单词 | 铎 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 铎 —large ancient bellless common: surname Duo Examples:司铎—priest 总铎区 n—deanery n 都铎王朝—Tudor Dynasty, ruled England 1485-1603 铎尼达利惇—John Dalton
对Spener,弗朗克和辛生铎夫虔诚主义强调研究圣经,讲道,个人转换和成圣,教会外展和社会行动。 mb-soft.com | The pietism of Spener, Francke, and Zinzendorf stressed Bible study, preaching, personal conversion and sanctification, missionary outreach, and social action. mb-soft.com |
克莱门特和伊格目前层次,有组织的和完整的,与主教, 司 铎 和 执事,圣体圣事礼仪管理员部长和时间性的订单。 mb-soft.com | Clement and Ignatius present the hierarchy, organized and complete, with its orders of bishops, priests, and deacons, ministers of the Eucharistic liturgy and administrators of temporalities. mb-soft.com |
龙家禧 (M. Camastra) 神父免任香港筲箕湾圣十字架堂区主任 司 铎 ; 龙 神父将返回意大利,在其所属教区另有任用。 catholic.org.hk | Michele CAMASTRA, PIME, ceases to be Parish Priest of Holy Cross Parish, Shaukiwan, Hong Kong; he will return to Italy and will be given a new assignment in his own diocese. catholic.org.hk |
汤汉主教业已任命玛利诺James McAuley神父为香港中区及半山区圣若瑟堂区助理主任 司 铎 , 本 年三月一日起生效。 catholic.org.hk | Bishop John TONG has appointed Rev. James McAULEY, MM, as Assistant Parish Priest in St. Joseph¡¦s Parish, Central District and Mid-Levels, Hong Kong, effective 1 March 2011. catholic.org.hk |
未来五年,各总铎和堂区领导将特别重视信仰小团体的地位和价值,将其发展纳入每年的牧民计划,并以多元方式加以推动,尽力为信仰小团体制造发展和成长的空间,包括服务堂区和自我培育。 catholic.org.hk | During the next five years, deans and parish leaders will attach special importance to the status and value of small faith communities, incorporate their development into their annual pastoral plan, promote small faith communities in a pluralistic manner, and endeavour to provide them with scope for development and growth, including opportunities for serving the parish and for self-development. catholic.org.hk |
自宗教改革以来,神的恢复历经好几个阶段,经过在波希米亚(Bohemia)由辛 生铎夫( Zinzendorf)所领导教会生活的部分恢复,以至普利茅斯弟兄们(Plymouth [...] Brethren)揭开 许多宝贵的圣经真理,接着推展至真实经历内住的生命,一直达到现今的阶段:建立真正的地方教 [...]会,作为基督身体的彰显。 concernedbrothers.com | The recovery has gone through several stages since the Reformation, passing through the partial recovery [...] of the church life in Bohemia under the [...] leadership of Zinzendorf, moving on [...]to the unveiling of the many precious Bible [...]truths through the Plymouth Brethren, and then going on to the genuine experience of the inner life. concernedbrothers.com |
为这三类的夫妇,各层面(堂区、总 铎 区 、教区)的牧者、牧民工作者、辅导员及负责培育的导师,宜透过礼仪生活和各种活动,提高他们对婚姻关系的意识:婚姻的关系能否维系全赖夫妇二人的努力。 catholic.org.hk | Pastors, pastoral workers, counsellors and tutors responsible for formation at all levels (parishes, deaneries and the Diocese) should help these couples to intensify their awareness of the importance of marital relationships and through the liturgy and various kinds of activities help them realize that whether or not the marital relationship can last depends on the efforts of both husband and wife. catholic.org.hk |
e. 由于人力资源及出席人数,某些有关婚姻及家庭生活的培育项目(如:一系列的讲座或课程)宜在 总 铎 区 层 面举办。 catholic.org.hk | e. Bearing in mind the limitations of human resources and the number of attendants, it would be more appropriate that some of the formation [...] programmes on marriage and family life (e.g., talks and courses presented as a series) be [...] organized at the deanery level. catholic.org.hk |
项指引而导致意外或损伤,教区当局及有关的 司 铎 将 不负起任何责任。 catholic.org.hk | The diocesan authorities and the priests concerned shall not be responsible for any accidents or injuries which might occur. catholic.org.hk |
