单词 | 钢板 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 钢板 noun —plate n
根据其生产链中一贯的投资策略,玛切嘉利 已经将卷材加工、1D钢板和2B成品加入到 奥氏体和铁素体不锈钢产品系列。 marcegaglia.com | Within a strategy of consistent investments in its production chain, Marcegaglia has added [...] the manufacturing of coils and sheets 1D and 2B finish to its range of austenitic [...] and ferritic stainless steel products. marcegaglia.com |
用 于表面光滑的工件及同等的黑钢板。 eclipse-magnetics.co.uk | Use for smooth surfaced workpiece through to the [...] equivalent of black plate. eclipse-magnetics.co.uk |
在焊接或处理其他钢 板之前,必须将冷藏的钢板完全 加热,使其温度至少达到室温(+20°C)。 ruukki.cn | A plate that was stored cold must warm up thoroughly, at least to room temperature (+20°C), before welding or other plate processing. ruukki.cz |
我们为您提供关于钢板加工 的重要搜索结果,此外,您在搜 索 钢板 加 工 的同时,还可以这里搜索其它的产品和服务。 industrystock.cn | We not only offer you relevant [...] search results for Steel plate processing. You can also search here with Steel plate processing [...]for further products and services. industrystock.com |
电力塔按其形状一般分为:酒杯型、猫头型、上字型、干字型和桶型五种,按用途分有:耐张塔、直线塔、转角塔、换位塔(更换导线相位位置塔)、终端塔和跨越塔等,它们的结构特点是各种塔型均属空间桁架结构,杆件主要由单根等边角钢或组合角钢组成,材料一般使用Q235(A3F)和Q345(16Mn)两种,杆件间连接采用粗制螺栓,靠螺栓受剪力连接,整个塔由角钢、连 接 钢板 和 螺栓组成,个别部件如塔脚等由几 块 钢板 焊 接 成一个组合件,因此热镀锌防腐、运输和施工架设极为方便。 onearrows.com | power tower its shape is generally divided into: the wine glass type, cathead type, font, stem fonts and five bucket Purpose: Strain tower, straight line tower, angle tower, transposition tower(tower replacement wire phase position), terminal tower and across the tower, the structural features of the tower are space truss structure, the rod is composed mainly by single equilateral angle or combination of angle iron, material generally used Q235 (A3Fboth) and Q345 (16Mn), the connection between the rod crude bolt by bolt shear connection, [...] the whole tower [...] angles, connecting steel plates and bolts, the individual components, such as tower leg by a few pieces of steel plate welded [...]into a combinationparts, [...]hot dip galvanized anti-corrosion, transportation, and construction is extremely convenient. onearrows.com |
大空间粗旷的整体感觉和着意加入的一些新的细节形成有趣对比,比如可折叠的西大门,X形的门把手可嵌 入 钢板 上 镂空的文字中,膨胀的南大门等等。 chinese-architects.com | As interesting contrasts to the rawness of the large open space, some intricate new details were added deliberately, such as foldable western entry [...] door(s), expanded south [...] door inspired by structure of airplane wings; X shaped door handle that interlocks with the carved-out text on the standing steel plate, and so on. chinese-architects.com |
该公司从事多种钢铁产品的生产,包 括 钢 管 、 钢板 、型 钢。85公司位于包头大型工业区——国内最大的稀土工业基地,该地区工业特色涵盖钢铁、 [...] 机械制造、有色金属、纺织等。 eisourcebook.org | The company provides various steel products [...] such as steel pipes, steel plates, and steel profiles.85 [...]The company is located in the large-scale [...]industrial zone of Baotou, the largest rare earth industrial base in China, also known for its production of iron and steel, machinery, non-ferrous metals, and textiles. eisourcebook.org |
对不同厚度的三块钢板测量其温度。 ruukki.cn | The measurements [...] were performed for plates of three different [...]thicknesses. ruukki.cz |
超强型结构设计,关键部位应用高强 度 钢板 , 提 高了整机适应恶劣作业工况的能力。 sdlg.cn | It is designed into [...] superior structure with its key parts applying the high strength steel plate , so as [...]to improve the capacity [...]of the whole unit to adapt to the tough work condition. sdlg.cn |
