

单词 钳马衔枚

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External sources (not reviewed)

From the Horsebit and the web stripe, [...]
both taken from the equestrian world, to the use of perforated leather, recalling
Gucci’s design collaborations for sports cars, these details subtly reference the different worlds that have long provided inspiration for the Italian fashion house.
然后钳子夹住气缸并 施加下表规定的扭矩。
Then clamp the cylinder in [...]
a vice and torque as specified in the following table.
将气缸 (1) 放到 旁边带钳夹的 虎钳中。
Place cylinder
[...] (1) sideways in a vise with soft jaws.
这种努力并非在所有总部外办事处都奏效,特别是在小型办 事处——这主要是因为受到人员配置方面 钳 制。
Such efforts are not the case for all field offices, in particular the smaller offices – notably because of staffing restraints.
该装配台有一个气动压钳 以放置闭合配件(FAPIM)。 通过滑动平衡杆,在门窗框 上可以简便地调节压钳的 高度。
The bench has a pneumatic crimper for inserting the locking point (FAPIM), which, by means of a sliding balancer on a support, can be moved vertically with ease along the side of the frame.
正如以往任务期间一样,专家组也对联刚特派团复员遣返方案在 马 收 缴 的 武器弹药以及和平与和解组织收集的武器弹药进行抽查,后者是刚果的一个非政 府组织,在平民中发起收集运动并收集了若干小口径武器弹药和数枚 82 毫米 迫击炮炮弹(主要是 1999 年和 2000 年期间在保加利亚制造的)、RPG-7 型和 107 毫米火箭弹。
As during previous mandates, the Group has conducted spot checks on weapons and ammunition collected by the MONUC disarmament, demobilization, reintegration and resettlement or repatriation programme in Goma, and by Paix et reconciliation (PAREC), a Congolese non-governmental organization that has launched a collection campaign among civilians, gathering small calibre arms and ammunition, and several dozen 82-mm mortar bombs (mainly manufactured in Bulgaria in 1999 and 2000), RPG-7 and 107-mm rockets.
Various symbols -
[...] from the horsebit to the striped girth strap - have been appropriated from horse riding and [...]
have subsequently become
iconic signatures on Gucci designs.
我敦促所有安理会成员考虑,仅在过去两个月 内,以色列人已经目睹数枚飞弹从加沙射向我国社 区,伊马尔地区福格尔家庭五名成员惨遭杀害,另 外还有枚炸弹 在耶路撒冷市中心的一个公共汽车 站爆炸,炸死一名来自联合王国的妇女,并炸伤近 50 人。
I urge all members of the Council to consider that in just the past two months Israelis have witnessed hundreds of projectiles fired at our communities from Gaza, the brutal murder of five members of the Fogel family in Itamar and the explosion of a bomb at a bus stop in the centre of Jerusalem, which killed a woman from the United Kingdom and injured some 50 other people.
进入20世纪,英国取得了前所未有且超乎想象的科技进步,其开创性成就不 枚 举 : 艾米 马 尔 科 尼公司(EMI- Marconi)发明了电视;英国广播公司(BBC)成立;英国细菌学家亚历山大•弗雷明发现并命名了青霉素;对原子结构的探索使得原子弹和原子能发展成为可能。
Among the ground-breaking achievements of this period were: the invention of the television by the EMI-Marconi Corporation; and subsequent founding of the British Broadcasting Company (BBC); the discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming; and insights into the structure of the atom, which led to the development of nuclear weapons and energy.
目前联合国系统设有 若干“一体化”的战略规划程序,即:为启动和实施推进维和部或政治部领导的特 派团制订的综合特派团规划流程(不论这些流程是否涉及透过特别副代表/驻地协调 员/人道主义协调员“三重衔”, 对实地工作队和特派团实行结构性的一体化); 为人道协调厅制订的共同人道主义行动计划;执行机构和非政府组织的人道主义活 动;以及除了各国政府和世界银行的减轻贫困战略文件,或任何其他国家的战略之 外,为促进发展制订的联发援框架。
Currently, several “integrated” strategic planning processes exist within the United Nations system, namely, IMPP for start-up and ongoing missions led by DPKO or DPA (regardless of whether or not these involve structural integration of the UNCT and the mission on the ground through a “triple-hatted” Deputy Special Representative/RC/HC); the Common Humanitarian Action Plan (CHAP) for OCHA; implementing agencies and NGO humanitarian activities; and UNDAF for development, in addition to the Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) of governments and the World Bank, or any other national strategy.