舍弗勒亚太区总裁兼首席执行官包郁 铎 ( Ud o Bauer)先生将兼任舍弗勒大中华区董事总经理和工业事业部总裁。 schaeffler.cn | Mr. Udo Bauer, President and CEO of Schaeffler Asia Pacific, will assume the positions of Managing Director and President Industrial of Schaeffler Greater China in addition to his current role of President and CEO of Schaeffler Asia Pacific. schaeffler.cn |
建议“婚委会”成员可包括:公教夫妇、家庭服务专业组织代表、与婚姻及家庭牧民有关的教友组织代表、公教专业人士(如:医生、护士、律师、教师、社工), 司 铎 、 已 婚终身执事、修女及修士等。 catholic.org.hk | Members of the PCMF may include: Catholic married couples, a representative from the professional family service organizations, a representative from organizations engaged in marriage and family pastoral care, Catholic professionals [...] (e.g. doctors, nurses, lawyers, teachers, [...] social workers), priests, a married [...]permanent deacon, a religious Sister and a religious Brother, etc. catholic.org.hk |
教宗引用圣若翰洗者,宗徒们及亚尔斯堂区主任 司 铎 圣 若 翰维雅纳响应天主召叫的实例,强调 司 铎 生 活 及献身生活为作有效见证所应具备的三个要素:(一) 司铎及献身者应与基督保持亲切的友谊 │ 这是最基本的要素;(二) 司铎及献 身者应为天国的缘故,把自己完全奉献给天主;(三) 司铎之间 ,以及献身者之间,应彼此共融团结、衷诚合作。 catholic.org.hk | Citing the calling of St. John the Baptist, the apostles and St. John Mary Vianney, the Cure of Ars, the Holy Father highlights three aspects essential to an effective witness in priestly and consecrated lives: (1) as a fundamental element, a priest or consecrated person must maintain a close friendship with Christ; (2) complete gift of oneself [...] to God, for the sake of the Kingdom [...]of God; (3) fraternal communion and co-operation between priests and between consecrated persons themselves. catholic.org.hk |
陈日君枢机业已规定,由本年十一月三十日 (将临期首主日) 起,本教区内的每位堂区主任司铎, 除 每主日必须为讬付给他自己的信友奉献一台弥撒 (不得收取献仪) 以外,只须在主耶稣基督的圣诞节履行同一本份。 catholic.org.hk | By mandate of Cardinal Joseph ZEN, SDB, with effect from 30 November 2008 (1st Sunday of Advent), every parish priest in our diocese, apart from the obligation to apply one Mass (without stipend) for the people entrusted to his care on each Sunday, is also bound by the same obligation on the Solemnity of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Christmas) only (cf. Canon 534 ¡±1), instead of on all the holydays as prescribed by Canon 1246 ¡±2. catholic.org.hk |
每位司铎应该 设法就教宗和地方主教最新颁布的文献,予以研究并为教友解释。 catholic.org.hk | Every Priest should make efforts [...] to study ecclesial documents recently issued by the Pope and local bishops, and explain [...]to the faithful contents of these documents. catholic.org.hk |
培育神职人员、牧民工作者、堂区培育组及关社组( 在 铎 区 层 面及堂区层面)认识工人问题,并接触工人。 catholic.org.hk | At deanery and parish levels, priests, pastoral workers, members of parish formation groups and social concerns groups have to understand the problems faced by workers today in order that they can give more support to the labor. catholic.org.hk |
总铎更可以铎区名义,集合铎区内的有关毕业生,提供适当空间,支持他们,策划培育活动或课程。 catholic.org.hk | The deanery can on its own group together those within [...] its area, who have completed their training and offer them adequate [...]freedom and support (both materially and spiritually), so that they can plan for activities or courses of faith formation. catholic.org.hk |
而进入21世纪后的所有年份都非常成功,尤以炎热的年份最为突出,如2000和2003年份,这样的天气有助于品丽珠和小 维 铎 葡 萄品种达到优美的成熟度,这两类葡萄在Kirwan(麒麟)葡萄酒的调配中占到了较高的比例。 ficofi.com | All the vintages of the 21st century have been particularly successful with special mention for warm years such as 2000 and 2003 when the Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot grapes, a high proportion of which figures in the grape mix at Kirwan, ripened beautifully. ficofi.com |
