

单词 铁含量

See also:


iron n
arms n
weapons n


hard adj
close adj


quantity contained

External sources (not reviewed)

主要的传感仪器包括粘度计、铁传感器、湿度传感器和多频阻抗传感器,用于检测流体污染度 铁含量 、 粘 度趋势并测知流体的剩余使用期限。
Key sensor instrumentation include viscometers, iron sensors, moisture sensors, and multi-frequency
impedance sensors that detect fluid
[...] contamination, iron content, viscosity trends, [...]
and provide remaining useful life of a fluid.
在特殊材料应用方面,Flexovit产品达到并超过了核工业对硫 铁含量 限 制 的严格要求,其性能得到全球各大核电工厂的认可和使用。
For applications in special materials, Flexovit products have fulfilled and exceeded the strict requirements of nuclear industry for limited content of sulfur and iron.
河北钢铁集团有限公司将按照基于普氏铁矿石指数(包 铁含量 大 于 62%的铁矿石的额外溢价)(普氏价格)报的铁矿石烧结上料粉的每干公吨月平均价格的高于95%的价格进行购买。
The price paid by HBIS will be based on the monthly average price per DMT for iron ore sinter feed fines quoted by Platts Iron Ore Index (including additional quoted premium for iron content greater than 62%) (“Platts Price”), less adiscount equal to 5% of such quoted price.
惊奇的是:那年发现的首例绕类日恒星的巨行星离中央星极近,只有木星轨道半径的百分之一;后来的工作又显示出其他惊奇现象:行星出现的或然率赖于恒星重元素 ( 如 铁)含量 ; 多 行星系统的轨道周期彼此间有整倍数关系;行星轨道偏心度(eccentricity)极大;行星质量大小不同,但都不重于十个木星。
Later discoveries revealed other surprises: the frequency of planets depends strongly on the abundance of heavy elements such as iron in the star; planets in systems with multiple members often have orbital periods that bear an integer relationship to one another; the orbits of extrasolar planets are much more elongated than the nearly circular orbits of the planets in our own solar system; although extrasolar planets have a wide distribution of masses, none exceeds 10 Jupiter masses.
最近的估计表明,因营养素(蛋白质)和 量 营 养 素(包 铁 和 碘 )摄取 不足而产生的合并后果在儿童死亡人数中占了 [...]
35%,在全球疾病总数 中占了 11%。
Recent estimates suggest that the combined effect of
inadequate macronutrient (protein) and
[...] micronutrient (including iron and iodine) intakes is [...]
responsible for 35 per cent of child
deaths and 11 per cent of the global disease burden.
雖然熒光燈的水含量極低 ,但仍要提醒屋苑職員及清潔員工必須時常提高警 覺,小心處理。
Although the mercury content is small, estate staff and cleaning workers should be reminded to handle the lamps carefully at all times.
理论上讲,相 图轴的单位是摩尔分数,但是,如果混合物中的非 C8 芳烃杂含量很低,相图轴的单 位也可以是重量分数。
Theoretically, the units along the axes are mole fraction, but the diagrams can just as well represent weight fraction when the mixture is low in non-C8 aromatic impurities.
[...] 不锈钢的化学性质稳定,没有零散氧化物形成,并且很坚固,用土擦拭不会导致土壤中 铁、 铬含量明显发生变化。
stainless steel is so chemically stable that no loose oxides are formed. it
is also hard; scouring with soil will not lead to detectable levels
[...] of iron, chromium or nickel concentrations in soil.
CAST玄武岩分为8组矿物的硬度(т.е实际上承认仅次于金​​刚石和金刚砂通过此参数),因此,它的穿着 量 大 大超过所有的钢材,包括锰钢, 铁 ( 含 I C h Kh级),橡胶,塑料和所有的休息。
CAST BASALT falls into 8th group of mineralogical hardness (т.е actually concedes only to diamond and emery by this parameter) and
consequently, its
[...] wearing quality considerably exceeds all steels, including the manganese steel, cast iron (incl. IChKh grade), [...]
rubbers, plastics and all the rest.
2000 年进行的营养调查表明,同一期间,马尔代夫全部怀孕妇女的超过半
[...] 数和非怀孕妇女的近半数患贫血,这种亏损病是缺乏 含铁 的 食 物引起的。
At the same time, a nutritional study in 2000 indicated that more than half of all pregnant Maldivian women and
nearly half of non-pregnant women suffered from anaemia, a deficiency that can be
