单词 | 钱不是万能的没钱是万万不能的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 钱不是万能的没钱是万万不能的 —Money isn't everything but without money you have nothing. [idiom.]
但是,千万不要忘 记,即使有充足资金对该楼区进行适当维 护,也不能取代对楼房庭院的修复 和现代化改造。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It is important to remember, however, that even a proper conservation of buildings with adequate resources does not replace the renovation [...] and modernization of buildings and premises. unesdoc.unesco.org |
试图非法离境(即没有出境签证)而又 能付得起钱的厄立 特里亚人往往选择付钱, 而 不 愿 冒遭监禁的风险。 daccess-ods.un.org | Eritreans seeking to leave the country illegally (i.e. without an exit visa), and who can afford to pay these fees, often choose to do so rather than risk imprisonment. daccess-ods.un.org |
医药的价格对发展中国家贫穷人口的重要性 可 能是 显 而 易见的,但值得强 调 的是 , 如果由 于某医药产品受专利保护某位患者必须支付更多 金 钱 的 话 ,那就意味着他或她要减少在食 品或住所等方面的其它生活必需品,而由 于 没 有 现 成 的 医 药或 买 不 起 医药则可能导致长期 的病患甚至死亡。 iprcommission.org | But it is worth emphasising that if a sick person has to pay more for a pharmaceutical product as a result of a patent, it means that he or she will have less to spend on other essentials of life such as food or shelter. iprcommission.org |
和平、民主和增强人民权能有着千丝 万 缕 的 联 系 ;和 平 是 人 道 发展的组成部 分;全球和平是地方和区域和平之和 ; 不 消 除 压迫 、 不 平 等和贫困的一切根源, 和平就无从谈起;在富裕的世界上,不减缓并最终消除贫困及经济差距,和平就 无从谈起;不在人权、宪法权利和司法方面进行机构建设,和平就无从谈起;不 真正地从政治、经济和社会三方面增强妇女权能,和平就无从谈起;不具备世俗 的心态,不维护多样性和多族裔性,和平就无从谈起;不把边缘化的群体包括进 来,和平就无从谈起;不创造就业机会,和平就无从谈起;政 府 没 有 透 明度,不 对公民负追究责任,不全面尊重法治,和平就无从谈起。 daccess-ods.un.org | that peace, democracy and [...] empowerment of the people are inextricably linked; peace is integral to humane development; global peace is the sum total of local and regional peace; peace is impossible without the removal of all sources of repression, inequality and deprivation; peace is impossible without alleviation and eventual eradication of poverty and economic disparity in a world of opulence; peace is impossible without institution-building on human rights, constitutional rights and justice; peace is impossible without true empowerment of women, political, economic and social; peace is impossible without a secular mindset and embracing diversity and multi-ethnicity; peace is impossible without including the marginalized; peace is impossible without job creation; peace is impossible without transparency and accountability of Governments to citizens and [...]a total respect for the rule of law. daccess-ods.un.org |
但这种援助对发展中国家并不是万能 药 : 首先,这种援 助没有保 证;其次,由于资源有限,其它重要事项可能会变得更加紧迫;其三,这种援助 主要只是针对一次性的投资成本,而是不针对运营预算的经常性赤字。 iprcommission.org | But such assistance is not a panacea for developing countries: it can never be guaranteed; resources are limited and other priorities may be more pressing; and it is mainly available only for one-time investment costs, [...] rather than for financing a recurrent deficit in operating budgets. iprcommission.org |
但是,这个手机套不能阻挡 RFID信号,所以最好用它来放置交通卡或一些不太贵 重 的 东 西, 但 是 千 万不 要 在 没 有 阻 挡 R F I D 钱 包 或 阻挡信号的保护下放置RFID卡,因为高科技罪犯很会用自制的RFID读卡器从不明实情的受害者那盗取贵重的数据。 rfid-blog.com | However, the HEX Stealth [...] case does not stop the broadcast of RFID signals, so you’d better use the case to carry transit cards and nothing too valuable, but not to have RFID-enabled cards without a RFID-blocking wallet or card shield [...]that jams the signal, [...]as high-tech crooks are known to steal valuable data from unassuming victims with homemade radio-frequency readers. rfid-blog.com |
这些计划着重 强调怎样少花钱来提高教育的质量和针对性,因为如果 家长和学生都认为教育质量不高和没 有 针 对性, 就 不可 能实现全民教育这一目标。 unesdoc.unesco.org | These programmes placed emphasis on the achievement of quality and relevance at affordable costs, as the attainment of education for all is not possible if parents and students perceive that education to be of low quality and of low relevance. unesdoc.unesco.org |
