单词 | 钩 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 钩—crochetless common: window catch check mark or tick Examples:钩编—crochet 钩稽v—investigatev 竖钩—vertical stroke with a hook at the end (in Chinese characters)
要取下面罩,请松开下半部头带 的其中一个扣钩,然後把面罩和头带从头上拉下来。 resmed.com | To remove your mask, disconnect one of the lower headgear hooks and pull the mask and headgear up over your head. resmed.com |
只需钩选评表格上的新会员方框,并支付 69 美元的费用,任何人均可加入 PCGS 收藏者俱乐部。 pcgsasia.com | Anyone may join the PCGS Collectors Club by simply checking the new member box on the submission form and paying a fee of 69 USD. pcgsasia.com |
气动内钩系列MFD / MFU GIMATIC 现在有一个通孔的泄漏测试,或用於冷却的部件。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | The pneumaticinner hook SeriesMFD / MFU [...] of Gimatic now have a through bore for leak testing, or for cooling of the parts. en.developmentscout.com |
交易性金融负债,是指满足下列条件之一的金融负债: 承 担 该 金 融 负 债 的 目 的 是 为 了 在 近 期 内 回 购;属 於 进 行 集 中 管 理 的 可 辨 认 金 融 工 具 组 合 的 一 部 分, 且 有 客 观 证 据 表 明 企 业 近 期 采 用 短 期 获 利 方 式 对 该 组 合 进 行 管 理;属 於 衍 生 工 具,但 是,被 指 定 且 为 有 效 套 期 工 具 的 衍 生 工 具、属 於 财 务 担 [...] 保 合 同 的 衍 生 工 具、与 在 活 跃 市 场 中 没 有 报 价 且 其 公 允 价 值 不 能 可 靠 计 量 [...] 的 权 益 工 具 投 资挂钩并须通 过 交 付 该 权 [...]益 工 具 结 算 的 衍 生 工 具 除 外。 zte.com.cn | Financial liabilities are classified as derivative if they satisfy one of the following conditions: they are acquired or incurred principally for the purpose of selling or repurchasing in the near term; they are part of a portfolio of identified financial instruments that are managed together, and for which there is objective evidence of a recent pattern of short-term profit taking; they are derivative financial instruments, with the exception of derivatives designated as valid arbitrage, [...] derivatives under financial guarantee contracts and [...] derivatives linkedto andsettled [...]by way of delivery of equity investments [...]not quoted in an active market and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
美国推行第三轮量化宽松措施(QE3)後,在联系滙率制度下,与美元挂钩的港元进一步走弱。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | Since the US's launch of QE3, Hong Kong dollars further weakened due to the peg to the US dollars under the Linked Exchange Rate System. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
外 汇 风险 来 自进 行海外买 卖 的未 来 商业 交 易及确 认 资产 或 负债,例 如 部分 以 美 元(「美元」)及港元(与美元挂钩)计值的现金及现金等价物(附注13)、已抵押银行存款(附 注12)、贸 易 及 其 他 应 收 账 款(附 注11)、贸 易 及 其 他 应 付 账 款(附 注17)以 及 借 贷(附 注 18)。 vindapaper.com | Foreign exchange risk arises when the future commercial transactions of sales to and purchases from overseas and recognised assets or liabilities, such as cash and cash equivalents (Note 13), pledged bank deposits (Note 12), trade and other receivables (Note 11), trade and other payables (Note 17) and borrowings (Note 18), certain of which are denominated in United States dollar (the “US$”) and HK$ (pegged with US$). vindapaper.com |
如此制造的单密封环更新集成的连接钩上,从而使多个单个环的轴向剪切通过简单的手段彼此。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | The thus manufactured single sealing rings in profile on [...] integrated connection hooks, sothat a plurality [...]of individual rings are axially clipped [...]to one another by simple means. en.developmentscout.com |
