






Money isn't everything but without money you have nothing. [idiom.]


making moneyv

External sources (not reviewed)

(a) 本公司可根据当时生效并经股东在股东大会上批准的任何计 划,直接或间接提供他财务援助,以或为购买、认购本 [...]
公司或本公司任何控股公司缴足股款或部份缴足股款股份,即由 受托人购买或认购本公司、本公司任何附属公司、任何控股公司 或任何该等控股公司的附属公司的股份,或购买或认购将由该等
公司雇员(包括任何於上述公司受薪或就职的董事)持有的股份 或为该等公司雇员利益而购买或认购的有关股份,而任何有关信 托的剩余受益人可以为或包括慈善对象;及
(a) the Company may in accordance with any scheme for the time being in force and approved by the
members in general meeting provide directly
[...] or indirectly moneyor other financial [...]
assistance for the purposes of or in connection
with the purchase of, or subscription for, fully or partly paid shares in the Company or any holding company of the Company, being a purchase of or subscription for shares by a trustee of or to be held by or for the benefits of employees of the Company, any of its subsidiaries, any holding company of the Company or any subsidiary of any such holding company including any director holding a salaried employment or office with or in any such company and so that the residual beneficiary of any such trust may be or include a charitable object; and
未來现金流量现值使用贴现率折现,该贴现率反映有关现金流量的价值及该 现金流量相关(未另作拨备)的不可分散风险。
The present value of the future cash flows is then calculated
using a discount rate which reflects both the
[...] time value of money and the non-diversifiable [...]
risks associated with the cash
flows that are not otherwise allowed for.
(33) 为任何慈善、公益、一般或有用目标或任何可能有助直接或间接促进本公司 或其董事、股东或雇员之利益之目的给予支持、捐助或作出
(33) To support, subscribe or guarantee money for any charitable, benevolent, public, general or useful object or for any purpose which may be considered likely directly or indirectly to further the interests of the Company or of its Directors, members or employees.
评估使用价值时,会以除税前折现率折算估计日後现金流量至现值, 以 反 映 现 时市场 对值及 未有 对估计未 来现金流量 [...]
作出 调整 的资 产之 特定 风险 的 评 估。
In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that
reflects current market assessments of the
[...] time value of money and the risks [...]
specific to the asset for which the estimates
of future cash flows have not been adjusted.
(B) 如果敦沛有失责行为导致阁下遭受损失,投资者赔偿基金的法律责任仅限於证券及期货条 例规定的有效申索并受制於该条例指明的金额上限;因此,并不保证阁下能够从投资者赔偿基金全 部或一部分收回或甚至不能收回因该失责行为而蒙受任何损失。
(B) that in the case of a default committed by
Tanrich and you
[...] having suffered pecuniary lossthereby, the liability of the Investor Compensation Fundwill berestricted to valid claims as provided for in the SFO and will be subject to the monetary limits specified in the SFO and accordingly that there can be no 13 assurance that any pecuniary loss sustained by reason of such a default will necessarily be recouped from the Investor CompensationFundin full,in part, [...]
or at all.
12.1.1 申请机构须遵守《防止贿賂条例》 (第 201 章)的规定,并须告知其雇
[...] 员、次承办商、代理和其他以任何形 式參与项目的人员,不得在进行项目 时或因项目的关系向任何人士提供或 索取赠或利益,或接受任何 人士的赠或利益(定义見 《防止贿賂条例》)。
12.1.1 The project applicant shall observe the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201) (PBO) and shall advise their employees, subcontractors, agents and other personnel who are in any way involved in the project that they are not
allowed to offer to or
[...] solicit or accept from any person any money, giftsor advantage as defined in the [...]
PBO in the conduct of
or in relation to the project.
董事认为其他应收款项及按金之账面值与彼等於结算日之公平值相若,此乃由於该等金额於产生时 到期日较短,因此间价值影响不大。
The directors consider that the carrying amounts of other receivables and deposits approximate their fair values at the reporting date because
these amounts have short maturity periods on their inception, such that the
[...] time value of money impact is not [...]