[...] caused by the lack of iron-rich foods.
在克罗地亚和执行委员会签订的协定中,2005 年附件 A 第一类(氟氯化碳)的最大 允许消量是 6 5 ODP 吨,2010 年为 0 ODP 吨;对其间年份,协定没有设定确切数字,但 规定:“消耗臭氧层物质的法律(1999 年 1 月 30 日)列有条款,规定在 2006 年至 2009 年期间,作为一项特例,最多可进口 21.9 ODP 吨附件 A(第一类和第二类)和/或附件 B (第二类和第三类)含有这 些物质的产品,但这些物质和/或产品得用于维护人、植物和 /或动物的生命;国防、安保和消防;和科学研究安全,以及这些产品不能以对环境友好和 在经济上可行的代用品取代”。
In the agreement between Croatia and the Executive
Committee, the maximum
[...] allowable consumption for Annex A, Group I (CFCs) for the year 2005 was 65 ODP tonnes, for 2010 0 ODP tonne; and for the years in between, the agreement provides no exact figure but stipulates that "The By-Law on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (of 30 January 1999) includes a clause on importing on an exceptional basis between 2006 and 2009 up to 21.9 ODP tonnes of Annex A (Groups I and II) and/or Annex B (Groups II and III) or products containing these substances, [...]
when these substances
and/or products are for preserving human, plant and/or animal life; national defence, safety and fire-fighting; and scientific research safety, when such products cannot be replaced by environmentally-sound and economically-viable alternatives”.
我方提供的凝结水精处理装置不仅能有效地应付凝汽器的少量泄漏,还具有连续地去除热力系统运行及机组启、停时所产生的腐蚀产物以及连续地去除凝结水、补给水中带入的SiO2和其它杂质的功能,另外该系统有助于减少机组启动时冲洗水的损失和使凝结 含铁量 尽 早 合格,进而对加速机组启动投运具有十分显著的效果。
We provide intensive condensation of water treatment plants to deal not only 有效 small condenser leaks, but also remove the heat with continuous system operation and unit opens, stops when the corrosion products generated and the continuous removal of condensate, supply of SiO2 in water and other impurities into the functions of other units of the system helps reduce loss of water
starts washing and iron content
[...] as soon as possible to pass condensate, and thus speed up the unit [...]
into operation started with very significant results.
在此方面,成员国正在采取各类不同的模式转换 举措,其中包括:(a) 更多地使用内陆和沿海水上通道;(b) 扩大公共 交通运输网络;(c) 推动采用非机动化运输方式;(d) 作为道路交通运 输的替代办法,增铁路网的载量并使之电器化;(e) 对车辆的需求实 行管理;(f) 利用智能型交通运输系统技术来改进交通运输;(g) 采取 各种缓解政策,包括车量减排政策、使用生物燃料、以及使用高效燃 料船只和航运战略。
In that respect, various modal shift initiatives were being taken by member States, including: (a) more use of inland and coastal waterways, (b) expansion of public transport networks, (c) facilitation of nonmotorized transport, (d) additions to and electrification of the rail network as an alternative to road, (e) vehicle demand management, (f) improved engineering with intelligent transport system technology, (g) mitigation policies including vehicle emissions reduction policies, biofuel use, and fuelefficient ships and shipping strategies.
至於業界,則應採用天門冬酰胺及還 原含量較低 的原材料來製作高溫加工的食物,同時不要過度烹煮食物。
For trade, they should use ingredients that were low in asparagines and reducing sugars when producing products processed at high temperature and should not cook food excessively.
由于其它谷物的无机含量一般 较米饭为低,个别人士若想 减少摄入无机砷,可考虑多选择其它谷物作为膳食的一部分;此外,亦 可采纳以下建议:煮饭前先彻底洗米,但不要过度清洗以免部分营养素 流失,并倒去洗米水,以减低米的 含量 , 尤 其是无机 含量。
Those individuals, who wish to reduce
the exposure to
[...] inorganic arsenic, can consider choosing more other cereals, which generally contain lower levels of inorganic arsenic than rice, as part of their diet, and observe the following advices: wash rice thoroughly but without excessive washing as some nutrients may be lost, and discard the washed water before cooking so as to reduce the arsenic levels, especially the inorganic form.