一是银行金融业务的迅速扩展,部份储备 (fractional reserves)和杠杆(leveraging)机制令货币供应、头寸及债务史无前例地膨 胀;二是国际金融制度在跟黄金间接挂钩的美元本位制(Dollar Standard)於 70 年 代初崩溃之後,从未稳定下來。 sktsang.com | Two of new developments have been: (1) the rapid growth of banking and financial institutions based on fractional reserves and leveraging, which results in the phenomenal expansion of the money supply, liquidity and debt; and (2) the instability of the international financial order after the collapse of the Dollar Standard under which the greenback was convertible into gold. sktsang.com |
两种耳钩尺寸选择,可提供最佳的稳定性。 geniusnetusa.com | Two sizes ofearhooks for best wearing [...] stability geniusnetusa.com |
1.品牌某某人MMR款式碎齐刘海短卷发(刘海 造型可斜可齐)长度後长33cm 刘海18cm (±误差值3cm) 内网头围54cm一圈,可扩至60cm左右颜色亚麻栗(模特街拍) 金桔棕焦糖棕咖啡栗太妃糖 [...] [...] 棕适合脸型圆脸倒三角脸菱形脸国三角脸适合肤色偏白肤色、偏黄肤色、自然肤色发丝100%顶级卡尼卡伦丝内网韩国钻石织边网型,附调节挂钩设计,可 调节大小,适用任何头型货号mdz0004e-2设计特点碎齐刘海短直发中造型最多变的一款,蓬松自然刘海可自由打理,发量和刘海稍轻薄,适合春夏季节佩戴。 tw.taobaowig.com | 1.brand a certain person the MMR style broken, Liu Qi short curly hair (bangs modeling inclined can Qi) length length 33cm fringe 18cm (± error of 3cm) within the network head circumference 54cm circle can be expanded to about 60cm color linen Li (model street shooting) the kumquat brown caramel brown coffee chestnut toffee brown for face round face inverted triangular face of the diamond-shaped face of the triangular face is suitable partial to the color white complexion, yellowish color, natural color hair 100% top [...] 卡尼卡伦丝. intranet Korea Diamond selvage-grid [...] attached adjustable hookdesign can adjust [...]the size, for any head No. mdz0004e-2 design [...]features broken Qi Liu straight hair in shape up to become a fluffy natural bangs can be free to take care of, the amount of hair and bangs a little thin, suitable for spring and summer wear. taobaowig.com |
民意研究计划主任锺庭耀在专栏文章中指出,西方社会惯用百分率显示政治领袖的「认许率」或「支持率」,及采用二分法来量度领导人的「假想得票率」,或「工作表现认可率」,方便直接转化成为选民基础的强弱,与选举挂钩。 hkupop.hku.hk | Robert Ting-Yiu Chung, Director of Public Opinion Programme, pointed out in the column article that there is a strong tendency in the West to measure the popularity of political leaders in terms of "approval rates" or "hypothetical vote share", using bi-polar answers, in order to convert them into potential vote shares in general elections. hkupop.hku.hk |
(k) 球必须从scrum释放:球队一旦钩得球并把它控制在scrum基底,该队球 员就不许再把球控制在scrum中。 irblaws.com | A player must not intentionally keep the ball in the scrum once the player’s team has heeled the ball and controls it at the base of the scrum. irblaws.com |
2310S/2具有牧羊曲柄杖形喇叭口及於第一活栓管设有姆指钩。 tomleemusic.com.hk | The 2330II has a 'shepherds crook' style bell and features a thumbhook on the 1st valve slide. tomleemusic.com.hk |
外部核數师亦向审核委员会提供有 关本公司之财务申报及内部控制内的任何重大缺陷以及彼等可能遇到认为与审核挂钩的检讨之一 部份的风险管理方面的保证。 aactechnologies.com | The external auditors also provide the Audit Committee with assurance regarding the Company’s financial reporting and any material weaknesses in internal control and risk management that they might come across as part of their review considered relevant to the audit. aactechnologies.com |
例如布鲁士菌病(brucellosis),患者会持续发烧;钩端螺旋体病 (leptospirosis),影响患者的皮肤、眼部、肌肉、肾脏和肝脏;莱姆病 (Lyme Disease),经壁蝨叮咬传播,引致发疹,随後更出现神经、心脏和关节异常。 hongkongbankfoundation.org | Examples include brucellosis (a disease marked by prolonged fever), leptospirosis (a disease that can affects the skin, eyes, muscles, kidneys, and liver) and Lyme Disease (a disease spread by tick bites that can cause a characteristic skin rash followed later by neurologic, cardiac, or joint abnormalities). hongkongbankfoundation.org |