当前使用的产品材料对模具和用来生产他们的模具钢提出 了更多要求,例如,现在高强度钢板 用 于汽车零部件在抗崩 角及开裂、压缩强度和耐磨损方面提出了额外的要求。 assab-china.com | For example, advanced [...] high strength steel sheet materials [...]now being used for automotive parts place extra demands on resistance [...]to chipping and cracking, compressive strength and wear resistance. assab-china.com |
例如,所有窑炉钢板均通 过激光切割设备进行精确的分割。 nabertherm.de | For example, all sheet metal parts on the furnace are precisely cut using a laser cutting machine. nabertherm.com |
C A L DI E非常适合于工作 环境苛刻的冷作模具,例如超高强度 钢板的 冲 切和成形模具,这种模具既需要60HRC以 上的硬度,又需要较高的抗开裂性能。 assab-china.com | This makes Caldie an excellent problem solver for severe cold work applications, where the combination of a hardness above 60 HRC and a high cracking resistance is of utmost importance, such as in the blanking and forming of ultra high strength steel sheets. assab-china.com |
这部法律还把含有贫铀或其他任何类型工业用铀的 惰性弹药和装甲钢板列为违禁武器。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also classifies as prohibited weapons inert munitions and armoured plating containing depleted uranium or any other type of industrial uranium. daccess-ods.un.org |
该产品的另一大显着特点是能够用作橡胶护板,隔绝后装 甲 钢板 上 的 射击和打靶的噪音。 zs.weirminerals.com | Another distinct feature is the ability of the rubber sheeting to deaden noise from shots and [...] strikes against the rear armour plating. weirminerals.com |
即装型单元包括铆接在一起的冲压成 形 钢板 和 深 沟球轴承。 schaeffler.cn | The ready-to-fit units comprise [...] deep drawn, profiled sheet steel halves that are [...]riveted together and deep groove ball bearings. schaeffler.us |
螺丝垫圈采用水浴缸下的15 °倾斜,三堰板块形成的沉淀池,螺旋头部在此池浸泡,螺杆是由电动机通过减速器驱动连续旋转,新鲜的水是从多孔喂养在沉淀池底部 的 钢板 , 这 台机器有三个洗涤,脱水,分级功能。 chinatrader.ru | The screw washer adopts inclination of 15°, under the water tub, three weir plates form the sediment pool, the screw head is immersed in this pool, the screw is driven by electric motor through reducer rotating continuously, the fresh water is feeding from porous plate at bottom of sediment pool, this machine have three functions of washing, dewatering, classifying. chinatrader.ru |
钢板内胆和原有墙体之间的空隙连通地下室,保证地下空间的通风。 chinese-architects.com | The gap between steel plates and the original [...] wall allow air from basement to vent out. chinese-architects.com |
在造船和集装箱领域,我们提供NORTON和Flexovit品牌的树脂切割打磨片和各种涂附磨具产品,非常适合集装箱和船 用 钢板 的 焊 缝清理,以及其他各种金属工件的表面处理,如不锈钢容器、钢结构以及石化管道等。 abrasives.saint-gobain.com.cn | For the shipyard and container area, we offer NORTON and Flexovit resin bond cutting & grinding wheels and various coated abrasive products, which are very [...] suitable for welding cleaning in [...] containers and shipyard steel plates, as well as for [...]surface treatment of metal workpiece such [...]as stainless steel tanks, steel structure and oil pipelines. abrasives.saint-gobain.com.cn |
它在1873年的一场飓风中遭到毁坏,后来在堡垒墙上用平 轧 钢板 建 了一座新塔(本图所示)来取代它。 wdl.org | It was damaged by a hurricane in 1873 and replaced by a new tower built of boiler plate on top of the [...] fort’s walls, the structure shown here. wdl.org |
