单词 | 钟爱的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 钟爱的 adjective—pet adjSee also:钟爱 n—treasure n 钟爱—be very fond of 钟 n—o'clock n • clock n • bell n 钟—concentrate • surname Zhong • goblet • time as measured in hours and minutes • handleless cup
在展览开幕式上,尊贵的殿下阿尔贝二世亲王声称人们 仅保护自己钟爱的东西。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the exhibit’s inauguration, His Serene Highness Prince Albert II declared that [...] one only protects what one loves. daccess-ods.un.org |
Jacob Ballas儿童花园拥有娱乐区、戏水区、蜿蜒曲折的迷宫以及带滑梯的树屋,业已成为孩子们 最 钟爱的 景 点。 shangri-la.com | With play area, [...] water play area, mazes and tree houses [...]with slides, Jacob Ballas Children’s Garden is a favourite attraction among kids. shangri-la.com |
因此很快地,Ulrich Herzog锁定日本,定期前往洽商,並且从中惊讶地发现日本人对于他們 所 钟爱的 机 械 表,流露出如此浓厚的兴趣与高度的热情。 oris.ch | Very soon Ulrich Herzog is regularly travelling to Japan, surprised by the great interest and passion for mechanical watches the Japanese clients have. oris.ch |
Mille Miglia 2013计时码表主题色选择了意大利赛车 钟爱的 红 色。 wthejournal.com | The colour symbolising Italy’s passion for automobiles is the chromatic theme of the Mille Miglia [...] 2013 chronograph. wthejournal.com |
阿利坎特是帆船手和来自首都马德里的奢享 者 钟爱的 目 的 地。 iwc.com | Alicante is a favoured destination for yachtsmen and pleasure seekers from the capital city of Madrid. iwc.com |
如今金表比以往任何时候都更受欢迎,它已成为世界各地商人和富裕时尚达人颇 为 钟爱的 掌 中 之物。 hk.ashford.com | Gold watches have never been more popular than they are today, being spotted on the wrists of businessmen and well heeled fashionistas all over the world. ashford.com |
在用一个计算机工程硕士的学位回报母亲的期待后,上海出生的Alan终于全心投入到他 所 钟爱的 烹 饪 艺术中,并开始在华盛顿地区崭露头角。 diningcity.com | After pleasing his mother with a computer engineering master degree, Shanghai born Alan decided to [...] follow his real love: the culinary arts. diningcity.com |
于2010年,爱彼为了向这位独特非凡的人物致敬,发行了以他为名的限量版系列腕表:千禧昆西琼斯(the Millenary Quincy Jones),设计灵感来自钢琴的黑色键盘,这是这位艺术家 最 钟爱的 乐 器。 audemarspiguet.com | In 2010, the Manufacture paid homage to this extraordinary personality by dedicating a limited edition collection in his name: [...] the Millenary Quincy [...] Jones, a model inspired by the black keys of the piano keyboard, the artist’s favorite instrument. audemarspiguet.com |
以很多工程师所钟爱的原始塑料轮计算器为基础,这是帮助进行管道系统设计的一项宝贵数字工具。 impeller.xyleminc.com | Based on the original plastic [...] wheel calculator loved by many engineers, [...]this is an invaluable digital tool that helps with piping system design. impeller.xyleminc.com |
在这个收获 的时代结束时,许多真理将被揭晓,而上帝 [...] 在此之前从未让人们知晓这些真理,即使 对他最可靠、最钟爱的儿女。 thestudiesinthescriptures.com | In the end of the age, which is the harvest time, much [...] truth is due to be uncovered, which God did not make known in times past, even [...] to his most faithful and devoted children. thestudiesinthescriptures.com |
而那些有幸生活在澳大利亚大陆最南边之维多利亚州的人而言,每一天都能在自 己 钟爱的 地 方 度过。 australiachina.com.au | For those lucky enough to live in Victoria, the southernmost state on the Australian mainland, [...] every day is spent in a place they love. australiachina.com.au |
透明,但有足够的显色度,可单独使用或配合您 最 钟爱的 一 款 唇膏使用。 clarinsusa.com | Sheer, but shaded enough to wear alone or to complement your favorite lip shade. clarinsusa.com |
BeoPlay A3 为您钟爱的 iPad增添了令人惊奇、清晰的深度立体声音乐播放效果。 bang-olufsen.com | BeoPlay A3 takes your beloved iPad and adds [...] amazingly well-defined stereo sound with great depth. bang-olufsen.com |