枚衛星 將提供強大功率及額外波束覆蓋範圍, 服務亞洲、中東及澳紐地區。
The two satellites will be able to offer exceptional power and additional beam coverage across Asia, the Middle East and Australasia.
该办公室还管理技术 合作项目和基金;建立和维持非洲经委会与其发展伙伴之间的伙伴关系,调动预算外资源;为 实务部门和次区域办事处提供指导和支持,帮助他们建立由需求驱动的高质量技术合作项目, 这些项目应与非洲经委会的规划和分析工作明 衔 接 ,且显然有助于实现非洲经委会的预期成 绩;处理项目评估,监测和评价技术合作项目。
The Office also manages technical cooperation projects and funds; builds and maintains partnerships between ECA and its development partners and mobilizes extrabudgetary resources; provides guidance and support to the substantive divisions and subregional offices in developing higher quality demand-driven technical cooperation projects that are clearly linked to the Commission’s normative and analytical work and that clearly feed into the achievement of the Commission’s expected accomplishments; and handles project appraisal, monitoring and evaluation of technical cooperation projects.
枚採用 SS/L 1300 衛星平台的衛星,將提供強大功率及額外波束 覆蓋範圍,服務亞洲、中東及澳紐地區。
The two SS/L 1300 satellites will offer exceptional power and additional beam coverage for services across Asia, the Middle East and Australasia.
经典的Gucci风范、图案和标识,是品牌弥足珍贵的财富传承,例如:Jackie、GG、竹节 马衔 扣 , 经由 Giannini的重新诠释,已成为新一代的Gucci收藏者的挚爱。
Classic Gucci styles, patterns and icons that are part of the House’s
distinguished heritage, such as the Jackie,
[...] GG, bamboo and horsebit, have been revived [...]
by Giannini for a new generation of Gucci Collectors.
而此次还将展出灵感源自原有设计的三款Malte马耳他系列的最新腕表:全新Malte马耳他陀飞轮腕表、Malte马耳他小秒针腕表,以及全球限量发行 1 0 0 枚 的 Ma l t e 马 耳 他百年纪念版腕表。
First presented in 1912 and making the watchmaker one of the first brands to adopt tonneau-shaped cases, this original design is redefined in three new models from the Malte collection: the new Malte Tourbillon, Malte Small Seconds and an anniversary watch issued in a 100-piece limited series.
马尼亚大使衔常驻代表 Eugen Mihaescu 先生当选为工作组主席,Mabel del Pilar Gómez Oliver 女士(墨西哥)当选为副主席。
Mr Eugen Mihaescu, Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of Romania, was elected Chairperson of the Working Group and Ms Mabel del Pilar Gómez Oliver (Mexico), Vice-Chairperson.
植根于Gucci的传承,所有腕表都展现了Gucci的经典标识,如G形表圈、绿-红-绿条纹 马衔 表 扣
Rooting in Gucci’s heritage, all timepieces present Gucci icons, such as G-shaped bezels,
[...] red-green-red straps, or Horsebit clasps.
[...] Arterton)身着古驰2012-2013秋冬12号透明绉丝长袖衬衫搭配同款绉丝长裤,佩戴18k黄金Diamantissima项链及18k黄 马衔 扣 手 镯;手执镶嵌珐琅虎头装饰的黑色鳄鱼皮晚宴手拿包。
Gemma Arterton wore Fall/Winter 2012-2013 brandy iris printed silk georgette long sleeved shirt with matching brandy iris printed silk georgette trousers, 18kt
yellow gold Diamantissima necklace and
[...] 18kt yellow gold horsebit bracelet with [...]
a black crocodile evening clutch with enamel tiger head detail.
