

单词 铅活字印刷机

See also:


printing with movable type


printing press

印刷机 v

printing machine v

印刷机 pl

printing machines pl

External sources (not reviewed)

光学字符识别,通常缩写到OCR,手写, 字 或 印刷 文 字 的 扫 描图像 机 械 或 电子翻译机编码的文本。
Optical Character Recognition, usually
[...] abbreviated to OCR, is the mechanical or electronic translation of scanned images of handwritten, typewritten or printed text into machine-encoded text.
这一奖项旨在纪念世界上现存最早的金 活字印刷 作品 Buljo jikji shimche yojeol 被列入 [...]
The purpose of the Prize is to commemorate the inscription of the Buljo
jikji simche yojeol, the oldest
[...] known book of movable metal print in the world, in [...]
the Memory of the World Register, and
to contribute to the preservation of documentary heritage as a common heritage of humanity and to its accessibility.
飞机, 电话, 电报, 广播, 电动机, 显微镜, 印刷机, 狭义相对论, 左轮手枪, 摄影, 温度计, 铅笔, 雷达, 自行车, 西历, 炸药, 莫尔斯码, 降落伞, 火绳枪, 步枪, 牛顿万有引力定律, 加特林机枪, 电唱机, 气压计, 巴斯德消毒法, 摩托车, 手溜弹, 瓦特蒸汽机, 电影, 硝化甘油, 麦克风, 潜水艇, 汽车, 望远镜, 打字机, 热气球, 听诊器, X射线成像, 电池, 阿司匹林, 电熨斗, 内燃机, 人造黄油, 断头台, 蒸汽发动机, 缝纫机, 双焦距眼镜, 油灯, 电冰箱, 手表, 轮胎, 拖拉机
Airplane, Telephone, Telegraph, Radio,
[...] Electric motor, Microscope, Printing Press, Special relativity, Revolver, Photography, Thermometer, Pencil, Radar, Bicycle, Gregorian calendar, Dynamite, Morse Code, Parachute, Arquebus, Musket, Principia, Machine Gun, Phonograph, Barometer, Pasteurization, Motorcycle, Hand Grenade, Watt steam engine, Film, Nitroglycerin, Microphone, Submarine, Automobile, Optical Telescope, Typewriter, Hot air balloon, [...]
Stethoscope, X-ray Imaging,
Battery, Aspirin, Electric iron, Internal combustion engine, Margarine, Guillotine, Steam engine, Sewing Machine, Bifocal Lens, Oil Lamp, Refrigerator, Pocket Watch, Pneumatic, Tractor
虽然在韩国的一些旧书中曾谈及更早一些的金属印刷技术,但 Jikji 这本书是目前世界 上最早的金活字印刷的实 物证据,向我们显示了人类印刷史上的重大技术革新。
While some earlier metal type printings were mentioned in the old Korean books, this
book, Jikji, is the
[...] world’s oldest movable metal type printing evidence available and shows us an important technical change in printing history of [...]
事业部拥有3000平米的电子加工无尘车间,主要生产设备有美国MPM精密锡 印刷机 、 日 本Panasonic中高速贴片机、日本JUKI中高速贴片机、Folungw in 无 铅 热 风 八温区回流焊炉、劲拓无铅波峰焊炉、星河ICT静态测试仪、益和FVT动态测试仪、恒温恒湿电脑老化房和十几条电子产品测试线;事业部拥有X射线荧光光谱仪、高低温交变湿热实验室、气相色谱-质谱联用仪、消音室、电子振动实验台等一流的检测试验设备,具有年产1500万套电控产品的生产能力。
The Division has a 3,000 square meters’ electronic processing and dustless workshop, and the main equipments were imported from the United States and Japan, which are Speedline precision solder paste printing machine UP2000, Panasonic high-speed BM123, Folung lead-free hot air reflow VP-860, lead-free wave soldering WS-350P-CB, ICT Tester, temperature and humidity and aging room and dozens of electronics test line, with an annual output of 10,000,000 sets of electronic control products.
用大铅印字发布 新闻,人们就会绝对相信它的真实性。
Publish news in large print and people will believe it unquestioningly.
2004 年 4 月教科文组织执行局批准设立教科文组织/Jikji 世界记忆奖,以此来宣传世 界记忆计划,纪念 Jikji(或 Buljo jikji
[...] simche yojeol)一书被列入世界记忆登记册,该书是金活字印刷现存最早的书籍。
