单词 | 钱财 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 钱财 noun —money n (often used)less common: wealth n Examples:榨取钱财 v—bleed v See also:钱 n—money n 钱—coin • surname Qian 财 n—money n • property n • wealth n 财—riches • valuables
禁止通过盗窃、蒙骗、欺诈、欺骗和其他不诚实或弄虚作假的 方式获取任何事物,包括钱财、影响、不公平的优势、工作、竞争信息 或其他人的批准。 lubrizol.com | It prohibits stealing, cheating, fraud, deception and other [...] forms of dishonesty or trickery to acquire [...] anything including money, influence, unfair [...]advantage, jobs, competitive information or the approval of others. lubrizol.com |
(e) 在刚果民主共和国业务中心,项目厅一项调查显示,一名工作人员可 能为骗取外方钱财滥用 了他的官方身份。 daccess-ods.un.org | (e) In the Democratic Republic of the Congo Operations Centre, a UNOPS investigation revealed that a staff member may have abused his official status in order to defraud external parties. daccess-ods.un.org |
经济和社会方面:因为这一移民现象对出发国、过境国和目的国产生多方面影 [...] 响:工作不稳定、文化融入困难、人才流失、失业、社会保险费上涨,移民 的钱 财和社会投资向他们原籍国转移。 unesdoc.unesco.org | economic and social due to the multiple ramifications of such migration in the countries of departure, transit and destination: job insecurity, problems of cultural integration, brain drain, job losses, [...] increased social security expenditure, and [...] migrants transferring money and social investments [...]to their country of origin. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在查访 [...] 过程中,其中一些被捕人员表示,那些参与抓捕行动的警察专门偷窃他们 的 钱财 和私人物品。 daccess-ods.un.org | Several detainees interviewed by the Subcommittee [...] stated that their money and other personal [...]effects had been stolen by the police [...]officers involved in their arrest. daccess-ods.un.org |
看到钱财和能 源通过您的真空泵源源不断地流失而一筹莫展吗? delaval.cn | Tired of watching money and energy drain [...] out through your vacuum system? delaval.com.au |
2.3 B. 先生的上述申诉、警方采取行动的决定、警方的行动计划、收 取 钱财的 报 告、致萨马拉市萨马拉区检察院的信函和对提交人刑事立案的决定,所有这些 [...] 文件的日期均为 daccess-ods.un.org | 2.3 The charge of bribery was formalized by Mr B.’s above-mentioned complaint, the decision on the conduct of police operation; the [...] planning of police operation; the report [...] regarding receipt of money; the letter addressed [...]to the Prosecutor’s Office of Samara [...]district of Samara city and the ruling on the opening of a criminal case against the author, all dated 21 March 2002. daccess-ods.un.org |
有意 给予或接受的礼物、钱财或其 他利益,如价值超过象征性的馈赠价值(50 美元),必须事先获得 全球法律组织或全球道德及合规部的许可。 colgate.com | If you intend to give or receive a gift, payment or other benefit that is more than nominal in value ($50 USD), you must contact the Global Legal Organization or Global Ethics and Compliance for approval before doing so. colgate.com |
委员会还表示关切的是,不论是政府还是从手工采矿者工 作中直接获益的贸易公司都不对他们的生命和福利负责,而且主管部门、客户和 警察,以及那些本应保护矿工利益的组织还从手工采矿者那里勒索大 量 钱财。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee is also concerned that whereas neither the Government nor the trading companies which directly benefit from the work of artisanal miners accept responsibility for their lives and welfare, large sums of money are extorted from artisanal miners by the authorities, customs and police forces, as well as by the associations which are supposed to protect their interests. daccess-ods.un.org |
