单词 | 钢琴家 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 钢琴n—violinn 琴pl—pianospl 琴—musical instrument in general
为纪念优秀的钢琴家及作曲家李斯特,特别制造这款 185 LISZT 三角钢琴。 tomleemusic.com.hk | Model 185LISZT isbuilt in honour of the exceptional pianistandcomposer,Mr. Franz Liszt, who broke downeach piano dueto his unique [...] technique until [...]he met a Bösendorfer grand, which gave him more freedom to play. tomleemusic.com.hk |
来自非洲的Shandurai,丈夫因政治迫害入狱,她只身前往意大利读医学院,同时为一位性格孤僻的钢琴家打扫房屋。 moviemovie.com.hk | When an African dictator jails her husband, Shandurai [...] goes into exile in Italy, studying medicine and keeping house for Mr. Kinsky, an [...] eccentricEnglish pianist andcomposer. moviemovie.com.hk |
Little Bird”(小鸟)是日本着名爵士乐钢琴家和作曲家槙田友纪的第一张专辑。 hifitrack.com | Little Bird” is the debut album from Japanese [...] renownedjazz pianist and composer Yuki Makita. hifitrack.com |
现任长荣交响乐团驻团指挥,先後多次指挥乐团於国家音乐厅、日本东京国际会议中心、美国洛杉矶、上海音乐厅及台湾各地等演出音乐会数十场,并先後与钢琴家陈伟茵、Mariya Kim、陈瑞斌及陈冠宇先生等人合作演出;也应邀担任高雄市交响乐团及高雄市国乐团等客席指挥。 evergreensymphony.org | She has performed at Taipei National Concert Hall, Tokyo International Forum , Los Angeles and Shanghai [...] Concert Hall and cooperated with [...] the pianist, Mariya Kim, Weiyin Chen, Rueibin Chen, Eric Chen etc. She [...]worked also as a guest [...]conductor with Kaohsiung City Symphony Orchestra and Kaohsiung City Chinese Orchestra. evergreensymphony.org |
音乐 CD+乐谱,10首,Donald [...] Swann 作曲,他是英国60年代有名的钢琴家,这些歌最早在70年代发行,已经绝版多年,将在今年重新发行。 talkingabouttolkien.com | Musical CD with 10 songs composed by Donald [...] Swann, a famousUK pianist in the 60's. This [...]album was first published around 70's [...]and has been out of print for many years. talkingabouttolkien.com |
身为史上最伟大的爵士钢琴家之一Oscar Peterson与其作品所表达的丰沛文化精神,成为Oris为其打造二款爵士限量腕表的灵感来源,并以此限量计时码表向Oscar [...] Peterson无懈可击的计时精准度,表达诚挚敬意。 oris.ch | As one of the [...] greatest jazzpianists of alltime Oscar [...]Peterson and his works have inspired not one, but two limited edition Oris jazz watches. oris.ch |
1770年代的两大钢 琴家Clementi及莫扎特分别代表着两大派系,前者的琴音洋溢英国於工业革命时代的种种社会 [...] 情操;而莫扎特则是典型维也纳派系,注重精准及速度。 tomleemusic.com.hk | The two finestpianists duringthe 1770s [...] were Clementi and Mozart. The latter represented the Viennese school of playing, [...]which was distinguished for its precision, rapidity and clarity. tomleemusic.com.hk |
开幕式上首以香港青年钢琴家李伟安先生独奏出由小提琴家廖原先生作曲、李伟安先生编曲的「美高梅蝶舞翩篇」活动主题音乐《Waltzing Butterflies at MGM MACAU》拉开序幕,紧随廖原先生以小提琴联同长笛演奏家胡永彦先生及三位香港管弦乐团成员把原曲演绎成精彩的钢琴六重奏。 mgmmacau.com | Within seconds after the ceremony, Steinway ArtistMr. Warren Lee charmed the crowd with hispiano solo on “Waltzing Butterflies at MGM MACAU,” the original score composed by Mr. Vincent Liauw for the butterfly exhibition at MGM MACAU. mgmmacau.com |
录音技术的出现,令音乐走向永琚A且 引发钢琴家对现场演奏及录音室演出作出反思,朝向钻研每粒音符。 tomleemusic.com.hk | The pianists of the early twentiethcentury had non-intellectual, gracefully sensuous, charming qualities that wee vanishing. Rosenthal, Hofmann and Rachmaninoff combined technical perfection not only with spontaneity but with the appearance of improvising. tomleemusic.com.hk |
Nobuyuki Tsujii(辻井伸行)---天生全盲日本青年天才钢琴家辻井伸行,1988年出生,2岁开始学钢琴,2009年Nobuyuki Tsujii(辻井伸行)参加美国范克莱本国际钢琴比赛,技压群雄,和十九岁的中国青年钢琴家张昊辰并列首奖。 hifitrack.com | Blind since birth, Nobuyuki Tsujii was joint-winner of the Nancy Lee and Perry R. Bass Gold Medal atthe Van Cliburn International Piano Competition in 2009. hifitrack.com |
