

单词 钱是万恶之源

See also:


everything that is evil

External sources (not reviewed)

关注一切形式的腐败,包括贿赂、同腐败有关的 钱 和 非法 来 源 资 产 的转移, 同其他形式的犯罪、特是有组织的犯罪和经济犯 之 间 的 联系
Concerned about the links between corruption in all
[...] forms, including bribery, corruption-related money-laundering and the transfer of assets of illicit origin, and other forms of crime, in particular [...]
organized crime and economic crime
随着我们的环境因为富国过度的消费和剥削 恶 化 ,万人被迫离乡背井,无法确定他是 否 能 够在其他国家受欢迎。
As our environment deteriorates due to hyper-consumerism and exploitation by the wealthy nations, millions are forced to [...]
leave their homes, uncertain
whether they will be accepted in other lands.
[...] 瓦办事处已确定了需要处理的最低限度的紧迫的补救要求,以作为权 之 计 ,遏 止 万 国宫 的迅恶化, 这种状况不能进一步推迟到 2014-2015 两年期。
In view of this, the United Nations Office at Geneva has identified the minimum urgent and remedial requirements that would need to be
addressed in order to put
[...] a stop to the rapid deterioration of the site, which cannot be further [...]
postponed until the biennium 2014-2015.
专家组在 2011 年 11 月 1 日和 2012 年 3 月 2 日与矿产和源部的会议上 得知,石油领域最重要的变之一是 , 目 前所有收入都直接转入国家账户(据估 计,科特迪瓦石油日产量介于 35 000 至 40 000 万桶之间)。
During meetings with the Ministry of Mines on 1 November 2011 and 2
[...] March 2012, the Ministry informed the Group that one of the most important changes in the oil sector is that currently all revenues are transferred directly to the State’s accounts (Ivorian oil production is estimated between 35,000 to 40,000 barrels [...]
per day).
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因此, 国际水文计划第八阶段应旨在促进和支持尖端、创新的科学研究,尤其是解决水短缺方面最 基本问题的科学研究,例如:(a) 水短缺和与水相关的灾难(干旱)的关系,(b) 加深对地下 水源的了解,是应对 水短缺问题的一个重要条件,(c) 改善城市和人口密集地区水资源 (水量和水质)的利用和管理,因为这些地区的需求与其他需求的竞争日趋激烈,以及 (d) 生态系统的可持续管理,因为在解决缺水问题时,以及当水短缺导致生态系统和水源 进一步恶化时 ,这项工作往往不被视为优先事项。
In this context, IHP-VIII should aim at promoting and supporting state of the art and innovative scientific research especially in dealing with some of the most fundamental aspects of water scarcity such as: (a) its relation to water related disasters (drought),
(b) better
[...] understanding of groundwater resources, which represents a critical component for coping with water scarcity, (c) improving the utilization and management of water (quantity and quality) in urban and populated areas, which are increasingly competing with other demands, and (d) the sustainable management of eco-systems, which tend to be overlooked as a priority when dealing with water shortage and water scarcity leading to further degradation of both ecosystems and water resources.
任何人如果赚取、取得、花费、使用、转移、管理或移动钱财,或隐瞒 或虚钱财的来源或真 正性质或所在地点,或钱财的使用或拥有方式或对钱 财的任何权利,倘若此钱财是在苏 丹境内或境外犯罪所得,应视为犯下洗 钱罪,但须有关行为根据苏丹法律和犯罪所在地国法律均列为犯罪。
(i) A person shall be considered guilty
[...] of the crime of money-laundering when he earns, acquires, spends, uses, transfers, manages or moves money or conceals or misrepresents the source or true nature or position of money or the manner in which it has been employed or possessed, or any rights relating thereto, when that money represents the proceeds [...]
of a crime that was committed either within or outside
the Sudan, provided that the relevant act was criminalized under both Sudanese law and the law of the State in which the act was committed.
大型水电是全世界最可靠的可再生 源 来 源之 一 , 几十年以来为发展中国家如巴西、中国和印度及诸多发达国家稳定地提供能源,保障了数 万 人 照明和热能的需要。
They deliver the energy for growth regions such as Brazil, China and India and have also provided the developed countries with a reliable energy supply for decades.
普通健康保险的目标不是提高 服务质量,而且还包括平等地向每位病人 提供初级卫生保健服务以及消除病人和医 之 间 的 金 钱 关 系
As regards the general health insurance, the aim is not only to improve
the quality of
[...] services, but also deliver primary health care services to every patient at an equal level and eliminate the financial relations between the patient and the doctor.
然而,只有部是真实 的,因为大多数有一些手术的特殊字符,黑杰克不 钱 , 反 之 亦 然
However, only
[...] partly true because most have some surgery on the special character, Black Jack is not taking money and vice versa.
目前,按照第 101.2 条之规定 “任何工作人员凡处恶意或严重疏忽,或因违犯本细则或行政程序,致使本组织承担不必 之 责 任、 花 钱 或 损 失 者,应对此负责,并可能被要求支付赔偿教科文组织的费用”,所有职员2 可了解其所负的 财务责任。
At present, any staff member may be held financially responsible under Staff Rule