请用指甲将吊绳挂钩从手机侧边向外拉出,并将吊绳穿过挂钩系上。 vertu.com | Pull out thelanyard hook from theside of the phone using your fingernail, and thread the lanyard throughthehook. vertu.com |
防湿材质可避免汗水流入耳机;两种不同大小的人体工学设计耳钩,可提供健身爱好者最佳的稳定性。 geniusnetusa.com | The moisture resistance material [...] allows sweat to pass around the [...] headphones. And the ergonomicear hooks intwo different [...]sizes provide the best stability for workout addicts. geniusnetusa.com |
NDSM区域尚有其他运用回收建材的案例,例如五颜六色的学生宿舍是以报废货柜建成,以及将貌似挂钩的建筑物,改装为舒适的小咖啡馆。 thisbigcity.net | Other well-known uses of reclaimed materials in the NDSM area are the colourful student housing blocks made out of discontinued shipping containers, as well as the conversion of a hanger-like structure into a cozy little cafe. thisbigcity.net |
如果市况允许,德国将按月发售通胀挂钩债券,只有8月和12月不会发售。 htisec.com | If market conditions permit, Germany will issue linkers on a monthly basis next year, with the exception of August and December. htisec.com |
大唐投资(证券)有限公司客户可认购由麦格理银行有限公司发行之非上市股票挂钩投资,最低认购金额只为HK$100,000。 grandfg.com | With an investment amount as low as HKD100,000, customers can subscribe [...] non-listed Equity LinkedInvestments [...]( ELIs ) issued by Macquarie Bank Limited. grandfg.com |
1、使用於吊货、捆绑货物以及固定货物在运输途中的安全弯钩可适当调整链条长度 rtf.com.tw | 1、It is used for cargo hoisting, goods binding and fasten the goods more safe in the [...] transportation. Benthook canadjustthe [...]length of chain. rtf.com.tw |
结果发现,就本身为公务员或其薪酬与公务员挂钩的一百多名被访者而言,三成六赞成减薪、五成正认为应该冻薪、表示应该加薪的只占百分之一,而这类直接受影响的被访者提议的薪酬调整幅度平均为减薪百分之一点八六;至於另外一百五十多名家人为现职公务员或其家人之薪酬与公务员挂钩的被访者中,三成九支持减薪、四成正支持冻薪、认为应该加薪的则占百分之三,而这类间接受影响的被访者提议的薪酬调整幅度平均为减薪百分之三点三九;其余不受影响的九百二十多名被访者(即本身及其家人中没有一位是公务员或其薪酬与公务员挂钩者),五成认为公务员及资助机构员工应该减薪、二成八认为应该冻薪、表示应该加薪的只占百分之一,其提议的薪酬调整幅度平均为减薪百分之四点零一,建议的减幅明显为三组中最高。 hkupop.hku.hk | The average adjustment figure proposed by this indirectly affected group was a cut of 3.39%. As for the remaining 922 unaffected respondents (neither the respondents themselves nor any of their family members is a civil servant or whose salaries is linked to the salary scale of civil servants), 50% believedthat asalary cut should be implemented, 28% suggested a salary freeze, only 1% suggested a pay rise, and the average salary cut proposed by this unaffected group was 4.01%, the highest percentage recorded amongst the three sub-groups. hkupop.hku.hk |
最低租金包括租赁协议裡所约定的固定租金及根据租赁协议与或然租金挂钩的保底租金。 parksongroup.com.cn | Minimum lease payments of the Group include rental payments for the lease agreement with pre-determined rental payments and minimum guaranteed rental payments for lease agreements with contingent rental payments. parksongroup.com.cn |
若超过 25 公斤重,则须使用经核可之悬吊钩具直接連接 上方结构体作支撑;悬吊钩具所需抗拉强度,应以实际设备物重 量计算,取安全系數 3.0,且至少需为 90 公斤重。 ncree.org | Equipment weighing more than 25 kgf should be supported directly from the structure above using approved hangers thatcan support a design load not less than 90 kgf or the actual load, whichever is greater, with a safety factor of 3. ncree.org |
他和朋友Zackrisson一同为朋友和粉丝们钩编无檐小帽,之後他们便决定创建KASK——一家非常环保的公司,生产深受全世界滑雪者和粉丝们喜爱的无檐小帽。 swatch.com | After crochetingbeanies for friends and fans with his friend Zackrisson, the friends decided to launch KASK – an environmentally-friendly company that creates beanies popular among skiers and fans throughout the world. swatch.com |