单词 | 钴 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 钴—cobalt (chemistry)Examples:依地酸二钴—kelocyanor
该趋势是由於年内欧洲经济活动减少、日本的金属需求下降及中国进入去库存周 期,此等皆令到年内钴金属的供应过剩。 glencore.com | This trend was due to lower economic activity in Europe, a drop in Japanese [...] metal demand and a Chinese destocking cycle, all of which contributed [...] to an oversupplyof cobalt metal during the year. glencore.com |
钴产量进一步受到调整Nkana选矿厂以令 铜精矿产量最大化及Cobalt [...] Roaster投入维修及保养的不利影响。 glencore.com | Cobalt production wasfurther [...] adversely affected by the re-alignment of the Nkana concentrator to maximise copper concentrate [...]production as well as the cobalt roaster being put on care and maintenance. glencore.com |
Mutoshi项目是一个铜及钴矿探矿区,可能成爲 大型氧化露天采矿业务。 mmg.com | The Mutoshi [...] Project is a copper andcobalt exploration prospect [...]that shows potential for a large scale, oxide open pit mining operation. mmg.com |
目前资本项目包括锑提纯项目,该项有利於改善环境,亦可回收更多的锌及镉以及销路好的经处理的 锌精矿的铜及钴含量增多。 glencore.com | projects include an antimony purification project, which will facilitate environmental improvement and also a higher [...] recovery of zinc and cadmium, as well as an increase in [...] marketable copperand cobalt contentin thezinc [...]concentrate treated. glencore.com |
平均品位1.85%的含铜量及 0.06%的含钴量的矿石将可开采约18年。 glencore.com | It will be mined for approximately 18 years with an average grade of 1.85% [...] copper content and0.06%cobalt content. glencore.com |
Kansuki是面积达185平方公里的铜钴前期开发项目,围绕Mutanda特许区。 glencore.com | Kansuki is a 185 square [...] kilometre copper andcobalt pre-development project [...]which borders the Mutanda concession. glencore.com |
於二零一二年第四季度完成钴电路装置後,Mutanda的氢氧化钴产能每 年为23,000吨。 glencore.com | Following [...] completion ofthe cobaltcircuit in Q4 2012, Mutanda has installedcobalt in hydroxide [...]capacity of 23,000 tonnes per annum. glencore.com |
有关资料摘录自前两年矿山爆破品位绩效的分析,得出的镍和钴的品位修订系数分别为94%及92%。 glencore.com | These have been derived from analysis of the previous two years [...] mine-to-mill grade performance and result in grade modifying factors of 94% and [...] 92% for nickel and cobaltrespectively. glencore.com |
中国削减库存及刚果减少精矿生产,对年内钴的中间品销量构成影响。 glencore.com | China destocking and a decrease of concentrate production in the DRC, [...] impacted volumes of cobaltinintermediates during [...]the year. glencore.com |
预期於二零一二年第一季完成二期工厂前端(研磨及沥滤)及相关的钴电路,加上已经动工的EW2及EW3电解室将整体工厂产能提升至 60,000吨阴极铜/年及18,000吨氢氧化钴/年(按设计给料品位计)。 glencore.com | This, along with the already commissioned EW2 and EW3 tank [...] houses, will increase overall plant capacity to 60,000 tonnes per annum of copper cathodes and 18,000 tonnes per annum of cobaltinhydroxideat design feed grades. glencore.com |
作为交换,Glencore a)有责任提供资金支付首400百万美元的开发相关开支(如有,且於产生此 [...] 类开支之际),b)拥有营运业务的权利,及c)整个矿厂使用期限中所有Kansuki产出铜钴的承购协议。 glencore.com | In exchange, Glencore has a) an obligation to finance the first $ 400 million of development related expenditures, if any, as and when such expenditure is incurred, b) the [...] right to operate the operations and c) a life of mine offtake agreement [...] for allcopper andcobalt produced byKansuki. glencore.com |
这将使Mutanda的水冶综合设施具备生产110,000吨电解铜/年及23,000吨氢氧化钴/年(按设计给料品位计)的能力。 glencore.com | This will result in Mutanda’s hydrometallurgical complex being capable of [...] producing 110,000 tonnes per annum of copper cathodes and [...] 23,000 tonnes per annum ofcobalt inhydroxideat design [...]feed grades. glencore.com |
与二零一零年相比,二零一一年整个年度的钴销量保持强劲,出口量的显着增长加强了中间体的现有趋势。 glencore.com | Cobaltvolumes remained strong [...] for the whole of 2011 compared with 2010 and confirmed existing trends in intermediate products, [...]with a marked increase in exports. glencore.com |
瓷胎绘钴蓝与釉里红的龙抱柱毯图案烟壶不多,而这是简化的图案,只有龙与珠,无云、无焰。 e-yaji.com | Not only is this one of the few examples with both underglaze blue and red, it is of the simpler design, with just the dragon and the flaming pearl (no clouds, no other flames surrounding the dragon). e-yaji.com |