In April 2004 UNESCO’s Executive Board approved the establishment of the UNESCO/Jikji Memory of the World Prize as a means of promoting the Memory of the World Programme and commemorating
the inscription of the Jikji, or the Buljo jikji simche yojeol, the oldest
[...] existing book made through movable metal print.
如果再加上准确统计出 各种非货币投入数字的复杂性,得出准确的 字 就 更难做到了。这些非货币投入包括像古巴 提供的友好援助、地方上在后勤支持、补贴、动 活 动 、教 材 印刷 、 提 供伙食、通信、广告 宣传、交通、补充教材等等方面的投入。
Adding to the complication of coming up with an accurate estimate are non-monetary factors such as the solidarity contributions of Cuba as well as the local investment in terms of logistics, bonuses, mobilization, reproduction of material, food, communications, publicity, transportation, complementary materials, etc.
属于PDF到印刷机加强之列的是:改进过的保留图像分色的能力;调节最小线宽,以保证来自高分辨率设备的输出能够 印刷机 上 不 变;去除会造成应用故障的PostScript打印机控制特性;生成自动剪裁框;保 字 体 和 分辨率的完整性;保持专色的完整性。
PDF to the press belongs to strengthen the list are: improved ability to retain color images; adjust the minimum line width to ensure that the output from high-resolution equipment, the change in the press; Removal would cause the application of
fault control characteristics of the
[...] PostScript printer; generated automatically cut box; to maintain the integrity of the font and resolution; to maintain the integrity of spot color.
我们的字彩色印刷机结合 了色彩和熏晒图的功能,这样您可以同时对色彩和内容进行检查,从而减少了纸张、油墨和电力资源的使用。
Our Digital Color Press combines the color and an ozalid version so [...]
that you can conduct color and content checks simultaneously
thereby using less paper, ink and electricity!
现在,不论使用何种电脑平台或应用软件编辑的文件,几乎都可转换成PDF,通过磁盘或电子函件传送,用PDF阅读器能够在另外任一计 机 的 屏 幕上浏览 印刷 效 果( 文 字 、 图 形、影像)完全相同的式样,还能全真地打印出来。
Now, regardless of what computer platform or application software to edit documents can be converted into virtually PDF, through the disk or send e-mail with PDF Reader in
addition to any computer
[...] screen the effect of browsing and printing (text, graphics , image) exactly [...]
the same style, but also to print out the whole truth.
在80年代,随着微电脑技术的日益成熟及PS(Postscript)语言的出现,人们完成了从传统的手 铅字 排 版 到计 机 激 光 照排的飞跃。
In the 80's, with the micro-computer technology has become more sophisticated and PS (Postscript) the
emergence of language, it is completed by hand from the
[...] traditional type to computer typesetting Laser Phototypesetting leap.
我们专业的EPAT团队可以提供多样化的服务,并不断地评 估各种项目,包括:发展气体在电子行业的应用技术,如研
[...] 究无助焊剂焊接和了解不同气氛成份的效用,并将这些技术 带给我们的客户;提供工艺技术支持,包括解决问题,优化 工艺和降低生产成本;我们还和客户合作开展与行业密切相 关的研活动,如无铅焊接 、试验生产和成本模型分析等。
This multitalented EPAT team offers diverse capabilities and is constantly evaluating programs, including: developing gas and process technology such as fluxless soldering research and understanding the effects of atmosphere composition, and then bringing these developments commercially to our customers; providing process technical support to customers, including problem resolution, process optimization, and cost reduction
programs; conducting
[...] industry-relevant R&D activities with joint development projects with customers, such as lead-free soldering, [...]
