

单词 钦奈

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External sources (not reviewed)

因此特别报告员提出将三方核心小组的任务由热带风暴纳尔吉斯 影响地区扩展到其他邦,以解决其他帮的人道主义需求,如 钦 邦 、 若开邦钦 邦。
For this reason, the Special Rapporteur has promoted the idea of the expansion of the Tripartite Core Group’s mandate
beyond the areas affected by Cyclone Nargis to address humanitarian needs in
[...] other states, such as Kachin, Rakhine and Chin.
所以在萬般奈之下,為了能 通過按照公司更生法程序對財務及業務進行根本性的重建達到重建公司的目的,在本 日作出了以上的申請。
Therefore, we are obliged to decide that we will aim for the restructuring of our business under the proceedings of the Corporate Reorganization Act and filed the petition as of today.
活动人士认为,在停 火地区进行的一些大型投资项目是中国在配合内比
[...] 都政府,以实现后者控制少数民族领地—特别是资 源丰富的钦邦—的目的。
Activists see some large-scale investment projects in ceasefire areas as China
playing into Naypyidaw’s strategy to gain control over ethnic group territories, especially
[...] in resource-rich Kachin State.
泰国总理英拉·钦那瓦 女士阁下在 2012 年 5 月 21 日的部长级会议段开幕式第二部分会上发表了开幕致词。
H.E. Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra, Prime Minister of Thailand, delivered a welcoming statement at the second part of the inaugural meeting on 21 May 2012.
但以往 MOCVD 用的钌前驱物所能形成的电极薄膜细孔长宽比最高仅为 6 比 1,因此无法 制造出 20 奈米世 代之后所需的高深宽比电容电极,此点为技术上所须克服的课题。
However, the largest aspect ratio of pores making up electrode film that could be formed by conventional MOCVD ruthenium precursors was 6:1, and the inability to manufacture capacitor electrodes with the high aspect ratio required for the 20-nanometer generation and later has become a technical challenge.
联合国开发计划署最近与政府的规划和经济发展部、联合国儿童基金会和瑞 典国际开发署合作进行了一项调查,发 钦 邦 依然是缅甸 14 地区和邦中最为贫 穷的邦,有 73.3%的人生活在贫困线以下,克耶邦贫困率为 11.4%,仰光地区的 贫困率为 16.1%,而若开邦作为第二最贫穷邦为 43.5%。
A recent survey conducted by the United Nations Development Programme, in cooperation with the Government’s Ministry of Planning and Economic Development, the United Nations Children’s Fund and the Swedish International Development Agency, found that Chin State remains the poorest State among 14 regions and States in Myanmar, with 73.3 per cent of the people below the poverty line, while Kayah State had a poverty rate of 11.4 per cent, Yangon region had a rate of 16.1 per cent, and Rakhine State, with a rate of 43.5 per cent, was the second poorest.
田中贵金属工业株式会社*1 (总公司:东京千代田区丸之内;执行总裁:冈本英弥) 和休斯微 技术公司(总公司:奈川县 横滨;执行总裁:Raymond Lau) 将合作共同开发使用次微米级(1/10,000 毫米)金粒子的图案转印及接合技术。
Tanaka Kikinzoku Kogyo K.K.*1 (Head office: Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President & CEO: Hideya Okamoto) and SUSS MicroTec KK (head office: Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa; Representative Director: Raymond Lau) will begin joint development of pattern transfer and bonding technology using sub-micron sized (1/10,000mm) gold particles.
在厄瓜多尔的全部城市有很多有趣的网站和容易记住它,不过,在少数地方可以像我们这样的享受自己的安第斯景观丰富多彩,忠实地反映和本种族混杂和自豪拉丁美洲他们的习俗和他们的省代表 钦 博 拉 索”使这个荣誉是在哪里,现代性和传统,是在一个混乱的游客愉快的本质奇异的混合物。
All cities in Ecuador have a lot of interesting sites and easy to remember it, nevertheless in few places can be enjoyed so colorful of own Andean landscapes as ours, faithful reflection and representative of this racially mixed and
proud Latin America of their customs and
[...] their province “Chimborazo” makes honor [...]
is this singular mixture in where, modernity
and the traditions are confused in a pleasant essence for the visitors.
利用此次 开发成功的材料所成膜的钌膜,粗细为 1.1 奈米以下(由 AFM 测得的 RMS 值,且膜厚为 12 奈米 下的值),展现出高度的平滑性。
Ruthenium films formed using the material successfully developed here show high smoothness with asperity of 1.1 nanometers or less (RMS value obtained from AFM observation with a film thickness of 12 nanometers).
這類的食物也含有豐富的類黃 酮,包括槲黃素和奈醇。
Foods in this group are also rich sources of flavonoids, including quercetin and kaempferol.
(a) 印度 – 集中資源於孟買、新德里、班加羅爾及 奈 四 個 城市進行 宣傳推廣。
(a) India: Resources will be focused on the four cities of Mumbai, New Delhi, Bengaluru and Chennai, which are all connected to Hong Kong by direct flights and contribute some 80% of all Indian arrivals to Hong Kong.
各家半导体厂商预计于 2012 年内 量产 20 奈米至 29 奈米的 次世代半导体,藉由使用该钌前驱物,即可制造出因应 20 奈米世代之后 的微小化电容电极。
Semiconductor manufacturers are considering the mass production of
[...] semiconductors in the 20-nanometer range during 2012, and by using this ruthenium precursor the manufacture of capacitor electrodes able to support miniaturization in the 20-nanometer [...]
generation and later.
