

单词 钵盂

See also:

a monk's alms bowl
small earthenware plate or basin
Sanskrit paatra

wide-mouthed jar or pot

latticework on a window

External sources (not reviewed)

它是一种最广为人知的药用植物,其小浆果出现在了药剂师的 钵 、 厨师的烹饪锅和造酒者的蒸馏器里。
It is one of the most thoroughly described medicinal plants, and its small berries have found their way into the pharmacist's mortar, the chef's cooking pot and the liquor-maker's distillery.
虽然上述协议是直线前进的惰性条件下,一些常见故障排除程序是:(一)确保焦磷酸钾,脱气和干,(b)如钐金属有长期暴露在空气中,它可能有一个外层氧化,用 钵 和 pestal清洁的金属表面暴露的金属研磨,(三)火焰干燥所有玻璃器皿和冷却的氩气下,(四)随着氮,优选氩气惰性气氛中作为购买已被证明与该金属相互作用,(e)在存在下,过量的金属的Sm-有助于保持SMI的浓度如图2所示 ,(六)resublime的碘晶体。
While the above protocol is straight forward when done under inert conditions, some of the common troubleshooting procedures are: (a) make sure the THF is properly degassed and dry, (b) if Sm metal has had prolonged exposure to air it could have an oxidized outside layer, grind the metal with a mortar and pestal to expose the clean metal surface, (c) flame-dry all glassware and cool under argon, (d) argon is preferred inert atmosphere over Nitrogen, as the later has been shown to interact with the metal, (e) The presence of excess Sm-metal helps to maintain the concentration of SmI2, (f) resublime the iodine crystals.
被告向原告传真了一份关于出售每立方米含“3%的 Bara-Ton fein”钵 体栽 植土壤混合料的要约书,但原告没有接受。
The defendant faxed the appellant an offer for the sale of potting soil mixture containing “3 per cent Bara-Ton fein” per cubic metre.
另一方面,民政事務局亦可與廣 東省人民政府文化局合作,聯絡潮汕地區的劇團,安排每年 一次的香盂蘭節盛會唱戲表演。
Furthermore, HAB should collaborate with the Bureau of Culture under the Guangzhou Municipal People’s Government in liaising with the opera troupes in Chaozhou and Shantau areas to arrange for singing and performing activities in the annual Yun Lan Festival.
于是,被告又向原告发出了一 份关于出售每立方米含“40 千克 Baraclay”钵体栽 植土壤混合料的新要约 书,对此原告表示同意。
The defendant then sent a new offer for the sale of a mixture containing “40 kg Baraclay” per cubic metre, which was accepted by the appellant.
同时,杰里米和其他怪物的战斗停用塔 钵 水 母 纲拥有的Aelita和她输入代码:XANA的方式塔,擦好,离开沙漠部门Lyoko有两个主要部门 [...]
- 山部门和冰部门。
Meanwhile, as Jeremy and the others are fighting monsters to
[...] deactivate the tower, the Scyphozoa possesses [...]
Aelita and has her enter Code:XANA into
the way tower, wiping out The Desert Sector for good and leaving Lyoko with two main Sectors – The Mountain Sector and The Ice Sector.
残渣混合物由坩埚移至玛瑙钵中研 磨,并与 SP2 石墨混合(2 份石墨:1 份样品,用扭力 天平)。
and residue mixture is transferred from the crucible, ground in an agate mortar and combined with SP2 graphite (2 parts graphite with 1 part sample) using a torsion balance.
康文署轄下的博物館會經常展出香港不同地區的歷史建築、文 物、歷史、傳統風俗和文化,包盂 蘭 節 活動等的展覽,以及舉辦相 關的教育及推廣活動。
Museums under the LCSD frequently stage exhibitions of historical buildings in different districts of Hong Kong, cultural relics, history, traditional custom and culture including the Yu Lan Festival activities, as well as organize related educational and promotional activities.
当然,老鼠是被砸死了,可是那个珍贵的 盂 也 被 打破了。
For sure, the mouse was killed, but the precious vase was broken also.
原告认为这钵体栽植土壤与双 方事先的约定(每立方米含“40 千克 Baraclay”)不符,从而要求被告赔偿那 些因使用上钵体栽 植土壤而受到损害的针叶树。