梁建枫经常以香港音乐家的身份,出席及参与多个国际音乐盛会,早於1986年,以苏格兰阿贝丁音乐节管弦乐团及室内乐团团长身份,代表香港参与当地之国际青年音乐节、1994年受邀请与钢琴家傅聪赴欧洲巡回演出室内乐、1996年受台湾邀请参加台北国际艺术节、1994至1996年被推荐代表台湾参加泰国为庆祝泰皇登基的周年音乐会、1996年应台湾海基会邀请前往香港、北京、上海及广州进行文艺交流和演出、1997年应邀前往美国西岸多个城市举行巡回演奏会、1999年应驻美国的香港经济贸易办事处邀请,於美国首都华盛顿的甘乃迪表演艺术中心举行独奏会,并与中美音乐协会交响乐团於当地演奏“梁祝”小提琴协奏曲、2000年开始每年受邀代表香港参加於东京举行的“世界超级乐团”音乐节,与世界各重要乐团的团长及首席团员一同演奏。 hifitrack.com | Leung hasrepresented Hong Kong in many international music events. Early in 1986 he represented Hong Kong at the International Youth Music Festival in Aberdeen, Scotland, where he was the concertmaster of both the philharmonic and chamber orchestras. hifitrack.com |
女士 Surmelian 已事业有成作为钢琴演奏家在欧洲,她给了无数独奏会,演出独奏与乐团及室内乐音乐会。 internationalmusicacademy.ca | Ms. Surmelian has had a distinguished [...] career as a concert pianist in Europe where she [...]has given numerous recitals, solo performances [...]with orchestra and Chamber Music concerts. internationalmusicacademy.ca |
该腕表不仅是一只计时码表,更通过最高品质的天文台认证标准,呈现最专业的精准度与精确性:一只敬献钢琴艺术家的珍藏表款。 oris.ch | The Oscar Peterson Chronograph Limited Edition pays homage to his impeccable timing and precision. A certified chronometer it is, by [...] definition, a watch of extremely high precision and accuracy: a suitable [...] tribute to a precise and accomplishedpianist. oris.ch |
Anatoly Kroll当年以年仅15岁之姿,展开其爵士钢琴演奏家与指挥家的生涯。 oris.ch | Anatoly Kroll is a jazz pianistand conductor who [...] started his career at the age of just 15. oris.ch |
除了小号演奏外,才华横溢的音乐家莫里森亦擅长吹奏长号、低音号、翼号、大号、萨克管、低音大提琴及钢琴。 hkphil.org | Besides thetrumpet,virtuoso and multi-instrumentalist James Morrison also plays trombone, euphonium, flugel horn, tuba, saxophones, double bass and piano. hkphil.org |
少女时代的她已经持有英国皇家音乐学院的钢琴文凭, 并在英国多项钢琴比赛中屡获殊荣。 hkphil.org | Her musical career started when she won [...] the "Mrs. Evelyn Douglass Bowl" for Piano Sonata Class [...](under 16) in England. hkphil.org |
在执行下述操作之前,必须检查确认您已 不再需要数位钢琴记忆器中的资料。 casio.com.tw | Check to make sure you really do not need the [...] data in digitalpiano memorybefore [...]you perform the following steps. support.casio.com |
女士Pegah Yazdani已获得硕士学位音乐(钢琴演奏)在英国伦敦大学的音乐和媒体,以及在俄罗斯的莫斯科,从久负盛名的的 Gnessin 国家音乐学院钢琴演奏及钢琴教学文凭。 internationalmusicacademy.ca | Ms. Pegah Yazdani has earned a Master degree in Music (Piano Performance) from London College of Music and Media in [...] England, as well as a [...] Diploma inPiano Performance and Piano Pedagogy from the prestigious Gnessin StateMusical College [...]in Moscow, Russia. internationalmusicacademy.ca |
课外活动包括:由 Keyboard Educators 提供的钢琴班,由小 学艺 术基金、H提案经费及本校家长教师联会资助的视觉与表演艺术驻校计划。 sfusd.edu | Extra-curricular [...] programsinclude piano lessons through Keyboard Educators; and visual and performing arts residencies are supported by the Elementary Arts Fund,Proposition H funds and Garfield's Parent Teacher Organization. sfusd.edu |
随着制琴术渐趋成熟,习琴渐成社会风气,更多的作曲家认为利用钢 琴作曲,能更充份显示自己对文化自由及工业革命带来的物质主义的看法。 tomleemusic.com.hk | With piano's perfection and dissemination, it had quickly become the chief instrument of most of the great composers andbecame a cultural symbol of the luxuriant materialism of the Industrial Revolution. tomleemusic.com.hk |
在2001年荣获英国皇家音乐学院钢琴高级演奏文凭 Licentiate of the Royal Schools of Music (LRSM),在 2009年更荣获英国伦敦音乐学院最高荣誉之演奏院士文凭 Fellowship of the London College of Music (FLCM)。 musicstudio.com.mo | Later, he was awarded by the Royal Schools of Music with Licentiate of the Royal Schools of Music (LRSM) in 2001 and was awarded by the London College of Music with the highest honor in Performance – Fellowship of the London College of Music (FLCM) in 2009. musicstudio.com.mo |