(b)  本公司可備有按該條例第 73A 條所允許之正式印章枚,用 以在本公司所 發行之股份或其他證券之證書上蓋印(以及在加蓋該正式印章之任何該等證明書或 其他文件上毋須任何董事、高級人員或其他人士之簽署及機械式複製簽署,且該等 證書或其他文件即使沒有任何該等簽署或上述機械式複製簽署仍屬有效及應視為已 在董事會之授權下蓋章及簽立),以及可備有按董事會決定根據公司條例條文規定之 供在外地使用之正式印章枚,且 本公司可以書面形式並蓋上該印章委任在外地之 任何一名或多名代理人或者一個或多個委員會作為本公司之獲妥為授權之代理人, 目的在於加蓋及使用該正式印章,並可施本公司認為合適之有關使用正式印章之限 制。
securities issued by the Company as permitted by Section 73A of the Ordinance (and no signature of any Director, officer or other person and no mechanical reproduction thereof shall be required on any such certificates or other document and any such certificates or other document to which such official seal is affixed shall be valid and deemed to have been sealed and executed with the authority of the Board notwithstanding the absence of any such signature or mechanical reproduction as aforesaid) and an official seal for use abroad under the provisions of the Companies Ordinance where and as the Board shall determine, and the Company may by writing under the seal appoint any agents or agent, committees or committee abroad to be the duly authorised agents of the Company for the purpose of affixing and using such official seal and they may impose such restrictions on the use thereof as may be thought fit.
她还指出,由于东道国政府的协议,与缔约方会 议前后衔接地 举行执行委员会的会议,其相关的费用对于预算的影响很小。
She also pointed out that costs related to holding Executive Committee meeting back-to-back with a Meeting of he Parties usually had little impact on the budget because of host government agreements.
竹节除了环绕表圈镶嵌之外,还用在了表镯上,表扣和表镯链节上还包含了Guc ci 的 马衔 图 案
Bamboo is inlaid around the bezel and is also used on the bangle, which also
[...] includes the Gucci Horsebit motif on the clasp [...]
and bangle links.
而圣母百花大教堂的圆顶模型标志着 文艺复兴达到顶峰,为来客揭开展览的序幕。 在此年间,佛罗伦萨共和国的政治成就、经济实力、 及其和谐的社会在Coluccio Salutati, Leonardo Bruni, Poggio Bracciolini 人文作家笔下成为佛罗伦萨之神话,犹如枚罗马共和国的后继瑰宝,亦是其他意大利城市的典 范,在历史长河中熠熠发光。
At that time, the writings of the great Humanists, singing the praises of the Florentine Republic’s political achievements, its economic power and its social harmony, were spreading the legend of Florence as heir to the Roman Republic and as a model for other Italian city-states.
虽然枚迈克尔•马赫限 量版腕表保留了皇家橡树离岸型系列独特的造型,唯独不同的是其表壳的制作。
Although the Royal Oak Offshore’s instantly recognisable shape is retained, the case material and details of the Michael Schumacher limited edition are specific to this watch.
2005 年,俄罗斯联邦发射了 26 枚运载 火箭和 35 件物体进入空间,其中 19 件是俄罗斯的: 两个联盟 TMA 系列载人宇宙飞船(6 和 7 号)、四个进步-M 系列 载货飞行器(52、53、54 和 55 号)、两 颗 Ekspress-AM 系列通讯卫星(2 和 3 号)、 一颗新的 Gonets-M 系列卫星、六颗宇宙系列卫星(包括三颗全球轨道导航卫星 系统卫星)、Foton M 生物技术卫星、Monitor-E 土地遥感卫星、国立莫斯科大学 的 Tatyana 教育卫星和技术性的纳米卫星 TNS-O。
In 2005, the Russian Federation launched 26 carrier rockets and 35 objects into space, of which 19 were Russian: two manned spaceships of the Soyuz TMA series (Nos. 6 and 7), four cargo vehicles of the Progress-M series (Nos. 52, 53, 54 and 55), two communications satellites of the Ekspress-AM series (Nos. 2 and 3), one satellite of the new Gonets-M series, six satellites of the Cosmos series (including three GLONASS satellites), the Foton M biotechnology satellite, the Monitor-E Land Remote Sensing Satellite, the Tatyana educational satellites of Moscow State University and the technological nanosatellite TNS-O.