不是力求实现关于地球母亲的第 63/278 号决议 提及的平衡,相反,我们有可能陷入 以“ 金 钱 换 温 度” 的不体面 交易,在这场交易中,富有的排放国在气候 变化面前试图承诺提供资金,而不是承诺作出改变, 而资金极度匮乏的发展中国家出于现实地考虑危及 其存亡的自杀性协议带来的相对短期利益。 daccess-ods.un.org | Instead of seeking the [...] balance to which resolution 63/278, on Mother Earth, refers, we are in danger of devolving into an unseemly trade of degrees for dollars, where rich emitters [...]attempt to pledge money [...]instead of pledging change in the face of climate change, and where cash-strapped developing countries pragmatically weigh the relative short-term benefits of a suicide pact that threatens their very existence. daccess-ods.un.org |
应当认识到,移民所转送 的不仅仅是钱,而且还有技能和专 业技术知识,在最 不发达国家的社区与发达地区的对应社区之间构筑 了桥梁。 daccess-ods.un.org | It should be recognized that migrants transferred not only money, but also skills [...] and technical expertise, providing important [...]bridges between communities in the least countries and their counterparts in the developed world. daccess-ods.un.org |
你这里没有好 的法律,在对投资者更为友好的国家也会有良好的技术成果;你 这里没有良好的技术成果,即便有全世界最好的法律 也 不 可 能吸 引到一分钱的投资。 paiz.gov.pl | Without good law, there are good technical [...] results in more [...] investor-friendly countries, and without good technical results, the best law in the world will not attract a single dollar. paiz.gov.pl |
当然具有 5'000 - 10'000 USD 的人今天不能 “反过来” 市场, 可是他能作以前甚至有百万快钱的公 司 作 不 到 的 事情。 lh-broker.com | Of course, now the owner of [...] 5,000-10,000 USD will not turn the market upside down, but he can do something what was impossible to do even for very rich [...]companies. lh-broker.com |
18 一位在 被限制名单上的人士解释说这些制裁 没能 阻 止 那些 被针对的个人或实体“挣钱,仅仅只 是 使 得 过程复 杂了一些”。19 有证据(同样也是传闻)表明,制裁的存在加深了 ZANU-PF 强硬派对更具改良主义的元素以及对 MDC-T 的反感,并为其阻止改革提供了一个表面 的理由。 crisisgroup.org | President Mugabe and other [...] senior officials have been able to attend a number of international forums, exposing inconsistent interpretations and implementation of the restrictions.18 A listed individual explained that sanctions had not kept those targeted “from making money; merely added a few [...]complications to the process”.19 [...]Available evidence (again anecdotal) indicates that the existence of sanctions has strengthened ZANU-PF hardliners against more reformist elements and the MDC-T and provided an ostensible justification to block reforms. crisisgroup.org |
不同文明联盟的年度支出总额接近 520 万美元(其中约 300 万美元用于预 计的核心预算,220 万美元用于全额资助的项目,主要是 由 英国单独资助的媒体 快速反应机制),但信托基金 2010 年的新捐款迄今没有超过 230 万美元。 daccess-ods.un.org | With an overall volume of annual expenditure close to $5.2 million (of which approximately $3 million was for the projected core budget and $2.2 million for fully funded projects, mainly the Rapid Response Media Mechanism, which is funded exclusively by the United Kingdom), so far new contributions to the Trust Fund in 2010 did not exceed $2.3 [...] million. daccess-ods.un.org |
已经有人指出,在下列因素出现时,最 可 能发 生教派的暴动:(a) 在宗教路线上出现长期严重的敌对局面,特别是在乡村和城 市地点出现这种局面;(b) 宗教社区成员对突如其来的事件做出感情激动的反 应;(c) 暴动者及其所属规模较大的宗教集团心里觉得教派的暴力行为是正当合 理的;(d) 暴动者估计警察对教派的暴力行为, 不是没 有 反 应,就是做出偏袒或 无效的反应。 daccess-ods.un.org | It has been noted that sectarian riots are [...] most likely to occur when the following elements are present: (a) severe long-standing antagonism on religious lines in particular villages and urban localities; (b) an emotional response of members of religious communities to a precipitating event; (c) a feeling in the minds of rioters and the larger religious group to which they belong that sectarian violence is justifiable; and (d) the assessment by the rioters that the reaction from the police to sectarian violence will be either absent or partisan [...]or ineffective. daccess-ods.un.org |
