单词 | 钟表业 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 钟表业 noun —watch industry nSee also:钟表 n—timepieces pl • timepiece n • clockwork n 钟 n—o'clock n • clock n • bell n 钟—goblet • surname Zhong • time as measured in hours and minutes • concentrate • handleless cup
他发明了很多新工具用于制造手表, 为 钟表业 做 出 了杰出贡献。 hk.ashford.com | He has significantly [...] contributed to the horological industry by inventing new tools for building watches. ashford.com |
1911年提摩太•伯爵(Timothée Piaget)从父亲乔治手中接掌家业,并秉承着其父 对 钟表业 的 热 情、以及对质量的一贯坚持。 piaget.com.cn | Georges Édouard’s son Timothée Piaget took over the business in 1911, displaying the same passion, demand for quality and success as his father. en.piaget.com |
玻璃:玻璃常被运用于珐琅画中,所以 在 钟表业 并 非 极其革新的材料,但伯爵(Piaget)品牌对其推陈出新的运用格外引人注目。 wthejournal.com | Glass: This material, less [...] revolutionary in watchmaking as it is a component [...]of enamel paint, is striking in the original way that Piaget uses it. wthejournal.com |
Armand Nicolet [...] Watches 是一家瑞士手表公司,该公司继承了精妙高深的瑞士高 级 钟表业 的 优 良传统。 hk.ashford.com | Armand Nicolet Watches is a Swiss watch company in the grand tradition of that [...] rarefied world of Swiss haute horology. ashford.com |
瑞士钟表业的制 造技艺高超,使其得以成为分界 鲜明的劳动部门。 gza.ch | The Swiss watch industry makes [...] products whose high degree of technification makes possible a strongly demarcated division of labor. gza.ch |
从众人皆知的“铁路精准钟表”——百老汇限量版怀表到世界上第一只电池钟表和数码钟表,Hamilton 为钟表业的发 展带来了激动人心的巨大变化。 hk.ashford.com | From its Broadway Limited series of pocket watches that became known as the “Watch of Railroad Accuracy,” to the world’s [...] first battery-powered and digital [...] timepieces, Hamilton has made several of the most dramatic changes to the horological landscape. ashford.com |
他的大胆创新已得到回馈:爱彼接到 500 多张订单,让遭受经济危机打击的 钟表业 再 次 产生新动力。 audemarspiguet.com | And his boldness has paid off: more than 500 orders have been received, providing new impetus to a sector that has suffered from the economic crisis. audemarspiguet.com |
总之,Omega 手表集钟表业历史 上的一些重大创新于一身。 hk.ashford.com | In summation, Omega Watches have been to blame [...] for some of the most significant innovations in the history of horology. ashford.com |
这些广受欢迎的时计彰显了IWC万国表的价值,更为瑞 士 钟表业 的 飞 行员腕表奠下基准。 iwc.com | Exceedingly popular, they represent IWC values, defining the entire genre of pilot’s watches within the Swiss watch industry. iwc.com |
这对宇舶表进行自主创新与研发以“继续 在 钟表业 创 造 惊人业绩”意义重大。 lvmh.cn | This was an important step for the autonomy of the brand in its creativity and innovative research "to [...] continue to wow the world of watchmaking". lvmh.com |
因此,钟表业一般 都是由中小型企业构成,每 个公司平均雇用60名员工。 gza.ch | As a result, the sector generally comprises small and medium-sized businesses, averaging 60 employees per company. gza.ch |
这款手表于 1969 年推出,在国际钟表业引起轰动。 hk.ashford.com | This was realized in 1969 and caused an [...] international stir in the watch industry. ashford.com |
它改变了钟表业,使 Tissot 手表成为家喻户晓的品牌。 hk.ashford.com | It transformed the watch industry and made Tissot Watches a household name. ashford.com |
他们接着推出了一系列包括 [...] TechnoDiamond 在内的奢侈潜水表,征服了钟表业, 公 司一跃达到成功的巅峰。 hk.ashford.com | They proceeded to introduce a line of [...] luxurious dive watches such as the TechnoDiamond [...]that took the industry by storm and [...]catapulted the company to the height of their success. ashford.com |
他在本地及国际层面的钟表业都赢得了巨大的声誉,其专业声誉驰名于钟表、珠宝和奢侈产品领域。 hautehorlogerie.org | He built a [...] great name in the watch industry on the [...]local market and international level with a professional reputation in [...]the field of watches, jewellery, and luxury products. hautehorlogerie.org |
Rolf 是在钟表业最重 要的一位前瞻者和行动者。 iontime.ch | Rolf was one of the most important [...] visionaries in the watch industry and a real [...]man of action. iontime.ch |
钟表业的地 理集中已经升华为“精密集群”,沿着汝拉从巴 塞尔地区向北部沃州和南部日内瓦延伸,而日内瓦、比尔和拉 [...] 夏德芬三个城市本身就是钟表制造中心。 gza.ch | The geographical [...] concentration of the watch industry has given [...]rise to a «precision cluster,» which extends along the Jura [...]from the Basel area to northern Vaud and down to Geneva, while the cities of Geneva, Biel and La Chaux-de-Fonds themselves are three watchmaking centers. gza.ch |