当时的美国仍在巩固自身的地位,于是政治人物便成了同时代画 家 钟爱的 创 作 对象,这与之前对待国王、贵族和宗教人士的态度有些类似。 wdl.org | With the nation still in the process of solidifying its identity, political figures became a popular subject for contemporary artists, much as kings, aristocracy, and religious figures had been in the past. wdl.org |
伯爵提供各种珠宝服务,包括为您 钟爱的 珠 宝 修改款式、翻新或修复。 piaget.com.cn | Piaget offers a variety of services for its jewellery that can modify, refresh, or restore your cherished items. en.piaget.com |
长卷是王韬程所钟爱的形式 ,对东方古典审美与日本设计的偏好已在他心底积累成某种自然而发的东西,然而又能做到不拘泥于空间形式或是视觉符号,使得观者时不时为他的思维升起一丝疑惑与惊异。 作品阐述: (1)浪漫的人,中国墨水,铅笔,水彩色,宣纸,茶水,677x33cm,2009 [...] [...] 描述:本卷描述了上海曲阳路玉田新村的一小户人家的生活琐事。 shanghaibiennale.org | Wang Taocheng Statements: (1) Romantic People, Chinese ink, tea and pencil on rice paper, 677x33cm, 2009. shanghaibiennale.org |
这个系列中我个人最钟爱的是这款极简的,银白色表盘无日历指示的版本(见图)。 iontime.ch | My personal favourite among this range of design watches is the minimalistic version with silvered dial without date (see pictures). iontime.ch |
学步儿童已具备记事情的能 力,故电视和录像应以他们钟爱的角 色 为主。 cpsc.gov | Toddlers have developed the ability to remember events, so video and television [...] often focus on lovable characters for [...]these children. cpsc.gov |
你可以为你所钟爱的单片 机编程并编译它们。 bsdmap.com | You can write [...] programs for your beloved microcontroller [...]and compile them. bsdmap.com |
全新Twenty-8-Eight Regulator A.S.W.腕表邀请所有表迷共享空中之旅,穿越他 们 钟爱的 地 平 线,鸟瞰他们所喜爱的城市和建筑。 blog.dewitt.ch | The new Twenty-8-Eight Regulator A.S.W. Horizons invites all watch lovers to a journey through the sky, travelling across their favourite horizon and taking an aerial view of their favourite city, their favourite construction. blog.dewitt.ch |
温顺、好奇心强的比格犬是每个人都 钟爱的 犬 种,不分年龄大小。 eukanuba.com.cn | The gentle, curious Beagle is a breed of dog [...] that appears to love everyone, no matter [...]the age. fr.eukanuba.ch |
为了真正发挥它的性能,玩家可以连接三台显示器,在英伟达环绕模式下以 5760 x 1080 分辨率畅玩自己钟爱的游戏,玩家甚至能够采用英伟达 3D 立体幻镜环绕模式来运行游戏。 geforce.cn | To really stretch its legs, you want to hook up three monitors and play your favorite games at 5760 x 1080, in NVIDIA Surround mode or, better still, in NVIDIA 3D Vision Surround. geforce.com |
1984年Oris指针式日历表在市场上全面反攻:在日本,一群引领时尚潮流的先鋒者,特 別 钟爱 O ri s 的 腕 表 特色和机械功能,远胜于原本裝置有LED和LCD的电子小玩意儿。 oris.ch | In 1984 the Oris Pointer Calendar makes a come back: the Japanese trendsetters favour its characteristics and mechanical workings over the electronic gimmicks with LED and LCD displays they have been used to. oris.ch |
有时,政治人物们对高档奢华手表 的钟爱 之 情 ,真的会导引出双方的合作。 audemarspiguet.com | But in some cases the fascination that politicians have for luxury watches has led to a true collaboration. audemarspiguet.com |
没人愿意吃力地阅读一份长达二三十页、含混 不清的简历,以努力确定其价值;读者 更 钟爱 清 晰 、准 确的 行文。 biggerbrains.com | Readers greatly value accuracy and clear definition over having to wade through pages of often unclear material to try and determine the worth of a CV that covers 20 or 30 pages. biggerbrains.com |
如同所有为钟表收藏家而设计的表款,直径43毫米、防水深度达50米的精钢表壳配以开放式透明表背, 让 钟爱 精 美机 械 的 忠 实 拥趸得以观赏自动上链机芯(Dubois Dépraz 9 000)巧夺天工的部件运作。 wthejournal.com | As with every connoisseur timepiece, the case back of the 43 mm case, water-resistant to 5 ATM, has been opened up to allow lovers of fine mechanics to observe the components of its automatic movement (Dubois Dépraz 9000). wthejournal.com |