他们认为这些限制规定是竭力阻遏和刑事迫害之举的组成部分,旨 钳 制从 事维护和促进人权和基本自由的人权捍卫者和社团,包括那些可能对政府行为和 政策批评态度方面的合法活动。
They viewed these restrictions as part of an effort to obstruct and criminalize the legitimate activities of human rights defenders and associations working in the defence and promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms, including those who may be critical of Government actions and policies.
世界各地继续存在数枚已部 署和未部署的战 略和非战略核武器,这一情况继续威胁世界和平与安 [...]
The continued
[...] existence of thousands of deployed and undeployed [...]
strategic and non-strategic nuclear weapons around the world
continues to seriously threaten international peace and security and the very survival of human civilization.
杰奎琳·肯尼迪曾背过的 Gucci 肩背包,正是如今著名的 Jackie O;伊丽莎白·泰勒、彼得·塞勒斯和塞缪尔·贝克特都曾经背过那款休闲中性Hobo Bag;马衔扣配饰的 Gucci 经典轻便鞋如今已成为纽约大都会艺术博物馆时装学院的永久收藏。
Jackie Kennedy carried the Gucci shoulder bag, which is known today as the Jackie O. Liz Taylor, Peter Sellers and Samuel Beckett sported the unstructured, unisex Hobo Bag.
今年这些会员国由下列人员代表:斯里兰 卡常驻纽约联合国代表帕利塔·科霍纳;马来西亚常驻纽约联合国代表哈米顿·阿 里;塞内加尔常驻日内瓦联合国代表团公 使 衔 参 赞 莫 马 尔 ·盖 耶。
This year the Member States were represented by: Palitha T. B. Kohona, Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nations in New York; Hamidon Ali, Permanent Representative of Malaysia to the United Nations in New York; and Momar Gueye, Minister Counsellor of the Permanent Mission of Senegal to the United Nations in Geneva.
更有甚者,美国继续部署数枚核武器,在军事同盟框架内计划在其他国 家部署核弹头和导弹防御系统,培训这些国家的空军投掷这些武器,美国新的《核 [...]
态势评估报告》承认上述行为违反了《不扩散条约》,美国还向那些其核设施在 原子能机构全面保障监督范畴之外运行的《不扩散条约》非缔约国转让核技术与
核材料,美国的这些行为违反了《条约》第一条关于《条约》的每个核武器缔约 国都承诺不向任何国家转让任何核武器的规定,也违反了第六条关于核武器国家 作出彻底裁军承诺的规定。
Furthermore, by continuing the deployment
[...] of hundreds of nuclear weapons, planning for the deployment of nuclear [...]
warheads and defence missile
systems in other countries and training the air forces of those countries to deliver these weapons in the framework of military alliances, which are violations of the Treaty confessed to in the new United States Nuclear Posture Review, and by transferring nuclear technology and materials to the non-parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons whose nuclear facilities are operating outside IAEA full-scope safeguards monitoring, the United States is in non-compliance with article I of the Treaty, which stipulates that each nuclear-weapon State party to the Treaty undertakes not to transfer to any recipient whatsoever nuclear weapons, and with article VI, which sets out the complete disarmament commitments of the nuclear-weapon States.
上届专家组在其最后报告(见 S/2009/521,第 90 至 91 段)指出,2009 年 9 月 10 日科特迪瓦国防部告知专家组,科特迪瓦政府已订购 4 000 支 9×19 毫米手枪、 20 万发 9 毫米口径手枪子弹和 50 000 枚催泪(催泪瓦斯)弹,总额为 170 万美元。
The previous Group of Experts noted in its final report (see S/2009/521, paras. 90-91) that, on 10 September 2009, the Ivorian Minister of Defence informed it that the Government of Côte d’Ivoire had ordered 4,000 9 x 19 mm pistols, 200,000 9 mm pistol-calibre cartridges and 50,000 lachrymatory (tear gas) grenades for the sum of US$ 1.7 million.




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