高温隔热板是基于美国钢铁协会316不 锈 钢板 , 使 用厚度5毫米的不 锈 钢板 插 入 水槽冀板中心的狭槽,这样就使它的使用更实用,且由于接触非常热的物体,为有利于不 锈 钢板 分 散 集聚的热量,在不 锈 钢板 和 冀 板表面的复合材料之间形成的间隙,安装有4个隔离销。 elleci.com | The H.B.S. is based on a [...] AISI 316 stainless steel plate application of a thickness of about 5 mm inserted into a slot placed on the sink drainer center, so that to make its use more practical furthermore to enable the steel plate to disperse the accumulated heat due to any contact with very hot objects, there are 4 spacer pins which create a gap between the steel plate and the [...]composite material of the drainer surface. elleci.com |
径向插入球轴承是由一个坚固外圈、一个向一端或两端延伸的内圈、塑料 或 钢板 保 持架和P,R,L or T密封组成的单列、随时可安装的单元。 schaeffler.cn | Radial insert ball bearings are single row, rady-to-fit units comprising a solid [...] outer ring, an inner ring extended on one or both sides, cages made from [...] plastic or sheet steel and P, R, L or [...]T seals. schaeffler.us |
按照安装方式和安装地点的不同,可以选择以下的安装方式:封闭式安装于防雨 的 钢板 框 架 下或者是敞开式安装于现有的建筑内。 bauer-compresseurs.com | Depending on the installation location type and location a selection can be made between enclosure in a weather-proof steel plate housing or an open version for installation in an existing enclosure. bauer-compresseurs.com |
就算是简单来概括 工业材料,也包括了高档家电产品中使用 的 钢板 、 汽车部件上使用的特殊钢、存储媒体上用的铝制软盘,AV-OA机器上使用的高机能树脂、墨带上使用的工业用 纤维等等。 hitachi-hitec.cn | Even we summarize industrial materials in a simple way, industrial materials should include steel used in high-grade appliances, special steel used for automotive parts, aluminum floppy used on storage media, high performance resins used on AV-OA machine, industrial fibers used for ink ribbon, etc. Industrial materials are active in various application; the customer needs are also diversified. hitachi-hitec.cn |
制造这种板材使用的是带喷枪的多冲高压注入器,喷枪用于 将泡沫塑料喷入钢板之间。 multilateralfund.org | The panels are produced by the use of a [...] multiple press and high pressure dispenser equipped with a lance, which is used to pour the [...] foam between the steel plates. multilateralfund.org |
榫舌使用 13 mm (0.5 in) 钢板制成,可承受履带式推土机牵引铲运机时所产生的巨大牵引力。 china.cat.com | Built from 13 [...] mm (0.5 inch) structural plate steel, the tongue [...]is built to withstand the high drawbar forces imposed by [...]track-type tractors pulling towed scrapers. cat.com |
目前已交付的特种起重机包括为巴西SUAPE提供 的 钢板 吊, 为浙江三门和山东海阳制造的基于全球第三代核电标准AP1000提供的特种行车等。 ez.zpmc.com | Special crane has been delivered, including Brazil SUAPE hanging plate provided for the Sanmen and Haiyang, Shandong made based on global standards for third-generation AP1000 nuclear power to provide special traffic and so on. ez.zpmc.com |
第一个生产工序是铣边机沿钢板两边 上进行平行铣削加工使其具有双Y型坡口,然后预弯压力机根据最终钢管直径在200-400毫米的宽度上以所需半径 对 钢板 边 部 进行弯曲。 sms-meer.com | At the beginning of the production process, the longitudinal edges of the sheet are first provided with a plane-parallel, double-Y chamfer by a milling machine and bent in the bending press to a radius, corresponding to the subsequent tube diameter, over a width of 200 - 400 mm. sms-meer.com |
利用现有的精轧机线能进行线材轧制, 通常生产5,5 - 16 mm 的线卷,或者和 VCC® 组合在一起进行棒材轧制,能生 产 8 - 16 [...] mm 的盘卷,后者是当今生产 螺纹钢最具有革新的一种生产方式。 sms-meer.com | The presence of the finishing blocks allows a further extension either for the production of wire rod (normally for 5.5 to 16 mm in coils) or for the production of bar in coils with the VCC Vertical [...] Compact Coiler line (normally for 8 to 16 mm in compact coils), which is the most [...] innovative way of producing rebar today. sms-meer.com |