三十多年来,SWI 在钟表业一直处于世界领先地位。 china.blackstone.com | For over thirty years, SWI has been [...] a world leader in the watch industry. blackstone.com |
1970年Oris 将股份卖给钟表业的龙 头大亨ASUAG (即今日的Swatch集团),在集团里,Oris被指派生产廉价的手表,而这显然不是一个成功的策略。 oris.ch | In the ASUAG Oris is assigned a strictly defined niche as [...] producer of inexpensive watches – not a very [...]successful strategy. oris.ch |
总之,Maître Bertrand [...] Gros深表感谢地说道:“聚集在比尔市的全体领导与员工,经过了数十年的艰苦奋斗,推动了Rolex(劳力士)机芯的发展,使之成 为 钟表业 的 一 朵奇葩,更是“瑞士制造”的象征,在当前的经济形势下,我们比任何时候都需要这种精神。 wthejournal.com | Bertrand Gros chose to bring the inauguration event to a close by thanking “all of the managers and staff in Bienne who have worked for decades to create [...] the Rolex movement, a veritable icon [...] within the world of watchmaking and a symbol of [...]the ‘Swiss Made’ brand, which is more [...]important than ever to the country given the current economic climate. wthejournal.com |
其设计特征鲜明,一眼即可辨识,硬朗的棱角,穿过表壳的螺丝设计,开 创 钟表业 先 河 ,完美演绎出品牌的融合理念 ! lvmh.cn | Its design – brand new to the world of watchmaking – was immediately recognisable: with sharper [...] corners and screws which passed right [...] through the case, it represented the perfect illustration [...]of the concept of fusion, the philosophy of the brand. lvmh.com |
U-Boat Watches 已发展成为钟表业最受推崇、最为先进的品牌之一。 hk.ashford.com | U-Boat Watches have grown to become one of the most respected and technically [...] advanced brands in the watch industry. ashford.com |
他回来之后提交的报告被普遍视作赫尔维西 亚 钟表 工 业 化 进 程的导火线,当时,这里 的 钟表业 仍 在采用以“établissage”组织模式为主导的生产体系。 longines.cn | The report he writes upon his return is generally regarded as being [...] the [...] catalyst for the industrialisation of Swiss watchmaking, which at the time was still based on the [...]system of établissage, characterized [...]by a network of highly specialised artisans working independently. longines.com |
Ben Clymer和他的团队发表了一些非常有趣 的 钟表业 界 新 闻和相关的深度报道。 iontime.ch | Ben Clymer and his team publish a highly interesting mix of news and [...] in-depth reports about the world of watches. iontime.ch |
PB 700在镜片、医疗仪器和钟表工业,以及其它 要求生产小型精密零件的领域内显示出独有的特 色。 tornos.com | The PB 700 distinguishes itself in applications for eyeglasses, [...] medical instruments and watch industry as well [...]as other areas where the production of small precise parts is required. tornos.com |
源自最美丽珠宝华服的想象设计、 钟表业 界 的创新现代化以及世纪表厂的精湛技艺等史无前例的结合,COUTURE腕表在匠心独运的钟表巨匠手工切割打磨的一枚CENTURY世纪蓝宝石中演绎成形。 century.com | Innovatively combining the creativity of the most beautiful [...] garments, the latest watchmaking technology and [...]the expertise of the CENTURY workshops, [...]COUTURE takes the form of a CENTURY sapphire, hand-cut and polished by master jewellers. century.com |
今年,为了展示钟表业的最 高成就,爱彼品牌着力研制一款精密腕表,其表壳灵感来源于1920年代出品的一只“垫子”形状的怀表,后者珍藏于爱彼品牌私藏博物馆。 wthejournal.com | This year, in a move to express the best in watchmaking, Audemars Piguet decided to develop a watch with complications housed in a case inspired by the cushion-shaped case of a pocket watch from the 1920’s belonging to its private museum collection. wthejournal.com |
1980年代钟表业界目 睹了 Linea 女装表造成全世界轰动与成功,而到了1988年,当奢侈品集团–后来成为历峰集团–买下伯爵表与名士表两大品牌,名士的命运将面临极大的转折。 baume-et-mercier.cn | The 1980s witnessed the global success of the Linea ladies’ model, and in 1988 the destiny of Baume & Mercier took a new turn when the luxury group that would later become Richemont bought up both Piaget and Baume & Mercier. baume-et-mercier.com |
传达着伯爵对钟表极致优越性能永志不渝的追求,1290P验证着顶 级 钟表业 界 少 有的顶级腕表制作品牌-伯爵-所厚积的独门专业技艺。 wthejournal.com | Expressing Piaget’s insatiable quest for ultimate horological excellence, [...] Calibre 1290P testifies to the exceptional mastery cultivated by one of the rare fully integrated Haute Horlogerie manufacturers. wthejournal.com |
2013年1月23日星期三,全球知名专 业钟表 杂 志《Revolution芯动》于日内瓦时间之城(Cité du Temps)举办颁奖仪式,将业内享负盛名的“年度风云人物”称号授予马克•海耶克先生,以表彰他作为宝玑(Breguet)、宝珀(Blancpain)和雅克德罗(Jaquet Droz)的总裁及首席执行官期间,为 钟表 事 业 所 做出的杰出贡献。 breguet.com | At the occasion of a private inauguration event which was held in Geneva’s Cité du Temps on Wednesday, January 23, 2013, the specialized magazine Revolution awarded Marc A. Hayek the prestigious prize “Man of the Year” for his achievements as President and CEO of the brands Breguet, Blancpain and Jaquet Droz. breguet.com |