任何人如果赚取、取得、花费、使用、转移、管理或移 动 钱财 , 或 隐瞒 或虚报钱财的来 源或真正性质或所在地点, 或 钱财 的 使用或拥有方式或 对钱 财的任何权利,倘若此种钱财是在 苏丹境内或境外犯罪所得,应视为犯下洗 钱罪,但须有关行为根据苏丹法律和犯罪所在地国法律均列为犯罪。 daccess-ods.un.org | (i) A person shall be considered guilty [...] of the crime of money-laundering when he earns, acquires, spends, uses, transfers, manages or moves money or conceals or misrepresents the source or true nature or position of money or the manner in which it has been employed or possessed, or any rights relating thereto, when that money represents the proceeds [...]of a crime that was committed [...]either within or outside the Sudan, provided that the relevant act was criminalized under both Sudanese law and the law of the State in which the act was committed. daccess-ods.un.org |
换句话说,通过一个人对待他的钱财 或 者 其它贵 重东西的方式,我们就能够了解他的心。 sallee.info | In other words you can tell a lot about a person’s heart by the [...] way he treats his money or his valuable things. sallee.info |
真相与和解委员会的最后报告对利比里亚的冲突及其根源作了历史性分析, 就制裁和起诉冲突期间所犯罪行、公共部门廉政、腐败、人权、经济赋权、良政、 国家认同、返还非法获得的钱财及赔 偿等问题列举了 142 项建议,目的是解决以 往的冲突,推动国家朝持久和平与和解的方向迈进。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s final report provides a historical analysis of the conflict in Liberia and its root causes, and lists 142 recommendations on the sanctioning and prosecution of crimes committed during the conflict, public integrity, corruption, human rights, economic empowerment, good governance, national identity, repatriation of unlawfully acquired monies and reparations, which are intended to resolve past conflicts as part of a national progression towards lasting peace and reconciliation. daccess-ods.un.org |
其他的钱财也应 该用得合乎上帝的心意。 centerformissions.com | The remaining money should be spent [...] in a way that will be pleasing to God. centerformissions.com |
如果警官、监狱管理人员、司 法 机构的公务员、法官 、 检察官和律师 以 [...] 是否向他们行贿 ,是否送给他们其他不正当的钱财或 好 处为标准区 别对待 被剥夺 [...]自由的人,整 个保障系统就会有名无实,形 同 虚 设 , 毫 无意义 ;这样 ,没有能力 [...]或 拒 不 奉 送索要的 贿赂金 的人就完 全没有任何 保护,从 而进一步降低整个 司 法 系 统的信誉。 daccess-ods.un.org | When police officers, prison administration staff, judicial civil servants, judges, public prosecutors and lawyers approach individuals deprived of their liberty [...] varyingly, depending on whether or not bribes or [...] other irregular payments or favours have [...]been received, then the whole system of [...]guarantees becomes devoid of any content, empty and meaningless; it renders defenceless all those who cannot or refuse to pay the amounts that are asked from them and in turn further reduces the credibility of the entire system of administration of justice. daccess-ods.un.org |
禁止邀请任何公众人士使用公司的 钱财 进 行定期存款或付款,无论有无利息。 smeinfo.com.my | Prohibits any invitation to the [...] public to deposit money with the company [...]for fixed periods or payable at call, with or without interest. smeinfo.com.my |
特 别值得一提的是,他们在摩加迪沙部分地区设立非法检查站,敲诈公 众 钱财 并在 某些情况下,阻碍援助物资的交付或攻击试图扩大政府行使权力范围的过渡联邦 [...] 政府和非索特派团的部队。 daccess-ods.un.org | In particular, mention should be made here of the establishment of illegal [...] checkpoints in some of the districts of [...] Mogadishu to extort money from the public and, [...]in some cases, the disruption of the [...]delivery of aid or attacks against Transitional Federal Government and AMISOM forces attempting to extend the authority of the Government. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会尤其感到 担忧的是,有可信的指控说,执法人员利用延长拘留时间敲 诈 钱财。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is especially concerned by credible allegations that law enforcement officials use extensions of police [...] custody to extort money (arts. 2 and 11). daccess-ods.un.org |
有些人靠出卖药品甚至外包装和空瓶子赚 取 钱财。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Some people [...] have been offered money for their drugs or [...]even for the outer packaging and empty vials. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