沃尔夫斯堡组织相信这方面的建设性沟通,将有助该等机关和机构加深对贪腐的 认识和提高他们处理贪腐活动的能力,以便掌握贿赂和贪腐活动的趋势、模式、 清洗巧和手段;同时,公私营机构之间相互合作打击贪腐,亦有助金融 机构预防及/或侦测和披露贪腐事件,打击贪腐。
The Wolfsberg Group believes that constructive dialogue in this area will help to increase the knowledge and ability of such agencies and institutions to identify trends, patterns, money laundering techniques and mechanisms used in the furtherance of acts of bribery and corruption and with an effective public private partnership financial institutions will be better placed to assist in the fight to prevent and/or detect and disclose incidents of corruption.
公司政策、美国 《反海外腐败法》(Foreign Corrupt
Practices Act) 及全球各地类似的反行贿法皆禁止公司成员或其代
[...] 理无论是否以现金形式且无论是否直接或透过他人间接提供何有价物品给任何国外官员 (即外国政府公务员、外国政党或政党干部或国外政党办公室候选人),企图引诱该名官员影响 [...][...]
Company policy, the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and similar anti-bribery laws around the world prohibit
our people or their agents from giving or
[...] offering togivemoney or anything of [...]
value — whether in cash or not, or whether
directly or indirectly through others — to any foreign official (i.e., foreign government employee, foreign political party, or party official or candidate for foreign political office) to induce that official to affect any governmental act or decision, or to assist the Company in obtaining or retaining business.
任何时候如可能,应从朋友和家人处免使用 保释公司。
Wherever possible, try
[...] to find the moneyforyour bond [...]
among friends and family -- avoid going to bail bond agencies.
有效的风险管理端视(其中包括)滙丰能否透 过压力测试及其他技巧,设法防范其所采用的 统计模型所无法侦测的事件;以及滙丰能否成 功应付营运、法律及监管和诉讼方面的挑战, 特别是有关反银行保密法》和美国外 国资产控制办公室调查的最终解决方案。
Effective risk management depends on, among other things, our ability through stress testing and other techniques to prepare for events that cannot be captured by the statistical models we use; and our success in addressing operational, legal and regulatory, and litigation challenges, notably the ultimate resolution of the AML, BSA and OFAC investigations.
3.8 所有(折扣後或以外币付款)会依四舍五入上调至整数计算。
3.8 All prices are rounded up to the nearest dollar after discount or converted to another currency.
(C) 提供本公司细则第(A)及(B)段所述的款附带的条件可载 入条文,指明当雇员不再受聘於本公司时,则透过有关财务资助 [...]
购入的股份须按或可能按董事会认为合适的条款出售予本公司 或任何其他公司。
(C) The conditions by which
[...] the provision of money and the provision [...]
of loans referred to in paragraphs (A) and (B) of this
bye-law are made may include a provision stating that when an employee ceases to be employed by the Company, the shares bought with such financial assistance shall or may be sold to the Company or such other company on such terms as the Board thinks fit.
作为达成任何交易或阁下在本客户协议下之任何义务担保或信用支持, 总体来说指:(i)由阁下或通过阁下提供,而且现在或自此由吾等持有或 控制,或者在送往吾等保管途中或从吾等送出途中,或者分配予吾等保 管,或者因其他原因由吾等保管,或者由任何帐户所持有的所财产(包括证券抵押品);及(ii)与前述(i)项有关之所有收益或分配。
Collateral” means, as security or credit support for entering into any Transaction or for any of your obligations under this Client Agreement, collectively, (i) all monies and properties (including Securities Collateral) provided by or through you which are now or hereafter held or controlled by or through us or which are in transit to or from or allocated to or are otherwise in our custody or which are carried in any Account, and (ii) all proceeds or distributions of the same.
Around 2:30 a.m., a passer-by finds a wallet with law enforcement badge and a picture ID of Dorner on a street near San Diego International Airport.
