

单词 铁哥们

See also:


iron n
weapons n
arms n

elder brother

哥哥 n

brother n

External sources (not reviewed)

在目前艰难的全球经济环境背景下,摩 哥认 为们必须协调我们的共同努力,以制定防治非传 染性疾病的一致、高效的集体对策。
Against the backdrop of the current difficult global
[...] economic situation, Morocco believes that we must [...]
coordinate our joint efforts to formulate
a collective, coherent and efficient response to combating non-communicable diseases.
此外,们认为,墨西哥在将 来的国际磋商中 的立场并未预前确定。
We also consider that Mexico’s position in future [...]
international negotiations has not been predetermined.
们具备多年铁路技 术经验,该领域同样要求元件满足多变的环境条件,因此 REO [...]
有能力 完全满足这些苛刻要求。
Thanks to many years
[...] of experience in railway technology, in [...]
which, too, the components are subjected to varying ambient
conditions, REO is well equipped to satisfy these stringent demands.
精神和其他被盗的马匹被装上火车,采取工作现场横贯大陆 铁 路 , 他 们 都 投 入到工作中拉蒸汽机车。
Spirit and other stolen horses are loaded onto a train and taken to a work site on the Transcontinental Railroad where they are put to work pulling a steam locomotive.
2002年美国,一个叫约瑟夫.科纳帕卡的男子被判处23年监禁,罪名包括拥有并放置化学武器(装有氰化物的罐子)于芝 哥 地 铁 隧 道
United States, 2002: Joseph Konopka, was sentenced to 23 years in prison for,
inter alia, possession and planting chemical weapons, vials containing cyanide in a
[...] tunnel of the Chicago subway system.
提交人认为,第一位提交人生活在国 外的一些家人要求归还家庭农场的举动,导致 们 进 一 步成 哥 伦 比 亚革命武装 力量的攻击目标。
The authors believe that attempts by
some of the first author’s family
[...] members living outside Colombia to reclaim the family [...]
farm led to further targeting by the FARC.
如果联合国通过其秘书长和他的代表做出的提 议不能得到适当考虑,本组织及其机构——特别是安 全理事会将在手无铁的平 民的眼中丧失所有的公 信力,因为们呼吁我们承担起责任在武装冲突中保 护们。
If the proposals presented by the United Nations through its Secretary-General and his representatives are not given due consideration, the Organization and its main bodies, the Security Council in particular, will lose all credibility in the eyes of unarmed civilians, who call on us to assume our responsibility for protecting them in armed conflict.
们 不能建造铜铁壁;它们不能 保护我们。
We cannot build walls; they do not protect.
这项新的分析之所以能够进行,是因为通过建议的研究,包括业务研究(运 行图、对西班牙和摩哥高速铁路线 的影响、所需铁路车辆和列车的操作,以估 [...]
The new analysis is made possible by a more thorough evaluation of the status of the project through the recommended studies, including the operation study
(operation diagram, impact on operation
[...] of Spanish and Moroccan high-speed rail lines, rolling [...]
stock needed, and operation of
trains to estimate the rolling stock and its capacity).
们用棍铁棒殴 打他,将他打得遍体鳞伤,随后窃取他的身份证据、保险卡、手机和一些 现金,之后逃之夭夭。
They beat him with sticks and iron bars, causing numerous wounds all over his body, then stole his identity card, insurance card, mobile phone and some cash before escaping.
得益于可靠的技术和业务水准以及在材料、工艺及 产品领域独有的专业知识,们成 为中 国 铁 路 技 术行业 的首选合作伙伴
Our reliability in terms of technology and business coupled with our unique
expertise in materials, processes and products make us the preferred
[...] partner in the Chinese railway technology industry
[...] 会为她支付的旅费,她到底是如何离开的,她 哥哥们 如 何 能在几个小时的时间 里在卢旺达为她安排好这一切等等。
The State party points out that the complainant gave only a superficial account of her flight, without being able to say who might have helped her, who might have paid for
her trip, how her departure had actually