新增的附表7列明主體規例所適用的黏合劑("受規管黏合劑") 及密封劑("受規管密封劑")、每種受規管黏合劑及每種受規管密 封劑的揮發性有機化合含量的訂 明限制,以及斷定揮發性有機 化合含量的測試方法。
The new Schedule 7 sets out the adhesives (regulated adhesives) and sealants (regulated sealants) to which the principal Regulation applies, the prescribed limit of VOC content for each regulated adhesive and each regulated sealant, and the test methods for determining the VOC content.
虽然与贸易有关的基础设施,特别是公路铁路的质量和可 用性仍然是限制因素,但边境管理的效率和清关机构的协调,已 [...]
While the quality and availability of trade-related infrastructure,
[...] especially roads and railroads, are still constraining [...]
factors, efficient
border management and the coordination of agencies involved in border clearance have emerged as more critical than ever.
[...] 到新的“低碳绿色增长”国家远景规划的支助,使铁路运输更安全,更舒适,更 便宜,更容易,为此铁路进行大量 投 资 ,到 2020 年把社会基础设施资本投资 中的铁路份额从 [...]
29.3%增加到 50%。
The Republic of Korea is also implementing a “road to rail” policy supported by the new national vision entitled “Low carbon, green growth”, to make rail transport safer, more
comfortable, less expensive and
[...] easier to use by investing heavily in railroads with the target [...]
of increasing railroad share
in social overhead capital investment from 29.3 per cent to 50 per cent by 2020.
高温时二者的磁量差异 会更加明显,因 铁氧 体的磁量会随温度升高而降低,而 Kool Mµ 则保持相对稳定。
The flux capacity difference is even more dramatic at high temperatures, since the flux capacity of ferrites decrease with [...]
temperature while Kool Mµ stays relatively constant.
所有与母亲和儿 童保健相关的费用都由国家医疗保险机构负担,其中还包括药品的供应,0 到 5 周岁的儿童和孕妇在门诊服含铁和 叶 酸的药物将 100% 报销。
This includes also supply of drugs, 100% compensated to children between 0 and 5 years and of the pregnant women with iron and folic acid based medicine in ambulatory conditions.
就大多数矿物质而言,膳食摄入量似乎足够,但对一些年龄和性别群组而 言,钙铁、硒和锌摄量不足 的发生率较高。
For most minerals, dietary intakes appear adequate but
there were some age and gender groups with a higher prevalence of
[...] inadequate intakes for calcium, iron, selenium and zinc.
在伊图里区,刚果(金)武装量开 展的 “ 铁 石 ” 行动在联刚稳定团支持下, 将伊图里爱国抵抗阵线和刚果人民正义阵线赶出了它们在伊鲁穆县南部 Apa、 Kule 和 Oku 的基地。
In Ituri district, the MONUSCO-supported FARDC Operation Iron Stone dislodged the Front de résistance patriotique d’Ituri (FRPI) and the Front populaire pour la justice au Congo (FPJC) from their bases at Apa, Kule and Oku in southern Irumu territory.
使用这些量值获得硬铁和软铁校正系 数,并将这些数值写入SOFT_IRON_Sxx和HARD_IRON_x 寄存器。
Use these measurements to derive hard and soft iron correction [...]
factors, and then write these values to the SOFT_IRON_Sxx and HARD_IRON_x registers.
鉴此,不能将该数据直接用于重新评估猪体内的莱克多巴胺残留量,但是如果根 据游离的莱克多巴胺对总残留的比例做假设来估计游离的莱克多巴胺 含量 , 中 国提交 的数据可以确认残留研究的结果,并成为猪组织里拟议的最大残留限量。
Because of this, the data could not be used directly to re-evaluate ractopamine residue levels in pigs, but when assumptions are made to estimate free ractopamine levels, based on the ratio of free ractopamine to total residues, the data submitted by China could confirm the results from the residue studies that formed the basis for the proposed MRLs in pig tissues.
美国 – 美国农业部谷物检测/包装/储存管理局2002年1月批准FOSS Infratec 1241谷物分析仪用于官方测定小麦中的蛋白 含量 ; 大 豆中的蛋白质和脂 含量 ; 玉 米种的蛋白质、脂肪和淀 含量。
USA - GIPSA In January 2002 the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA) has approved the FOSS Infratec 1241 Grain Analyser, for