production trials, and cost of ownership models.
禁止机动车燃料中添铅的政策使 机 动 车 驾驶员与世界标 准接轨,但这并不是减少私人汽车使用的大力行动。
Policies outlawing lead in petrol motor fuel bring motorists into [...]
line with world standards, but are no bold step towards reducing private car use.
在全国扫盲动员方案框架内开展培 活 动 ,且为在这一扫盲动员方案的开展实 施过程中坚持包容性,通过发铅条 和 字 模 的方式,使视力残疾的参加者也能 够达成其学习目标。
Organization of
[...] a training event, based on an inclusive approach that promoted participation by persons with visual impairments, under the National Programme for the Promotion of Literacy (PRONOMA) and distribution of Braille frames and styluses to facilitate [...]
achievement of learning goals under the Programme
拟编列 241 300 美元差旅费,用于开展技术支助活动(埃及、美利坚合众 国、南非、黎巴嫩印度的外联活动 (年 度展览、征聘和博览会、工业博览会和 在博览会上征聘妇女);外地职业发展咨询以及参加一次职业发展圆桌会议,分 享联合国系统内人力资源管理的最佳做法,提供人力资源信息技术支助,以确保 顺利实施和过渡到 Inspira 框架(人才管理)),并参加乌干达恩德培的专家小组, 综合结果和面试报告以提交外地中央审 机 构。
An amount of $241,300 is proposed for
travel to undertake
[...] technical support activities (outreach in Egypt, the United States of America, South America, Lebanon and India (annual exhibitions, recruitment and fairs, industry fairs and recruitment at fairs for women); career development counselling in the field and participation at a career development round table sharing best practices in human resources management within the Untied Nations system, for human resources information technology support to ensure smooth implementation of and transition to the Inspira framework (talent management)), and to participate in the expert panel in Entebbe, Uganda, and consolidate findings and interview [...]
reports for presentation to the Field Central Review Bodies.
[...] 工作流程提供了混合的胶印和数字印刷管理,这是一种集中的解决方案,让您能够同时在胶印和 字印刷机 上 执 行任务。
PRINERGY CONNECT Workflow offers blended offset and
digital press management--a single centralized solution that allows you to drive
[...] jobs to both offset and digital presses.
要创建围绕文本的剪辑路径,我们需要知道文本的高度(以前称为“em-高度”, 印刷机 上 的 字 母 “ M”高度)和宽度。
In order to create a clipping path surrounding the text, we need to know the height of the
text (called the “em-height” historically the height of
[...] the letter “M” on a printing press), and the width of the text.
她的材料,包括传统媒体,如水粉,压克力,水彩,彩 铅 笔 , 以及与 字 图 像 和Photoshop的无缝混合。
Her materials include traditional media such as gouache, acrylic, watercolor
[...] and colored pencil seamlessly mixed with digital imagery and [...]
多年来,小森公司一活跃在商业 印刷 的 胶 印领域,凭借卓越 印刷 品 质 和 机 器 质量, 各种节省人力的操作系统和自动化技术,以及在证券印刷领域积累的高精度凹版印刷技 术,小森公司成功地开发出汇聚最新科研技术,面向 PE(印刷电子)领域的凹版胶印机。
Komori Corporation, based on its long experience in the field of offset printing presses for commercial printing companies, the high print quality and machine quality and laborsaving and automation technologies acquired in this endeavor as well as the high-precision intaglio printing technologies gained in the field of security printing, has developed gravure printing presses incorporating the latest technologies for the production of printed electronics.
在与各执机构进 行讨论时,各方同意将增强履约能力的活动的费用(300,000 美 元)列在项目监测、协调和管理项下,因为这 活 动 将 为 印 度 的 氟氯烃淘汰管理计划提供 总体支助,并且会涉及到能力建设。