[...] taken place or how her brothers could have [...]
set it up from Rwanda in a matter of hours.
然而,科威特政府和摩哥政府 表示, 们 将 通 过市场力量维持这种活动,同时向 国家臭氧机构提供执行国家政策所需的资源。
However the Governments
[...] of Kuwait and Morocco indicated that they would sustain [...]
the operation through market forces while
providing the NOU with the resources needed to implement the Government’s policies.
该组织还指出,引渡 17
[...] 名准军事指挥官是伸张正义的严重 障碍, 因为如 果哥伦比亚对们 进行审问,就可 能 透 露 重 要的信息。
It also cited the extradition of 17 paramilitary commanders
as a serious obstacle to justice, preventing important revelations from
[...] emerging if they had been questioned in Colombia.
8 月,据报 6 名撒哈拉青年在阿加迪尔机场受阻,摩 哥 当 局 不让 们 前往 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,他们应一个设在该国的非政府组织的邀请,前往 [...]
In August, six young Saharans were
reportedly stopped at the Agadir airport
[...] and prevented by the Moroccan authorities from travelling [...]
to the United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland, where they had been invited by a United Kingdom-based non-governmental organization to participate in a conference with students from Morocco, the Tindouf camps and several European countries.
波利萨里奥阵线多次写信给我,请我确保撒哈拉人的 安全保障,使们能够从摩哥监狱 获释。
The Frente Polisario wrote to me on
several occasions asking me to ensure the safety and security of Saharans
[...] and to enable their release from Moroccan jails.
这座车站增加了与 圣地亚哥西部之间的联系 ,在 这里可以方便地 换乘到圣地哥的各个地铁线路
In this way, it increases links to the
zone to the west of Santiago, which thanks to this station gains quick and easy
[...] access to the entire Santiago metro system.
国际钢铁协会希望“在线钢铁大学”能激励 鼓舞广大学生,使们认识到钢铁的 价 值和奇特功 能,认识到钢铁为世界可持续发展创造的良机,认 识到钢铁行业职业的挑战性和高回报性。
worldsteel hopes that steeluniversity.org will inspire and excite students about the value and wonders of steel, the opportunities steel presents to the sustainability of our world and about the challenging and rewarding careers in the steel industry.
您会从们的铁路车 辆专业知识中获益。
From fast spare part supply to effective training and a worldwide presence: You benefit from our extensive rail vehicle expertise.
他们的路线,他们的寄宿学校,伦敦 铁 站 , 他 们 都 在 倒塌,被运送到Pevensies纳尼亚。
On their route to their boarding school, the London Underground station they are in collapses, and the Pevensies are transported to Narnia.
我非常自豪地欢迎们的全球铁路部 门新任业务发展及战略副总裁Eric Delaroue先生,他给我们带来了无与伦比的行业信誉。
I am proud to welcome our new VP Business Development & Strategy - Rail Division, Mr. Eric Delaroue, who brings with him unrivalled industry credibility.
在 1994
[...] 年《协定》通过前已为《公约》缔约方的管理局成员中,有 22 个成 员尚未成为《协定》缔约方,们是 : 安 哥 拉 、 安提瓜和巴布达、巴林、波斯尼 亚和黑塞哥维那、科摩罗、刚果民主共和国、吉布提、多米尼克、埃及、冈比亚、 [...]
There are still 22 members of the Authority that became parties to the Convention prior to the
adoption of the 1994
[...] Agreement but have not yet become parties to that Agreement, namely: Angola, Antigua [...]
and Barbuda, Bahrain,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Dominica, Egypt, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Iraq, Mali, Marshall Islands, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sao Tome and Principe, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen.
(d) 他们鼓励哥伦比亚政府进一步加强努力,消除侵犯和虐待儿童的行为不 受惩罚的现象。
(d) They encouraged the Government of Colombia to further [...]
enhance its efforts to combat impunity for violations and abuses committed against children.