是次收购是落实Glencore先前宣布合并Mutanda及Kansuki采矿业务的意向重要的第一步,将可使合并实体於二零一三年上半年达至年产 200,000吨电解铜及23,000吨氢氧化钴。 glencore.com | The acquisition represents a significant first step towards achieving Glencore’s previously announced intention to merge the Mutanda and Kansuki mining operations, which should result in the combined [...] entity producing 200,000 tonnes per annum of copper cathodes and [...] 23,000 tonnes per annum of cobalt in hydroxideby H1 2013. glencore.com |
随着钴冶炼厂的落成,Mutanda现时的产量将提升至110,000吨铜及23,000吨钴。 glencore.com | Following completionofthe cobalt plant, Mutandanow has capacity in place to produce up to 110,000 tonnes of copper and 23,000 tonnes of cobalt. glencore.com |
二零一一年下半年精矿及氢氧化物的钴总产量为4,300吨,较二零一一年上半年 [...] 的 产 量 3 , 6 0 0 吨 高 18 %。 glencore.com | Totalcobalt productionin both [...] concentrate and hydroxide in H2 2011 was 4,300 tonnes, an 18% increase compared to the 3,600 tonnes produced in H1 2011. glencore.com |
典型的主要铜硫化矿物为斑铜矿、黄铜矿、辉铜矿及偶尔是原生铜矿,而钴则以硫铜钴矿形式存在。 glencore.com | Typical primary copper sulphide minerals are bornite, chalcopyrite, chalcocite and occasional [...] native copper while cobaltis in theform of carrolite. glencore.com |
二零一一年的流出净额主要 与Vasilkovskoye [...] Gold的产量提高的持续高效资本开支计划、各个西非上游石油开发项目、Mutanda铜/钴矿场开发 及Katanga与Prodeco的生产扩张有关。 glencore.com | The net outflow in 2011 primarily related to the continued capital expenditure programs in respect of Vasilkovskoye Gold’s production ramp up, the various West African upstream oil [...] development projects, the development [...] of the Mutandacopper/cobalt mineand production [...]expansion at Katanga and Prodeco. glencore.com |
RL = 0.005% 是针对元素 (例如钴、砷、铅 、钠 、铬、铬 (VI) 、矽 、铝、锆、硼、钾和锶),除 [...] 了钼的 RL= 0.0005%。 www2.fpc.com.tw | RL = 0.005% is [...] evaluated for element (i.e. cobalt, arsenic, lead, sodium, [...]chromium, chromium (VI), silicon, aluminum, zirconium, [...]boron, calcium, potassium, zinc and strontium respectively), except molybdenum RL=0.0005% SGS Taiwan Ltd. www2.fpc.com.tw |
可是这大概不会是龙抱柱烟壶很早的例子,考虑龙和蝙蝠的画法以及钴料的性质,最可能是十九世纪初烧制的。 e-yaji.com | Judging from the drawing of the dragons and, particularly, of the bats around the lip, and from the nature of the blue, it is more likely to date from the early nineteenth century. e-yaji.com |
预期第三期工厂的前端及相关钴电路的改造分别於二零一二年第二季及二零一二年第四季末完成,加上已经动工的EW4电解室会使整体水 冶综合设施生产110,000吨阴极铜/年及23,000吨氢氧化钴/年(按设计给料品位计)。 glencore.com | The optimisation of the front end of the Phase III [...] plant and the associated cobalt circuitis expected to be completed by the end of Q2 2012 and Q4 2012 respectively which, along with the already commissioned EW4 tank house, will result in the overall hydrometallurgical complex being capable of producing 110,000 tonnes per annum of copper cathodes and 23,000 tonnes per annum of cobalt in hydroxideat design [...]feed grades. glencore.com |
y 发展各式各样的锂电池,如锂離子电池、锂離子聚合物电池、锂钴电池、 锂锰电池和锂镍电池,以应付各類消费产品的需求。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | power to electrical appliances, automobiles, home and factories. y Lithium cell chemistry variants, such as [...] lithium-ion battery, lithium-ion polymer [...] battery,lithiumcobalt battery,lithium [...]manganese battery and lithium nickel battery, [...]have been developed to cope with the need for a wide range of consumer products. y Many electrolytic processes are involved in industrial processes, e.g. refining of metals 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
二零一一年六月,Glencore International plc一家附属公司同意向Metorex [...] Limited购买赞比亚一家电解铜及碳酸钴生产商Sable Zinc Kabwe Limited的 100%普通股权,现金代价为1.9亿赞比亚元(相等於约2,800美元),设有完成条件。 glencore.com | In June 2011, a subsidiary of Glencore International plc agreed to purchase 100% of the common [...] equity in Sable Zinc Kabwe Limited, a [...] copper cathode andcobalt carbonate producer [...]based in Zambia, from Metorex Limited [...]for a cash consideration of ZAR 190 million (equivalent to approximately $ 28 million), subject to closing conditions. glencore.com |