(2) 倘本公司清盘(无论为自动清盘或法庭颁令清盘),清盘人可在获得特别 决议案批准下及根据公司法规定的任何其他批准,将本公司全部或任何部分资产以物分发予股东,而不论该等资产为一类或多类不同的财产,而清盘人就此可为 如前述分派的任何一类或多类财产厘订其认为公平的价值,并决定股东或不同类别股 [...]
(2) If the Company shall be wound up (whether the liquidation is voluntary or by the court) the liquidator may, with the authority of a special resolution and any other sanction required by the Law, divide among the Members in specie or kind the whole or any part
of the assets of the
[...] Company and whether or not the assets shall consist of properties of one kind or shall [...]
consist of properties
to be divided as aforesaid of different kinds, and may for such purpose set such value as he deems fair upon any one or more class or classes of property and may determine how such division shall be carried out as between the Members or different classes of Members.
测试水压可高达1000磅每平方英寸(PSI)Hugger包包轻便舒适、色彩鲜艳、防水耐用,是您正确的选择! Hugger
拥抱者的官方网站:www.huggerbags.co.uk此款包包具有时尚的外观设计,做工精细,功能性较强,是一款高品质聚酯的摄影背包,是小巧实用储量大的单反 摄影包-专为旅行者而设,防护侧盖为主夹层防止雨水及灰尘,柔软内隔板可根据需要自由组合主格空间,前扩展外袋、拉下配件盖附有拉链网袋、盖口
[...] 下的拉链网袋、两边侧袋和背後拉链袋可放存个相机配件和人物件护照,稳固维可牢及扣保障物件安全。
Test the water pressure of up to 1000 pounds per square inch (PSI) Hugger bags are lightweight and comfortable, colorful, waterproof and durable, is the right choice for you! Hugger hug official website: www.huggerbags.co.uk bag this section has a stylish design, workmanship, strong functionality, is a high-quality polyester photography backpack is compact and practical large reserves SLR camera bag - designed for the traveler and the protective side covers mainly mezzanine prevent rain and dust, soft inner diaphragms can be freely combined according to the needs of nominative space before the extended outer bag, pull down accessories cover with zipper mesh bag flap under zipper mesh bag, on both sides of the side pockets and zipper bag behind can
put deposit camera accessories and person
[...] objectssuch as wallets orpassports, [...]
secure Velcro and buckle protection object security.
8.2 倘牙医在执行专业职务时,或对其病人或同业,犯有刑事欺骗 (例如 以虚假理由获得物)、伪造、诈骗、偷窃、猥亵行为或殴打 [...]
8.2 A particularly serious view is likely to be taken if a dental
practitioner is convicted of criminal deception
[...] (e.g. obtaining moneyor goods by [...]
false pretences), forgery, fraud, theft, indecent
behaviour or assault in the course of his professional duties or against his patients or colleagues.
[...] 采用税前贴现率贴现至其现值,以反映现时市场对价值及资产特有风险之评估。
In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a
pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessment of
[...] time value of money and the risk specific [...]
to the asset.
Since the inception of the Sub-Fund, the Manager had not participated in anysoft dollar arrangements in respect of any transactions for the accounts of the Sub-Fund.
(b) 「持卡人」——任何持有或使用八达通卡或产品(产品包括 (a) 含有八达通卡有 限公司科技的消费品项目,如手表、手机壳及匙扣等;以及 (b) 任何含有本公司 科技的电(以下简称「八达通」)的人士,或任何获发八达通并已於本 计划登记的人士
(b) “Cardholders” – Any person holding or using an Octopus card or product (product includes (a) a consumer item incorporating Octopus Cards Limited’s technology such as watch, phone cover, keyring etc.; and (b) any electronic purse incorporating our technology) (which we will refer to as “Octopus” below) or any person to whom an Octopus is issued and who has registered under the Programme
(2) 即使欠付的款额超逾在《区域法院条例》(第336章)下区域法院的民事司法管辖权的,为上述追讨而提出的诉讼仍可在区域法院提出。
(2) An action for such recovery may be brought in the
District Court notwithstanding that the amount due
[...] exceedsthe financial limits on [...]
the civil jurisdiction of the District Court
under the District Court Ordinance (Cap 336).