包郁铎感谢 勾建辉博士为公司做出的杰出贡献。 schaeffler.cn | Mr. Udo Bauer appreciated Dr. Gou for his outstanding contribution to the company. schaeffler.cn |
14 英寸笔记本电脑 减肥 X X 420 从公司 [...] MSI 配备英特尔 ® 酷睿 2 铎, 外部图形卡移动 ATI Radeon [...]HD5430 3D 1 gb DDR3 内存和电池, 提供最多 9 小时的电池寿命。 driver-download.ru | 14-inch laptop X-Slim X420 from the company MSI is equipped with [...] Intel Core 2 Duo, external graphics [...]card ATI Mobility Radeon HD5430 3D with [...]1 GB DDR3 RAM and battery, provides up to 9 hours of battery life. driver-download.ru |
19公顷(47英亩)的葡萄园主要种植霞多丽,赤霞珠,梅洛,西拉,和小 维 铎 , 这 些品种很有潜力,并且能在马耳他温和的气候和土壤影响下健康成长。 antinori.it | The 19 hectares (47 acres) of proprietary vineyards, in particular, have been planted to Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah, and Petit Verdot, varieties which show the potential, and in turn benefit from the influence, of the soil and the mild climate of Malta. antinori.it |
由江诗丹顿全力支持及協力主辦的第五届“Trophée Bailli de [...] Suffren”于6月24日在圣特罗佩市启动,赞助人碧姬• 芭 铎 ( Br igitte Bardot)和荣誉主席马•帕约(Marc [...]Pajot)出席了开幕仪式。 vacheron-constantin.com | Backed by Vacheron Constantin, the event’s major partner, the fifth Trophée Bailli de Suffren got [...] under way at Saint-Tropez on June 24 in the presence [...] of Brigitte Bardot, its patron, [...]and Marc Pajot, its Honorary President. vacheron-constantin.com |
王春林先生於1986年毕业於北京对外经济贸易大学,并拥有澳洲 梅 铎 大 学 工商管理硕士 (MBA) 学位及香港理工大学国际航运及运输物流硕士学位。 tradewindsevents.com | Mr. Wang Chunlin graduated from the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing in 1986, and he holds an MBA degree from Murdoch University in Australia and an MSc degree in International Shipping and Transport Logistics from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. tradewindsevents.com |
回顾过去一年,整个检讨工作,经历了不同阶段,而最后得以顺利完成,实有赖牧函委员会的领导、公教教研中心的协助,以及 总 铎 、 堂区、男女修会、教区各委员会、培育中心、办学团体、校监校长、大众传播、社会事务、明爱机构等的积极参与。 catholic.org.hk | The evaluation work went through different stages during the past year and its smooth completion is due to the leadership of the Committee for Promoting the Cardinal's Pastoral Exhortation, the assistance of the Catholic Institute for Religion and Society, and the active participation of Deans, parishes, religious congregations of men and women, various Diocesan committees, Laity Formation Centres, sponsoring bodies, Supervisors and Principals, organizations for mass communications, organizations for social affairs, and Caritas. catholic.org.hk |
教区应具体支援学校牧民工作:主教或其代表每学年最少一次探访各教区学校;堂区 司 铎 在 其 管辖范围内之学校应建立良好的牧民工作伙伴关系,例如:由堂区及区内学校合作聘用牧民助理、征用义工,及组织活动等,至于学校提供青少年信仰培育方面,也可与教区各机构合作。 catholic.org.hk | The parish should maintain an amiable partnership with the catholic schools in its juridical territory, e.g. parish and related schools share the employment of pastoral assistants, the recruitment of volunteers, and the organisation of faith formation activities. catholic.org.hk |
七月一日:为纪念「全球司铎的主 保」 - 圣若翰维雅纳 - 逝世一百五十周年,教宗本笃十六世宣布普世教会庆祝「 司 铎 年 」(19/6/2009-19/6/2010)。 catholic.org.hk | 1 July: To commemorate the 150th anniversary of the [...] death of St. John Mary Vianney, the Cure d'Ars, ¡§Patron Saint of All Priests¡¨, Pope Benedict XVI proclaimed a ¡§Year for Priests¡¨ (19/6/2009-19/6/2010). catholic.org.hk |