101.2, which states
[...] that “any staff member,2 who, by malice or culpable negligence, or by failure to observe any regulation, rule or administrative procedure of [...]
the Organization, involves
the Organization in unnecessary liability, expense or loss, shall be held responsible, and may be required to pay compensation therefor”.
应当认识到,移民所转送 的不仅是钱,而且还有技能和专业技术知识,在最 不发达国家的社区与发达地区的对应社 之 间 构筑 了桥梁。
It should be recognized that migrants transferred not only money, but also skills and technical expertise, providing important bridges between communities in the least countries and their counterparts in the developed world.
那么,说到IMF是干什么工作的,其实有好几项,其中最容易明 是 借 钱 给 国 际收 恶 化 、 即发生贸易赤字的国家这样的工作。
The IMF performs many jobs, but the most
[...] straightforward is that it lends money to countries whose international [...]
balance of payments has declined.
4 13. 改进对水资源和土地的管理对于可持续发展至关重要,特 是 在 出 现下列情 况的背之中: 粮食保障和营养不良日 恶 化 、 能 源 短 缺更加严重、疾病蔓延、 人道主义紧急情况时有发生、迁徙人口不断增多、争夺稀缺土地和水资源的冲突 风险加大、生态系统退化加剧。
Improved management of water resources, together with land, is critical to
sustainable development,
[...] especially in the context of worsening food security and malnutrition, increased energy shortages, the spread of diseases, [...]
humanitarian emergencies,
growing migration, and increased risk of conflict over scarce land and water and escalating ecosystem degradation.
是万恶之首,因此,任何试图改进和精简施政方 式的愿望都应随时得到大力支持。
Bad governance is the worst problem of all, and any aspirations to improve and streamline it should therefore be strongly supported at all times.
[...] 的关于执行决议所涉方案预算问题的说明(见 E/2011/15/Add.2,第 1 段,附件二) 所述,秘书处已通知委员会,全面执行第 67/2 号决议估计需要每年增拨预算外源50万美元 ,支助实施所要求的活动,还需要在 2012-2013 年拟议方案预算第 19 款(亚洲及太平洋经济社会发展)的估计 之 外 , 增拨经常预算资源 50 000 美元, 用作亚太部长级能源论坛的口译和笔译服务经费。
As noted in the statement of programme budget implications on the implementation of the resolution, submitted by the Commission for action by the Council (see E/2011/15/Add.2, para. 1, annex II), the Secretariat had informed the Commission that the full implementation of resolution
67/2 would require
[...] additional extrabudgetary resources estimated at $500,000 per year to support the implementation of the required activities and regular budgetary resources in the amount of $50,000 above [...]
the estimates under
section 19, Economic and social development in Asia and the Pacific of the proposed programme budget for 20122013 for the provision of interpretation and translation services for the Asia-Pacific Energy Forum at a ministerial level.
结果是在铁路、交通 和源技术等恶劣环 境条件下的应用会从中受益。
[...] under harsh environmental conditions, such as railroad, transportation and energy technologies, [...]
are profiting as result.
但这种援助对发展中国家并是万能 药:首先,这种援 助没有保证;其次,由于源有限 ,其它重要事项可能会变得更加紧迫;其三,这种援助 主要只是针对一次性的投资成本,而是不针对运营预算的经常性赤字。
But such
[...] assistance is not a panacea for developing countries: it can never be guaranteed; resources are limited and [...]
other priorities may be
more pressing; and it is mainly available only for one-time investment costs, rather than for financing a recurrent deficit in operating budgets.
极端贫困的人生活在无权、受羞 辱、被歧视、被排斥和物质匮乏恶 性 循 环 之 中 , 而这些因素 是 相 辅 相成的。
Persons experiencing extreme poverty
[...] live in a vicious cycle of powerlessness, stigmatization, discrimination, exclusion and material deprivation, which all mutually reinforce one another.
2011 年最吸引全世界注意的人道主义危机,或是 非洲之角的干旱和严重营养危机,这场灾难影响到处于武装冲突中的逾 1 300 万 人,并进一恶化为索马里部分地区的饥荒,造成大量人口流离失所。
Perhaps no other humanitarian crisis so dominated the world’s attention in 2011 as the drought and severe
nutritional crisis in the Horn of Africa, which impacted over 13 million people amid armed conflict and which escalated into famine in parts of Somalia, causing a massive population displacement crisis.
卡塔尔逾250名反对派人士——其中有 是 王 室 成 员——提出了呼吁改革和停止滥用卡塔尔人民的钱和资源来攻 击和同谋反对其他阿拉伯和伊斯兰国 家人民的合理要求。
More than 250 Qatari opposition figures — some of them members of the ruling family — have made legitimate demands for reform and for
[...] an end to the squandering of the Qatari people’s money and resources on attacks and conspiracies against other Arab and [...]
Islamic peoples.
在澳大利亚取现金最简单的方是通 过 国际网络在 ATM(自动取款机)上钱,例如 Cirrus(万事达卡)或 PLUS(Visa)。
The easiest way to get cash away from home is from