至於在圈中的家可以收集起 來买一些小吃在下一课时一同享用。
Then gather all the coins together and have someone buy a treat (however small) for your next meeting.
根据 RBK 评级年"联盟"(OJSC),是最具活力的俄罗斯银行之一:
[...] 银行参加最动态发展银行 2003年-2007 年,排名第 16 位,以及 19 评级"最"依法杂志"生意人报-"上01.04.07,银行联盟索契。
According to RBK rating JSCB "Soyuz" (OJSC) is one of the most dynamic Russian banks: Bank took 16th place in the ranking of the most dynamically developing banks for 2003-2007, as well as 19
in the rating "the most profitable banking"
[...] according to the magazine "Kommersant-money" on 01.04.07, BANK UNION Sochi.
任 何 人 以 任 何 有 欺 诈 成 分 的 诡 计 或 计 谋 ,
取 得 任 何 其 他 人 的 可 被
[...] 盗 取 的 东 西 , 或 向 任 何 人 支 付 任 何 数 额 的付 若 然 不 是 这 些 诡 计 或 计 谋 便 不 会 支 付 的 额 外将 货 物 交 付 给 任 何 人 , 或 将 若 然 不 是 这 [...]
些 诡 计 或 计 谋 便 不 会 交
付 的 额 外 货 物 交 付 给 任 何 人 , 即 属 犯 非 重 刑 罪 ﹝ 最 高 刑 罚 为 监 禁 两 年 ﹞ 。
Any person who by means of any fraudulent trick or device obtains any other person anything
capable of being
[...] stolen, or pay or to deliver to any person any money or goods, or any greater sum ofmoney orgreater quantity of goods than he would [...]
have paid or delivered
but for such trick or device, is guilty of a misdemeanour [the maximum penalty for which is two years' imprisonment].
(a) 若公司自行结业或出於其他原因结业,清盘人在取得特殊决议的许可後,应将出资人 和公司的任何部分资产以物进行分配;在取得类似许可後,为了出资人的利益,清盘 人可将公司的任何部分资产以他们认为合适的委托方式委托给托管人。
(a) If the Company shall be wound up whether voluntarily or otherwise the liquidators may with the sanction of a special resolution divide among the contributories in specie or kind any part of the assets of the Company and may with the like sanction vest any part of the assets of the Company in trustees upon such trusts for the benefit of the contributories or any of them as the liquidators with the like sanction think fit.
我 们 曾 经 一 度 认 为 , 虽 然 赔 偿 的 正 确 原 因 , 是 基 於 失 去应 该 获 得 赔 偿 这 个 道 理 , 而 这 项 赔 偿 额 是 按 照 借 款 所 需 费 用 而 计 算 出 来 的 ; 而 且 , 在 实 际 商 业 活 动 中 , 如 要 借 入 资 金 , 就 得 要 按 复 利 计 息 , 但 是 , 这 样 实 行 起 来 就 会 遇 到 许 多 不 可 克 服 的 困 难 , 既 费 时 又
At one point it was felt that although the proper basis of compensation is that a person deprived of moneyshould be compensated by reference to the cost of borrowing and as a matter of commercial reality funds can only be borrowed at compound rates, yet there could be insurmountable difficulties of implementation which would lead to delay and expense.
根据《市区重建策略》订定的财务模式,市区重建计划长远而言是希 望能够自给自足,即使市建局并非以盈利为目标,重建以外其他「3R」项目估 计都会需要从重建项目赚取利润來补贴
As most of the “3Rs” projects are  expected to yield negative gain, the URA is force d to squeeze every single penny from  the  redevelopment  projects  in  a  bid  to  balance  the  book.
6.6 牙医与病人或其亲属讨論购买货品或服务前,必须事先声明他或其家 人在该宗买卖中可能涉及的任何业利益。
6.6 A dentist, before taking part in discussion with patients or their relatives about buying goods or services, must declare any relevant financial interest or commercial interest which he or his family may have in the purchase.




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