不损害环境的情况下,从海底回收物质的最 佳方式及其有关的基本建设费用和生产费用;(c) 确定进行有经济效益的提炼要 求多金属结核中有什么品级的镍、钴 铜 和 锰,并且通过勘探确定合同区内可以 确认和界定的这种物质的数量和质地。
The objectives of Tonga Offshore Mining’s plan of work are to: (a) determine the most efficient and environmentally acceptable method
to process and
[...] recover nickel, cobalt, copper and manganese from the polymetallic nodules, and define in what form these metals would report in a final product for sale, as well as the related capital and operating costs; (b) decide upon the optimum method to recover the material to surface with the minimum of environmental disturbance, as well as the related capital and operating costs; and (c) define what grade of nickel, cobalt, copper and manganese is required [...]
in the polymetallic
nodules for economic extraction, and determine through exploration what quantity and density of such material can be identified and delineated in the contract area.
为斯特拉斯堡商学院拍摄的“Play by the Rules"宣传片,赢得了“泰利奖”6个部门 铜 奖 ,同时获得商业 市 场 单元 的 铜 奖。
The campaign 'EM Strasbourg Play By The
[...] Rules' won six bronze Telly Awards in different categories, as well as the special people's prize bronze Telly for the category 'Commercial or Marketing Piece'.
初级商品生产国与消费国之间的政府间合作,其形式为国际初级商品 协定(
[...] 如:旨在木材或咖啡协定) 以及关于初级商品问题的国际研究小组( 如:关铜和镍的国际研究小组 )。
(d) Intergovernmental cooperation between producers and consumers of commodities that takes place in the form of international commodity agreements (such as
those for tropical timber or coffee) and international study groups on
[...] commodities (such as those on copper and nickel).
公司现已承担了铜陵长江公路大桥路灯LED照明改造 铜 陵 市市 区 道 路LED照明改造及铁山头矿业井下巷道LED照明改造工程等一批重点工程项目。
The company has undertaken the tongling changjiang river highway bridge street lamp LED lighting
[...] renovation, tongling city urban road LED lighting [...]
and iron mountain underground mining of LED lighting reconstruction project and a number of key projects.
GCR 计划在其百分之百拥有的位于新南威尔士州,Mo lo ng 市的铜山斑岩铜, 金矿区进行开采和生产的工作。
GCR intends to establish a mining operation at its
[...] 100%-owned Copper Hill porphyry copper – gold deposit [...]
at Molong, NSW.
就此,2009 年 11 月 4 日和 5 日,吉尔吉斯共和国国家安全局和外交部在欧
[...] 安组织及联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室的协助下,在比什凯 市 举 行了主题为 “从普遍反恐条约角度探讨反恐所涉法律问题”的全国讨论会,吉尔吉斯共和国 [...]
On 4 and 5 November 2009 the Kyrgyz State National Security Service, in conjunction with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and with assistance from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in
Europe (OSCE) and the United Nations Office
[...] on Drugs and Crime, held a national [...]
seminar in Bishkek on legal aspects of counter-terrorism
in the light of universal counter-terrorism agreements, with broad participation from representatives of Kyrgyz Government agencies.
On November 2,
[...] 2012, the Imaichi Plant and Higashi Plant of the Copper Foil Division, Metals [...]
Company obtained ISO/TS16949:2009
certification, an international quality management standard for the automotive industry.
(f) 决定此次会议将由大会主席主持,大会主席将以小组共同主席的报告为 基础编写讨论摘要,在闭幕式全体会议上提出,该摘要将经大会主席授权转递给 2011 年 10 月
[...] 10 日至 21 日在大韩民国庆尚南道的昌市举行 的《联合国防治荒 漠化公约》缔约方会议第十届会议和联合国可持续发展大会
(f) Decides that the meeting will be chaired by the President of the General Assembly, who will present at the closing plenary meeting a summary of the discussions based on the report of the co-chairs of the panels, for transmission, under his authority, to the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention to Combat
Desertification at its tenth session, to be
[...] held in Changwon City, Gyeongnam Province, [...]
Republic of Korea, from 10 to 21 October
2011, and to the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development
帕瓦卡潘,引自第 4
[...] 章,《泰国外长兼代表团团长,诺 巴敦阁下在加拿大魁北市举行的第三十二届世界遗产 委员会上的声明》,2008 [...]
年 7 月 7 日。
Statement by His Excellency Mr. Noppadon Pattama, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Thailand and
head of the Thai delegation to the thirty-second session of the World
[...] Heritage Committee Quebec City, Canada”, 7 July 2008.
General Cable(纽交所代码:BGC)总部位于肯塔基州 Highland Heights,是开发、设计、制造、营销和分销用于能源、工业、专用和通 市 场 的 铜 、 铝和光纤电线和电缆产品的领导者。
General Cable (NYSE:BGC), headquartered in Highland Heights, Kentucky, is a leader in the development, design,
manufacture, marketing
[...] and distribution of copper, aluminum and fiber optic wire and cable products for the energy, industrial, specialty and communications markets.
他的成就包括: 在 UL 开展 Gage R&R 活动、在梅尔维尔 (Melville) 市举办 为期 16 周的新工程师培训项目、创建梅尔维尔数据采集团队、作为志愿者加入 FIRST Robotics 机器人竞赛活动、在纽约州立大学法明代尔 (Farmingdale) 电气实验室担任讲师等。
Among his accomplishments are: Gage R&R activities at UL, development of 16 week new engineer training program at Melville, creation of Melville data acquisition team, FIRST Robotics volunteer, instructor at State University of NY at Farmingdale electricity laboratory.
领先的数据驱动型社交网络营销解决方案公司达奇斯集团(Dachis Group)今天公布了第四届社交商务峰会(Social Business Summit
[...] 2013)全球系列大会的日程安排,本届峰会将于2013年在四大洲的七座 市 举 行
Dachis Group, a leading data-driven social marketing solutions firm, today announced the schedule for the
fourth annual Social Business Summit 2013 global series, taking
[...] place in seven cities across four continents [...]
throughout 2013.
正如菲德尔·卡斯特罗在有史以来首次 于 2004
[...] 年在主席女士你所代表的友好国家的圣保市举行 的第十一次联合国贸易和发展会议上的发言 [...]
所指出的那样,人类具备了自我彻底毁灭的技术能 力,但另一方面人类却不能够为所有国家平等实现安 全与完整提供最低保障。
As Fidel Castro pointed out in his message to the eleventh
United Nations Conference on Trade and
[...] Development, held in the city of São Paulo in [...]
2004 — in your friendly country, Madame
President — for the first time in history, man has produced the technical capacity for his complete self-destruction but, on the other hand, has not been able to create minimum guarantees for the security and integrity of all countries equally.




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