印度在安全、危機以及連接性等各方面的 分數甚高,反映出如奈這國 際汽車及製片中心的領導地位。
Scoring well in measures related to security and risk and connectivity, this showing reflects the leadership of cities like Chennai, a global center for automotive and film production.
旅發局為新 興市場制訂的策略如下: (a) 印度 – 進一步擴大推廣範圍,由原來的孟買及新德里伸延至包括班 加羅爾及奈,即 覆蓋全部有直航班機往返香港的印度城市,這些 城市約佔八成訪港印度旅客。
(a) India – Expand promotions from Mumbai and New Delhi to Bengaluru and Chennai, thereby covering all Indian cities with direct flights to Hong Kong and 80% of total Indian arrival base.
此外,本技术开发也经由早稻田大 奈 米 技 术研究所的庄 子习一教授和水野润副教授的协助得以进行。
This technology development is being carried out with the cooperation of Professor Shuichi Shoji and Associate Professor Jun Mizuno, Nanotechnology Research Laboratory, Waseda University.
市民往往誤以為議會是政府機 關,但他們得悉議會其實應該僅屬所謂“無皇管”的旅行社商會後,均表 示無奈何和質疑政府的監管何在。
Members of the public often mistakenly regarded the TIC as a government organization, but after they had learnt that the TIC was only a trade association of travel agencies not subject to any regulation, they all expressed frustration and queried why there is no regulation by the Government.
[...] 所以决定将新建的价值 20 亿美元钦州市炼油厂拨给 了中石油而非中石化,原因就在于中央政府决定支持苏 [...]
丹炼油难度极高的达混合原油股本油生产,而马来西亚 国家石油公司在苏丹建起的炼油厂很可能会买走中石油 大部分的达混合原油。
While there has been speculation that the decision to allocate the
[...] new $2 billion Qinzhou City refinery [...]
to CNPC rather than Sinopec was a result of
a decision to support equity oil production of hard-to-refine Dar Blend crude oil from Sudan, a refinery being built in Sudan by Petronas (Malaysian) will likely take much of CNPC’s Dar Blend.
伊朗没有按原子能机构在最近两次访问德黑兰期间提出的要 求提供对帕钦的接 触,而且也没有与伊朗就解决与伊朗核计划有关的所有未决 问题的结构化方案达成一致意见。
Iran did not provide access to Parchin, as requested by the Agency during its two recent visits to Tehran, and no agreement was reached with Iran on a structured approach to resolving all outstanding issues in connection with Iran’s nuclear programme.
尽管原子能机构与伊朗之间自 2012 年 1
月以来加强了对话,但解决所有未 决实质性问题的努力却未取得具体的成果:伊朗在一份初步声明10
[...] 中干脆不再 谈论原子能机构对GOV/2011/65 号文件附件C部分中所确定问题的关切;伊朗没有 答复原子能机构有关帕钦和外 国专家的初步问题;伊朗没有向原子能机构提供 对原子能机构要求接触的帕钦场址 内的一个场所的准入;以及伊朗一直在该场 所进行会显著妨碍原子能机构开展有效核查能力的活动。
Despite the intensified dialogue between the Agency and Iran since January 2012, efforts to resolve all outstanding substantive issues have achieved no concrete results: Iran, in an initial declaration,10 simply dismissed the Agency’s concerns in connection with the issues identified in Section C of the Annex to GOV/2011/65; Iran has not responded to
the Agency’s
[...] initial questions on Parchin and the foreign expert; Iran has not provided the Agency with access to the location within the Parchin site to which the [...]
Agency has requested
access; and Iran has been conducting activities at that location that will significantly hamper the Agency’s ability to conduct effective verification.
若干这些行动通过联合项目执行,例如发展与文化多样性促进灭贫和社会融 合方案、保全和持续发展亚苏尼生物圈保护区自然和文化遗产方案以及 Runa Kawsay 计划——该计划旨在加强土著组织和支持恢复厄瓜多尔高原安第斯地区 的传统产品,主要钦博拉 索省进行,因该省有大量土著人口。
Several of these activities have been conducted under joint projects such as the Development and Cultural Diversity Programme, the Programme for the Conservation and Sustainable Management of the Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Yasuní Biosphere Reserve and the Runa Kawsay project that relates to strengthening indigenous organizations and restoring the importance of traditional products in the high Andean regions of Ecuador, which is being developed in the Chimborazo Province where there is a large indigenous population.
这违反钦族阵线 2009 年 3 月 15 日发表的《承诺契约》,该团体在其中重 申不招募 18 岁以下的任何人入伍,并强调致力于推动独立监督及根据安全理事 会第 1612(2005)号决议制定有时限的行动计划。
This would be a breach of the CNF “deed of commitment” published on 15 March 2009, in which it reaffirmed that the group does not recruit any persons under the age of 18, and reiterated its commitment to facilitating independent monitoring and to developing a time-bound action plan, in accordance with Security Council resolution 1612 (2005).
(d) 與本港提供會議及獎勵旅遊場地的機構合作,於印度孟買、新德里、奈及加 爾各答等城市舉辦大型路演,並向當地承辦會獎旅遊活動的 主辦機構提供優惠,鼓勵他們落實於香港舉行活動。
(d) Organise road shows jointly with Hong Kong’s venue operators and other related partners in the key cities of India, including Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai and Kolkata, and offer special packages for the Indian meetings and incentive travel organisers.




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