The appellant claimed that the potting soil did not conform to what was agreed (40 kg of clay per cubic metre) and claimed damages for the conifers that were destroyed after being grown in the potting soil.
此外,該成員認為民政事務局應聯 盂 蘭 勝 會的有關 團體和潮汕籍社團,作全港性普查,為申報資料作好準備。
The member added that the Home Affairs Bureau (HAB) should liaise with the relevant organisations including Chaozhou and Shantau associations to conduct a territory-wide survey to get better prepared for the submission.
通过造影可了解膀胱充盈情况和肿瘤浸润的范围、深度,结合 盂 和 输 尿管造影可了解是否有肾积水、输尿管浸润及浸润的程度等。
X-Ray angiography examination can figure out the filling extent of the bladder, the infiltrative scope and depth of the tumor.
Exterior fins designed in the shape of a fountain pen tip support the windows allowing for thin mullions resulting in plentiful natural lighting and spectacular views.
盂成形 术的优点和进行复杂腹腔镜手术时渐增的信心,说服了一些泌尿科医师研究腹腔镜 盂 成 形 术,达到的成功率比开腹手术高5-10% (Eden等人,2001),因此设定了治疗输尿管 盂 阻 塞的新照护标准。
The superiority of pyeloplasty and an increasing confidence in performing complex laparoscopy have persuaded a small number of urologists to investigate laparoscopic pyeloplasty, achieving success rates which are 5-10% higher than in open surgery (Eden et al., 2001), thus setting a new standard of care for correcting UPJ obstruction.
然而,2002 年 5 月 17 日就第一批交付钵体栽植土壤开具的 发票表明,土壤中含有“3%的 Bara-Ton fein”。
The invoice for the first delivered batch of potting soil, dated 17 May 2002, however, indicated that the soil contained “3 per cent Bara-Ton fein”.
合同双方约定,所交易钵体栽 植土壤混合料中应包含“40 千克 Baraclay”。
The parties had agreed that the potting soil mixture would contain “40 kg Baraclay”.
原告每次签署的“发货单(Lieferscheinen)”表明,这 钵 体 栽 植土 壤中含有“3%的 Bara-Ton fein”。
The “Lieferscheinen” signed by appellant each time indicated the potting soil to contain “3 per cent Bara-Ton fein”.
我代表丹尼尔·奥尔特加·萨维德拉总统和今天 为了捍卫我们的和平与尊严而大唱达里奥的赞歌并 骄傲地继承桑蒂诺的钵的所有尼加拉瓜人,向各位 致敬。
I send greetings to all on behalf of our President, Daniel Ortega Saavedra, and of all Nicaraguans who sing in praise of Darío and who proudly carry on Sandino’s legacy in order to defend ourselves today with peace and dignity.
2001 年 11 月,原告和被告双方就被 告向原告供钵体栽 植土壤混合料(其中包含一定量的“Baraclay”)事宜进行 谈判。
In November 2001, the parties entered negotiations regarding the delivery by the defendant of a potting soil mixture containing, among other things, a certain amount of Baraclay.
靓职橥观蚊翻译导挲、国桠臻领队(TC)、臻掬办碗职朽国内、国桠亡碗奚、邀页惬务员、桠国LAND碗奚、冼观蚊莼、韩国观蚊碗奚、观蚊哂关协会、观蚊裥锪、伢税锪、观蚊哂关网呔创业(皤完臻汜阌、铒幡停裥锪预订、谂 盂 租 怎 )、贸娑碗奚、国际会议运营嘘业(PCO)、观蚊区设憧嘘业、动专门嘘业怎引种牦关观蚊嘘业,并螃属橥经呗艇知,熳螽濂师欷靓职橥哂关嘘业既蜒胱硝关证劵碗奚钴硝会。
The Student can work at diverse tourism-related companies such as tour guide, overseas tour conductor (TC), office work for travel agencies, domestic and foreign airlines male and female flight crews, foreign land companies, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Tourism-related associations, Tourism hotels, duty-free shop, tourism-related internet opening (providing travel information, worldwide hotel reservation, introduction of homestay, etc), trading companies, International conference operation company (PCO), tourism resorts complex construction companies, event specialist company, etc and also, since it is classified as category of economy and commerce , qualification to be employed by related companies such as financial institutions or securities companies and students can advance to school as teacher by completing teacher’s courses.