[...] an ATM (automated teller machine) with an international network such as Cirrus (Mastercard) or PLUS (Visa).
从本组织为此类开支安排正常预算的总体情况看,如果 为了使相关用房得到应有的保养,而动用其它 源 , 那 么要么会影响到计划活动,要么大楼 其它部分的情况则会之恶化,无法使之保持在可接受的水平之上。
In view of the overall contingency situation with the Organization’s regular budget reserved for this kind of expenditure, it is impossible to ensure financing for normal
upkeep of related
[...] premises from other sources without repercussions for the programmes or without making the situation in other parts of the buildings deteriorate below the acceptable level.
自 2010
[...] 年以来,瑞士向联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室的打击洗钱、 犯罪所得和资助恐怖主义的全球方案(全球反 钱 方 案 )资助了 160 万美元
Since 2010, Switzerland has been supporting the Global Programme against Money-Laundering, Proceeds
of Crime and the Financing of Terrorism (GPML) of the United Nations
[...] Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) with $1.6 million.
不幸是,国际 社会也不时发现,它未能实现这些目的和目标,自然源严重和持恶化, 并且它同道德行为的差距令人 震惊,而我们应当按照这种道德行为,立即把聪明才 智和财富的好处从少数人身上扩大到整个国际社会。
Unfortunately, the international community also regularly finds itself with unfulfilled
[...] objectives and goals, with a deep and continuous deterioration of natural resources and at an alarming distance from the ethical behaviour [...]
that should guide us in extending without delay the benefits of intellectual ingenuity and the wealth of a few to the entire international community.
丁丁买了一个模型的三桅帆船,独角兽,但后来马上搭讪的 恶 伊 万 诺 维 奇Sakharine(丹尼尔·克雷格),和神秘的人物巴纳比(乔·斯塔尔),都尽量买模型丁丁,但没有成功。
Tintin buys a model of a three-masted sailing ship,
the Unicorn, but is then immediately
[...] accosted by the sinister Ivan Ivanovitch Sakharine [...]
(Daniel Craig), and the mysterious
figure of Barnaby (Joe Starr), who both try to buy the model from Tintin, without success.
(b) 除了极有限的案之外, 其不受理被告事实证明;(c) 没有考虑 作为被告的公共利益;或者(d) 它假设所控的诽谤申是恶意的 ,由被告承担举 证责任。
The author maintains, in particular, that the criminal sanction of imprisonment established by the Philippine Revised Penal Code for libel is neither necessary nor reasonable, because of the following reasons: (a) there are less severe sanctions available; (b) it admits no proof of
truth as a defence
[...] except for very limited cases; (c) it does not take into account the public interest as a defence; or (d) it presumes malice in the allegedly defamatory statements [...]
placing the burden of proof on the accused.
关于达尔富尔问题,苏丹武装部队、苏丹解放军明尼·米纳维派和正义与平等运 之 间 的 冲突导致安 全状况不恶化,已造成 4 万多人流离失所。
With regard to Darfur, the deteriorating security
situation resulting
[...] from the clashes between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA)-Minni Minawi and the Justice and Equality Movement has led to the displacement of more than 40,000 people.
建议设立机构,监管在国家管制范 之 外 的 、用于输送非法活动所得 以及输送新的或潜在的钱来源的所 有经济部门。
that regulatory bodies be introduced for all those sectors of the economy outside the control of States that are
[...] used to channel resources that are the proceeds of illicit activities and are new or potential sources of money-laundering.
在古镇各个销售LED大功率室内灯具的展厅做推广的时候,经常会碰到这样一个问题.他们总是认为LED大功率室内驱动电源铝壳的比塑料外壳的好,事实上这是一种错误的认识.一般我先跟他们讲完我们LED大功率室内驱动电源的几点优势,再给他们看LED大功率室内驱动电源的报价表,然后他们会发现我们LED大功率室内胶壳驱动电源比别人的LED大功率铝壳防水电源贵上一 钱 , 他 们 立马就会说我用别人防水的 是 铝 壳的 电 源 还 要 便宜一 钱 , 你 这 个LED大功率室内驱动电源质量虽好但又不防水价格也要高一些.当然一般说这样的话的人大部分都是做销售的人.
In the town all sales of LED interior lighting power to promote the hall to do it often encounter such a problem, they always think that interior power drive power LED aluminum than the plastic shell is good, in fact this is a kind of misunderstanding. usually I talk to them finish our indoor LED high-power drive power of several advantages, give them to see the power LED drivers offer high-power room table, and then they will find our high-power LED driver indoor plastic shell High power LED aluminum than others on a dollar of your water supply,
they immediately
[...] said that I would use someone else's water supply aluminum or a dollar cheaper, you drive the LED high-power indoor power [...]
quality is good but
higher water prices have not of course say this is the case generally most people are sales people.




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