In discussing with the implementing agencies, it was agreed that the cost for
[...] the enabling activities (US $300,000) be included under project monitoring, co-ordination and management as these activities would provide overall support for the HPMP of India and cover capacity building.
这为在9号纸机上用高质量的漂白长短纤维纸浆生产优质等级纸产品以及在10号 机 上 以 高达85%的脱墨废纸浆生产胶版纸及 印 纸 提 供了 活 性。
This provides the flexibility to produce premium grades from high-quality bleached long and short fiber pulp on the PM 9 whereas PM 10 produces offset and copy paper from up to 85% deinked pulp.
a. 在每个部门、局机构任 命一名出版干事和/或一名协调人; b. 完成对总部和总部外工作人员的出版政策培训; c. 完成教科文组织出版物监督工具的部署; d. 应用定性和定量指标检测出版物的发行情况和影响; e. 确定根据所确定的目标受众和预定的出版物的种类计算印数的有效方法和工 具; f. 改进出版物的语言多样性; g. 通过动员新的合作伙伴和预算外资金, 活 出 版物 的 印刷 版 本,加强教科文 组织《信使》,同时兼顾其语言的多样性
(g) reinforcing the UNESCO Courier through the reactivation of the print version of the publication, through new partnerships and extrabudgetary funding taking into account linguistic diversity
印刷文字生动活跃, 体验全新生命的印刷纸品,为出版商发布的信息提供了全新的展示空间。
The printed word literally comes alive and paper takes on new life giving publishers [...]
a new avenue for their message.
[...] 家普遍认为,教科文组织应该同时支持和促进 “新”的和“传统”的媒体印刷文 字 、 广 播、 电视),因为这些传统的媒体在加强言论自由和 [...]
多元化方面发挥着重要作用,也是进入信息社会 的起点。
There was therefore general agreement that UNESCO should continue to
support and promote both “new” and
[...] “traditional” media (print, radio and television), [...]
which played a fundamental role in the
consolidation of the freedom of expression and pluralism and constituted an entry point to the information society.
当印刷业还在与难以对付的从传统的基于胶片的印刷环境向直接 印刷机 的 数 字 式 工 作流的转变进行斗争的时候,另一场革命则在同一背景下迅速获得契机。
When printing industry is still difficult to deal
with from a traditional
[...] film-based printing environment directly to the printer to the digital workflow [...]
to fight the changes in
time, another revolution is in the same background prompt access to the next opportunity.
卢旺达回放 ” 摄 影 展展示 了灭绝种族暴 行的的幸 存 者 和 肇 事人、记 录 了 他 们 的 日 常活 、 希 望 、 梦 想 和 回 忆 ,已经用联合国等各 种正式 语 文 和 卢旺 达语编制成一个网上节目,4 印刷版的文字图片展已着手准备,将于 2009 年 4 月 开展。
perpetrators, documenting
[...] their day-to-day lives, hopes, dreams, and memories, was developed into an online feature in all official languages of the United Nations and Kinyarwanda4 and work began on a hardcopy exhibit, to [...]
be opened at Headquarters in April 2009.
为了就里约会议二十周年开展有效的传播活动,该部同会议秘书长沙祖康协商, 召集了一个工作队,将为会议制定和实施全系统传播战略,包括重要的共同信息; 协调媒体活动和提高公众认识活动 ; 并便利 印刷 、 在 线和多媒体形式编制联 合或共享的信息产品。
To pursue an effective communications campaign on Rio+20, the Department, in consultation with Conference Secretary-General Sha Zukang, has convened a task force that will develop and implement a system-wide communications strategy for the conference, including common
key messages; coordinate media events and public
[...] awareness-raising activities; and facilitate the development of joint or shared information products, in print, online and multimedia [...]




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