1960 和 1970 年代的绿色革命没有益及发展中国家的许多小农户,因为那次 革命所注重的单一技术组合没有考 虑到 亿 万 农 民 、特 别 是 非 洲农 民 的不 同 具 体情 况。 daccess-ods.un.org | The green revolution of the 1960s and 1970s bypassed many small farm holders in developing countries because of its focus on a single [...] technological package — [...] one that did not address the context-specific conditions of millions of farmers, mainly in Africa. daccess-ods.un.org |
存在的一种风险是,加沙外地办事处 可 能没 有 足 够 的 控 制措施,使之能够 监测和跟踪不同地 点之间的资产转移,这可能最终导致资产被挪用或丢失。 daccess-ods.un.org | There was a risk that the Gaza field office may not have adequate controls to enable it to monitor and track the movement [...] of assets between locations, [...]which may ultimately result in the assets being exposed to misappropriation or loss. daccess-ods.un.org |
Jack van Honk及其同事发现杏仁基底外侧核(BLA)受损 但 是 中 央 内侧杏仁核(CMA) 功 能 正 常 的人比健康人把显著更 多 的钱 转 给 了一 位 不 熟 悉 的受托人,而不顾这位受托人有可能背叛他们的信任并贪污所有的钱的 可 能 性。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Jack van Honk and colleagues found that individuals with a damaged basolateral amygdala (BLA) but functional central-medial amygdala (CMA) transferred significantly more money to an unfamiliar trustee than healthy individuals did, [...] despite the potential [...]for the trustee to betray their trust and keep all the money. chinese.eurekalert.org |
办事处 官员基本上不上班,留守的官员则抱怨说,他们拿不到工资,对整个行业进行有 效监督必不可缺的摩托 车无法上路,原 因 是 零 配 件 不 足 ,或 者 没钱 购 买 燃料。 daccess-ods.un.org | Regional Officers were largely absent, and those who were there complained that they were unpaid and that their motorcycles — vital for the effective monitoring of the sector [...] — were not roadworthy [...] either because they were short of spare parts or lacked the financial resources to purchase fuel. daccess-ods.un.org |
每个机构可能被索要数万美元,索钱的 要求通常是通过非官方渠道提出的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Demands for payment can involve tens of thousands of dollars per agency and are often made outside of official channels. daccess-ods.un.org |
最具体但也是最有限的包括:最 近由原子能机构理事会核准的俄罗斯 Angarsk 项目以及原子能机构低浓铀总库拟 议的项目,这些项目规模小,属于 万不 得 已 的 备 份 机制,其目 的 是 抵 消传统商业 供应商出于政治动机,出人意外中断核燃料供应所造成的损失。 daccess-ods.un.org | The most concrete but also most limited, such as the Russian Angarsk project recently approved by the IAEA Board of Governors and the proposed [...] IAEA LEU Bank, are small-scale, last-resort [...]backup mechanisms aimed at offsetting an unexpected, politically motivated loss of nuclear fuel supply from a customary commercial provider. daccess-ods.un.org |
他提出,他目前身体 状况很差,没有足够的钱来支付医疗费,并回顾酷刑 受害者的再教育医疗费用被认为是一 种 赔偿义务。 daccess-ods.un.org | He submits that he is [...] currently in very poor health, that he does not have sufficient money to pay for his medical bills and recalls that the medical expenses [...]for the [...]re-education of victims of torture are considered reparation obligations. daccess-ods.un.org |
在没有附 加条款重新估算监管工程的基数的情况下,谅解协议本应该以合同规 定的 总额为基础,即 5 870 万欧元,而不是 6 703.2 万欧元。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In the absence of a rider to the contract recosting the base of the work to be supervised, the memorandum of understanding should have been based only on the amount approved contractually, that is €58.7 million of works, and not €67.632 million. unesdoc.unesco.org |
如果钱是从那些已计划的活动 中重 新分配来的,那么该部门就应报告其影响;即哪些计划的活 动 没有 做。 unesdoc.unesco.org | If money was reallocated from activities that had already been planned, the Sector should report the impact; that is, what was planned that [...] was not done. unesdoc.unesco.org |