[...] determination of protein content in wheat; protein and oil content in soy beans; protein, oil and starch content in corn.
一些代表团表示,应从表 3 里删除米糠油里“其他脱甲基甾醇 含量 , 油 脂委员 会出于下列原因而进行了重新考虑:对米糠油的真实性来说,这不是一个重要的身份特 征,表里提及的特定脱甲基甾醇已作了适当确定;分析方法很复杂,而且参考资料不易 获得,这些就造成了一些困难,尤其是对发展中国家;从一项研究里似乎觉得可在米糠 油里发现含量的其他脱甲基甾醇。
Some delegations expressed the view that the
level of “other desmethylsterols” in rice bran oil should be deleted from Table 3 and reconsidered by the Committee on Fats
[...] and Oils (CCFO) for the following reasons: it was not a significant identity characteristic for the authenticity of rice bran oil, which was adequately determined by the specific desmethylsterols mentioned in the Table; the methods of analysis were complex and the reference materials were not easily available, which created difficulties especially for developing countries; and, as it appeared from a study that low levels of other desmethylsterols could be found in rice bran oil, the “ND” level included in the current [...]
Table was not adequate.
美国 – 美国标准检测评估委员会2006年6月批准FOSS Infratec
[...] 1241谷物分析仪用于官方测定长粒糙米、中粒糙米、大豆、高粱、硬质小麦、硬白麦、软白麦、软红冬麦、硬红春麦、硬红冬麦、燕麦、玉米、大麦的水分、蛋白质和脂 含量 分 析
USA - NTEP In June 2006 the U.S. National Type Evaluation Program (NTEP) has approved the FOSS Infratec 1241 Grain Analyser, for official determination of moisture, protein & oil content in Long Grain Rough Rice, Medium Grain Rough Rice, Soy beans, Grain Sorghum or Milo, Durum Wheat, Hard White Wheat, Soft White
Wheat, Soft Red Winter Wheat, Hard Red Spring Wheat, Hard Red Winter Wheat, Oats, Corn,
[...] Two-Row Barley, Six-Row Barley.
飞行任务所完成的目标是:(a) 建造一个带有 11 件科学仪器的复杂的航天器;(b)通过在近地轨道上作轨道提升 机动,将航天器送入绕月圆型轨道;(c)在月球上插上印度的国旗;(d)进行成像 作业和收集关于月球土壤矿含量的 数 据;(e)建立一个深空跟踪网络,实施深 空旅行作业程序。
The completed mission’s objectives were: (a) to construct a complex spacecraft with 11 scientific instruments; (b) to place the spacecraft in a circular orbit around the Moon by orbit-raising manoeuvres from a near-Earth orbit; (c) to place the flag of India on the Moon; (d) to carry out imaging operations and collect data on the mineral content of the lunar soil; and (e) to set up a deep-space tracking network and implement operational procedures for travel into deep space.
这些事态发展包括:在联刚特派团支持下刚果(金)武装力量继续对解 放卢旺达民主力量(卢民主力量)开展军事行动,2009 年 12 月底“禁声二号行动” 结束,2010 年 1 月“阿马尼·利奥行动”开始;在联刚特派团支持下,刚果(金) 武装量分别在“铁石行动”和“鲁迪亚二号行动”中,继续对东方省残余的刚 果民兵和上帝抵抗军(上帝军)开展军事行动;刚果(金)武装力量和联刚特派团针 对赤道省武装叛乱分子攻击刚果安全部队的暴力行为,继续采取行动,其中埃涅 莱社区和蒙扎亚社区之间的冲突呈现迥然不同的人员进行武装叛乱的性质,据称 领导者是一名称为莱贝司·蒙巴马的先知(又称“乌加尼”)。
Those developments included continued MONUCsupported operations of the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (FARDC) against the Forces démocratiques de libération du Rwanda (FDLR), with Operation Kimia II concluding at the end of December 2009 and Operation Amani Leo beginning in January 2010; continuing operations by FARDC, with MONUC support, against residual Congolese militias and the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) in territories of Orientale Province in operations Iron Stone and Rudia II, respectively; and continued actions by FARDC and MONUC in response to violence against Congolese security forces by armed insurgents in Equateur Province, where conflict between the Enyele and Monzaya communities took on the character of an armed insurgency of disparate elements, allegedly led by a




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