例如在 1344 年,克雷芒六世恩准西班牙的路易斯拥有加那利群岛,因为后 者许诺引导岛们崇拜基督,哥伦 布 发现新大陆后,亚历山大六世于 1493 年和 1494 年发布教皇诏书,恩准西班牙拥有亚速尔和佛得角群岛以西 [...]
100 里格一线西侧的所有未在基督教统治之下的土地。
For example, in 1344, Clement VI had granted the Canary Islands to Louis of Spain upon
his promise to lead
[...] the islanders to the worship of Christ, and, following the discovery of the New World by Columbus, Alexander [...]
VI in 1493 and 1494
issued bulls granting to Spain all lands not under Christian rule west of a line 100 leagues west of the Azores and Cape Verde Islands.
Sakharine发送水上飞机找到他们,他们三人抓住和用飞向(虚构的)摩 哥 港 口 Bagghar,但 们 在 沙 漠中坠毁。
Sakharine sends a seaplane to find
them, which the trio seize and use to fly towards the
[...] (fictitious) Moroccan port of Bagghar, but they crash in the desert.
可疑的类似设计的德鲁·利普斯基博士可能的老学院 哥们 绑 架他的朋友们一个接一个的机器人。
Robots that are suspiciously similar to ones designed by Drew Lipsky—one of Dr. Possible's old college buddies—kidnap his friends one by one.
他认为,在碉楼的总体造型、建筑构件和表现手法上,中国传统的建筑艺术与西方建筑风格熔为一体;而西方建筑风格又有多种类型,古希腊的柱廊、古罗马的券拱和柱式、伊斯兰的叶形券拱 铁 雕 、 哥 特 时 期的券拱、巴洛克建筑的山花、新文艺运动的装饰手法以及工业派的建筑艺术表现形式等等,都融进了开平的乡土建筑之中,它不单纯是某一时期某一国家某一地域建筑艺术的引进。
He believes that the overall shape in the towers, building components and methods of presentation, the traditional Chinese architectural art and Western architectural styles fused into one; while there are many types of Western architecture, the ancient Greek colonnade, Roman
arches and coupons column,
[...] Islam and iron arch carved leaf voucher, the Gothic arch coupon period, [...]
Shanhua Baroque architecture,
new art movement of the decorative techniques as well as the construction industry to send the form of artistic expression, etc., are melting into the local Kaiping built, which is not simply a period of one region of a country to introduce the art of architecture.
所以们可以在铁路 (这在方向盘上的行为)、 疲劳的探测器、 向导长灯、 氙气大灯、 [...]
LED 尾灯、 雾灯与光旋转中添加向导维护,前面座位和后方加热,电动调节前排座椅、 防盗、 系统的高功率音响与低音炮,GPS 导航系统报警助理的半独立泊车、
无钥匙起动器、 装饰面料和皮革、 阿尔坎塔拉和皮革和完全的皮革、 更多的抽屉和存储和照明解决方案,网络的行李,遮阳后保险杠、 镀铬外墙 (为窗口) 包,18"铝合金轮毂、 培训体育射击、 挡风、 玻璃屋顶和当然油漆金属 (除其他外)。
So we can add Wizard maintenance in rail [...]
(which acts on the steering wheel), the detector of fatigue, the wizard long lights,
xenon headlights, the LED rear lights, fog lights with light rotation, front seats and rear heated, power-adjustable front seats, anti-theft, system of high power sound with subwoofer, GPS navigation system alarm, Assistant of semi-autonomous parking, starter keyless, upholstery fabric and leather, alcantara and leather and entirely of leather, more drawers and storage and lighting solutions, networks for luggage, sunshade rear bumper, chrome exterior (for Windows) package, 18 "alloy wheels, train sports shooting, athermic windscreen, roof of glass and of course paint metallic (among other things).
世界禁止酷刑组织代表人权优先组织、前线组织和保护人权维护者观察 站 说
[...] ,人权维护者的待遇 问题成了审议的一个 关 键 主题,这 表 明们 在 哥伦比亚 所处的危 险 处 境 。
604. The World Organisation Against Torture, on behalf of Human Rights First, Front Line and the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, said the
treatment of human rights defenders emerged as a key theme of the review,
[...] demonstrating their precarious situation in Colombia.




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