几个代表团指出,私营标准在他们国家对进出口和经济有负面影响,特 别 是 小规 模的生产商;实施困难;没有科 学基础;制定标 准 不 公 开 透明 ; 没 有 解决标准争议的程 序;声称这些标准比公共标准安全可 能 会 误 导消费者。 codexalimentarius.org | Several delegations pointed out that private standards had a negative impact on export and economies in their [...] countries, especially on small [...] scale producers; they were difficult to implement; they were not based on science; their development was not open and transparent; there was no dispute settlement procedure for these standards; and claims stating [...] [...]that these standards were safer than public standards might mislead consumers. codexalimentarius.org |
在苏丹也是同样 的状况,苏丹政府和联合国难 民事务高级专员办事处维持着稳定的合作关系,为 国家东部的 15 万难民 提供帮助,并鼓励许多难民返 回南部:尽管 A/64/12 号报告中的结论只在特定的时 期有价值,非政府组织从此可以更容易地进入达尔 富尔地区,但是苏丹政府还没有对 联合国难民事务 高级专员办事处驻地方小组的某些要求做出答复, 使其完成保护达尔富尔北部和南部难民、并对难民 营进行管理的任务。 daccess-ods.un.org | The same was true of the Sudan, whose Government worked closely with UNHCR to provide aid to 150,000 refugees in the eastern part of the country and to encourage many refugees to return to the south: although the conclusions contained in his report (A/64/12) applied only to the period concerned, and non-governmental organizations had gained improved access to Darfur since that time, the fact remained that the Sudanese Government had yet to respond [...] to some requests made [...]by the UNHCR country team related to the fulfilment of its mission to protect refugees and manage camps in northern and southern Darfur. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 为了瓦解犯罪组织,并进一步剥夺这些组织的参与人员的非法所得, 各国政府应当审查本国的洗钱和资产 没 收 法律,并考虑将这 些 没 收 的 非法获得 的资产的收益用于增强其禁毒执法机 构 的能 力 建 设。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) To dismantle criminal organizations and further deprive those involved in such organizations of illegally acquired [...] wealth, [...] Governments should examine their national money-laundering and asset forfeiture legislation and consider investing the confiscated proceeds of illegally acquired [...]assets into [...]further building the capacity of their drug law enforcement agencies. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,应当指出的是,这些研究报 告并没有专门针对少数人群体或移徙者群体,并且 可 能没 有 列 入处于社会最边 缘的移徙者所经历的情况,后者的情况常 常 不 稳 定 ,因而受害比率较高更有可 能。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, it should be noted that those studies did not specifically target minority or migrant groups and they may have excluded the experiences of the most marginalized migrants, who are often in an irregular situation and may be more likely to experience [...] a higher rate of victimization. daccess-ods.un.org |
实际上,这些 国家通过的《阿拉木图行动纲领》中期审查宣言, 为数百万的人们 重新点燃了希望,这些人梦想着将 产品运到海之尽头,并予以安全存放;希望其货物 能够不受限制地进行流通;能够全面利用其具有竞 争优势的部门;能够从全面参与全球贸易所带来的 机会中受益;最后他们希望参与全球化进程和享受 全球化所带来的全部好处,并以此脱离他们国家的 [...] 地理境遇给他们带来的贫困。 daccess-ods.un.org | Indeed, by adopting the Declaration on the midterm [...] review of the Almaty Programme of Action, they had given renewed hope to the millions of people who dreamed of being able to transport their products as far as the [...]sea and store them [...]securely; to circulate their goods without restrictions; to exploit fully those sectors where they had a competitive advantage; to benefit from the opportunities offered by their full participation in global trade; and, lastly, to participate in, and enjoy all the benefits of, globalization, thereby escaping from the poverty imposed on them by the geographical situation of their country. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,孟加拉国代表团认为,跨国有组织犯罪、 腐败、恐怖主义、贩运人口和洗钱是 紧 密 联系在一 起的社会祸患,涉及到所有国家,尤 其 是没 有 资金 来应对的不发达国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | Lastly, in his delegation’s view transnational organized crime, corruption, [...] terrorism, trafficking [...] in persons and money-laundering were social scourges that were closely interlinked and affected all countries, and particularly the least developed countries, which did not possess [...]the resources to cope with them. daccess-ods.un.org |