通过传感器捕捉有裂纹的钵,防 患于未然。
After the firing
[...] process the sagger tester catches cracked sagger using sensors [...]
to prevent potential problems.
位于石垣市中心街的字登野城,在每年的旧历7月16日,也就 盂 兰 盆 节的第二天,当地的老人和狮子保存会的成员都会在狮子和弥勒的本家新城家庄重地举行“狮子祭”,用以祈求居民的无病消灾和平安无事。
In the Azatonoshiro area, which lies at the heart of Ishigaki City, the Shishimatsuri Festival is held on the 16th day of the 7th month, the day after the bon according to the Lunar Calendar, in the household of Arashiro which is the head family of the shishi (lion) and the Miroku (Maitreya).
屋檐下 挂着金黄色的玉米棒 院子 里摆放着一个晾晒花生的大钵 夏末 正 值农户夏收的季节 对于现年76岁的刘师 凌和小他一岁的妻子王志青来说时下也是 一年中最重要的日子 他们的房子有一百 年历史了 对我们俩来说 这座房子又 大又舒适 刘师凌说道 不过 再过几 年刘师凌和王志青告老时 [...] [...]
这座房子将会 被拆掉 许多邻居都搬到镇上去了, 刘师凌说, 我们的房子现在所处的地方 以后会用作耕地
Beneath the roof, golden yellow corn cobs are hanging up to dry, and in the courtyard there is a large wooden bowl full of peanuts for drying.
原告认为,其已经给机会让 被告对这钵体栽 植土壤进行检验,就原告提出的申诉是否可行发表意见,并 收集有关证据,但原告没有说明其是在 2002 年 5 月 17 日左右在相关地点让被 告对这些土壤进行检验。
The appellant argued that it gave the defendant the opportunity to inspect the potting soil, to formulate an opinion as to the viability of the complaint by the appellant and to collect evidence in this regard, but the appellant did not state that it did so at the relevant point in time, namely at or around May 17 2002.
9月下旬,當局便從30項傳 統文化項目中,選出了長洲太平清醮、大澳端午遊涌、大坑舞火龍盂 蘭勝 會,準備向國家獨立申請成為第三批非物質文化遺產。
In late September, the Jiao-festival of Cheung Chau, the dragon boat water parade of Tai O, the fire dragon dance of Tai Hang, and the Yu Lan Ghost Festival were shortlisted from 30 heritage items for application for inscription on the third national list of intangible cultural heritage in China.
同時,政府要支持和妥善安排每年一度 盂 蘭 節 活動,完善 香盂蘭節 祭典活動,形成具有東方特色的鬼節,促進香港 旅遊文化,振興本地經濟。
Besides, the Government should fully support and properly arrange the annual activities of the Yun Lan Festival, thereby enhancing the ceremonial activities of the Yun Lan Festival in Hong Kong and creating a ghost festival with an oriental flavour, which would help promote Hong Kong’s culture of tourism and revive the local economy.
肾位置隐蔽,与外界主要的联系是尿,因此血尿是发现肾癌最常见的病状,但血尿必须在肿瘤侵入 盂 后 才 有可能出现,因此已不是早期病状。
Since the hidden kidney position, the main perceivable sign of kidney cancer is urine. Hematuria or bloody urine is the most common symptom of kidney cancer, but which usually appear only after the tumor invades to the pelvis.
香港特區政府於2009年 9月向國家文化部進一步申 請將4項傳統活動,包括長洲太平清醮、大澳端午龍舟遊涌、大 坑舞火龍和香港潮盂蘭勝 會列入第三批國家級非物質文化遺 產名錄,有關申請並於2011年 5月獲得批准。
In September 2009, the Government of HKSAR further submitted an application to the Ministry of Culture for the inscription of four traditional activities, including the Jiao-festival of Cheung Chau, the dragon boat water parade of Tai O, the fire dragon dance of Tai Hang, and the Yu Lan Ghost Festival of the Hong Kong Chiu Chow Community, on the third national list of ICH in China.




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