11月12日,政府经营的英文报纸《中国日报》报道说,为筹备2008年奥运会,政府将建立一个外国记者数据库,表面理由是打击“假记者”以记者身份勒 索 钱财 的 现 象。 embassyusa.cn | On November 12, the government-run English language newspaper China Daily reported that the government would, in preparation for the 2008 Olympics, compile a [...] database of foreign journalists, ostensibly to combat the phenomenon of "fake journalists" [...] posing as reporters to extort money. eng.embassyusa.cn |
这样就可能导致虐待以及剥夺被捕人员 的 钱财 等不 人道及有辱人格行为变得合法化。 daccess-ods.un.org | This confers a certain legitimacy on a situation that does [...] not exclude ill-treatment, torture, and [...] the extortion of money and other property [...]from persons who are arbitrarily detained [...]and held in inhuman and degrading conditions. daccess-ods.un.org |
2005 年 5 月 31 日第 [...] 2005/197 号法令成立了全国打击腐败委员会,打击所有 形式的腐败现象,更好地监测被偷盗 钱财 的 使用情况,防止这 些 钱财 被 用 于资助 世界各地的恐怖活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Decree No. 2005/197 of 31 May 2005 created a National Commission for the Fight against Corruption, to fight corruption in all its forms, so [...] as to better monitor [...] the use of stolen money and prevent some of it being used to finance terrorist [...]activities around the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们谨代表利比亚人民,通过安理会呼吁国际社 [...] 会与我们认真合作,确保伸张正义,交出对利比亚人 民犯下各种罪行的亲卡扎菲分子,包括归还他们控制 的钱财。 daccess-ods.un.org | On behalf of the Libyan people, through the Council we call upon the international community to seriously cooperate with us in ensuring justice by surrendering [...] pro-Al-Qadhafi elements who committed crimes against the Libyan people, [...] including returning the money in their possession. daccess-ods.un.org |
退伍士兵设置路障索要钱财才能 通 过的事件增加,表明迫切需要加快重返社会进程。 daccess-ods.un.org | An increase in roadblocks manned by demobilized [...] soldiers demanding money for passage made [...]it urgent to speed up the reintegration process. daccess-ods.un.org |
大多数方案国不得不提高补贴以缓和粮食 和燃料价格的上涨,并为粮食保障方案花 费 钱财 , 同 时提高工资和其他资金的转 拨,以抵消通货膨胀上升的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Most programme countries had to increase subsidies in order to smooth out rises in food and fuel prices and in spending on food security programmes, as well as increasing wages and other transfers, in order to offset the impact of higher inflation. daccess-ods.un.org |
目前,适用于资助罪行的法律是 2001 年 《国际刑事合作与打击清洗国际犯罪所 得 钱财 法 》。 daccess-ods.un.org | At present, the law applicable to financing offences is the 2001 Act on International [...] Cooperation in Criminal Matters and Prevention of [...] the Laundering of Money or Securities Constituting [...]the Proceeds of International Crime. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,当教会支持自己的 事工和管理自己的钱财时, 她就会通过伴随着这种责任而来的决定发展、成熟。 sallee.info | However, when a church supports its own ministry and [...] manages its finances, it develops [...]maturity through the decisions that come with such a responsibility. sallee.info |
没有高级管理当局和全体工作人员的积极支持, 企业资源规划系统项目有可能就是在浪 费 钱财。 daccess-ods.un.org | Without the active support of senior management and all staff, the ERP project [...] risked being a waste of money. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会注意到提交人根据第十七条提出关于搜查其本人和亲属住所,以及 搜查他个人物品、监听他的电话、监视他的私人卧车,并没收 其 钱财 和 文 件的指 控。 daccess-ods.un.org | 9.6 The Committee notes the author’s allegations under article 17 regarding the search of his and his relatives’ home as well as the search [...] of his personal belongings, tapping of his phone, surveillance of his car, and [...] confiscation of his money and documents. daccess-ods.un.org |